Hi, this update has done wonders for the sheet, but there are a few bugs I've noticed that I would like to point out. First off, it's great that you can now add a shield. Unfortunately there needs to be a toggle for the shield's AC bonuses since it costs an action to raise the shield. Any armor check penalties should apply whether it is raised or not, but since it is no longer a static bonus to AC there needs to be some kind of toggle. Second, there still needs to be a mod for armor check penalty, and I have an idea of how it could work. You could set up a query for whether the athletics or acrobatics check you roll has the attack trait. If it does, the ACP won't be applied, and if it doesn't the ACP will be applied. I think using thievery also doesn't use ACP if you are disabling a device. A potential solution could be that instead of having a check-box for ACP you could set it up as a dropdown with options (Yes, No or Query). Third, I don't know if this is a bug or if I don't know the correct sintax, but I also can't buff max HP, or any of the max points. I know max HP and max temp HP have already been reported, but max resonance and max spell points also can't be buffed. I think alchemists get a way to raise their max resonance and most classes that get powers that use spell points receive an increase to their max amount of spell points. It would be great to have this mod implement, or if it's already in there please tell us the way to do it. Finally, I have one minor accessibility issue. The toggles for mods and attacher, as well as the similar toggles on spells and powers and such, aren't the most accessible options. I can use them, but I've found that depending on the web browser I'm using they aren't necessarily announced as they should be. For example, using Firefox they are announced to me as clickable elements, but if I switch to chrome they are not, even though I can still click them. Just something to look into. I'm not sure if there is a better option or not.