Joy Phillip said: baldhermit said: To add to Gary's statement, prior to making macros it is important that you understand the basic math that forms the foundation of your character. By manually having to add the figures into a mythweaver sheet, you are forced to understand this math. Why does my character have a 17 Reflex defense, what adds to it after the half level and the Dexterity modifier? Why do I have a bonus in Athletics? etc. I am perfectly willing to check a sheet different than mythweavers, I do not have any faith in a new players ability to progress correctly from there. Part of the reason I asked is that I have played 1st and 2nd edition most of my life, and I've played a few games of 3.5 and 4th editions recently, so while I am "new" in the strictest sense with 4th, I'm not a novice at all. So I'll do the math and work from there. Its up to you. You do not have to make it easy on the DMs to check your stuff. The DMs, in turn, do not have to quickly get to checking your stuff. We run the guild based on a lot of suggestions and 'this might be better' in order to try to give people as much freedom as possible. Whatever your choice, hope to see you at table soon.