Steven W. said: I am trying, and failing to add shield hardness to the character sheet. * Add a new attribute: shield_hardness * on my Shield Block Action I add the line: "Reduce damage by @{shield_hardness} this works - as long as I manually edit the attribute; however I want to link this to the shield so I add the line on the mod for the item: +5 item to shield_hardness but this does not seem to work - reguardless of how things are equiped or moved about +5 to shield_hardness and I tried to add it as a buff, another feat everything... but I cannot get the new attribute to be modifed Obviously in the future shield hardness will hopefully be added to the character sheet - but until then any ideas of where I am going wrong? Hi Steven, Unfortunately it is not possible for the sheet to edit or react to custom attributes, the sheet can only react to attributes that it knows can exist. Aaron M. said: Another player in my group was trying to fill out their spells, and was asking about critical effects for spells. The critical button that shows up on attacks doesn't when you click on a spell that uses an attack. I'd also suggest adding fields for critical successes and failures for spells that force a save. Thanks for the input Aaron, I do need to change around how ability and spell criticals are input. Jeremy said: Actions aside, is there a place other than feats to put class features? These aren't technically feats, and I don't see a category listed in the dropdown for class features. The feats section is the proper place for these. There will shortly be a separate category for class features. Jeremy said: Scott C. said: There are a few things that were mentioned that aren't bugs, and may just be a misunderstanding of how the sheet is designed: Papa Goblin said: Alchemists are trained in alchemical bombs as weapons, but there is no option for it under Weapon Proficiencies. This won't change. The sheet wide proficiencies are for the broad weapon groups (simple/martial). Each attack also has it's own proficiency track that you can adjust to the appropriate level for that weapon for your character. Will there be a section for exotic weapons, which appear fairly frequently as a weapon type? Fighters specifically get access to improve these types. Exotics will not get their own drop down for pretty much the same reason as alchemist bombs (or unarmed strikes). There is only a single class that makes any significant use of exotic weapons, and its features apply to all exotic weapons in only one case (the 13th level ability), and even then the fighter will have an appreciable subset of exotic weapons that do not follow that proficiency path.