Gediablo said: I'm personally not a fan of fewer releases to have everything be more "stable". I don't think it will help anyone - just means slower updates. If someone is house-rule modifying the sheets a lot they will just have more time to "taint" the sheets, and thus be hit even harder when the updates do hits. I don't really think the non-public versions will be tested much more either this way. Agreed. The longer the update takes to get to public users the more different the public users are from my code and the code Pro users use and test which means more unknowns which means more bugs. Consistent releases prevent this, but they also create update fatigue which is also problematic. There is a bit of a balance. Gediablo said: Regarding the "updating gif": Kryx said: The processing is complete when the spinning circles spin normally. If they jitter and are laggy the processing is still happening. I only knew this already, because I have asked about it here before. And since then I have seen several other interpretations of how to read that gif. My point was basically that the gif is not intuitively explaining what is going on. Both the information that an update is starting, is still going on, and that it has completed is extremely vague with this gif. I know it might be difficult technically to improve this, but it is causing confusion and problems for people until this happens. The update notification closes when it is complete as of 9.1.x. However the sheet is quite laggy to open when a big update starts. Ultimately my code is extremely limited by roll20 in this regard. Gediablo said: One big thread is fine. However, to help with the overview it could be an idea to have the following besides this thread: - An FAQ wiki. This would contain FAQs like how the sheet is updated, how to test this latest sheet, how to submit a bug, how to handle Magic Missiles, how to make sneak attack/hunter mark, various traits that modifies damage or healing, Then just link to wiki whenever people ask the same questions over and over again and add to it whenever you feel like you have that answered already. - A patchnote wiki or locked thread - at least for the public version. Then we can avoid the issue of having the patch notes hiding 5 pages earlier when the sheet goes public. A requirement of documentation generally means the product is not inherently clear. I'd much rather have a clear product than add documentation that needs to be maintained, becomes out of date, and is difficult to get people to read in the first place. Some individual points: The OP contains information on how to manually update the sheet. I can add details for non-pro users for when they're receive an update. Testing the latest sheet is covered in the posts where I ask for testing, though I can add it to the OP as well. How to submit a bug is covered in the op with a link to my issue tracker. On my issue tracker there are instructions for how to provide a good bug report. Sneak attack is automatically added as a rogue. Additionally attaching it to weapons is covered in the documentation. Similarly other cases are in the documentation. If you think those should be expanded then feel free to write it out on the documentation in google docs and either Vanakoji or I can approve it. Magic missile is covered via the repeat functionality in 9.1.x Changelog is always included in the OP. It's been there for quite a while TL;DR: The sheet's readme (which is copied to the OP of this thread) is the main place for information. Anything more involved should be covered in the documentation. If you think an area is currently insufficient feel free to suggest how to improve it.