Steve K. said:
Kono said:
We recently got an Ioun Stone of Mastery in our game and realised there is no way to increase the proficiency score. Could that be implemented in the next update please.
You can set a custom PB from the settings tab. "PROFICIENCY BONUS" to "Custom" and set the value you desire.
John W. said:
Thank you Kyle, I was not finding that info anywhere. Too bad the OGL has somewhat boring templates.
JethroB said:
I posted this question as a separate post and it was recommended by Kyle G that I repost it here. I'm pasting, and editing a little for clarification. Also, Kyle's solution worked.
I guess this is a bug. I've seen it off and on ever since I've used Roll20. What I call a spell 'button' (meaning clicking the name of the spell from the spell tab of the character sheet) seems to become corrupted over time, and produce gibberish text. Spells will work fine at first, then in a later session will behave badly, as described below.
For example: I have a cleric character sheet with the spell Cure Wounds on his sheet.
If I click the name of the Cure Wounds spell on the spell tab of the character sheet, this output is produced in chat:
JethroB (GM): -L1Sr3RwSDRbJZNmKwF4|repeating_attack_-L2JDn1UIIYBsY-3XZ39_attack
But if I click 'Cure Wounds' from the 'Attacks & Spellcasting' area of the core page, I get the expected query for casting level, the roll, and the formatted output of the spell result.
If I make a macro to cast the spell, it will be affected by the same bug. This seems to only affect spells that involve some sort of a roll, not spells that print to spell cards.
I can fix this by deleting Cure Wounds from the spell sheet and re-adding it. This is quick with spells that are in the compendium, but a big pain with spells that aren't. I'm tired of doing this over and over, and am honestly about ready to bolt to FantasyGrounds over this. Can anyone explain or have a solution?
Something to note about spell tracking, it is only triggered when damage is rolled, not when attacks are rolled. This is why you are seeing it work for magic missiles, which deals damage, and scorching ray, which requires an attack roll to be made before damage is rolled.bruce j. said:
One thing I've noticed - if I use the spell slot tracking feature, I have noticed that spells that have the attack box checked (as an example, Scorching Ray that requires an attack roll) the slots remaining counter is not decremented but if I uncheck the attack box, the slots remaining count works fine. Magic Missile has no attack and works perfectly. Is this a bug or is there something that needs to be changed for spells that use an attack?
Damien S. said:
Hello, is there a way to make an item that boosts Initiative rolls? Similar to +1 shields or how gauntlets of Ogre Strength set your strength to 19.
I've tried making a custom 'equipment' slot and typed "Initiative: 1" into the mods list because I've seen how a similar format affects AC with the +1 Shield, but it doesn't seem to affect anything for the Initative Roll. Am I typing it incorrectly or is this not possible?
Connor said:
Thanks for the amazing sheet guys! I've been using it with my group for years now.
Is there a way to change which bars are autopopulated when I drag and drop a monster from the compendium? If possible I'd like to switch the monsters' AC to go to bar 3 instead of bar 2. I didn't notice anything in the game settings page and I haven't checked the sheet's html for it yet.
Kyle G. said:
Connor said:
Thanks for the amazing sheet guys! I've been using it with my group for years now.
Is there a way to change which bars are autopopulated when I drag and drop a monster from the compendium? If possible I'd like to switch the monsters' AC to go to bar 3 instead of bar 2. I didn't notice anything in the game settings page and I haven't checked the sheet's html for it yet.
This would be set in the Game Settings. However, making a change here will only ensure the bars of new compendium drags have the right values. In order to updated pre-existing characters, I would recommend using Token Mod with your Pro subscription
One of my players runs into this (who also happens to be my girlfriend, so I get an earful about it regularly). The fastest way to get around it we've found is switching it from a spell attack to a spellcard and back again. It's still a pain though.JethroB said:
I posted this question as a separate post and it was recommended by Kyle G that I repost it here. I'm pasting, and editing a little for clarification. Also, Kyle's solution worked.
I guess this is a bug. I've seen it off and on ever since I've used Roll20. What I call a spell 'button' (meaning clicking the name of the spell from the spell tab of the character sheet) seems to become corrupted over time, and produce gibberish text. Spells will work fine at first, then in a later session will behave badly, as described below.
For example: I have a cleric character sheet with the spell Cure Wounds on his sheet.
If I click the name of the Cure Wounds spell on the spell tab of the character sheet, this output is produced in chat:
JethroB (GM): -L1Sr3RwSDRbJZNmKwF4|repeating_attack_-L2JDn1UIIYBsY-3XZ39_attack
But if I click 'Cure Wounds' from the 'Attacks & Spellcasting' area of the core page, I get the expected query for casting level, the roll, and the formatted output of the spell result.
If I make a macro to cast the spell, it will be affected by the same bug. This seems to only affect spells that involve some sort of a roll, not spells that print to spell cards.
I can fix this by deleting Cure Wounds from the spell sheet and re-adding it. This is quick with spells that are in the compendium, but a big pain with spells that aren't. I'm tired of doing this over and over, and am honestly about ready to bolt to FantasyGrounds over this. Can anyone explain or have a solution?
The Edit button is currently not working on the seet. I cannot share with the correct player so he can update and control it. Anybody with the same problem?
I'm also experiencing that as well as many errors with attacks and spells, using macros or not this is the error I get:
"Error: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'destroy'"
I made another post but figure I'd post here.
When I select the edit button this is what I see:
The update broke the Community Pathfinder sheet as well, I'm also getting the same
"Error: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'destroy'"
error whenever I try to use nested macros as well, and it's only outputting the first nested macro as well. The text in the macros is also tiny for whatever reason.
Another problem. The background field was moved to the line below and messed with all. in the core page header.
Alvaro T. said:
Another problem. The background field was moved to the line below and messed with all. in the core page header.
Seems like lots of things are now off center on the sheet
Alright all of those issues mentioned this morning should be resolved and the Charactermancer for Level 1 for 5E OGL sheet is live.
Steve K. said:
Alright all of those issues mentioned this morning should be resolved and the Charactermancer for Level 1 for 5E OGL sheet is live.
Now not even my API is working
Your scripts are currently disabled due to an error that was detected. Please make appropriate changes to your scripts and click the "Save Script" button and we'll attempt to start running them again. More info...
For reference, the error message generated was: Error setting up custom sheet: TypeError: First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object.
All attacks are also not working!
Please help! I have a game and I think I will have to postpone to tomorrow :(((
Tim W. said:
Do you have the global damage mod field turned on from the settings (gear) tab but that area is currently blank?
Automatic calculation of Spell Save DC and Spell Attack bonus on many (though not all) of my character sheets is not working and are defaulting to 0. Changing which attribute it is supposed to be derived from does not change these numbers on affected character sheets either.
When bringing in new cantrips that should have their damage increased
since this is an 11th level character it also fails to calculate that. A
cantrip that already existed on the character sheet, however,
calculates increased damage normally.
Skurp said:
When you pop out the character sheet the character info box on the top of the core page and bio page offset and don't sit in the box right and it's kind of disorienting.
I'm seeing it too and can confirm. We'll get a fix for it out soon.
Is there a way to add/remove lines for a table in the Bio/Info tab? All of my character sheets had tables previously before the update and now all of my gridlines are gone AND I have no way to add and delete rows. I tried starting a new table but once you create one you cannot add or delete rows to it like before. Is this feature gone?
Andre said:
Is there a way to add/remove lines for a table in the Bio/Info tab? All of my character sheets had tables previously before the update and now all of my gridlines are gone AND I have no way to add and delete rows. I tried starting a new table but once you create one you cannot add or delete rows to it like before. Is this feature gone?
Thanks for your report! We are aware of the issue with tables and will be working on it. It's a high priority to fix.
I don't know if this is the right thread to this sort of thing, so I apologize in advance.
I wanted to know if there is a way to add the attack and damage rolls of a spell on the Spellcard output. I've used the community sheet for a long time, and customizing the spell output was one of my favorite features by far.
I'm assuming this is an old issue you know about - but just in case
Make default option for Advantage to be query
Create character... the character shows as always rolling advantage
oddly the query does come up even so
Well thats certainly unexpected behaviour lol... I'll cross-post the permalinks to the text editor report thread for you.
Jim W. said:
Oh. why... is my message stuck to the right of Vanilo's issue image?
I've changed the image position, guess it was some problem with the floating option.
Kilter said:
The sheet doesn't see to be tracking spell slot, deathsaves or thing of that nature.
Do you have the 5e OGL Companion script installed?
On the 5e OGL I'm now no longer see the prepare spell option when adding or editing spells, anyone else experiencing this?
Kyle G. said:
Kilter said:
Kyle G. said:
Kilter said:
The sheet doesn't see to be tracking spell slot, deathsaves or thing of that nature.
Do you have the 5e OGL Companion script installed?
Yes I do.
Are you receiving any errors in the API?
Your scripts are currently disabled due to an error that was detected. Please make appropriate changes to your scripts and click the "Save Script" button and we'll attempt to start running them again. More info...
For reference, the error message generated was: TypeError: Cannot read property 'results' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'results' of undefined
at handledeathsave (apiscript.js:588:44)
at apiscript.js:512:17
at eval (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:151:1), <anonymous>:65:16)
at Object.publish (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:151:1), <anonymous>:70:8)
at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1634:12
at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:560
at hc (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:39:147)
at Kd (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:546)
at Id.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:489)
at Zd.Ld.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:94:425)
DjSeaghost said:
On the 5e OGL I'm now no longer see the prepare spell option when adding or editing spells, anyone else experiencing this?
I agree, it looks like the prepared option was removed, most likely by accident. I added a pull request to fix it. Hopefully the devs will get to it soon.
Kyle G. said:
DjSeaghost said:
On the 5e OGL I'm now no longer see the prepare spell option when adding or editing spells, anyone else experiencing this?
I agree, it looks like the prepared option was removed, most likely by accident. I added a pull request to fix it. Hopefully the devs will get to it soon.
Are you guys referring to the Prepared Dots that appear next to the spells? I create a new character in an existing game this morning and they were still there. But I do see the actual checkbox is missing when you expand the spell.