Fox S. said: Thanks for the reply. I went through the documentation again and am still having trouble. I'm not much of a coder though. What I'm trying to do is create a template to use for monsters that has built-in token macros for multi-attack, action1, action2, reaction, perception, sneak, etc. Then when I copy the template I'll just need to delete the multi-attack and reaction if the monster doesn't have those, and rename the action1, action2 to bite, scimitar, or whatever. Is this possible? Thanks again! Close to your question, if you don't want to use the shaped_statblock, shaped_actions, etc. abilities (they're awesome though!), but you just want a single token action for every action, reaction, legendary action ..., have a look at the companion script's !shaped-apply-defaults and !shaped-abilites command (also well-documented). It can create all these token actions for you automatically from the sheet, without having to do awkward busywork like copying templates and renaming/deleting abilities.