TauNeutrino said: Does Renegade Red Wizard 5: "Once per day at the end of a short rest, you can exchange one prepared power for another from your spellbook. The new power you prepare must be from the school you chose for your Apprentice Mage feature at 1st level." Allow any of a) exchanging an encounter power for a daily/utility or vice versa b) allow exchanging a power for one of a higher level c) allow exchanging an expended daily for an unexpended one? Mage's Spellbook for reference: "At the end of each of your extended rests, you can prepare encounter attack powers, daily attack powers, and utility powers from your spellbook. These are the powers that you can use during that day, in addition to your at-will attack powers, cantrips, and nonwizard powers, such as a racial power. If you do not prepare powers from your spellbook after an extended rest (for example, if you do not have access to your spellbook), you can use the same powers you had prepared on the previous day. Find your level on the Spells Prepared per Day table. The row corresponding to your level indicates how many encounter attack powers, daily attack powers, and utility powers you are allowed to prepare each day. You cannot prepare more than one encounter attack power, daily attack power, or utility power of any given level on the same day. For example, a 14th-level mage who has taken the enigmatic mage paragon path can prepare four encounter attack powers per day. Her spellbook contains multiple encounter attack powers at various levels. She can prepare four powers from any of the levels, as long as none of the prepared powers are of the same level. [--table--]" It seems too strong for a theme, but it also doesn't offer an encounter power so it *could* be possible. When you think of spells as slots, most of my answers make a lot of sense a) encounter attack powers cannot occupy daily attack power slots or vice versa. It will take some time to get an answer if you can exchange a encounterly utility power to a daily one (if you exchange a daily to an encounterly, the slot still wouldn't refresh until an extended rest has been taken) b) yes, but assuming your copy-paste is right, you still need to follow the rule of "You cannot prepare more than one encounter attack power, daily attack power, or utility power of any given level on the same day" so this doesn't affect you until LV15 for daily attack powers and LV13 for encounter attack powers, and then only if the powers you have in the book are split between all four daily/encounter attack power levels available to you at that time c) yes, but it doesn't do you any benefit since the slot is still expended and the power doesn't refresh until an extended rest has been taken Basically it doesn't break anything. It gives you more options in those slots, but doesn't change any of them in a meaningful way.