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[5e Shaped] Version 8+

March 30 (7 years ago)

That is 100% spot on! The doco is correct but I read it wrong.

For method 1 my mistake is that I didn't click the list to the chat but instead I clicked on Sneak Attack directly.
For method 2 as you said I inspected the chat output instead of the actual sheet.

Thank you!
March 30 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter



  • Implemented a flag to detect when a monster is complete from being dragged from SRD mostly from a PR from Lucian. This will help his script attach on at the appropriate times.

Bug Fixes

  • Resting has had a few minor bugs fixed: long rests now recharge short rests as well as turn recharges and "Recharge X". Same for short rests.
  • Saving throw capitalization is now consistent with the rest of the sheet. For example the title of a strength saving throw will now be "Strength saving throw" instead of "Strength Saving throw".
  • save_prof has been renamed to saving_throw_prof for all the saving throws (str, dex, con, death..) The upgrade handles the change.
  • #419: OGL Conversion - Saving Throws
  • #420: OGL Conversion - Reactions
  • #421: OGL Conversion - Legendary Actions

My public test campaign is bugged. I've opened an issue for roll20: Campaign cannot load characters
If it's not resolved soon I'll start a new test campaign.
March 31 (7 years ago)
How far away is 11.x from being promoted as the new official stable version?
March 31 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Likely next week as long as it continues to be stable.

Testing is always appreciated, though it's only possible for Pro users right now with my test campaign broken as it is (hopefully roll20 can solve that).
So I'm pretty sure this is due to Roll20's setup but is there a way to have multiple but separate tokens of the same character (in this case a monster, for instance Mage)? I know you can unlink the bars so that the "HP" is only on the token but is there any way of unlinking spell/ability uses? Found myself in the situation the other day where I had multiple Mages but obviously wanted to track their spell usage separately before realising that all the tokens linked to the same underlying character.
March 31 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You'll need to create separate character sheets in order to maintain difference besides the 3 bars.
March 31 (7 years ago)

Edited April 01 (7 years ago)
Kryx, not sure if you want to keep this your main discussion thread, but there's a space to link up all your discussions, tracker, etc.

Edit: I went ahead and linked up the docs, this forum discussion, the issue tracker, and the API forum discussion. If those change, I believe anyone can update the Wiki
March 31 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter


Bug Fixes

April 01 (7 years ago)

Edited April 01 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter


Bug Fixes

April 01 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I have pushed 11.3.2 to roll20 for them to push live next week.
April 01 (7 years ago)

Edited April 01 (7 years ago)
Is crit damage rolling for anyone? Whenever a crit happens, I get something like "12 + slashing damage." on a 1d20 damage die for example.

**Update** Nevermind, it started working again somehow lol. I'm not sure what fixed it.
I'm having a strange problem:

"Starting webworker script..."
"Loading 0 translation strings to worker..."
"It's A Trap!: Registered TrapTheme - default."
"5eShapedCompanion 1491158810194 INFO : Summary of adding SRD entity group to the lookup: {\"errors\":0,\"entityGroupName\":{},\"classes\":{\"withErrors\":0,\"deleted\":0,\"patched\":0,\"added\":8},\"monsters\":{\"withErrors\":0,\"deleted\":0,\"patched\":0,\"added\":325},\"spells\":{\"withErrors\":0,\"deleted\":0,\"patched\":0,\"added\":319}}"
"5eShapedCompanion 1491158810196 INFO : -=> ShapedScripts v8.4.2 <=-"
[edited out the Roll20 imgsrc error]
[edit feedback from a few other scripts]
[edit feedback from 5e data script]
[edit feedback from other scripts]
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -KgjzQtIPkKS8IoRApiF named version"
"Translation Error: the key [STR] is not in the translation object."
"TypeError: getTranslationByKey(...).toLowerCase is not a function"
"TypeError: getTranslationByKey(...).toLowerCase is not a function\n at eval (eval at messageHandler (evalmachine.<anonymous>:282:6), <anonymous>:2:3045)\n at Array.forEach (native)\n at Object.process (eval at messageHandler (evalmachine.<anonymous>:282:6), <anonymous>:2:2667)\n at Object.eval [as -KgjzQtIPkKS8IoRApiF//false//0.2681870835674587] (eval at messageHandler (evalmachine.<anonymous>:282:6), <anonymous>:92:2574)\n at _fullfillAttrReq (evalmachine.<anonymous>:257:31)\n at messageHandler (evalmachine.<anonymous>:288:6)\n at process.<anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/tiny-worker/lib/worker.js:68:55)\n at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)\n at process.emit (events.js:194:7)\n at process.nextTick (internal/child_process.js:766:12)"
"5eShapedCompanion 1491158814905 INFO : Detected sheet version as : 11.3.2"
"5eShapedCompanion 1491158814907 INFO : Configuration state: {\"version\":4.6,\"config\":{\"genderPronouns\":[{\"matchPattern\":\"^f$|female|girl|woman|feminine\",\"nominative\":\"she\",\"accusative\":\"her\",\"possessive\":\"her\",\"reflexive\":\"herself\"},{\"matchPattern\":\"^m$|male|boy|man|masculine\",\"nominative\":\"he\",\"accusative\":\"him\",\"possessive\":\"his\",\"reflexive\":\"himself\"},{\"matchPattern\":\"^n$|neuter|none|construct|thing|object\",\"nominative\":\"it\",\"accusative\":\"it\",\"possessive\":\"its\",\"reflexive\":\"itself\"}],\"logLevel\":\"INFO\",\"tokenSettings\":{\"number\":true,\"bar1\":{\"attribute\":\"HP\",\"max\":true,\"link\":false,\"showPlayers\":true},\"bar2\":{\"attribute\":\"speed\",\"max\":false,\"link\":false,\"showPlayers\":true},\"bar3\":{\"attribute\":\"AC\",\"max\":false,\"link\":false,\"showPlayers\":true},\"aura1\":{\"radius\":\"\",\"color\":\"#FFFF99\",\"square\":false},\"aura2\":{\"radius\":\"\",\"color\":\"#59e594\",\"square\":false},\"light\":{\"radius\":\"\",\"dimRadius\":\"\",\"otherPlayers\":true,\"hasSight\":true,\"angle\":360,\"losAngle\":360,\"multiplier\":1},\"showName\":true,\"showNameToPlayers\":false,\"showAura1ToPlayers\":true,\"showAura2ToPlayers\":true,\"monsterTokenName\":\"\"},\"newCharSettings\":{\"sheetOutput\":\"***default***\",\"deathSaveOutput\":\"***default***\",\"initiativeOutput\":\"***default***\",\"showNameOnRollTemplate\":\"{{show_character_name=1}}\",\"rollOptions\":\"***default***\",\"initiativeRoll\":\"***default***\",\"initiativeToTracker\":\"***default***\",\"breakInitiativeTies\":true,\"showTargetAC\":true,\"showTargetName\":true,\"autoAmmo\":true,\"autoRevertAdvantage\":true,\"houserules\":{\"mediumArmorMaxDex\":0,\"saves\":{\"useCustomSaves\":false,\"useAverageOfAbilities\":false,\"fortitude\":{\"fortitudeStrength\":false,\"fortitudeDexterity\":false,\"fortitudeConstitution\":false,\"fortitudeIntelligence\":false,\"fortitudeWisdom\":false,\"fortitudeCharisma\":false},\"reflex\":{\"reflexStrength\":false,\"reflexDexterity\":false,\"reflexConstitution\":false,\"reflexIntelligence\":false,\"reflexWisdom\":false,\"reflexCharisma\":false},\"will\":{\"willStrength\":false,\"willDexterity\":false,\"willConstitution\":false,\"willIntelligence\":false,\"willWisdom\":false,\"willCharisma\":false},\"savingThrowsHalfProf\":false},\"baseDC\":\"***default***\",\"expertiseAsAdvantage\":false,\"inspirationMultiple\":false,\"criticalDamageHouserule\":\"***default***\",\"proficiencyDice\":false,\"psionics\":false,\"customClasses\":false,\"honorToggle\":false,\"sanityToggle\":true,\"hitPointsRecoveredOnALongRest\":\"***default***\",\"hitDiceRecoveredOnALongRest\":\"***default***\"},\"tab\":\"***default***\",\"tokenActions\":{\"initiative\":true,\"abilityChecks\":null,\"advantageTracker\":null,\"savingThrows\":null,\"attacks\":\"attacks\",\"statblock\":true,\"traits\":\"traits\",\"actions\":null,\"reactions\":null,\"legendaryActions\":null,\"lairActions\":null,\"regionalEffects\":null,\"rests\":true,\"spells\":false,\"showRecharges\":false,\"classFeatures\":\"classFeatures\",\"feats\":null,\"racialTraits\":null},\"textSizes\":{\"spellsTextSize\":\"***default***\",\"abilityChecksTextSize\":\"***default***\",\"savingThrowsTextSize\":\"***default***\"},\"hide\":{\"hideAttack\":\"***default***\",\"hideDamage\":\"***default***\",\"hideAbilityChecks\":\"***default***\",\"hideSavingThrows\":\"***default***\",\"hideSavingThrowDC\":\"***default***\",\"hideSavingThrowFailure\":\"***default***\",\"hideRecharge\":\"***default***\",\"hideFreetext\":\"***default***\",\"hideContent\":\"***default***\"},\"applyToAll\":true,\"hitDiceOutput\":\"***default***\",\"display\":{\"showPassiveSkills\":true,\"showWeight\":\"***default***\",\"showEmote\":false,\"showFreetext\":false,\"showFreeform\":false,\"showDiceModifiers\":false,\"showCritRange\":true,\"extraOnACrit\":false},\"measurementSystems\":{\"distanceSystem\":\"***default***\",\"weightSystem\":\"***default***\"},\"automaticHigherLevelQueries\":\"***default***\",\"automaticallyExpendSpellResources\":true,\"automaticallyRollDamageForAttacks\":\"***default***\",\"automaticallyRollDamageForSavingThrows\":\"***default***\"},\"advTrackerSettings\":{\"showMarkers\":true,\"ignoreNpcs\":false,\"advantageMarker\":\"green\",\"disadvantageMarker\":\"red\",\"output\":\"silent\"},\"sheetEnhancements\":{\"rollHPOnDrop\":true,\"autoHD\":true,\"autoTraits\":true,\"turnRecharges\":true,\"ammoRecovery\":true},\"defaultGenderIndex\":2,\"variants\":{\"rests\":{\"longRestHDRecovery\":0.5,\"longRestHPRecovery\":1}},\"playerId\":\"-KcjCPvVaYpyXGi5MB9c\"},\"ammoTracking\":{}}"
I've edited my startup log above to remove the things that seem normal.

So, I've highlighted the two sets of issues:
1.  the typeError...don't understand what that's about.
2.  the problem with the character sheet.  

I've updated the html, css, translation table, and the shaped companion script several times to be sure that I've got the latest of everything, and I do.

Hope you can help with the problems.


April 02 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You don't have the translations installed correctly. Check them again. Have you posted the contents of the en.json into the translation tab? The type error is a result of missing translations.
April 02 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Jakob said:

You don't have the translations installed correctly. Check them again. Have you posted the contents of the en.json into the translation tab? The type error is a result of missing translations.
This is correct.

Kryx said:

Jakob said:

You don't have the translations installed correctly. Check them again. Have you posted the contents of the en.json into the translation tab? The type error is a result of missing translations.
This is correct.

Jacob/Kryx -- yep, that's why I submitted this.  I thought the problem was with the translation table.  But, I installed it again.  And the umpteenth time was the charm.  It's back and works correctly.  Thanks!
April 03 (7 years ago)
Apologies if this has been asked before... is there a way to toggle the sheet to trigger critical hits on a roll of 19 or 20 (like with the Champion Fighter's Improved Critical feature)?
April 03 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Crit range on the settings tab
April 03 (7 years ago)
Kryx... "Display" box, "Crit Range" checkbox, correct? With that selected the die rolls are still showing up as "d20cs>20" when I mouse-over a roll. Just a display issue or is this not working?

Daniel N. said:

Kryx... "Display" box, "Crit Range" checkbox, correct? With that selected the die rolls are still showing up as "d20cs>20" when I mouse-over a roll. Just a display issue or is this not working?

Ticking the checkbox just gives you an extra field on all your attacks. Go onto the attacks that need adjusting and you'll see there is now a crit range box you can now set to another number (i.e. 19)
April 03 (7 years ago)

techiecarer said:

Daniel N. said:

Kryx... "Display" box, "Crit Range" checkbox, correct? With that selected the die rolls are still showing up as "d20cs>20" when I mouse-over a roll. Just a display issue or is this not working?

Ticking the checkbox just gives you an extra field on all your attacks. Go onto the attacks that need adjusting and you'll see there is now a crit range box you can now set to another number (i.e. 19)

Ah-ha! That was not obvious to me, but makes sense now. Thanks!
April 03 (7 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

techiecarer said:

Daniel N. said:

Kryx... "Display" box, "Crit Range" checkbox, correct? With that selected the die rolls are still showing up as "d20cs>20" when I mouse-over a roll. Just a display issue or is this not working?

Ticking the checkbox just gives you an extra field on all your attacks. Go onto the attacks that need adjusting and you'll see there is now a crit range box you can now set to another number (i.e. 19)

The Shaped sheet has excellent documentation, and a highly responsive forum thread, but what it really needs is a FAQ. :)
April 03 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter


Bug Fixes

April 03 (7 years ago)

Kryx said:


Bug Fixes

Thanks for the update, loaded for testing!

PS. Has anyone noticed roll20, and especially Character sheets being real slow today?
April 03 (7 years ago)
API Scripter

Arno said:

PS. Has anyone noticed roll20, and especially Character sheets being real slow today?
Yes. To the point of getting cloudflare bad gateway errors. I think something is rotten in the state of Roll20 today.

April 03 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Lucian said:

Yes. To the point of getting cloudflare bad gateway errors. I think something is rotten in the state of Roll20 today.
It could very well extend beyond roll20. Reddit is having problems as well.
Is it just me or did something change in the Roll Template. I can't get Save damage to roll. I've checked it several times but it seems to be missing. 

Using the newest release.

April 03 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Jerry F. said:

Is it just me or did something change in the Roll Template. I can't get Save damage to roll.
Nothing has changed here. Feel free to test it on a new character and open an issue on the tracker with reproduction steps on a new character or import the existing character to my temporary testing campaign

Kryx said:

Jerry F. said:

Is it just me or did something change in the Roll Template. I can't get Save damage to roll.
Nothing has changed here. Feel free to test it on a new character and open an issue on the tracker with reproduction steps on a new character or import the existing character to my temporary testing campaign

I tried importing but there's nothing there.
Ok here is my roll template that used to work, rolled damage before but for some reason I can't get it to now.

&{template:5e-shaped} {{title=Wand of Lightning Bolts}} {{show_character_name=1}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} @{Archmagi Missy Miline|attacher_spell} {{uses=@{Archmagi Missy Miline|repeating_equipment_-Kfh9seezQPOsjPiVECL_uses}}} {{uses_max=7}} {{emote=points the wand at an enemy and releases charge(s)}} {{saving_throw_dc=15}} {{saving_throw_vs_ability=DEXTERITY}} {{saving_throw_success=Half Damage}} {{saving_throw_damage=[[[[7+?{Charges|1}]]d6]]}} {{saving_throw_damage_type=lightning}} {{targetName=@{target|token_name}}} {{text=A stroke of lightning forming a line of 100 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts out from where you point the wand. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 8d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
The lightning ignites flammable Objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.
If you choose to spend more than one charge the creature will take an additional 1d6 lightning damage spent.
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended Charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.}}

!setattr --charid @{character_id} --modb --repeating_equipment_-Kfh9seezQPOsjPiVECL_uses|-?{Charges}

April 04 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Kryx said:


Breaking Changes

  • Some unused fields related to abilities and saving throws have been removed
Changelogs are posted to inform you. Breaking changes are outlined on the chagelog (they affect custom macros). In general I don't recommend custom macros for precisely this reason. If you so choose to create such a macro its your responsibility to figure out the new syntax by using something on the sheet and copying that syntax.

In this case I'll post the change because I know it off hand: {{has_saving_throw_damage=1}}. You'll also need to populate "saving_throw_damage_macro" with "Save failure".
I see so the documentation hasn't been updated with these changes and that is why I'm pulling my hair out. It still has 9.0 stuff in there.

Jerry F. said:

I see so the documentation hasn't been updated with these changes and that is why I'm pulling my hair out. It still has 9.0 stuff in there.

The documentation is a tough thing to keep up and props for Vanakoji's esteemable effort. But things do slip by. It would be good if you could go into suggested mode and add a comment about what has changed so it can be updated for everyone's understanding.

HLazar said:

Jerry F. said:

I see so the documentation hasn't been updated with these changes and that is why I'm pulling my hair out. It still has 9.0 stuff in there.

The documentation is a tough thing to keep up and props for Vanakoji's esteemable effort. But things do slip by. It would be good if you could go into suggested mode and add a comment about what has changed so it can be updated for everyone's understanding.

I have no clue what changed. Big reason why I had my problem. 
April 04 (7 years ago)
So another day has passed and the Sheet is still really slow for me. Anyone else still experiencing roll20 slowness? I don't see any forum threads about it.

I am testing the following. Open PC sheet, edit mode, hit the Modify key under Skills and remove skills 1 by 1 (am changing to Kryx skills). 

Per skill it takes about 10-20 seconds to remove, that does not seem normal!
April 04 (7 years ago)
KS Backer
I try to keep it up to date with the live version as well (the version on the first page) so if a suggestion is made for the updates, that would be accepted after the update goes live. So if those changes were in v11, that will be updated when I have time (usually the weekends) or if someone makes the suggestion/edits and it can just be approved.

Arno said:

So another day has passed and the Sheet is still really slow for me. Anyone else still experiencing roll20 slowness? I don't see any forum threads about it.

I am testing the following. Open PC sheet, edit mode, hit the Modify key under Skills and remove skills 1 by 1 (am changing to Kryx skills). 

Per skill it takes about 10-20 seconds to remove, that does not seem normal!
Don't seem to be having any issues here. Just deleted a skill to test and according to Chrome's developer console it took 0.27 seconds for mine to finish.

Speed can obviously rely on a lot of factors, but main things to keep a check on is how many character sheets you have in your campaign, I tend to transmogrify sheets I don't need onto an archive campaign so I don't have them lagging up my main campaign (i.e. I don't need a campaign with every monster imported), especially as every sheet's attributes are loaded in every session, not just if you use them then.
April 04 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
My group ahd huge lag today on roll20, but it was either roll20 servers (they seem stable) or the giant map I was using more than anything else. After the session now I don't experience any lag on the sheet as techiecarer said.
April 05 (7 years ago)

techiecarer said:

Arno said:

So another day has passed and the Sheet is still really slow for me. Anyone else still experiencing roll20 slowness? I don't see any forum threads about it.

I am testing the following. Open PC sheet, edit mode, hit the Modify key under Skills and remove skills 1 by 1 (am changing to Kryx skills). 

Per skill it takes about 10-20 seconds to remove, that does not seem normal!
Don't seem to be having any issues here. Just deleted a skill to test and according to Chrome's developer console it took 0.27 seconds for mine to finish.

Speed can obviously rely on a lot of factors, but main things to keep a check on is how many character sheets you have in your campaign, I tend to transmogrify sheets I don't need onto an archive campaign so I don't have them lagging up my main campaign (i.e. I don't need a campaign with every monster imported), especially as every sheet's attributes are loaded in every session, not just if you use them then.

Thanks for testing. It seems a bit better today, but still takes me 3secs to delete a skill. Feels more sluggish than it should be.
Not many sheets on it either.
@Arno - the behavior that you are describing sounds like the problems others have experienced with LastPass, you don't happen to be using LastPass do you?
April 05 (7 years ago)

Kevin said:

@Arno - the behavior that you are describing sounds like the problems others have experienced with LastPass, you don't happen to be using LastPass do you?

I just came back to post this. I'd been running roll20 in a separate profile for that reason...but over time forgot about that issue and re-enabled that plugin /facepalm. Hope it gets fixed sometime.
April 05 (7 years ago)

Edited April 07 (7 years ago)
KS Backer

Arno said:

Kevin said:

@Arno - the behavior that you are describing sounds like the problems others have experienced with LastPass, you don't happen to be using LastPass do you?

I just came back to post this. I'd been running roll20 in a separate profile for that reason...but over time forgot about that issue and re-enabled that plugin /facepalm. Hope it gets fixed sometime.

It's up to LastPass to fix. I've been working around this. Two workarounds I know of, without needing a separate profile:

- Run roll20 without Chrome extensions. Ctrl-Shift-N in Chrome for "Incognito Mode". Used for, er, gift-buying?, and now roll20. Drawback: Can't use an extension to hide rolls from players. Can too, awesome! Thanks Kryx! (see below)
- Run roll20 in Firefox, kept around for just that purpose. LastPass in Firefox also doesn't seem to cause issues.

Unless someone at LastPass gets passionate about D&D and starts getting on their dev's deriere about the issue, I doubt they'll ever fix it. It's barely on their radar.
April 05 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Thorsten B. said:

- Run roll20 without Chrome extensions. Ctrl-Shift-N in Chrome for "Incognito Mode". Used for, er, gift-buying?, and now roll20. Drawback: Can't use an extension to hide rolls from players.
You can use extensions in Incognito. On the extensions page under each extension you can define if it works in incognito or not.
April 06 (7 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Before I make an entry on your error tracker, I wanted to make sure this wasn't a known issue or expected behavior. From the documentation, the shaped_spells macro is supposed to "Output a list of spells known and or prepared (adjustable on the setting tab) with clickable buttons for each along with spell slots available". I cannot find a setting on the settings tab, and the macro does not respect the setting on the spells area of the Core tab. It always outputs a list of all spells with unprepared in gray.

If this is indeed a problem, let me know and I'll put it on your tracker. Or if I'm just blind and can't find the setting, please let me know where I should be looking. :)
April 06 (7 years ago)

Edited April 06 (7 years ago)
KS Backer

keithcurtis said:

Before I make an entry on your error tracker, I wanted to make sure this wasn't a known issue or expected behavior. From the documentation, the shaped_spells macro is supposed to "Output a list of spells known and or prepared (adjustable on the setting tab) with clickable buttons for each along with spell slots available". I cannot find a setting on the settings tab, and the macro does not respect the setting on the spells area of the Core tab. It always outputs a list of all spells with unprepared in gray.

If this is indeed a problem, let me know and I'll put it on your tracker. Or if I'm just blind and can't find the setting, please let me know where I should be looking. :)

On the newest version? I think Kryx said somewhere here that option was taken out (? or worded poorly in the docs), I need to adjust the docs I believe though as that is something that I believe was either changed or written wrong.
Hi. Why the rolls are doubled? Normals rolls are 2d20 anda advantage/disadvantage are 4d20?

Thank you.
April 06 (7 years ago)
I setup my players' sheets to roll to public. This works most of the time, but sometimes I want them the roll to be whispered to me (GM). Obviously I can just toggle the setting, roll, then reset it back, but that's quite a lot of steps. Are there shortcuts/macros/other methods to be able to sometimes whisper a roll instead of outputting to public?
April 06 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Vanakoji said:

keithcurtis said:

From the documentation, the shaped_spells macro is supposed to "Output a list of spells known and or prepared (adjustable on the setting tab) with clickable buttons for each along with spell slots available".
On the newest version? I think Kryx said somewhere here that option was taken out
I believe I removed this quite a long time ago.

Haga said:
Hi. Why the rolls are doubled? Normals rolls are 2d20 anda advantage/disadvantage are 4d20?

Thank you.
Hi Haga, see #381: Double 3D dice for damage

Erudo said:
I setup my players' sheets to roll to public. This works most of the time, but sometimes I want them the roll to be whispered to me (GM). Obviously I can just toggle the setting, roll, then reset it back, but that's quite a lot of steps. Are there shortcuts/macros/other methods to be able to sometimes whisper a roll instead of outputting to public?
Hi Erudo, it sounds like you'd like to create a proposal on my issue tracker so that switching between the output options is as easy as switching between adv/dis. :)
April 06 (7 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Kryx said:

Vanakoji said:

keithcurtis said:

From the documentation, the shaped_spells macro is supposed to "Output a list of spells known and or prepared (adjustable on the setting tab) with clickable buttons for each along with spell slots available".
On the newest version? I think Kryx said somewhere here that option was taken out
I believe I removed this quite a long time ago.

Ok, I'll put a comment on the docs to remove that phrase. Thanks. I remember when you removed the option to output small text on the macros, but must have missed removing the display of unprepared spells in the chat macro. Any possibility that could be restored in a future version? I pretty much run my NPCs with those macros, and anything that cuts down the verbosity in the chat log is welcome. If there's a compelling reason to have it as is, though, that's cool.
April 06 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

keithcurtis said:

but must have missed removing the display of unprepared spells in the chat macro. Any possibility that could be restored in a future version? I pretty much run my NPCs with those macros, and anything that cuts down the verbosity in the chat log is welcome. If there's a compelling reason to have it as is, though, that's cool.
It was a long time ago that such a change would've been made. Like 6 months. I don't remember exactly as it's been a long time.

I don't think I'll restore such an option.
April 06 (7 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Thanks anyway, both of you. It looks like Vanakoji already cleared up the issue in the documentation.