Han S. said: TwistedKilt said: Han S. said: TwistedKilt said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2346321" rel="nofollow">https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2346321</a> I'm hoping I haven't made too many errors; looking forward to my first Guild game! Hello, and welcome to the Guild. Your starting XP should be 4500 . EDIT: It's 5500, my bad. Changed XP to 5500 Your Leather Armor Bonus is +2, not +1. This is the base armor value that the kind of armor gives and can be found in the compendium entry for Leather Armor. Changed Leather Armor bonus to +2 It looks like you deleted some of the skills in your Skills section. Please hover your mouse over the black bar with the header 'Skills' and click 'Auto-Fill', and then re-check the skills you had training in. Ran Auto-Fill on Skills section, then reentered Training and Misc. You should have eight skill trainings total as a Human Rogue. Six from the class, one from getting the 'Skill Mastery' class feature, and one as a racial feature. Updated Skills trainings to 8. The class defense bonus for a Thief is not +2 Fortitude. Corrected class defense bonus to +2 for Reflex. Removed from Fortitude. Please also include your Human Defenses Bonuses in the 'Misc.' column of your defenses. Added +1 in Misc for Fortitude, Reflex, Will You are missing the Enhancement bonus to your AC (from your armor) and to your Fort/Ref/Will (from your neck slot). This is the 'Enh.' column in your defenses. Since you have a +1 Magic Armor and a +1 Amulet of Protection, the bonuses should be +1. Added +1 to each of AC, Fortitude, Reflex, Will. Question on +1 Amulet: Does it not also add +1 to AC or strictly to F, R & W? I chose it thinking all 4. Please move your racial skill bonus from your Race Features into the Statistic Block. Moved from Race Features to Statistic Block. Please fill in your Race Features, which can be found in the compendium page for the Human race. This is everything except the languages in the third 'block' of text under Racial Traits. Added Race Features to that section. Please fill in your Class Features under 'Class / Path / Destiny Features'. These can be found in the compendium page for the Thief class. Added Class features to 'Class/Path/Destiny Features'. I originally did this from 4E Player's Handbook, but then noticed there's a difference in the D&D Compendium (Beta 29), which seems in keeping with your note in 16. Weapons Finesse is part of the Rogue/Thief desciption in the Compendium, where the HB has Rogue Weapon Talent. I have adjusted to the Class Features listed in the Compendium. Please fill in your Surges per Day. Added 8 surges per day I don't see why you have a Misc. +2 to hit on Sly Flourish. I incorrectly put a bonus in the To Hit. Corrected to have the Dex and Cha bonuses put in the Damage Workspace and removed the bonus in the Attack Workspace. With the feats you have listed, I don't believe you should have a feat bonus to damage. Reworked my Feats, based on this comment and those in #16 & #17. Now +1 Feat to hit (Light Blade Expertise). Your ability modifier for your damage workspace should not be 6, it's whatever your Dex modifier is. Changed Ability modifier in Damage Workspace from 6 to 4. Sly Flourish's damage workspace should have +CHA added to it. Added CHA bonus of 2 to go along with the Dex bonus of 4. Because of the Thief's 'Weapon Finesse' class feature, Melee Training is a useless feat for you. Thanks for the advice. Reworked that. You are missing your free Expertise feat and your Human bonus feat. Added them with (hopefully) understandable notation. I feel bad that I had this much wrong! There's a few other issues, but let's just work on the first page of your sheet for now. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet by responding to each point. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1. Check. 2. Check. 3. Check. 4. Check. 5. Check. 6. Check. 7. Check. and yeah, neck slots only add their enhancement bonus to Fort/Ref/Will. Enhancement bonuses to AC come from armor. 8. Check. 9. Check. 10. Check, and the reason for this is that the Rogue in PHB1 and Rogue (Thief) are different classes with a few shared mechanics. Thief is a simplified class that has a few attacks that get modified by Backstab and Rogue's Tricks in place of Encounter and Daily powers. 11. I believe you should have fewer surges, as Rogue only gets 6 + CON modifier surges. I have 8 surges listed (6+2 Con). Or am I missing something? As badly as I have done so far, sure could have this placed wrong. 12. Attack Workspaces look good, but both your Damage Workspaces look a little off. Your melee basic attack should have the +2 to damage from Weapon Finesse, and I don't know why you have a total Misc. bonus of +6 on Sly Flourish, as you only have a +2 CHA and Weapon Finesse adding to it, which should be only +4. (Let me know if I've missed the extra damage from somewhere else.) Could be due to some misunderstandings on my part. Melee Basic is +4 Dex, +2 Weapons Finesse. Sly Flourish is +4 Dex, +2 Weapons Finesse, +2 Cha. Hopefully have it right this time! 13. Check. 14. Check. 15. See point 12. 16. Check. 17. Check, and that notation looks fine. 18. (new) As a Rogue (Thief), you should not have Positioning Strike, Shadow Steel Roll, Trick Strike, and Flashy Riposte, as those are Encounter and Daily powers. You should also not have Artful Dodger or Rogue Weapon Talent either, as those belong to the PHB1 Rogue. You should only have one of Sly Flourish or Piercing Strike, and that comes from your Human Bonus At-Will. Removed the Encounter and Daily powers, as well as the PHB1 Rogue Talents. Went with just Sly Flourish. 19. (new) You also should not have First Strike or Sneak Attack listed in your powers either, but that's because they're class features and not powers. Neither is the Yakuza 5th level feature. Removed First Strike, Sneak Attack, and the Yakuza 5th level feature. 20. (new) Please also list Yakuza in your 'Class / Path / Destiny Features' if it is your theme. Added Yakuza to 'Class/Path/Destiny' section. 21. (new) You should have Cunning Escape and Backstab listed as powers. Updated 22. (new) Tactical Trick should not have a level. You should also have a total of three tricks by level 5. I think I have this corrected now. 23. (new) The cost of your Hand crossbow, crossbow bolts, adventurer's kit, and thieves' tools can be waived per our rules on mundane equipment. Deleted 24. (new) Quarrel of Biting seems to be either 50 gp (for +1) or 200 gp (for +2), so I'm unsure how you got 100 gp. I don't know either! Deleted 25. (new) Even accounting for point 23, I believe your money's still overspent. Obviously I cannot work a calculator any more. I think my new listings are correct. Thanks!!