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Wizards of the Coast Bug Report Megathread

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Tomb of Annihilation has been updated: 10 ft maps settings updated for future usability updates
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Storm King's Thunder Patch 2.2 Updated map scale to work with updated ruler functionality Updated Pow Ming's token with book artwork
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Dungeon of the Mad Mage (includes Map Pack and Introductory Adventure) Updated 10' maps to reflect new ruler functionality

Edited 1552643041
Doesn't this just break the maps? All distances that should be 5ft are now 2.5...Every room, hallway, etc. is now half as big as it should be, and grid squares being 2.5 messes with player distance measurement. I mean, sure, it fixes the lighting issue, but... The note about map scaling also has not been edited. EDIT: Yeah, I wish I hadn't updated, I'll have to manually fix all of this now. I'll keep using the fix I had (use a 2x multiplier for all tokens lighting)
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Hi Chrono, a fix to the ruler tool is going out today, hence my updating the maps in a patch :) The "Page Settings" UI should also be getting some updates in the next few weeks to make the settings more intuitive. 

Edited 1552930867
Loren the GM
Marketplace Creator
As reported here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> There are several sections from the Introduction missing from the handouts. These include: Introduction Running the Adventure Background (which has the information Nick is after in his original post, linked above) Overview Adventure Hook The Forgotten Realms Roleplaying and Inspiration Sidebar for DM's The "The Dungeon Master" section is included, but does contain a typo. The paragraph "The DM is a referee" should be separate from the previous sentence ("The Dungeon Master (DM) has a special role"), and the word referee should be bolded and italicaized as the next two (narrator and plays monsters). Edit to add: The Introduction handout appears to include heavily modified/rewritten versions of much of this information, but it is not the same text as in the book. Comparison of text: Original WotC Text: More than five hundred years ago, clans of dwarves and gnomes made an agreement known as the Phandelver’s Pact, by which they would share a rich mine in a wondrous cavern known as Wave Echo Cave. In addition to its mineral wealth, the mine contained great magical power. Human spellcasters allied themselves with the dwarves and gnomes to channel and bind that energy into a great forge (called the Forge of Spells), where magic items could be crafted. Times were good, and the nearby human town of Phandalin (pronounced&nbsp; fan -duh-lin) prospered as well. But then disaster struck when orcs swept through the North and laid waste to all in their path. Text in Module Over five hundred years ago, a pact was made between a clan of gnomes and dwarves which became known as the Phandelver Pact. Together they mined the magically rich ores within Wave Echo Cave. Human spellcasters from nearby Phandalin joined forces with them and together they combined their collective skills to create a forge to craft magical items dubbed the Forge of Spells. Everything came to an abrupt end when orcs, craving magical treasures, sieged Phandalin and the Wave Echo Cave mine. Edit to add other items noticed: It would appear some information has been merged into other areas, but not always completely. For instance, in Overview of Act 1, it begins with 1. Adventure Hook - but it is missing the entire Adventure Hook of Meet Me in Phandalin, if that is the place where the hook is now intended to be listed.
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Curse of Strahd Module and Map Pack: (Module Only) - Updated Random Battle Map with a paper texture Updated 10' (and larger) Maps for new ruler functionality

Edited 1553011547
Brian C.
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SRD There does not seem to be a way to get to the potion of healing &nbsp;that contains all the different strengths of potions (i.e. the DMG version instead of the PHB version). I am not sure it is even in the compendium.
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Brian - The DMG is currently not on Roll20, but when it is released for purchase, it will be fully integrated into the Compendium.

Edited 1553022949
Brian C.
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Trivia said: Brian - The DMG is currently not on Roll20, but when it is released for purchase, it will be fully integrated into the Compendium. Sorry, I did not explain it well. The SRD references potion of healing &nbsp; twice . The first is the version pulled from the equipment table in the PHB and includes the price. This is on pages 68 and 69 of the SRD. Roll20 has this entry in the compendium. The second is the version pulled from the Magic Items section of the DMG and includes the stronger healing potions. This is on page 234 of the SRD. Roll20 is missing this entry.

Edited 1553029023
Brian C.
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SRD Giant Wasp and Giant Poisonous Snake Neither include the DC or type of saving throw for the poison. Both just say: and the target must make a dc on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one
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Brian C. said: Trivia said: Brian - The DMG is currently not on Roll20, but when it is released for purchase, it will be fully integrated into the Compendium. Sorry, I did not explain it well. The SRD references potion of healing &nbsp; twice . The first is the version pulled from the equipment table in the PHB and includes the price. This is on pages 68 and 69 of the SRD. Roll20 has this entry in the compendium. The second is the version pulled from the Magic Items section of the DMG and includes the stronger healing potions. This is on page 234 of the SRD. Roll20 is missing this entry. I have the expanded version on p237 of the pdf .
Brian C.
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That's an older one. The current version is 5.1.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
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Brian C. said: That's an older one. The current version is 5.1.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thanks! That's the one my last google search turned up. I have updated my links.
I bought the PHB, which normally works great. Today, I looked up Inspiration and all the pages I saw were blank or "time-out", What happened? Is it me?
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EvilMeanBadGuy - Thank you for the report, both Inspiration pages should be loading fine now :)

Edited 1555150671
Brian C.
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SRD Vrock (and countless others) Many creatures have resistance to: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Unfortunately, the Roll20 versions of their entries lists this as: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons Emphasis added. The change is significant as creatures can make a weapon attack without using a weapon. Claws, slam, bite, unarmed strike, and other attacks fall in this category. The current text is not correct and creates a loophole in game. EDIT: Also, the demon summoning variant is not available in the SRD for any of the demons.
I do not think the demon summoning variant is released under the SRD. I do not see it in the SRD version 5.1.
Brian C.
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Rabulias said: I do not think the demon summoning variant is released under the SRD. I do not see it in the SRD version 5.1. Correct, the only variants in the SRD are diseased rats and insect swarms, but Roll20 seems to have most/all the variants from the books: <a href=";ei=5gayXNWHOI7UwAKWxInIDA&amp;;;gs_l=psy-ab.3...76037.83332..83717...0.0..0.128.1540.14j3......0....1j2..gws-wiz.......0i71.zud_aB8EvQU" rel="nofollow">;ei=5gayXNWHOI7UwAKWxInIDA&amp;;;gs_l=psy-ab.3...76037.83332..83717...0.0..0.128.1540.14j3......0....1j2..gws-wiz.......0i71.zud_aB8EvQU</a>
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SRD creatures have some inconsistencies as the SRD also contains these consistencies. The following creatures have been updated: Deva Planetar Solar Couatl Balor Glabrezu Hezrou Marilith Nalfeshnee Quasit Vrock Barbed Devil Bearded Devil Bone Devil Chain Devil Erinyes Horned Devil Ice Devil Imp Pit Fiend Air Elemental Earth Elemental Fire Elemental Water Elemental Gargoyle Ghost Clay Golem Flesh Golem Iron Golem Stone Golem Grick Night Hag Invisible Stalker Kraken Lich Werebear Wereboar Wererat Weretiger Werewolf Magmin Rakshasa Salamander Shadow Specter Androsphinx Gynosphinx Tarrasque Vampire Vampire Spawn Wight Will-o’-Wisp Wraith Additionally, Incubus and Succubus have been added to the SRD as they were missing
Brian C.
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SRD Ioun Stone <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> is missing attunement in the basic compendium.
Moving report here: 00zim00 &nbsp;said: Is their an official thread where I can post Compendium errors when they come up? Noticed a few creatures which are wrong vs the books. Even when they are still correct on your website. EG: The Phase spider is missing the DC information on the "NPC" sheet. Common things i notice are creatures with missing abilities or who have abilities supposed to be for other creatures. Creatures whos attacks are set up wrong or not set up at all and are just text.&nbsp; Even some spells seem to be wrong as well. Tho with the spells itself it could be argued that its a personal preference on how they should function when you click on them. Phase spider is just one example, but their are a handful of others that I cant recall of the top off my head right now. but if their is one thread where I can just post things whenever I come across errors that would be great.
Roll20 DnD 5e SRD is missing information on the magic item potion of fire breath. hopefully this is the correct location to report this sort of information. Thanks for an awesome product!
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Matthew C. said: Roll20 DnD 5e SRD is missing information on the magic item potion of fire breath. hopefully this is the correct location to report this sort of information. Thanks for an awesome product! As far as I can tell, that potion is not in the SRD as released by Wizards of the Coast . It goes from Potion of Diminution to Potion of Flying. That's the copy I have linked in my bookmarks, but I've been bitten before by not checking for subsequent copies.
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Phase Spider and Ioun Stone have been updated on their respective SRD pages
Brian C.
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Compendium Curator
SRD Imp Type is currently Tiny&nbsp; fiend (devil), lawful evil It should be&nbsp; Tiny&nbsp; fiend (devil, shapechanger), lawful evil

Edited 1556587074
keithcurtis said: Matthew C. said: Roll20 DnD 5e SRD is missing information on the magic item potion of fire breath. hopefully this is the correct location to report this sort of information. Thanks for an awesome product! As far as I can tell, that potion is not in the SRD as released by Wizards of the Coast . It goes from Potion of Diminution to Potion of Flying. That's the copy I have linked in my bookmarks, but I've been bitten before by not checking for subsequent copies. You are correct. Per D&amp;D Beyond, it's DMG-only (p. 187), and not in the SRD: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> (A new version of the SRD has not yet been released since the 2018 errata came out.)
Brian C.
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SRD Ghost Horrifying visage says: ages 1d4 _ 10 years It should say: ages 1d4 x 10 years
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There's a fuller explanation of the issue in this thread . Kevin &nbsp;said: If you search for a combat rule in the Compendium and click on it, it goes to a generic combat page instead of the requested rule. Example: Search for&nbsp; saving throws &nbsp;and click on&nbsp; Combat: Death Saving Throws . If you don't have the PHB, the only result is for&nbsp; death &nbsp;saving throws. There is no link to Saving throws in general. The compendium URL is&nbsp; here , but does not seemed to be linked in any easily found way. If you click on that link in-game, it takes you to the top of the Ability Scores section and not even tot he relevant (anchored) portion at the end of the entry. Clicking on a link in the text for "Saving Throw" only brings up the PHB marketplace link.&nbsp;
Brian C.
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SRD Figurine of Wonderous Power The figurine of wonderous power is missing the 7 figurines that show up after the ebony fly.
Sr. K
Sheet Author
I have tried several ways to open Downtime rules from XGtE in my compendium but all I get is a gateway time-out error. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Help appreciated.

Edited 1559226642
We're not getting much response from Roll20 in&nbsp; this &nbsp;thread, so I'll copy paste here - apparently this thread is more visible to devs.&nbsp; I've found a few more compendium links that time out.&nbsp; Also, I've found a number of broken links, wrong links, and links with weird behavior.&nbsp; Especially, I'm finding that PHB and VGtM compendium is bit of a mess. Anyway here is list of compendium issues I've found so far. I'll be updating them as I find more (I'll add Sr. K's find as well to the list).&nbsp; NOTE: I only have access to PHB, Xanathar and VGtM compendiums. PHB : Personality and Background link is broken.&nbsp; The link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;which goes to non-existent page. PHB : Feats link times out (though sometime will work but takes a long time to load).&nbsp; The link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> VGtM : Beholder lore link times out.&nbsp; The link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> VGtM : Yuan-ti lore link times out.&nbsp; The link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> VGtM : Spells &amp; Items link, links to some other compendium - namely&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> MM : The Items chpater link links to Mrodenkainen's Tome of Foes instead, namely&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> PHB : If you click on "Subclasses" link (from the Classes and Subclasses heading, not sure why there is two links to begin with - are these auto-made?) it takes you to the same page as if you clicked Barbarian which doesn't make sense.&nbsp; The link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> PHB : Speaking of, if you click on Barbarian, you get a sort of disambiguation page where it purports to find three different barbarian instances (one of them which links to Xanathar's barbarian info page and two of them are the same link).&nbsp; It should just link directlly to PHB barbarian page.&nbsp; When you click Barbarian in Xanathar it behaves as it should and links directly to Xanathar's barbarian page. XGtE : Downtime link times out.&nbsp; The link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;(credit Sr. K) VGtM : There seems to be a slew of links in the compendium that behave similar to the barbarian page in the PHB, namely that they link to some kind of "disambiguation" page that in large part seems unnecessary (as all the links link to the same page) and should ideally behave like the Barbarian link in XGtE in that they should know to link directly to the page in the appropriate compendium given the context.&nbsp; I'm assuming these class of bugs all have the same underlying cause.&nbsp; Every link under the "Spells &amp; Items" section of Volo's behave this way, the links are (there are probably more that I missed): <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> MToF: The link to the Preface leads to a page that doesn't exist:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;(credit Ace Trainer Andrew) MToF: Clicking on the link for "Lore" connects to the Creature Codex like the VGtM link for Spells &amp; Items:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;(credit Ace Trainer Andrew) MToF: When filtering the Monster List to only include VGtM, it also lists all of the monsters from the Creature Codex. Unless opening those links in a new tab, it leads to a page that doesn't exist. (e.g:&nbsp; <a href=";Name=&amp;Speed=&amp;expansion=1" rel="nofollow">;Name=&amp;Speed=&amp;expansion=1</a> &nbsp;whereas opening it in a new tab leads to&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> , and if filtering to both VGtM and CC, the link opening in the original tab is&nbsp; <a href=";Name=&amp;Speed=&amp;expansion=1&amp;expansion=13#content" rel="nofollow">;Name=&amp;Speed=&amp;expansion=1&amp;expansion=13#content</a> ) (credit Ace Trainer Andrew) PHB: All of the various "Dragon Ancestry" links under "Dragonborn" race are broken.&nbsp; The links are: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> PHB: Rules link links to Mordenkainen Tome of Foes instead, namely,&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> SRD: If you search for a combat rule in the Compendium and click on it, it goes to a generic combat page instead of the requested rule. Example: Search for&nbsp; saving throws &nbsp;and click on&nbsp; Combat: Death Saving Throws . (credit Kevin ) MISC.: This is an issue that is only present in-game .&nbsp; When looking at rules entry for Spells and clicking on any of the links to spell list by class at the bottom of the entry, it leads to broken link.&nbsp; This seems to be due to the site's security policy on iframes not jiving with the link, namely, the console log reveals a SAMEORIGIN error message.&nbsp; &nbsp;Note that the links themselves work when accessing external to the game (since accessing compendium directly bypasses having to load within an iframe).&nbsp; See&nbsp; this post &nbsp;for details (credit Desecrator 7). PHB (and may be others?): Majority of the spell entries have poor formatting with no paragraph breaks where there should be in the "spell card" (for lack of better word) portion of the description (the latter half of the entry).&nbsp; See&nbsp; this post &nbsp;for an example.&nbsp; I've randomly checked other spells and all of them had this issue except one. (credit Damien). PHB: Link to druid class times out.&nbsp; The link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;(credit Tourmi).
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Hi aisforanagrams - As the 5E Compendium has grown, there have been certain pages with slowdowns and having this list of them is very helpful as it's not 100% consistent. This is an issue that I personally care very much about and hope to have some solutions for. Please know that this is something we're aware of and are seeking out the best way to fix, along with future proofing so it doesn't happen again.&nbsp;

Edited 1557524775
Thank you for the update/response!&nbsp; I'll update the list if/when I discover others or cross off from list if they get fixed.&nbsp; Unfortunately, I don't have access to Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes so I cannot check that but, I have access to most of the core books and supplements, namely PHB, MM (forgot to add that in my initial comment), VGtM, XGtE.

Edited 1557685851
I've updated the list. EDIT: If someone with access to Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes compendium could check that as well, that would be awesome as I do not have access to this.
Hey aisforanagrams and Trivia, I went and checked MToF. Fortunately there are only a couple of odd links there. The link to the Preface leads to a page that doesn't exist:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Clicking on the link for "Lore" connects to the Creature Codex like the VGtM link for Spells &amp; Items:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I've also noticed that, when filtering the Monster List to only include VGtM, it also lists all of the monsters from the Creature Codex. Unless opening those links in a new tab, it leads to a page that doesn't exist. (e.g:&nbsp; <a href=";Name=&amp;Speed=&amp;expansion=1" rel="nofollow">;Name=&amp;Speed=&amp;expansion=1</a> &nbsp;whereas opening it in a new tab leads to&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> , and if filtering to both VGtM and CC, the link opening in the original tab is&nbsp; <a href=";Name=&amp;Speed=&amp;expansion=1&amp;expansion=13#content" rel="nofollow">;Name=&amp;Speed=&amp;expansion=1&amp;expansion=13#content</a> ) Thank you for going and finding all the other links though! I'd been wondering if anyone else was having problems with the Yuan-Ti page like I was, haha. Best of luck to the Roll20 team debugging it all. Seems like a major task ahead.
Thank you Andrew!!&nbsp; Let us know if you find more.&nbsp; I'll add those to the master list.
All of the Dragon ancestry links under Dragonborn section of PHB is broken.&nbsp; See the master list above for details.
Sr. K
Sheet Author
Yuan-ti / Beholder lore and downtime activities links are working again.
Thanks Sr. K!&nbsp; I've updated the list.&nbsp; I also changed the listing to numbered listing for ease of referencing.
Hi all.&nbsp; It looks like XGtE's Downtime link is now working.
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Just to keep y'all in the loop - Thank you for letting us know these broken links, it's very helpful in seeing the tolerances the pages are breaking at. We are working on solutions!
Thank you Trivia!&nbsp; Also, it looks like Feats page for PHB is now consistently accessible.&nbsp; I will cross it out from the list.
Added an issue with SRD compendium as explained&nbsp; here .
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Thanks, added to the doc!
There's an iframes related issue when accessing compendium within a game. See item 17 in the list for details.
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Added formatting issue on spell entries.&nbsp; See&nbsp; here .
Latest round of errata does not seem to be reflected, and older errata from the PHB is also not reflected: DMG Only case I found was new errata&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;-&nbsp;The following text is appended to the sentence on button 1: “(you choose the type of sword).” PHB&nbsp; A lot of this isn't reflected in the compendium including older changes: I don't see any class descriptions updated for the latest round, an easy litmus is Spell Slots changing from "your spells" to "your [class] spells". It looks like the revisions to Ranger weren't part of the SRD to begin with though as the mentioned sections aren't in the compendium that I see <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;- older change - The second sentence of this subsection now reads, “Within a specified range, a creature with darkvision can see in dim light as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light, so areas of darkness are only lightly obscured as far as that creature is concerned.” <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;- Shoving and other parts of this section aren't reflecting errata <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;- I don't see any of the spells reflecting errata, such as Acid Splash and Call Lightning. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;- Older errata like for Moonbeam is also not reflected - The words “up to” now appear in “move the beam up to 60 feet in any direction.” <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;- Both PHB and MM errata correct brown bear to +6 attack, and black bear to +4 MM I don't see newer errata reflected but the older errata is in place so far as I see, examples: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;-&nbsp;Innate Spellcasting: “3/day” changed to “3/day each.” <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;- reflects the older errata but has a typo, "the [target] must move on its turn toward the harpy by the most direct route" <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;- +14 to hit instead of +9