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[5e Shaped] Version 8+


Edited 1504368121
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API Scripter
D&D 5e Shaped Character Sheet This is the redesigned Shaped character sheet for use on with the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons (5e). The sheet is designed to be usable by all Roll20 users regardless of subscription level. Features High performance sheet without the lag of old versions (100% sheet workers) Styling that matches the 5e paper sheet Compendium Integration for NPCs, Spells, Weapons, Armor, Equipment OGL Module conversion Modules like LMoP, Volo's Guide, and the Monster Manual are converted from the OGL format to the Shaped format. NPC actions and traits are parsed and clickable. The text on the sheet and in the output macro will adjust if you adjust an ability score. Customizable skills with the option to change the ability on the fly Spells with the option to cast at a higher level Filters to limit which spells are displayed Chat macros that are kept in sync with the contents of the sheet. Ability Checks, Saving Throws, Attacks, Actions, Stablock, etc. Critical damage is automatically calculated with the possibility of selecting features like brutal critical or houserules that critical hits do maximum dice damage plus the normal damage. Classes automatically select proficiencies (Weapon, Armor, Tools, Saving Throws) and class features. Customizable Classes - Change Name, HD, or spellcasting level of the classes Translations Armor Covers normal armor as well as unarmored ability cases like monk, barbarian, etc. Equipment with gold and weight automatically calculated. Equipment Items are clickable from the core page for items like Potion of Healing Settings for how to output all rolls, death saves, initiative, etc Roll settings to choose to always roll with advantage, disadvantage, or query for both Optional bonuses to all skills, abilities, saving throws, etc. Attachers can be used to remind yourself to add to saving throws while within 10 feet of your paladin Shaped Script Documentation Changelog Issue tracker Please report any issues on the issue tracker. If you're experiencing extreme lag please disable LastPass as it is known to cause problems with Roll20. This has nothing to do with the Shaped sheet. Sheet Releases When I release a new version it takes time to reach the public. Roll20 must merge my cost (typically Mondays/Tuesdays) and then release my code to the public (typically Tuesdays/Wednesdays). You can track Roll20's pull requests on their github . I have no control over when they release. How to Update the sheet yourself (as Pro): Copy the html from github In Roll20 go to campaign settings and choose a custom character sheet. Choose D&D 5e as the SRD In the HTML tab paste the HTML code Copy the css from github On Roll20 in the CSS tab paste the CSS code. Copy the translation from the appropriate file on github (en is English, fr is French, de is German, it is Italian, etc) On Roll20 in the Translation tab paste the JSON from the appropriate file. Hit save. If you are ever concerned about data loss I recommend you duplicate your campaign and use that to copy to see how it'll work. Testing new versions I regularly release new versions. If you'd like to be involved in the testing period follow this thread. You can also see t he latest code on my develop campaign Supported Versions I support the currently released version on Roll20 and on Github (they often differ as Pros can use a newer version). For upgrades I support a smooth upgrade for any version within the last 6 months. Currently that is version 6.1.0. Contribute Since many have asked for it: If you appreciate what I do and want to compensate me for the countless hours that I have spent building this character sheet feel free to support me on Patreon or Paypal ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ). Thanks so much for your support.

Edited 1483561926
Sheet Author
API Scripter
8.0.0 Breaking Changes Spells tab removed. The behavior on the core page with the expand option covers this need. This will save sheets with lots of spells between 10-30% of loading time, processing time, etc Vision, movement, and class features moved to the core page from the character page Features #65: Honor and Sanity Attributes . See screenshot below. The way Normal/Advantage/Disadvantage set is now changed to be more direct and require no sheet processing. There is no longer the possibility of the roll template outputting incorrect advantage state as a result of a slow script run. "Automatically revert (dis)advantage" will not work until Lucian upgrades his script. See Automatically revert advantage needs to be updated for 8.0.0 Normal/Advantage/Disadvantage now has 3 additional options: Query, Advantage query, and Disadvantage query. All will ask you which state to use when executing the macro. The Advantage/Disadvantage query options will default to that option. Initiative has the same options as above in addition to using the sheet's setting (Normal/Advantage/Disadvantage). Closes #77: Add a CHOOSE_WHEN_ROLLING Initiative Roll Option Skills have the same options as initiative. Movement is now split out into 4 different fields for PCs and NPCs. It automatically parses from the SRD and upgrades appropriately. Senses is now split out into 4 different fields for PCs and NPCs. It automatically parses from the SRD and upgrades appropriately. You can now choose a distance measurement system in the settings tag. Adjusting it will convert the numbers and labels for distances in movement and senses. Added class features to the Features & Traits area of the Core tab for PCs Features are now removed from the list of features if they are unchecked in the list of features (for example Careful spell). Closes #76: Deactivating a feature should remove it from the list of features & traits Recharges have now been translated for traits, actions, reactions, etc. Old recharges have been converted for PC and NPCs. New NPCs will parse the recharge to translation. Closes #40: Traits: short/long rest not translated . Traits can now specify how many uses are used each time. Legendary Actions now specify their cost. The script will handle this via Traits amount decremented should be based on new "used" field as of 8.0.0 . Closes #7: Trait and Legendary cost support Size for PCs moved to the header next to race. Bug Fixes Structural change to how I access multiple repeating sections that should make them much quicker (I get all the values and then set them all at once instead of setting them individually) Large cleanup around spells as a result of the above and other minor changes that should speed up their processing. Same with psionics. Structural change to how I verify that the data I'm sending isn't already on the server (if it was blank and is being sent as blank it won't be sent now) Cleanup around other areas like abilities, ability checks, skills, saving throws, etc to speed them up a little bit. Ability checks and Saving throws macros are now generated in a more maintainable way. Both the chat macro and the query macro are visible on the page now. #68: Spell duplication on script import of spellcasting monsters . When parsing spells from the traits section it will check to see if each spell exists. If a spell by that name exists then it will not create a new one. #74: Coin weight

Edited 1483562221
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API Scripter
Posting change: I will maintain this thread as long as version 8 is the latest major version. The rat race of a new thread every week is no more. Version 8.0.0 should be pretty stable. I'd run it in my games, though as with every major or minor version there are possible bugs. If you do notice some please let me know on the&nbsp; issue tracker . The issue tracker is down to 8 enhancement issues, most of which have been around for quite a while. :) 8.0.0 will require some changes from the script for some minor things. I've spoken with Lucian and he's hoping to get it done this weekend. I won't release to roll20 until these parts are done. I'll be sure to update screenshots before putting 8.0.0 live.
Awesome work as always Kryx :) Looking forward to see 8.0.0 going live! (No Pro User unfortunately)
Not much time to test at the moment, but didn't notice anything for bugs. The one thing though that did stand out in the test campaign though is it seems all attack sections have been disabled on weapons and spells and would have to be re enabled.

Edited 1483612084
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API Scripter
Vanakoji said: The one thing though that did stand out in the test campaign though is it seems all attack sections have been disabled on weapons and spells and would have to be re enabled. The 8.0.0 upgrade should've converted the attack for all sections. I see this on my test campaign for Example. EDIT: Tested this on some older NPCs and it seems to work all the way through to 8.0.0
I have a question: With other sheets I can attach written item descriptions in fields provided by the items' data fields themselves. If I have a unique item with a custom-written description, then is there any way I can similarly have it attached to the item data field as it was in the previously existing Equipment sheet?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Jebediah S. said: I have a question: With other sheets I can attach written item descriptions in fields provided by the items' data fields themselves. If I have a unique item with a custom-written description, then is there any way I can similarly have it attached to the item data field as it was in the previously existing Equipment sheet? Not quite sure what you are asking, but have you tried expanding an item (click the little gear in edit mode)? It will show a description field for the item.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
An equipment item can be expanded to hold the content field.
I tested on your server, Kryx. Couldn't find any issues.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
8.1.0 Features Armor calculations have been refactored to be much easier to understand. Each armor type can now be "Light Armor", "Medium Armor", "Heavy Armor", or "Shield". Light, Medium, and Heavy add to Armored AC. Shield adds to both Armored and Unarmored AC. Unarmored AC is set more intuitively (see screenshot) Bug Fixes Movement and senses no longer have line breaks between the label and the input while in edit mode. Every Armor type was adding dex as a result of some refactoring quite a while ago. This was most noticable on "Shield" ACs. This is fixed as per the new Armor calculations. User Interface Changes Inputs no longer have bottom borders by default. A few places have it manually.
Cast at higher level is not working for my cleric character that was imported and updated to 8.0.0, the query comes up and the roll seems to ignore my choice. ( I know this is not 8.1.0, but since the changelog didn't mention I fix I thought I'd post anyway)&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hi Ken, Can you please test on a fresh character to see if the issue persists? Also ensure you have actual higher level slots (the sheet only prompts if you do). If the problem is reproducable on a fresh character please open an issue on the&nbsp; issue tracker with steps to reproduce. If it's only on your specific character please send me an invite detailing which character and give me access to that character.
It worked on a fresh character, I do have slots on original. &nbsp; &nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kryx said: If it's only on your specific character please send me an invite detailing which character and give me access to that character.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
For other's reference: If a spell is having trouble casting at a higher level try to change the number of slots for a higher level to force the higher level calculations to recalculate. Not sure how it got in this state, but that was the issue with Ken's characters.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
8.1.1 Bug Fixes AC bonus for armor items is now correctly being added. +X magic items of the versatile property now add the bonus damage to the secondary damage section. As a subset to this I now parse finesse and versatile at the start of the weapon parse so this should help clean up some code. Ability checks macro now correctly adds the total value of each skill. User Interface Changes The top 2 rows of the center column for PCs have each had their width changed and other small styling tweaks

Edited 1483879110
Sheet Author
API Scripter
8.2.0 Features Reliable talent added for rogue. This will work for rolling normally, with advantage, disadvantage, roll2, etc. This required a fair bit of refactoring around how "roll_setting" was set. The new version is much cleaner and easier to work with. Everything should be upgraded and working as intended. Closes #84: Add Reliable Talent for rogues Many tooltips are now translated (no forced upgrade, but any new sheet or any change to force it to recalc will update it)

Edited 1483923491
Hey Kryx, I put in a feature request back in July (link for reference - <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;looks like you closed it in November. &nbsp;Getting back into a new campaign now and just wanted to check to see what the result was of this request. &nbsp;Possible, not possible, takes too much time, etc. Thanks, -Adam
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API Scripter
Hey Adam, I closed it in my migration of issue trackers. I likely decided it wasn't worth keeping, but it seems you do. Can you explain the feature? Do you want a setting for all skills or for each skill individually? Assuming the latter, what is the use case of such a desire?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
8.2.1 Bug Fixes #86: NPC action type changes after editing of freetext . Also did some other refactoring to clean this area up. The toggle button is no longer cleared after each update (only on the initial one).
Kryx said: Hey Adam, I closed it in my migration of issue trackers. I likely decided it wasn't worth keeping, but it seems you do. Can you explain the feature? Do you want a setting for all skills or for each skill individually? Assuming the latter, what is the use case of such a desire? Hey Kryx, Each skill individually. &nbsp;The main idea behind this request is that other players should not be aware of how successful a fellow PC was on certain skill checks. &nbsp;For example, a PC declares they are going to search a room, rolls investigation, gets a low result. &nbsp;Second player pipes up "I'm going to search too." If the first roll wasn't shown to other players, it would reduce or eliminate these situations. &nbsp;I can see different DM's wanting to set different skills this way. Thanks for your consideration. -Adam
Sheet Author
API Scripter
We had this discussion a few threads ago. The same logic can be applied to many parts of the game. For example I could argue that players should not be able to see attack rolls of other players as it allows them to metagame the AC of enemies. I could argue that players should not be able to see saving throws of other PCs or NPCs as they can metagame the DC as a result. On and on.. Solving the metagame aspect from fellow PCs doesn't really fully solve it either as the rolling PC still sees the results. Beyond that I'm not so keen on adding another select in that small area (skills) or adding roll options for every individual part of the sheet. I'm open to hear other people opinions, but I think metagaming should be addressed with the players directly. Hiding PC rolls to avoid metagaming removes some of the fun of the game as the players no longer see eachothers rolls.
Hey Kryx, Each skill individually. &nbsp;The main idea behind this request is that other players should not be aware of how successful a fellow PC was on certain skill checks. &nbsp;For example, a PC declares they are going to search a room, rolls investigation, gets a low result. &nbsp;Second player pipes up "I'm going to search too." If the first roll wasn't shown to other players, it would reduce or eliminate these situations. &nbsp;I can see different DM's wanting to set different skills this way. Thanks for your consideration. -Adam The best recommendation I've heard for when a player sees a low roll and wants to make their own check to see if it's higher is let the original player roll again once more (as an advantage roll), now that someone is helping out, i.e. turn it into the help mechanic. This article also really helped me cut down the number of skill checks that are actually needed, especially rule #2.
We just use the GM rolls, this way only me as a GM and the players sees the roll itself.
Metagaming is a social issue that should not require sheet mechanics to mitigate. The sheet already has options for hiding information. You need a social contract with your group. I simply do not allow people announcing they want to do the same roll AFTER someone else does - sorry, you should have spoken up before the roll. Some players I play with find it an exciting tension to have player knowledge but cannot use it.&nbsp;
Simon O. said: We just use the GM rolls, this way only me as a GM and the players sees the roll itself. Yes, this is what I am after. &nbsp;I just hoped there would be a way to automate it rather than the player having to take a different route to accomplish a skill check. &nbsp;I believe I can accomplish this with macros, so I may pursue that option. Thanks, -Adam

Edited 1483999215
I have a suggestion concerning equipment organization and don't know how hard it would be to have somthing like this implemented. Would it be possible to be able to mark an equipment entry as a container via a checkbox or something, and have the ability to assign other entries to it? Basically making the container a second level equipment inventory with its own summed up weight for theitems assigned to it. 1 Backpack [x](Container Checkbox) (own weight entry) (summed weight entry for weight calculation) 10lb/30lb for example 10 - Torches 1 &nbsp;- &nbsp;Messkit etc. Would that even be remotely in the realm of possibility? Personally i think that this would make containers far more interesting to use, instead of just having to write everything in the content freetext without being able to provide the cool tracking features the sheet offers for equpment entries.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The sheet is excellent, so I hate bringing up a problem. &nbsp;When entering a spell, the fields for "At Higher Levels" allow me to add additional damage dice, but not flat damage. &nbsp;This is an issue with Magic Missile, which adds 1d4+1 per slot above 1st. &nbsp;When I attempt to cast Magic Missile with a 6th level slot, it rolls 3d4+3 for the initial damage, and then adds 5d4 for the higher slot... but it does not add the +5.
Hola hi privet bueno well like this so im joining thanks&nbsp;
ok this is embarazous well i need find people spanish pls help me find them
pls send this link
Alejandro F. said: Hola hi privet bueno well like this so im joining thanks&nbsp; Alejandro F. said: ok this is embarazous well i need find people spanish pls help me find them Alejandro F. said: pls send this link I have no idea what you are talking about, but this thread is definitely the wrong place to start. Check out this post outlining how to get started:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... There are spanish speaking games sometimes, but 99% of the games on here are in english.
Darren said: The sheet is excellent, so I hate bringing up a problem. &nbsp;When entering a spell, the fields for "At Higher Levels" allow me to add additional damage dice, but not flat damage. &nbsp;This is an issue with Magic Missile, which adds 1d4+1 per slot above 1st. &nbsp;When I attempt to cast Magic Missile with a 6th level slot, it rolls 3d4+3 for the initial damage, and then adds 5d4 for the higher slot... but it does not add the +5. Darren, obv you can do magic missile how you want, as per Sage Advice and the WotC guys, RAW for that one is 1d4+1, one roll, each missile does the same damage, @ 1st level you get 3, and each additional level gets 1 more missile, but the damage doesn't change. &nbsp;All the same single dice roll. &nbsp;So technically, as it is coming in now from the SRD, is incorrect, it should just be 1d4+1 x (3+1 for each level above 1). Not sure if it is possible with how roll20 does the things.

Edited 1484020823
Alejandro F. , please do feel welcome to make a post in our New to Roll20 thread, as zerosius suggested. :) Regarding Magic Missile—I know the Dev Team to have deliberated on its current Compendium set up; they shared their thoughts on this matter here: Magic Missile Spell

Edited 1484031955
Sheet Author
API Scripter
zerosius said: I have a suggestion concerning equipment organization and don't know how hard it would be to have somthing like this implemented. Would it be possible to be able to mark an equipment entry as a container via a checkbox or something, and have the ability to assign other entries to it? Basically making the container a second level equipment inventory with its own summed up weight for theitems assigned to it. 1 Backpack [x](Container Checkbox) (own weight entry) (summed weight entry for weight calculation) 10lb/30lb for example 10 - Torches 1 &nbsp;- &nbsp;Messkit etc. Would that even be remotely in the realm of possibility? Personally i think that this would make containers far more interesting to use, instead of just having to write everything in the content freetext without being able to provide the cool tracking features the sheet offers for equpment entries. This suggestion is captured as part of&nbsp; #4: Secondary Inventory Toggles . In terms of UI it's not an easy implementation to make look right. The equipment item rows are already quite compact. And it's a fair amount of work to implement the sheetworkers side as well. I haven't done it because of the effort and I don't quite understand the need tbh. If you're not holding an item (it's in another container like a horse) then doesn't unchecking that item solve the issue? Sure unchecking 5 items is worse than unchecking 1 container, but how often does this occur? ============================================ Darren said: The sheet is excellent, so I hate bringing up a problem. &nbsp;When entering a spell, the fields for "At Higher Levels" allow me to add additional damage dice, but not flat damage. &nbsp;This is an issue with Magic Missile, which adds 1d4+1 per slot above 1st. &nbsp;When I attempt to cast Magic Missile with a 6th level slot, it rolls 3d4+3 for the initial damage, and then adds 5d4 for the higher slot... but it does not add the +5. See Crawford's tweet:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Magic missile. RAW: You roll 1 damage die (see "Damage Rolls," PH, 196). RAI: It doesn't matter; you choose. Magic missile, by RAW, is 1d4+1 for every single roll. Magic missile rolled as 3d4+3 doesn't really make much sense for distribution of damage. When the result shows 10 how do you then determine how much each beam does if you shot 1 beam at 3 enemies? You'd have to hover the output and then determine which one hits which guy. It doesn't work so well. This would be equivalent to making Scorching Ray damage equal to 6d6 instead of 2d6. How would you then distribute the rays properly? If you want to handle it in some other way than RAW then that's up to you, but as far as I'm aware no spell in the game does flat damage on a higher level besides this alternate roll option which doesn't really work for distribution of damage. Therefore adding it to every spell for an alternate ruling that doesn't work so well doesn't make so much sense. ============================================ Silvyre said: Regarding Magic Missile—I know the Dev Team to have deliberated on its current Compendium set up; they shared their thoughts on this matter here: Magic Missile Spell Choosing a non-RAW answer for a compendium entry... huh.. I should probably initially parse it to RAW so users are not confused. This compendium entry is likely what caused the above concern by Darren.
@Kryx I am more thinking about actually working in container inventories that you carry on your body as a seperate inventory. So you can assign other items to be carried inside your backpack for example, which will then in turn automatically show the weight of all the items you assigned to it, as well as then counting this summed up weight for the whole inventory calculation. This makes it really easy to adhere to the container's capacity and see directly how much of it you are using, as well as giving you a very granular option to see very clearly, which items your character is carrying "where" and "how" if that makes sense. Does he carry his potion and a few art objects in a pouch? Does he have a sack with all the gold and magic items they looted in the last dungeon? I see a pretty clear value in adding something like this, but this is just my view on it, and i realize it will probably require quite some reworking on your side.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If I'm understanding correctly then I fear what you're suggesting would not be possible within roll20. It would require a repeating section within each item of the equipment repeating section. Repeating sections cannot be inside another repeating section.
@Kryx&nbsp; Yeah that would probably the way it woudl have to be. Shame that doesnt work :/ Not a scripter/Sheet author myself, so i dont really know too much about how it works on the backend unfortunately. Thanks for your answer anyway! In other news: Is there any info concerning the reworking/expansion of the character page you wanted to look into?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
zerosius said: @Kryx&nbsp; Yeah that would probably the way it woudl have to be. Shame that doesnt work :/ Not a scripter/Sheet author myself, so i dont really know too much about how it works on the backend unfortunately. Thanks for your answer anyway! Ya, it's a shame that we can't have repeating sections within other repeating sections. I think there are 2 solutions at the present: Have multiple repeating sections and move items around like I do with spells. Have some kind of container toggle #1 would probably be a better solution, but it's a crazy amount of work for such a small benefit imo. zerosius said: In other news: Is there any info concerning the reworking/expansion of the character page you wanted to look into? As of 8.x the character tab is there and it will remain. I'm at work so I can't screenshot now, but feel free to check my test campaign to see how it currently looks. If there are desires to expand it please create an enhancement issue on my issue tracker.
zerosius said: @Kryx I am more thinking about actually working in container inventories that you carry on your body as a seperate inventory. So you can assign other items to be carried inside your backpack for example, which will then in turn automatically show the weight of all the items you assigned to it, as well as then counting this summed up weight for the whole inventory calculation. This makes it really easy to adhere to the container's capacity and see directly how much of it you are using, as well as giving you a very granular option to see very clearly, which items your character is carrying "where" and "how" if that makes sense. Does he carry his potion and a few art objects in a pouch? Does he have a sack with all the gold and magic items they looted in the last dungeon? I see a pretty clear value in adding something like this, but this is just my view on it, and i realize it will probably require quite some reworking on your side. A work around would be to have a separate sheet just for items in a container. So, a sheet named, "Backpack", one called, "Pouch", etc. Then on your character sheet have an item, Backpack and manually adjust the weight to be the total for the applicable sheet. Or, on your character sheet, if you want all the items listed individually, you can group them using headers (but you'll doing twice the work); -----BackPack-- Dis Dat Dudder Ting ---Pouch-- Something Something else In our group, we do the latter for some things but we don't have the separate sheets as we don't go so granular. About the only thing is to have separate sheets for what is on the mule, or in a bag of holding, that sort of thing.
Zerousius thats your name ¿no? thanks&nbsp;
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API Scripter
Whoa whoa whoa... my post wasn't about Magic Missile. &nbsp;It was about the character sheet (that's what this thread is about, right?). Let's pretend someone is running a 5e campaign, but has added their own custom class called the Faux Jedi and they have added a number of custom spells. &nbsp;One of the spells he created for this new class is called Laser Blast, a 4th level spell that does 4d6+4 and at higher levels, +1d6+1 per spell slot above the fourth. How would I use the fields in the Shaped character sheet to depict this? &nbsp;As far as I can see, the character sheet won't let me put in the extra +1 into the "at higher levels" part. &nbsp;I think there's also a true 5e spell that adds an extra die every 2 levels. &nbsp;I think that would also be a problem for the character sheet. One possible solution would be to get rid of the die type drop down and just give a field where you type in the added dice. &nbsp;So instead of typing in 1, and then selecting d4 from the drop down, you'd just enter 1d4 (or 1d4+1) into the field.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Darren said: Whoa whoa whoa... my post wasn't about Magic Missile Darren said: When entering a spell, the fields for "At Higher Levels" allow me to add additional damage dice, but not flat damage. This is an issue with Magic Missile , which adds 1d4+1 per slot above 1st. When I attempt to cast Magic Missile with a 6th level slot, it rolls 3d4+3 for the initial damage, and then adds 5d4 for the higher slot... but it does not add the +5. You're asking about Magic Missile in your post, which is what I responded to. If this is about magic missile it's probably best to address that use case. If you want to use Magic missile like you've mentioned above, how do you plan on distributing the damage when you shoot 5 missiles at 5 different targets? As desired the damage will simply say something like "12". Darren said: Let's pretend someone is running a 5e campaign, but has added their own custom class called the Faux Jedi and they have added a number of custom spells. &nbsp;One of the spells he created for this new class is called Laser Blast, a 4th level spell that does 4d6+4 and at higher levels, +1d6+1 per spell slot above the fourth. How would I use the fields in the Shaped character sheet to depict this? &nbsp;As far as I can see, the character sheet won't let me put in the extra +1 into the "at higher levels" part. Currently the sheet doesn't support a flat amount of damage at higher levels as there is no spell that uses such a system as far as I'm aware.&nbsp;Is there any spell currently in 5e that has additional flat damage on a higher level? Perhaps I've missed one? There is one spell which has a higher level heal amount (Heal), but no damage spells. Darren said: I think there's also a true 5e spell that adds an extra die every 2 levels. &nbsp;I think that would also be a problem for the character sheet. Spiritual Weapon, which is handled by the sheet. If you drag that onto a spell you'll recieve 0.49 as the dice which will round down to 0 for level 2 and will be .98 for level 3 which will round to 1 which gives us the correct amount of dice. Darren said: One possible solution would be to get rid of the die type drop down and just give a field where you type in the added dice. &nbsp;So instead of typing in 1, and then selecting d4 from the drop down, you'd just enter 1d4 (or 1d4+1) into the field. For the higher level syntax to work it must be rather strict in how the data is entered.
Is there no way to reference the damage die type and mods from higher level? As far as I'm aware, there is no spell that uses a different die type for higher levels than for normal, thus, higher level usage could then be just one field to input how many more dice per slot above, and then using the die type and mods for normal. If that makes sense. ;)
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Doug E. said: As far as I'm aware, there is no spell that uses a different die type for higher levels than for normal I searched through my spells list and this seems to be correct Doug E. said: higher level usage could then be just one field to input how many more dice per slot above, and then using the die type and mods for normal. If that makes sense. ;) This would require me to parse the damage die from the damage field and then store it. It'd be the exact same amount of fields so there isn't really a benefit to do this. If anything I could parse the damage and set the higher level select to that damage die.
@Kryx Hey one question for you. I joined your test campaign a while back, and would like to test some stuff there. Would it be possible to create a new testsheet for me that i can edit and test stuff with?
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zerosius said: @Kryx Hey one question for you. I joined your test campaign a while back, and would like to test some stuff there. Would it be possible to create a new testsheet for me that i can edit and test stuff with? I've created several characters just for you. And 10 empty characters for other people.
Thank you! Awesome :)
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API Scripter
8.3.0 Features Attack, Saving Throw, Damage, Extras, Content, Ammo, etc toggles have all been revamped. I should no longer need to force the whole sheets to update when I change some variables here. These toggles are now stored in "roll_formula" which the sheet generates. This also allows me to improve the way that crit damage is added to the roll, closing #88: [3D Dice] Crit damage dice should only show for attacks Recharge has been revamped for translation again. Recharge can now be "Short or Long Rest", "Long Rest", "Turn", "Recharge 5-6", "Recharge 6". In the display it'll show as "1/Long Rest". All of this should be upgraded and parse from SRD properly #89: Magic Missile should drag from SRD as per RAW Added "per_use" for Attacks, Armor, and Equipment