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[5e Shaped] Version 8+

I love this sheet, and plan to use it for any long term games i run, but I'm running into an issue where I am trying to create an Eldritch Knight fighter as an enemy, but no matter what I do, I can't get a proper Save DC to show up--it just says "NaN". Idk if I'm doing something wrong, or if I've missed something, but I have 3rd Caster selected at the top, and I have his spell mod set to Int, and it's always worked that way before. Everything else on him is done, but I can't seem to get this to work. Any ideas? Here's what I'm seeing:
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Please use the issue tracker in the op and provide reproduction steps.
I have a character with the same Save DC problem. This hasn't happened on any of the previous characters, but now happens on every new one I make. Wisdom and Proficiency Bonus are filled in, class selected, Save DC reports 'NaN'. The older characters don't do this. 
So just making a Paladin it instantly gives it so far. Not sure why and not too big an issue but i cant figure out a way to fix it either. So far it happened on a cleric sheet also. Just after adding the sheet and selecting class

Edited 1508014906
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Please use the issue tracker to discuss this issue:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... If you can provide reproduction steps that allow you to reproduce it on a new character every time while using the latest sheet that'd be helpful. The message so far is that it only on some old characters.
I was experiencing this NaN Spell DC issue and I found that the affected sheets didn't have a base_dc sheet attribute set for some reason. I re-added the base_dc sheet attribute, set it to 8 and everything went back to normal.
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PaprikaCC said: I was experiencing this NaN Spell DC issue and I found that the affected sheets didn't have a base_dc sheet attribute set for some reason. I re-added the base_dc sheet attribute, set it to 8 and everything went back to normal. Probably something related to sheet default settings, then.
(How) should we report inconsistent bugs? I have founds some issues with Con-Mods getting upgraded in the Hitdice but can't check everything since there were no empty characters in the test campaign and im not a pro.
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API Scripter
Inconsistent bugs aren't really something that can be fixed so well. For me to fix a bug I need a reproduction path on a new character or it is rather difficult and time consuming. 15.5.7 is the public release so you can make new characters in your own game.
Ok I have searched but this forum is... vast lol... I need to add a homebrew resource and not sure where to add it.&nbsp; I have seen resources mentioned in a few places but not where to add them?&nbsp; Specifially I need to add Grit for the Gunslinger Archetype.&nbsp; Any help from anyone one would be great!
Best way would be to add a Class Feature, call it Grit and set the uses to how ever many the character has. Also set the recharge type and max uses.
Joshua J. said: Ok I have searched but this forum is... vast lol... I need to add a homebrew resource and not sure where to add it.&nbsp; I have seen resources mentioned in a few places but not where to add them?&nbsp; Specifially I need to add Grit for the Gunslinger Archetype.&nbsp; Any help from anyone one would be great! Class Feature, I know there is a formula you can use to set the maximum number of uses however I do not know what it is off hand.

Edited 1508120957
Yeah, I konw how to do it that way, just thought I saw there was a specific feature for resources.&nbsp; I could be mistaken.&nbsp; I am also having issues with Hit Dice not updating properly... I even tried removing all classes and readding them but it's stuck now :/ Edit... Not sure if it's the sheet but since this Hit Dice error, my computer locks up (possibly a memory leak or unresolved error?) when I try and change the classes around.&nbsp; If I don't mess with the classes my computer is fine.&nbsp; During this freeze (one of several) I got Task Manager open and found Firefox was chewing up about 5 times the normal ram. Same happened in Chrome.
Joshua J. said: Yeah, I konw how to do it that way, just thought I saw there was a specific feature for resources.&nbsp; I could be mistaken.&nbsp; I am also having issues with Hit Dice not updating properly... I even tried removing all classes and readding them but it's stuck now :/ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Search for that issue and if you don't see it, log it for Kryx to take a peek at. He'll ask for reproduction steps.
Joshua J. said: Yeah, I konw how to do it that way, just thought I saw there was a specific feature for resources.&nbsp; I could be mistaken.&nbsp; I am also having issues with Hit Dice not updating properly... I even tried removing all classes and readding them but it's stuck now :/. I had the same issue and already posted to bitbucket. The only resolutions are to hack the abilities and attributes or remake the sheet. Other issues came up with this player's sheet so it's probably best to just remake it.
Dvergr76 said: I had the same issue and already posted to bitbucket. The only resolutions are to hack the abilities and attributes or remake the sheet. Other issues came up with this player's sheet so it's probably best to just remake it. You can even duplicate the whole campaign, delete the character sheets from the new one, create new blank sheets, then copy/paste the info from the old campaign into the new one. That way you're sure not to lose any information. I did that at one point for 5 players and it took maybe an hour.
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That approach is a pain if you have a lot of API scripts.

Edited 1508190959
Sheet Author
API Scripter
There does seem to be some issues around HD and spell save DC. From what I saw before it looks like Roll20 isn't consistent (surprise!!) with how they return values that are undefined. In repeating sections they now return the default value (which was the breaking change), but don't seem to do so outside of repeating sections (which may be the cause of these issues). TBH the issue threads have become bogged down with things that aren't reproduction cases which simply slows my time to fix the issue - when people start arguing with me I just avoid the issue. I'll see if I can try to address some of the more clearly defined bugs later this week.
Hey Kryx, I appreciate all your hard work.&nbsp; My players and I LOVE the sheet.&nbsp; After adding the script I super love it even more!&nbsp; One question though.&nbsp; I would like my homebrew marcros (for roll tables and what not) to share the same 'look' as your macros.&nbsp; I tried template=shaped&nbsp; hehe and wouldn't you know that wasn't a thing.&nbsp; Is there a way for me to easily call your template?&nbsp; Or do I have to create a new one and match it to yours?&nbsp; Thanks in advance!

Edited 1508268245
Sheet Author
API Scripter
&{template:5e-shaped} You can see the other fields on the documentation.
Hello. Was running a 4e game for a while and now am converting to a 5e game. This character sheet is amazing and really helps in getting things together.&nbsp; I apologize if this has been asked and answered, but it seems I've looked for a while and haven't found the answer. Is there a way when selecting the power or attack of an NPC (or player) to export that into the Power Cards script?&nbsp; Also, separate yet somewhat the same issue. Is there a way when selecting a power or attack to "point" to another character or monster. Example is in the Power Cards script, when you select your attack, you can have a dialog box pop up and ask who you are attacking. The name of that character is then inserted into the result.&nbsp; Again, sorry if this has is a tired subject. I've tried looking through the sheer amount of information about your script, but am getting all blurry eyed.&nbsp; Thanks
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DM said: Is there a way when selecting the power or attack of an NPC (or player) to export that into the Power Cards script? Nope. It's either character sheet macros or power cards. DM said: Is there a way when selecting a power or attack to "point" to another character or monster. There is a setting on the settings page of the sheet (cog wheel) that allows you to target specific targets when you use any attack.
Great. Thanks for the help.&nbsp;
unfortunately the saves and attacks and such for spells as well as HD updating and character level updating etc has been messing up :( not the biggest problem ever and I know this has been posted about before but certainly annoying. I'm definitely not going to remake all the sheets or dealing with any fiddly nonsense. roll20 y u do dis?&nbsp;
Sorry if this is handled else where, but GoogleFu is failing me.&nbsp; Is there a way to handle items like Wand of Magic Missiles where multiple charges can be expended at once automatically?&nbsp; I have it hooked up to the repeating spell selection, but that burns spell slots and item charges, so not exactly what I want.&nbsp; So is there a better implementation that I am missing?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Wand of Magic Missile can be added to the spells section and you can add uses to it so that it does not consume a spell slot. You can set the amount used as a query so that it will deduct the correct amount.

Edited 1508612923
Sheet Author
API Scripter
15.5.8 Bug Fixes #621: Suggestion to add a blank magic school. #625: Changing caster type (full/half, etc) has no effect. #624: Spell Save DC Not Calculating Properly Adjusted Hit dice to use the current amount for the query instead of the maximum. Along with solving the base_dc &nbsp;issues elsewhere it seems #626: Monk HD not updating correctly is solved, but I'm unsure.
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Thanks Kryx!
I don't think this is a bug. I just can't figure out how to do it.&nbsp; If I have a monster that recharges an ability, how do I handle that without a rest?

Edited 1508770783
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If you have it set to recharge on a dice roll (5-6 for example) then it will make that roll at the start of its turn if you have the Shaped Script installed. If that roll is above a certain amount the feature will recharge. Other than that you have to do it on a rest or manually.
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API Scripter
Didn't realize that. Cool. I'll have to start actually using the Turn Tracker, rather than just keeping it as a visual reference. :)
Have you considered an option to allow gesalt rules?&nbsp; Seeming more people play this way than I imagined.&nbsp; Just like a button on the options page that just adjusts the xp (and maybe just a few minor house rules like both or highest hit dice)? In no way am I a programmer and idk if it's worth it for you to add it, just wondering.&nbsp; If there IS already away to do this, I would love to know.. (Aside from manually editing the attributes page)
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
You could create a custom class for that (choose "custom"). Spell slots would be a nightmare to program, I imagine. Since the number of subclasses is already limited to the SRD, most people already manually input subclass features, so no need to program that.

Edited 1508775628
Joshua J. said: Have you considered an option to allow gesalt rules?&nbsp; Seeming more people play this way than I imagined.&nbsp; Just like a button on the options page that just adjusts the xp (and maybe just a few minor house rules like both or highest hit dice)? In no way am I a programmer and idk if it's worth it for you to add it, just wondering.&nbsp; If there IS already away to do this, I would love to know.. (Aside from manually editing the attributes page) Do you mean multi-classing? Because you can already do that with the sheet. You just need to add levels for the different classes to the character, e.g. Fighter 5, Ranger 3
If you have it set to recharge on a dice roll (5-6 for example) then it will make that roll at the start of its turn if you have the Shaped Script installed. If that roll is above a certain amount the feature will recharge. Other than that you have to do it on a rest or manually. Thanks Kryx.&nbsp; I do have the Shaped Script installed but (due to a crashed home system) I haven't upgraded in a few weeks.&nbsp; My new PC comes today so I hope to upgrade and sync-up ASAP and give it a whirl.
techiecarer said: Joshua J. said: Have you considered an option to allow gesalt rules?&nbsp; Seeming more people play this way than I imagined.&nbsp; Just like a button on the options page that just adjusts the xp (and maybe just a few minor house rules like both or highest hit dice)? In no way am I a programmer and idk if it's worth it for you to add it, just wondering.&nbsp; If there IS already away to do this, I would love to know.. (Aside from manually editing the attributes page) Do you mean multi-classing? Because you can already do that with the sheet. You just need to add levels for the different classes to the character, e.g. Fighter 5, Ranger 3 Nah, Gestalt means you get a level in two classes instead of just one, and can reach level 20 in two classes on the same character. There's lots of different takes on this, changing the specifics of how it works.
alexander h. said: Nah, Gestalt means you get a level in two classes instead of just one, and can reach level 20 in two classes on the same character. There's lots of different takes on this, changing the specifics of how it works. Ah, well in that case I imagine that unless there are official or UA rules for Gestalt, that Kryx would say to just use Custom classes instead
I believe there was official variant rules in 3.5 would have to be adapted to 5e
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Variant technique. This is the 5e method.

Edited 1508785584
keithcurtis said: Variant technique. This is the 5e method. Just want to note, that links to some homebrew, and that site is notorious for terrible homebrew (like a class that gets 8 attacks every turn by level 20). The homebrew there is meant to be used alongside normal characters, which is very non-standard for gestalt from what I understand. Personally, I'm a fan of&nbsp; this one .
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Can't all of that be handled by a custom class? Hd can, spellcasting can, class features can. What is missing support?
I can look into using custom.class. I've messed with it before, just didn't understand it. I'll play with it some more! Thanks guys!
When setting a legendary action to 2 or 3 uses, it still only deducts usage by 1.
Joshua J. said: When setting a legendary action to 2 or 3 uses, it still only deducts usage by 1. Kryx said: Please use the issue tracker in the op and provide reproduction steps. Issue Tracker link

Edited 1508817918
Lady Victoria said: Joshua J. said: When setting a legendary action to 2 or 3 uses, it still only deducts usage by 1. Kryx said: Please use the issue tracker in the op and provide reproduction steps. Issue Tracker link Umm.. I must be an idiot because I see no way to add any issues, just seeing current ones?
Joshua J. said: Umm.. I must be an idiot because I see no way to add any issues, just seeing current ones? Pretty sure you have to be signed in with an Bitbucket account to log a new issue. It's quick.

Edited 1509583764
I have a cleric that has the Magic Initiate Feat. The cleric chooses the Wizard class and takes Charm Person as their level one spell. They can only cast this spell once (without using a slot) before a long rest is needed.&nbsp; I set up the spell to have 1 out of 1 uses and that it recharges on a long rest. If the cleric uses that spell, the counter clicks down one, showing 0 out of 1 uses. However, the cleric can keep using that spell over and over without the "Slots Police" showing up.&nbsp; I wanted to address it here first to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong before submitting it as a bug on bitbucket. EDIT: Noted that other spells do the same thing if given number of uses. Slots police doesn't show as the spell does not use slots. That makes sense. So is it up to the DM/Player to make sure they pay attention to the number of uses a spell has then?
I'm sure this is in this 41-page thread, because searching for it brings it up, but I can't find the post.&nbsp; Is there a way to make the damage roll reroll once if a 1 is rolled for Great Weapon Fighting style?
Gozer the Gozerian said: I'm sure this is in this 41-page thread, because searching for it brings it up, but I can't find the post.&nbsp; Is there a way to make the damage roll reroll once if a 1 is rolled for Great Weapon Fighting style? In the gear/settings tab, make sure that Dice Modifiers is checked. This is in the Display box which is in the next to the last section at the top. With this checked, instead of pulling down simple d6, d8, d10 damage dice on your weapons, you can now pull down whatever damage dice you want and then click in there to add ro1. Now when it rolls, it will reroll 1's once. Do this for all damage dice on your great weapons. You must be in edit mode to adjust damage dice I believe.

Edited 1509666525
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Actually, Great Weapon fighting lets you re-roll 1s and 2s once. The proper mod is ro&lt;2. That will re-roll once any die that returns a 2 or below.