-The custom skills like performance and lore have the option to mark them as signature skills but doing so doesn't show it like the regular ones do. -Attack rolls show type of damage now in the chat output, but it'd help if it also showed the range of the attack too, for ranged/spell attacks. -The regular character sheet has entries to show class DC, but the roll20 sheet doesn't. I feel it'd be nice to have that somewhere as a quick reference for players, for now I'm just using the buffs section to note down stuff that doesn't have a field on the sheet yet. Also, having a section for the character's age somewhere under the character tab would be nice since the paizo sheet has it. -For resonance points, is there a situation where it's calculated with something other than Charisma? It gives the option to change the stat used, but that seems like something that's needed for spell points instead. -It'd be useful to be able to mark spells that are currently prepared, for casters like cleric and druid. -When the usage field is set to something other than constant (at will or x/day), it doesn't show in the list preview. -Having another tab somewhere, maybe alongside character and creation, would be useful for extra notes since players might want to put down backstories or other stuff they don't want other players to see. The dnd 5e sheet was definitely useful for that kind of thing since the general bio and info tab is viewable by everyone with permission even if they can't edit it. On the note of things the dnd 5e sheet has, having a section to list uses of additional resources instead of checking every feat individually would make play smoother as well. Scott C. said: Papa Goblin said: Alchemists are trained in alchemical bombs as weapons, but there is no option for it under Weapon Proficiencies. This won't change. The sheet wide proficiencies are for the broad weapon groups (simple/martial). Each attack also has it's own proficiency track that you can adjust to the appropriate level for that weapon for your character. As others have mentioned, some classes get proficiencies in specific weapons instead of full categories, like druids with scimitars. Could the weapon and armor proficiencies tab gets a notes section added like armor class and saves have? This would help for when players pick up a weapon that fall in a category they don't have proficiency in but do for that specific weapon, instead of making an attack entry for weapons they don't even have just so they don't forget. Other than that, I've had problems with the sheet that others have mentioned as well: -Player's can't whisper rolls to the dm. -There's no entry for spell points. -The usage max section when something is set to x/day shows as 10 whenever the field for it isn't being edited, and shows what it's supposed to be when it is being edited. -For spell usage, it might be easier to just have checkboxes for Verbal/Somatic/Material instead of just the usage field, and have icons for those in the list preview for that spell. -Being on the spells/powers tabs makes the entire sheet lag until switched to a different tab. -It'd be useful to be able to have a section/button next to RP to roll for when out of resonance points. Maybe with a section to note down how many over your available points you've gone, which automatically adds to the roll dc for the next time you press the button to do the check?