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[5e Shaped] Version 8+


Edited 1493456327
Sheet Author
Kryx said: Passive skills are calculated if you turn it on in the settings page. @{arcana_passive} @{perception_passive} @{stealth_passive} Well there's something new you learn everyday. Thanks Kryx. So the macro once, you have the passive skills enabled would be like this. /w gm @{selected|character_name} Passive Perception @{selected|perception_passive}

Edited 1493517777
Is it possible to have a passive skill be a Default Token Action option in the API config or is that a requested feature? It's easy enough to quickly make a token action for one creature, but not the entire monster manual. Not sure if I should be asking this in the Shaped Companion forum or not, just posting the question here since I already mentioned it. **Edit** Alexander replied seconds before my post. I could just have his macro in notepad or something for copy/pasting during a game as an easy workaround for all tokens.
Is it possible to change Advantage on Attack roll to 3d20kh1?  I am playing house rules and have created Epic Advantage.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Please open all issues and suggestions on my issue tracker.

Edited 1493541338
Sheet Author
Aaron K. said: Is it possible to have a passive skill be a Default Token Action option in the API config or is that a requested feature? It's easy enough to quickly make a token action for one creature, but not the entire monster manual. Not sure if I should be asking this in the Shaped Companion forum or not, just posting the question here since I already mentioned it. **Edit** Alexander replied seconds before my post. I could just have his macro in notepad or something for copy/pasting during a game as an easy workaround for all tokens. Well theres an answer indeed for this. Open Shaped Companions config "!shaped-config" In chat window select "New Characters" option  In chat window select the "Display Settings" option half way down Now turn on "Passive Skills" This will enable all new characters to have passive skills added to their attributes and abilities panel Now go to the collection tab on the top right next to the cog Add a macro Enter /w gm @{selected|character_name} Passive Perception @{selected|perception_passive} and save, and select the checkbox next to the this macro "In Bar" Makes sure that "Show quick macro bar" is checked (this is under all your macros) You can rename the macro in your quick macro bar with a right click and change its colour.

Edited 1493832497
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'm just getting back into the sheet after 2 crazy weeks at work. I'd appreciate some community help in the form of testing. Soon I'll have modifiers ready for testing, but there are so many scenarios that I'd really like to not test it. If someone else could handle that I'd appreciate it. Scenarios: All old bonuses upgrade to a new modifier labeled "Old modifiers" with all the bonuses preserved All modifiers apply to every section where they should I'll put out a branch for that testing within the next day or two. Thanks
Sheet Author
API Scripter
12.0.0 Breaking Changes Modifiers have replaced global bonuses. Modifiers are much more expressive: Features The defense and equipment section's styling has been revamped to more closely match the system used by Attacks, Actions, Class Features, etc. Items in the defense section can now handle unarmored defense. This and the modifiers expansion closes #367: Add back "other" armor type that doesn't do any calculations Removed Expand/Contract in favor of a tab for "Spells", "Equipment", and "Features". In technical implementation these are showing the sections on the core page in an expanded way. Added an output toggle to the navigation which allows for quick whispering of abilities, spells, attacks, etc. Closes #446: Easier method to output a roll to GM Bug Fixes Refactored edit mode detection to use the similar value="1" that I use elsewhere. We'll see if this has any impact on the issue that some people have with it. Repeat for spells now correctly hides the content (seems there may have been a change on roll20's end that broke this). #457: Hitpoint output adding 0 to end of current HP #458: Issue with Spiritual Weapon Higher Level Dice #355: Reduced number of skills causes overlap between stats and damage resistances section Modifiers isn't extensively tested, but basic stuff seems to work. Armor will stay as "Armor". I'll need to find a new name for "Attacks" that includes other things or a new structure. "Offense" and "Utility" are still an option, but not as appealing without "Defense".
Awesome! Glad you are back at work improving the sheet ;) I'll try to help testing again when i find some time over the next few days :D Also really like the return of specialized tabs!

Edited 1493887761
Hello, New here using the character sheet. Question: Is there a way to use freetext, or freeform, to roll into the chat? Essentially, I'd like to make special attacks that add "charges" to a creature; but doing so in the statblock shows the text in chat as "4 charges  damage." This is using the NPC portion of the Sheet (not that I believe makes a difference). Any way to modify the static 'damage' text specifically? Thanks in advance! john
It seems like AC is broken. I have a ranger with leather armor whose AC should be 15, but it uses 25 as the AC on the shield. Unequiping the armor makes the AC 24. The AC was working as intended before 12.0.0
Sheet Author
API Scripter
As always please open an issue with reproduction steps.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
12.0.1 Bug Fixes #466: AC values wrong
It is worth noting that you do automatically add the roll modifier of "cf0cs0" for all die rolls, which does make sense for ability, attack, and saving throw rolls (debatable if it makes sense for damage rolls).  However the main point if you attempt to add the cf0cs0 you will get an orange roll error that simply says "[object Object]". Definitely a nice feature to have it there by default, so wanted to note the error in case someone else gets it.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
12.0.2 Bug Fixes #469: Modifiers: AC not being added Parse attack type from SRD after changing the way they are stored to translations. Parsed Melee or Ranged Weapon attack for weapons like dagger. #470: Modifiers: Ability Score does nothing #467: Multiple modifiers of the same type cause "double plus" on rolls, making the rolls 0 #462: Spell repeat button with no slots remaining
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I like the new Modifiers section very much. Very handy for modeling buffs. I have a usage question regarding something like a Ring of Protection. Currently, Previously, I placed such an item in the armor section, so that I could toggle it on and off for the AC bonus. The Saving Throw Bonus I handled globally with the old set up. The new set up allows me to put the Ring entirely within the modifiers section, and I can toggle both bonuses with a single click. However, there is no place for a description (content) field. If I give out a ring of Protection that has a special feature that needs recording, I need to put a copy in Equipment and one in Modifiers. The former so that I have a record of the description, the latter so I can use the bonuses. Question: would it be worthwhile to have a content field in the bonuses section? It would eliminate the need to have something listed twice in some cases, and also allow for describing conditions under which the bonus could be used. For example, the +2 to damage granted to the Favored Enemy feature of the UA ranger could list the type of the favored enemy, as well as note other bonuses such as advantage on certain checks vs. them. 

Edited 1493998662
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Different question, also regarding the modifiers: Are there any plans (or is it even possible) to parse items from the Compendium into the modifiers section? Using the example above, a Ring of Protection. Currently you can drag the Compendium item onto the record to populate the name field, but not any of the modifiers. I don't know how the Compendium data is stored, so I don't know if it's possible, but could the modifier section be set up to parse all the data? NOTE: I posted the questions here as feedback, rather than opening issues, because I don't know if these are needed or desireable. This is more of a design intent query. If you agree with any of the above, I'd be happy to log them.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ring of Protection isn't armor - it's another type of equipment and probably best belongs in the general equipment section. Modifiers are not meant to be clickable or contain much data - simple to add modifiers. I'm not sure that expanding modifiers would really be helpful. For example Robe of the Archmagi will be an armor piece which has modifiers - by this non duplication idea everything should be in modifiers, but that's simply not possible unless I setup a repeating section that can do everything basically. Compendium - Modifiers: I expect this won't be needed, but maybe there are cases I'm not thinking of? Imo equipment belongs in equipment. My goal is to then spawn its own modifier section.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
John w. said: Is there a way to use freetext, or freeform, to roll into the chat? Essentially, I'd like to make special attacks that add "charges" to a creature; but doing so in the statblock shows the text in chat as "4 charges  damage." This is using the NPC portion of the Sheet (not that I believe makes a difference). Any way to modify the static 'damage' text specifically? I don't quite understand the question. Freeform is for adding custom roll template fields or addings api commands to things. Freeform can be used to output any normal text, including a roll. For example you could say "[[2d6]] frogs spawn" in the freetext field. Or in your case "Add 4 charges" in the freetext field.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Kryx said: Ring of Protection isn't armor - it's another type of equipment and probably best belongs in the general equipment section. Modifiers are not meant to be clickable or contain much data - simple to add modifiers. I'm not sure that expanding modifiers would really be helpful. For example Robe of the Archmagi will be an armor piece which has modifiers - by this non duplication idea everything should be in modifiers, but that's simply not possible unless I setup a repeating section that can do everything basically. Compendium - Modifiers: I expect this won't be needed, but maybe there are cases I'm not thinking of? Imo equipment belongs in equipment. My goal is to then spawn its own modifier section. Thanks for the answer. Mostly I was looking for a way to turn various bonuses on and off quickly, without having one "thing" in more than one place. This works, though, and is definitely an improvement on the older modifiers section. I can see the problem with having everything on the sheet having every capability.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
12.0.3 Bug Fixes #472: Ability check addition in modifiers doesn't seem to add to anything #471: Extra 0 (or number) on ability scores #475: Statblock macro displays unmodified Ability scores #476: Modifiers: check boxes inside the modifier not honored #461: Long Rest does not do Multiclass Hit Dice correctly #473: Spell Repeat does not work unless the spell can be cast at a higher level
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Thanks, Kryx!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
12.0.4 Bug Fixes Styling cleanups Modifiers now toggle the section on upgrade from the old "Bonuses & Penalties". I've put this on my campaign so I'd consider it stable now.
This may be something completely stupid, and that I am missing the most obvious thing. How does one execute api commands from the freetext section of a spell/attack. I enabled freetext under the settings tab, then place the api command I wish to run. Yet when I use the spell, the api doesn't execute, and rather appears as raw text. For example: !areasOfEffectApplyEffectAtToken @{target|token_id} 20 Fireball turns into !areasOfEffectApplyEffectAtToken -KjMXMkGWP6xaWUqh-m2 20 Fireball Using the latest version of the sheet, however this has happened to be with previous versions also.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You must use the freeform section for API commands. It must also have a line break before the command for it to work.
Thank you Kryx, that worked exactly as you described. One more question, a player was wondering, how to do the life cleric bonus of "2+@{higher_level_query_1}" from the modifiers section now

Edited 1494159765
Sheet Author
API Scripter
From my understanding of the wording Disciple of Life is based on the level of the spell, not the level it is cast at. So using higher level query is not accurate. Assuming that's true it needs to be done on each individual healing spell. So I'd suggest following the updated  documentation's method of adding it individually to each spell.
Kryx said: From my understanding of the wording Disciple of Life is based on the level of the spell, not the level it is cast at. So using higher level query is not accurate. Assuming that's true it needs to be done on each individual healing spell. So I'd suggest following the updated  documentation's method of adding it individually to each spell. Page 201 PHB: “When a spellcaster casts a spell using a slot that is of a higher level than the spell, the spell assumes the higher level for that casting.” So in the context of Roll20, Kryx's link to documentation is correct and this bonus needs applied individually to each spell that would gain the bonus (or you just handle the bonus on the fly, because it isn't too difficult to figure out).
Thanks again guys. I mean previously the workaround was hackish, but since there arn't that many healing spells, I will just suggest to my player to modify individual spells. Can't express how amazing it is to get quick and informative replies Kryx. Cheers for all the work you put in.

Edited 1494161453
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kevin said: Page 201 PHB: “When a spellcaster casts a spell using a slot that is of a higher level than the spell, the spell assumes the higher level for that casting.” Ah, then spell level is the same as the cast level. I've restored the documentation to what it was. I'll need to add some functionality to support the spell level in modifiers. Until then I suggest doing it on a spell by spell basis with: "2+@{cast_as_level}" in both the bonus and higher level bonus fields. You could try adding "2+@{cast_as_level}" to the modifiers section for heals, but I'm unsure if it'll work.
Modifiers look yummy! Going to go out on a limb and try it in my campaign tonight. If anything breaks I'll open an issue :).
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Great work as usual, pleased to see dedicated equipment/spell tabs back. Quick question (not necessarily an issue) - is it intentional that you can't view item quantities outside of edit-mode?

Edited 1494267328
Is/Will there be support for the Shared Spellcasting trait as with Hags? I'm assuming that this rolls into the same issue with Normal+Innate spellcasting. If not, I can just create a second token solely for storing the shared spells. The trait itself is already difficult to handle on its own, so implementing it into the sheet might be a nightmare.

Edited 1494267923
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Tim said: Quick question (not necessarily an issue) - is it intentional that you can't view item quantities outside of edit-mode? For many items qty would be the same as uses. For example potion of healing. I actually wonder if there is much value in having the qty field at all tbh. Can someone point out situations where this wouldn't work? Aaron K. said: Is/Will there be support for the Shared Spellcasting trait as with Hags? I'm assuming that this rolls into the same issue with Normal+Innate spellcasting. If not, I can just create a second token solely for storing the shared spells. The trait itself is already difficult to handle on its own, so implementing it into the sheet might be a nightmare. 1 sheet applies to 1 creature which applies to 1 token. You could also have multiple tokens associated with 1 sheet, but that will not work with uses, spells, or anything of the sort. It sounds like you want to track spells individually for each token of the same sheet in which case you'll need to duplicate the sheet. I choose to closely estimate it as most NPCs are dead before it matters anyways.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Kryx said: ...most NPCs are dead before it matters anyways. Quote of the day.
Kryx said: Tim said: Quick question (not necessarily an issue) - is it intentional that you can't view item quantities outside of edit-mode? For many items qty would be the same as uses. For example potion of healing. I actually wonder if there is much value in having the qty field at all tbh. Can someone point out situations where this wouldn't work? Healer's kit comes to mind, 1 item that has 10 uses.

Edited 1494286554
Sheet Author
API Scripter
John S. said: Healer's kit comes to mind, 1 item that has 10 uses. Would 50 uses not suffice for 5 healer's kits? hmm.. if necessary I could support uses as quantity as an optional setting per equipment if it's really important.
Weight calculation. It can't be based on uses as that wand of fireballs does not get lighter with charges spent. (Well, maybe it does in your campaign) ;)
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Kryx said: Tim said: Quick question (not necessarily an issue) - is it intentional that you can't view item quantities outside of edit-mode? For many items qty would be the same as uses. For example potion of healing. I actually wonder if there is much value in having the qty field at all tbh. Can someone point out situations where this wouldn't work? You're quite right, actually. That hadn't occured to me.  There is some small part of me that wants to differentiate between having a sun rod with two uses, and having two one-use sun rods, but I agree that the less fields there are the better. 
Are passive skills compatible with proficiency die? It seems to only calculate it correctly with the prof. die turned off.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Aaron K. said: Are passive skills compatible with proficiency die? Should be. In that case it'll just use the normal proficiency bonus. If you're experiencing otherwise please open an issue with reproduction steps and screenshots.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Tim said: You're quite right, actually. That hadn't occured to me.  There is some small part of me that wants to differentiate between having a sun rod with two uses, and having two one-use sun rods, but I agree that the less fields there are the better.  Uses also auto-decrements with thw script while qty doesn't. It's much easier for most cases to just use uses. I think I'll remove qty from attacks and equipment and change weight to have an item weight and a weight per use.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Kryx said: I think I'll remove qty from attacks and equipment and change weight to have an item weight and a weight per use. So something like potions of healing would be listed by uses, rather than quantity? That sounds simple enough.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
As I said above I'd remove qty from everything.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
So I just discovered this. If I want to view a spell's description, and I don't want to click the link (and thus use the slot), or click to expand and scroll-scroll-scroll, I can just click and hold on the name on the sheet and drag it a fraction of an inch. There's a preview of the entire spell writeup. Is this intentional or a side effect, and how long have I lived without knowing this was possible?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
That's a button being dragged.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I figured that's what it was for, I just never realized the bonus utility of it.
I've had a single issue for some time now, and I'm finally giving up and trying to ask for some help. No matter what I seem to input, I keep getting this singular reoccurring issue. ______________________ challenge: Bad value [4 (1,100xp) False Appearance: While the Weeping Angel remains motionless it is indistinguishable from an inanimate statue. Temporal Restrictions: While being directly observed the Weeping Angels revert to their stone form and are considered to be petrified, with the exceptions that their damage resistances stay the same as what is listed in their stat block, and they are still acutely aware of their surroundings. Temporal Manipulators: While not being directly observed the Weeping Angels gain a movement speed of 80ft. and the Temporal Lock ability. Blink Pulse: At the start of the Weeping Angels turn all creatures currently observing the Weeping Angel must make a DC 15 Wisdom Saving throw or blink involuntarily. If this pulse causes all creatures currently observing the Angel to blink then the Angel is freed from its Temporal Restrictions and gains the benefits from its Temporal Manipulation until the end of its current turn.] for field [challenge]. Should have matched pattern: /^\s (\d+(?:\s \/\s \d)?)\s (?:\(\s [\d,]+\s XP\s \)\s )?$/i ____________________ I've reinstalled the API, the shaped sheet, made sure they're both updated etc. No other field gives me any sort of trouble, but the challenge field always does. I make sure that the entire stat block is copied into a plain text editor, then I fiddle with it until it's all correct and this still pops up. I'm just trying to figure out where I've fucked up along the line, because sometimes the sheet works, sometimes it doesn't, and I honestly cant figure out where I've messed up this time. The plain text statblock for this creature specifically is as follows; ____________________________________________________ Weeping Angel Medium Aberration, Neutral Evil Armor Class 16 (Natural Armour) Hit Points 88 (9d8 + 27) Speed 0ft. STR 18 (+4) DEX 16 (+3) CON 16 (+3) INT 14 (+2) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 7 (-2) Skills Stealth +6, Perception +6 Damage Resistance Necrotic, Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical attacks not made with adamantine weapons; Damage Immunities: Poison Condition Immunities Exhausted, Petrified, Poisoned Senses Superior Darkvision 120ft., Passive Perception 16 Languages Temporal Challenge 4 (1,100xp) False Appearance: While the Weeping Angel remains motionless it is indistinguishable from an inanimate statue. Temporal Restrictions: While being directly observed the Weeping Angels revert to their stone form and are considered to be petrified, with the exceptions that their damage resistances stay the same as what is listed in their stat block, and they are still acutely aware of their surroundings. Temporal Manipulators: While not being directly observed the Weeping Angels gain a movement speed of 80ft. and the Temporal Lock ability. Blink Pulse: At the start of the Weeping Angels turn all creatures currently observing the Weeping Angel must make a DC 15 Wisdom Saving throw or blink involuntarily. If this pulse causes all creatures currently observing the Angel to blink then the Angel is freed from its Temporal Restrictions and gains the benefits from its Temporal Manipulation until the end of its current turn. Actions Temporal lock. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., One target. Hit 9 (2d6+3) Slashing Damage. If the target is a creature it must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be petrified for 1d4 rounds. While petrified the target ages a number of years equal to the number of rounds they were petrified. They also take 1d6 Psychic damage for every year they aged, on their return to normal form. ______________________________________

Edited 1494475899
Maybe you need the XP value to have a space and the "XP" to be in upper case, i.e., 1,100 XP You might also need to put a space between the numbers and the ft. unit, i.e., 80 ft.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I can get it to run only by eliminating everything after the CR line, so I would imagine the problem lies below that?