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D&D 5E (2024) Character Sheet & Builder by Roll20

Bianca said: Plural said: The 2024 Sheet shows Hunter's Mark as having an attack (equal to Proficiency) and there's no way to edit it. Hunter's Mark does NOT have an attack. Nor does Fire Bolt have a DC. Again: no way to edit. I don't see an attack on Hunter's Mark, maybe that changed after your screenshot? I do see the DC on Fire Bolt and we have it in as a ticket. Thank you for leaving feedback! Perhaps the 2024 sheet should include ways to edit spells for Attacks and Damage, hmm? How else are we supposed to enter homebrew content?

Edited 1726778421
Roll20 Team
Sep. 19 Releases D&D 2024 Character Sheet & Builder Updates: Added functionality to attunement that allows you to add effects that apply either on attunement only or only when the item is also equipped. Fixed a bug where, in compact view, the dragon tail was overlapping the AC/Speed settings cogwheel Fixed bug where 2014 Rogues could not select Thieves Tools as an option for Expertise Fixed a bug where incorrect number of spell selections were presented in the builder Fixed a bug preventing HP from rerolling after the first reroll Fixed an issue preventing multiclass HP from being re-rolled Fixed a bug where certain characters created via the Builder were being reset after close/reopen or importing from Roll20 Characters. This fix will apply to all newly created characters going forward
When are we going to get a public admission on the Roll20 Blog that this roll out has been a complete disaster and apologize to all of your customers?
These are some funny little things I've found Monsters don't like being summoned outside Broken bubbles
Bianca said: Pedro S. said: Bug report here. When testing out recreating a character from 2014 with the new 2024 stuff, the character sheet is showing 2 of every skill. I think it's because I tried adding a second class? Also, the hit-point section in the compact version dose not show the death saving throws as it's meant to. We have a ticket open for death saves, sorry about that. We'll look into the double skills -- were you multiclassing, or did you change your class midway through the builder? I was trying to multiclass but deleted the second class before moving to the next step. Was going to do a Lv.1 Fighter (2024) and Lv.1 Warlock (2024) but deleted the warlock after selecting it to se just the fighter at level 1. I'm on a firefox browser in-case it helps. I did create another character in a different testing game without attempting to multiclass and the skills did not have that issue.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Carl Swan said: None of the existing API scripts work with the new sheet in any way. In particular Token Action Maker is an absolute necessity for any DM creating encounters with more than one monster type, especially with the massive screen real estate needed by the new sheet. PRO users pay extra to be able to use scripts that are all now broken if you use the new sheet. :( Hi Carl! This one I can speak to, since that's my script. Beacon sheets have an entirely different architecture, but I want to update the script to work with them. API interaction with Beacon is still in a very volatile state of flux at the moment, so I can't really do anything about that for the near future. And I won't know what can be done until that time comes. In the meantime, I'd suggest doing what I plan on doing. Set your game up with 2014 as the base sheet. All NPCs and Token Actions will work as normal, even from modules.(I have tested this). Until the monster manual comes out, there is nothing really requiring the 2024 sheet for monsters. So run all monsters as 2014, and add the 2024 sheet just for PCs ( eventually—it's not ready yet either :( )
Racial modifiers are not working, such as modifiers for strength and dexterity for Bugbears.

Edited 1726786795
Double skills happens to me and no multiclassing or class change Bianca said: We have a ticket open for death saves, sorry about that. We'll look into the double skills -- were you multiclassing, or did you change your class midway through the builder?
Hi Keith - First, thanks for your response and you wrote a great script. I'm a software engineer but hate JavaScript so I appreciate all the great scripts everyone has written. As for your work around, that is what I am doing, but it is just one more reason that they should have made the 2024 content available on the classic character sheet. There is about to be a mass exodus to Forge hosted Foundry. I would simply have all my players use DndBeyond, but we use a lot of 3rd party subclasses that were easy to manage or fully supported in Roll20, but aren't in DndBeyond. So now we are stuck not being able to upgrade to 2024 base classes using content that I paid for but can't use. I know you aren't a Roll20 employee, but I am hoping that the Roll20 powers that be know that they are driving paying customers away. I own a huge amount of content on Roll20, and it is pissing me off that I may have to abandon it to be able to run my games on a functional VTT. keithcurtis said: Carl Swan said: None of the existing API scripts work with the new sheet in any way. In particular Token Action Maker is an absolute necessity for any DM creating encounters with more than one monster type, especially with the massive screen real estate needed by the new sheet. PRO users pay extra to be able to use scripts that are all now broken if you use the new sheet. :( Hi Carl! This one I can speak to, since that's my script. Beacon sheets have an entirely different architecture, but I want to update the script to work with them. API interaction with Beacon is still in a very volatile state of flux at the moment, so I can't really do anything about that for the near future. And I won't know what can be done until that time comes. In the meantime, I'd suggest doing what I plan on doing. Set your game up with 2014 as the base sheet. All NPCs and Token Actions will work as normal, even from modules.(I have tested this). Until the monster manual comes out, there is nothing really requiring the 2024 sheet for monsters. So run all monsters as 2014, and add the 2024 sheet just for PCs ( eventually—it's not ready yet either :( )
There is a bug when adding equipment like a dagger. It adds multiple attacks for that weapon including strength versions. When these versions of the attack are deleted, they repopulate on the character sheet. Most characters are going to use one ability trait or the other, so being able to unclutter the sheet by deleting these would be useful
The above also applies to editing certain weapons like a quarterstaff for use with truestrike. It has repopulated and cluttered the sheets

Edited 1726793262
Hunter D. said: Papapr3m said: can we just edit sheet directly like the 2014 version or make 2014 sheet avaliable to 2024 conpendium They have been asked by everyone and have essentially said no to using the old sheet with the new material. But there are aspect that you can adjust manually already. I am personally giving them until the weekend to provide a playable sheet, Or my players and I will be moving to Foundry for our VTT needs.  Indeed, to me it's the main concern right now. I was planning to start a campaign in the coming weeks, with the new compendium. The PHB 2024 is released, but we have no way of using it on roll20 due to the 2024 sheet not working, and the 2014 one not supporting it. I'm wondering if the simplest solution would be to create a game with the 2014 sheet (without charactermancer) and just imput stuff manually there. This is less elegant than what i anticipated but still works.
Ehina A. said: Hunter D. said: Papapr3m said: can we just edit sheet directly like the 2014 version or make 2014 sheet avaliable to 2024 conpendium They have been asked by everyone and have essentially said no to using the old sheet with the new material. But there are aspect that you can adjust manually already. I am personally giving them until the weekend to provide a playable sheet, Or my players and I will be moving to Foundry for our VTT needs.  Indeed, to me it's the main concern right now. I was planning to start a campaign in the coming weeks, with the new compendium. The PHB 2024 is released, but we have no way of using it on roll20 due to the 2024 sheet not working, and the 2014 one not supporting it. I'm wondering if the simplest solution would be to create a game with the 2014 sheet (without charactermancer) and just imput stuff manually there. This is less elegant than what i anticipated but still works. The easiest thing to do would be get a refund and use that money to purchase the books elsewhere and join another tabletop system that doesn't charge $100 a year to use a sub par VTT. Foundry has outpaced them and has far more customization. And if we are going to be forced to use a new character sheet anyways, it might be the perfect time to switch.
My refund request has just been sent.  I'm not happy. 
Tim M said: Racial modifiers are not working, such as modifiers for strength and dexterity for Bugbears. They are not supposed to work, because in 2024 ruleset you get ability modifiers from Backgrounds. You cannot benefit from both. 
How can I add a class to my character as a player if I initially picked "edit sheet directly"? the Builder says its in developments and I cant see any way to access the Charactermancer. Can I reset my character somehow? 
Lin said: How can I add a class to my character as a player if I initially picked "edit sheet directly"? the Builder says its in developments and I cant see any way to access the Charactermancer. Can I reset my character somehow?  I think the only way around this is to delete and make a new one. 

Edited 1726837448
The design and graphic layout of the new character builder takes up too much space. I can see anything. Then when I pop the character builder out to make it full screen there is an error and it is just blank. If I close the window and try to reopen it, I just get dice graphic that indicates the system is processing. This is my feedback for the to-do list. "Open Character Sheet".    I know a lot of users have been voiced feedback about returning to the classic character sheets during this update. And at least what I hear on the forum is that there will be no turning back.. As a subscriber and DM who purchases material from you, I ask you to please reconsider that the updated rules will not be available on the 2014 sheet.  I run campaigns for 2 groups of people. I have my experienced players - we started with AD&D in middle school and have graduated through different systems. As we have been playing together for years, we were all excited for the edition update and like many groups out there timed our new campaign to start with the release of the new edition. This product was unusable from day 1, but my players didn't miss a beat. We simply loaded  2014 sheets and one of the members of the group had opted to buy books through DnD Beyond instead of Roll20. So we used the beyond 20 plugin and it was just fine. The second groups of players I run games for are all brand new DnD. My kids and their cousins, my wife and her friends, and friends of mine who are scattered across the globe that just want to hang out on Zoom and enjoy playing. I have members in these groups that specifically said they had preferred the Classic 2014 sheets that Roll 20 offered because they could easily see all the information and they felt like,  they could weigh choices and compare. That is a very FUN part of making characters. When you have a series of choices that only unlock when you have made another choice - it takes the fun out. Not only that I believe it adds to the confusion because you can't see the character as a whole. I say this in a general way. The product that we have is completely unusable. My newer players, I take them on shorter adventures rather than full campaigns. I was looking forward to playing with them on the 2024 rules because that would make ME happy. I am the DM and the new rules are my toy. New players just want a product that works. nothing more - they don't know the difference.  All I am saying is that they way you are going about this update --> it isolates both DMs and New Players.... which is the opposite of your intent I think.  The new products sucks, but before making a hard decision not to go back to classic sheets. Ask yourselves- who is this new product for?

Edited 1726857142
I've voiced my concerns with the 2024 D&D character sheet accessibility, design, functionality, and layout through Roll20 Discord Stage events, feedback forms, on the Roll20 Discord server, but not here. I also ask that Roll20 developers and staff seriously consider committing to either making the 2024 compendium backwards compatible (i.e., it eventually has drag and drop and Charactermancer functionality) with the classic 2014 D&D 5e by Roll20 sheet. If this is not possible, please consider developing a digital version of the physical character sheet as it appears in the 2024 Players Handbook as it appears on pages 34-35. The beauty of the 2014 character sheet design is that it looks like the character sheet that comes with the game. It is easy to use and easy to understand. It gets out of the way during play. The 2024 character sheet design forces a user to Click here. Toggle that. Scroll here. Drop down there. I don't want to play 'Character Sheet' minigame when I play D&D. The current design choice makes you play 'Character Sheet'. Barring a major redesign, I don't see that going away. I understand and appreciate the time and resources that likely went into the 2024 sheet. But for me, this sheet design is a non-starter. I would not enjoy using it to play or run games online, even if all the bugs were fixed, and all features on the proposed roadmap are completed. It will significantly worsen my GM experience. I just want a character sheet (and NPC sheet) that looks like a character sheet/stat block and does everything the 2014 sheet does--but is usable with new content. I know any such effort would require considerable time and resources; but I believe it is worthwhile for Roll20 to seriously consider the impact this 2024 sheet will have on many of their loyal, paying users.  Please commit to supporting the many users out there who did not ask for this significant design change and just want to "Play D&D Our Way", which means playing the latest edition using character sheets that look and/or function like the 2014 sheet (or the physical 2024 character sheet), as you outlined in this blog post: Play D&D 2024 Your Way on Roll20 - Roll20 Blog I understand Roll20 won't be able to spin on a dime to make this change, but I ask you to please reconsider and commit to a path forward that does not alienate many of your loyal, paying customers.

Edited 1726839526
I've placed a feedback ticket with a video demonstrating character sheets blocking the right-side menu.  I've posted about it here twice and there. This is beyond what Bianca asked for. Ticket is  #260855 if anybody needs it. We'll see. M
If the 2024 sheet stays as it is I will be asking for a refund, with the intention to stay with 2014 sheet and (probably) rules.  This is sad case of affairs.
Who exactly did the Beta testing?  When?  It was never available to Pro users as far as I saw.
Hunter D. said: There is a bug when adding equipment like a dagger. It adds multiple attacks for that weapon including strength versions. When these versions of the attack are deleted, they repopulate on the character sheet. Most characters are going to use one ability trait or the other, so being able to unclutter the sheet by deleting these would be useful Thanks Hunter! When do the strength attacks reappear on the sheet? I equipped it, deleted the two strength attacks, closed and reopened the sheet and they were still deleted. Exited and re-entered the game and still gone.
Master Azroth said: A couple more things, not bugs but suggestions. Initiative should have it's own separate setting for advantage, it should not go off of what you have the rest of the sheet set to We still need resource boxes, My suggestion would be make an additional category under features and traits called limites use, resources ect. and place it above class features so that it is easy to find and quick to get to Make it where those boxes have an attribute so they can be adjusted with APIs or macros for things like ammo tracking, one time use spells ect.  Leave " Actions in Combat" and " Reactions in Combat" there by default for new players, but allow us to be able to delete them. They take up valuable space for people who don't need the reminder.  Thank you for writing up these suggestions! The best place to get them in front of the team is to fill out the feedback form so we can mark it for future plans. For the second recommendation -- we are adding resource boxes for things like ammo tracking, etc. I don't have a time frame for that yet, and it is on our list!

Edited 1726842950
Suggestion:- Make Classes and Classes (2024) as categories (or 2014...) and then only show the appropriate entries.  Having every class shown twice is annoying. Same for every category for the D&D rules! EDIT: Sent this via the form
Bianca said: It happens when we close ot of the sheet and reopen it. Hunter D. said: There is a bug when adding equipment like a dagger. It adds multiple attacks for that weapon including strength versions. When these versions of the attack are deleted, they repopulate on the character sheet. Most characters are going to use one ability trait or the other, so being able to unclutter the sheet by deleting these would be useful Thanks Hunter! When do the strength attacks reappear on the sheet? I equipped it, deleted the two strength attacks, closed and reopened the sheet and they were still deleted. Exited and re-entered the game and still gone.
Hi everyone I cannot save Characters, once I relog and open the sheet I got the "create a new Character" option and no character loading
Mike M. said: I've placed a feedback ticket with a video demonstrating character sheets blocking the right-side menu.  I've posted about it here twice and there. This is beyond what Bianca asked for. Ticket is  #260855 if anybody needs it. We'll see. M The issue is fixed. Corners of the character sheet can be grabbed. Thank you! M
Allow me to reiterate and not have my feedback ignored - selected is broken, as well as target from macro bar.

Edited 1726847753
Crico said: Hi everyone I cannot save Characters, once I relog and open the sheet I got the "create a new Character" option and no character loading I noted a save button at some point in character creation - top left- maybe you missed it?
I agree with the posts regarding the dissonance between the atmosphere here in the forums (populated by lots of the loyal and core audience of Roll20) and the public blog statements.  I've read the latest blog post - dated September 19th - and the cheery tone "in the next 3 weeks we're going to be adding even more awesome features to the new streamlined experience with 2024 sheet... like leveling-up and not having empty equipment..." rubs me the wrong way.  Personally I would appreciate a bit of sincerity and some sort of real feedback to our feedback. I've tested the alpha sheets and posted several feedback forms, I've tested the beta-sheet and posted several feedback forms (with a lot of the same issues as with alpha) and made a long post in the forums and I don't feel that it's been heard and ultimately will matter. I had a different experience with the Jumpgate early beta where the reaction from Roll20 side was swift and I really had a feeling that the issues that the users were pointing to mattered. There were sessions being organized between users and designers to demonstrate how we play and what we need, I think that some similar approach is desperately needed now. I'm not going to cancel subscription and move to a different service right away, but I would like to feel that the users who take the time to post, to make screenshots and to fill the feedback forms are valued, because many of those users are saying the same things and asking for the same things.
Building character class at 3rd level. Select subclass is available but when I click on the down arrow, there are no selections.
Okay, I have now reverted back all my sheets to 2014. I bought the 2024 PHB on preorder because we were going to use it in our new campaign and wanted the promised "ease of use" of the new PHB compendium in the character sheet. Bottom line: It is atrocious, I also support the request to make the new compendium content accessible out of the the old character sheet. 
Hi Jim Ty, but I used the save button since the beginning and keep on haeving this problem Jim W. said: Crico said: Hi everyone I cannot save Characters, once I relog and open the sheet I got the "create a new Character" option and no character loading I noted a save button at some point in character creation - top left- maybe you missed it?

Edited 1726862502
When I as a DM open my characters sheets it screws up their sheets. Dagger options repopulate Duplicates start happening The sheet is entirely broken still and not useable for spells.  DC's are still wrong Spells wont roll damage I  am tired of being the guinea pig for this, I am not being paid to test your sheet. When we pre order something we expect to be able to use it on release and not a week or more after, let alone months for a character builder. It was advertised as being easy to use, and it has been the opposite. Has Roll20 thought of doing credits for the store as an apology for us wasting our money and time here, or are we just expected to be guinea pigs and be happy about it?
Courteous Rex said: Building character class at 3rd level. Select subclass is available but when I click on the down arrow, there are no selections. Which class and subclass, please?
September 20 Releases General Bug Fixes Spells should now be selectable in Roll20 Characters if you only have access to the SRD and you're in the 2014 D&D character sheet. This was broken by a few changes we made earlier in the week. Sorry about that. We've removed the weird "?expansion=0" stuff that was showing up on various sheets when it shouldn't be. This was also broken because of some changes we made easier in the week. You should now be able to drag and drop monster tokens in games with the 2014 D&D sheet as usual, and all the token settings should populate on the token. In games with the 2024 character sheet, drag and drop is still missing some information like AC and dynamic lighting. We're still working to make sure that operates correctly. D&D 2024 Character Sheet & Builder Updates: Fixed a bug where NPC ability scores and saving throws weren't rolling while the sheet was in compact mode. When dragging and dropping items onto the sheet, it will now be automatically equipped and attuned (if applicable, and if there is an open attunement slot). If you do not have any attunement slots, then you will see a warning that it requires attunement. Sending a spell or attack that includes a DC to chat now includes a label for when the save is succeeded / failed to make it clearer Added the ability to roll death saving throws with advantage and or/disadvantage automatically when the sheet's roll setting is set to "automatic". If there exists a situational advantage (which aren't present in "automatic" rolls), it will be present in the "Roll Settings" modal that opens when the sheet's roll setting is set to "query". Fixed a bug where DC was appearing on Spell attacks when it shouldn't be Fixed a bug where roll bonuses weren't applying correctly to attacks Fixed a bug where NPC Damage options were not appearing when trying to add a new attack to an NPC sheet Fixed a bug in the builder where some class's Spellcasting Ability was being set incorrectly Fixed a bug where death saving throws were not appearing correctly on the Compact version of the PC sheet when your character reached 0 HP Fixed a bug where Spells entered via drag and drop were not rolling damage from chat
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Tuo said: Allow me to reiterate and not have my feedback ignored - selected is broken, as well as target from macro bar. I can get selected to work, but "target" is just broken across all of jumpgate. Also, the exposed attribute of AC is only the PC value. It does not work with NPCs.

Edited 1726865494
Roll20 Team
keithcurtis said: Tuo said: Allow me to reiterate and not have my feedback ignored - selected is broken, as well as target from macro bar. I can get selected to work, but "target" is just broken across all of jumpgate. Also, the exposed attribute of AC is only the PC value. It does not work with NPCs. We don't have the npc_ac attribute specifically yet, but we have a ticket for it to start work next week.
Bianca, Can we expect updates over the weekend as well? 
JK said: Bianca, Can we expect updates over the weekend as well?  We're still checking the forums and feedback constantly to make sure nothing is game-breaking, so please continue to share here and through the feedback form . We won't do any releases over the weekend because we don't want to interrupt any games! We'll pick them up on Monday.

Edited 1726870183
The character builder seems to be giving you the 2014 species ability score increases in addition to the 2024 background related ASI.  In the example, I'm getting +2 to STR & +1 to CON from half-orc and +2 to Dex & +1 to CHA from the ASI.  I thought we didn't get both?  Shouldn't the ASI be disabled if you choose a 2014 species?  This could be very confusing to anyone who doesn't realize its adding in their species bonus already. Edit: New development - I closed the character sheet and re-opened it on to the ability score selection screen and now its giving me a second set of dropdowns, the new one for "Criminal" and it looks like the below.  It doesn't seem like its adding a second ASI, or maybe it is because my DEX jumped up to 12.  Hard to say because if I select anything on the second set of ASI dropdowns, it just selects letters.
I encourage everyone to move to forge, it's cheaper, easier, has more options and isn't completely broken.
Bianca said: JK said: Bianca, Can we expect updates over the weekend as well?  We're still checking the forums and feedback constantly to make sure nothing is game-breaking, so please continue to share here and through the feedback form . We won't do any releases over the weekend because we don't want to interrupt any games! We'll pick them up on Monday. Come on... Games are already interrupted. M
I chose the 2024 cleric class and there wre no subclasses listed in the subclass dropdown. And yes, I was setting up a character at 6th level.
It seems impossible to select the type of rest you need to reset the resources in "Features and Traits" When i set a feature up with a resource number, it sets it to Short Rest automaticaly and i cannot change it ANYWHERE. It seems like a big oversight 
Hi, We had a similar situation and found that clicking on 'Edit sheet directly' took us to the missing character sheet, which didn't disappear again upon reopening. Hope that works for you. Bill Crico said: Hi Jim Ty, but I used the save button since the beginning and keep on haeving this problem Jim W. said: Crico said: Hi everyone I cannot save Characters, once I relog and open the sheet I got the "create a new Character" option and no character loading I noted a save button at some point in character creation - top left- maybe you missed it?
Tried running it in a game. One player used the new character sheet. I don't say this lightly: it was an absolute disaster, beyond the depths I could have fathomed. They tried to create a level 11 Monk with a Criminal Background, Warrior of the Elements Subclass, and I observed him do it via screen share. He put in everything right. Somehow , his character sheet ended up with three different monk subclasses and two different backgrounds. He had multiple duplicate features, and he was level 13 . Additionally, neither the saves or attack rolls would calculate properly for his attacks or elemental burst (he had wraps of unarmed prowess, so I gave him a +2... which didn't work), no matter how much I edited. It kept saying that the saving throw DC on his elemental burst was DC 8. In the end, we had no choice but to have him manually roll his attacks and abilities via dice commands. Aka, /r 1d20+11 and the like. I knew going in that most of my addons would be busted for his characters, but I thought at least the basic native stuff would be mostly functional. Conversely, the player who built their character on D&DBeyond with Beyond20 integration? Just fine. Smooth as glass. Right now, my players are better off bringing D&DBeyond character sheets to Roll20 games. On Tuesday, I am hoping to run a 'new edition oneshot' for some of my players. If it's half this bad... I'm going to be spending half the session apologizing and the other half in a state of constant frustration. Bugs happen, but please at least give your product basic functionality in a timely manner.

Edited 1726891852
keithcurtis said: Tuo said: Allow me to reiterate and not have my feedback ignored - selected is broken, as well as target from macro bar. I can get selected to work, but "target" is just broken across all of jumpgate. Also, the exposed attribute of AC is only the PC value. It does not work with NPCs. My target isn't an npc sheet but a pc sheet, with a working ac attribute, and if the issue was that the attribute wasn't there, the error would be different. In my experimenting, the target call I tested worked from the character sheet and the chat, but not the macro bar when saved to the character sheet. And I don't know what to tell you, selected just straight up doesn't work in my test game, as shown in the image. EDIT: And the sheet not automatically filling in the character reference for an unreferenced attribute call is still a massive issue.