For this month's Reserve selection, Roll20 is excited to offer Pro Subscribers Tavern Tales Vol. 1: A Trip Away Inn by Escape Plan Games. This Package contains a Game Addon and Compendium Expansion to be used with any existing or new game, and is jam-packed with tons of material and tools for your next 5E game!
About Tavern Tales
Tavern Tales is more than just an anthology of adventures. It provides Game Masters a living, breathing, functional tavern, that they can insert into their homebrew game world. A Trip Away Inn is a circus-themed tavern built by Flip, a former high flyer and tightrope walker, and is filled with unique characters, each with its own story to tell and tasks for your heroes to complete.
Visit the tavern bathhouse or play a game of Liar's Dice with the two-timing twins, Tia and Mia. Taste the savory meals from Estabon, the Dragonborn chef! A Trip Away Inn provides a home away from home, as well as a meeting place for schemes and plans. Access all the tools you need to bring the whimsical atmosphere of A Trip Away Inn to life for your players. Whether you need a little breathing room to write that next great adventure or need that next hook to build from, A Trip Away Inn is rife with inspiration.
Tavern Tales Includes:
- 14 Adventures spanning from 1st - 13th level
- 30+ Encounter Maps
- 22 Tavern NPC's
- 12 Merchants
- Four Player Backgrounds
- Two Player Sub-Classes
- New Magic Items and Weapons
- Rules for player-run shops
Tavern Tales Vol. 1: A Trip Away Inn is also available as a PDF on DrivethruRPG.
How to Claim
Navigate to and choose "Claim Now"
After claiming, you will see a pop-up window verifying your claim. Clicking the "Create Game" button will automatically add the Addon to a new campaign.
If you prefer to utilize the Addon with an existing campaign, utilize the Addons drop-down menu on the Game Details page: