Hi Team! For the Divine Contention Add-on, under the Storm Lord's Hideout section, in the Dreadnaught Locations subsection, the information for rooms D4 through D7 are missing. Goes from room 3 to 8 as seen below: D3. Hellfire Orb. The iron brazier mounted on the mainmast contains an ever‑burning orb of flame. The spirit of the death knight can see and talk through this orb, perceiving its surroundings with darkvision to a range of 120 feet (see “ Death Knight’s Soul ”). Once per day, the death knight can hurl a magical ball of fire that explodes at a point it can see within 240 feet of it. Each creature in a 20‑foot‑radius sphere centered on that point must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. The sphere spreads around corners. A creature takes 35 (10d6) fire damage and 35 (10d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. D8. Shrine to Talos. This was once the ship’s chart room, but the compartment has been gutted and turned into a shrine to Talos. Charred skulls are heaped around an upright iron spike topped with three crudely hammered bolts of lightning. Edit** Actually the more I read, the more that I notice that I don't see locations labeled D18-D21 on the map: D18. Stores. The dreadnaught’s stores contain mundane supplies for the journey: barrels of salted meat, cords of wood, nails, and cloth. D19. Prisoner Cell. This cell is used to hold captives. It is presently unoccupied. D20. Armory. This armory contains racks of maces, spears, and hammers for use by the ship’s crew. D21. Flooded Hold. The hold is unlit and flooded to a depth of 3 feet with dark, briny water. I also see that D11 says "Oar Deck" but on the map it's clearly in the wrong deck ... Actually come to look at it a bunch of stuff seems wrong now that I'm reading over it. You guys may want to look at this one as a whole and fix whatever needs to be fixed. I think I see some people in the wrong rooms and more stuff wrong with the description ...