Few questions regarding Elementalists and the Academy Master PP interaction: Elemental Escalation | Sorcerer Attack -- | Free Action ✦ Personal | Arcane, Elemental, Varies Trigger: You use a sorcerer at-will attack power. Effect: You can make one additional creature a target of the triggering attack. If the attack's range is melee or ranged, the additional target must be within 5 squares of you. If the attack's range is area or close, the additional target must be adjacent to the burst or blast. Refined Recall | Academy Master Utility 12 | Free Action ✦ Personal | Arcane Trigger: You miss every target when using an arcane encounter attack power. Effect: The attack power is not expended. 1. Is Elemental Escalation considered a free action attack for the purposes of one-free-action-attack-per-turn? 2. Can you use Refined Recall to save the Elemental Escalation usage, assuming that the targets of the at-will (elemental bolt, etc.) miss? Learned Boost | Academy Master Attack 11 | Standard Action | Arcane, Reliable ; Implement or Weapon Effect: Use one of your arcane at-will attack powers on the target. If you hit, you deal +2[W] damage, or +2 dice of damage if it is a nonweapon attack. Master's Surge | Academy Master Attack 20 | Standard Action | Arcane, Reliable ; Implement or Weapon Effect: Use one of your arcane encounter attack powers on the target. That power is not expended. If you hit, you deal +2[W] damage, or +2 dice of damage if it is a nonweapon attack. You can also increase the duration of any effect the power applies to an enemy to “(save ends).” 3. Can you use Master's Surge on Learned Boost (on [insert atwill here])? Including stacking the +2+2 dice? 4. Continuing on, can you use Master's Surge on Learned Boost on Elemental Escalation (on [insert atwill here])? Elemental Escalation (Water) | Arcane, Elemental, Varies Level 17: 2d10 extra damage, and the target is also dazed until the end of your next turn. Ice Prison | Arcane, Cold, Elemental, Implement Hit: 1d8 + Charisma modifier cold damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. 5. If yes to #3, would Master's Surge turn both the daze eont and the slow eont to 'save ends'?