thank you
Arno said:
Also am trying to figure out how this works:Very interested in that, that is, if it means that I can enter a weapon in the Weapon list and it will fill in the relevant stats? Or even search on an item from the compendium and autofill?
- Compendium Integration for NPCs, Spells, Weapons, Armor, Equipment
techiecarer said:
Arno said:
Also am trying to figure out how this works:Very interested in that, that is, if it means that I can enter a weapon in the Weapon list and it will fill in the relevant stats? Or even search on an item from the compendium and autofill?
- Compendium Integration for NPCs, Spells, Weapons, Armor, Equipment
If you don't pop out the character sheet (so it's in the same window as the tabletop), you can drag and drop from the compendium in the right hand column (You'll need to enable the compendium in your Game Settings page if you haven't already) into the sheet. Just make sure the sheet is in Edit Mode (the pencil toggle near the top). When you drag the item over a section you can add it to (e.g. Add a new attack, then drag a Longbow over), the section will turn yellow to show it can be dropped there.
Hope that helps
Don't even look at the (Shaped) companion script then, you will just be frustrated by the amount of data entry you've needlessly done so far...Arno said:
Thanks! At the same time I discovered it also by watching some roll20 vimeo video and kinda fell off my chair, I didn't even know it was possible on the regular sheet (and my DM/party didn't mention or know). So much time wasted copy/pasting info from websites... wow
Jakob said:
Don't even look at the (Shaped) companion script then, you will just be frustrated by the amount of data entry you've needlessly done so far...Arno said:
Thanks! At the same time I discovered it also by watching some roll20 vimeo video and kinda fell off my chair, I didn't even know it was possible on the regular sheet (and my DM/party didn't mention or know). So much time wasted copy/pasting info from websites... wow
You need to be careful here. You're talking about copyright material, and you don't have permission to distribute anything that isn't in the SRD in digital form, even to people who already bought the hardcopies (not that you could ever police this). Roll20 have a DMCA policy that includes, potentially, terminating the account of anyone found to be distributing copyright material on/through the platform.Arno said:
One thing I haven't figured out yet is where everyone is getting these databases it talks about. Seems that's only for custom-made stuff, and not for example to mass-import from the compendium? Unclear how that would work.
Importing Elemental Evil spells would be very interesting as they are not in SRD, not seen anyone do that yet (perhaps something I could contribute with in the future if so).
Please see reasons #1-4.Rick said:
Supporting your own homebrew but refusing to support the UA playtest material that people will use seems like a pretty terrible stance. Plus, as the Mystic's psionics setup hasn't changed significantly through three playtest revisions, saying it might change in a significant way seems like a non-issue.
I won't deny that it'll be a lot of work and should be low-priority, but seriously.
Rick said:
Supporting your own homebrew but refusing to support the UA playtest material that people will use seems like a pretty terrible stance. Plus, as the Mystic's psionics setup hasn't changed significantly through three playtest revisions, saying it might change in a significant way seems like a non-issue.
I won't deny that it'll be a lot of work and should be low-priority, but seriously.
Gary W. said:
Rick said:
Supporting your own homebrew but refusing to support the UA playtest material that people will use seems like a pretty terrible stance. Plus, as the Mystic's psionics setup hasn't changed significantly through three playtest revisions, saying it might change in a significant way seems like a non-issue.
I won't deny that it'll be a lot of work and should be low-priority, but seriously.
Rick- It might make everything more easily understandable if you remember the sheet is free. Kryx does it so he can play the game with his friends, and is nice enough to let us use it as well. The fact that there isn't another sheet out there that comes close to the number of features and flexibility of the sheet tells me that it isn't easy to do. The Shaped Sheet offers far more options than the OGL sheet maintained by Roll20.
Please join me in saying "Thank You Kryx for all your hard work." Don't mess up a good thing! :)
Are you on the test campaign? Refresh. I didn't push the final version bump there.Jim W. said:
Should I worry that v11 gives these oddities:
1. Conversion runs when I open a PC or NPC for first two times
2. Version shows as 10.11.11 [conversion window shows 11.0.0]
Manually changing a class in any way will change the filters to be of the appropriate level, yes.BP said:
Question about the new spell filtering, will it auto select new levels? I did like the Auto filter.
Of note: 3D dice will still roll an extra dice for damage. See #381: Double 3D dice for damage. Due to how roll templates work I cannot fix this one. If it bothers players then you can try using the maximized critical houserule.keithcurtis said:
especially the 3D dice fix.
If there is a strong desire for a smaller text size on chat macros create an issue on the tracker and if others feel the same way (via votes) I can probably implement a setting that'll work on all macros instead of 3 different settings that existed before.BP said:
I was also a fan of the smaller text for the chat macros, sad to see that option go away.
Kryx said:
Of note: 3D dice will still roll an extra dice for damage. See #381: Double 3D dice for damage. Due to how roll templates work I cannot fix this one. If it bothers players then you can try using the maximized critical houserule.keithcurtis said:
especially the 3D dice fix.
See #387: Edit mode and tabs stop workingTrey said:
Is anyone else having issues with the new release? It just updated on Roll20 to 10.1.5 and now the sheet is having issues going in and our of edit mode and changing tabs again.
Kryx said:
See #387: Edit mode and tabs stop workingTrey said:
Is anyone else having issues with the new release? It just updated on Roll20 to 10.1.5 and now the sheet is having issues going in and our of edit mode and changing tabs again.
If you can provide a reliable reproduction path then I can look into it, but no one has been able to provide one yet. I only ever see it when there are multiple users using the same sheet.
Nope. The only way for me to solve it is with a reliable reproduction path.Doug E. said:
Would it help to provide a console log when it happens?
The companion script will make spell effects output the proper /fx command.Salicar said:
What api is needed for shaped spell fx to work?
!shaped-abilities is a script command. Any issues with the script should be handled there.lucas s. said:
I'm having a problem with the abilities check. every time I go to plug it in it's throwing an error telling me Unknown command !shaped-abilities--abilCheck
My players would ask that you take this back so I stop critting them.Magnus Bane said:
May the dice be always in your favor !