Morikson said: baldhermit said: Morikson said: baldhermit said: Morikson said: baldhermit said: Joel M. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi and welcome to the Guild! For starters, please adjust either your roll20 name or the name on our discord server so the two match, please. 1) Top right corner of page 1, please fill out the characters current XP. It is not zero. In the compendium this is listed under Character Advancement 2) Please list with the chosen ability score array the racial bonus and level 4 boost in the statistics block. 3) Please fill out the check penalty under Quick Look Up. The answer could be zero, but we need to know that you know the answer 4) Please fill out the special senses / movement. The answer could well be N/A, but we need to know that you know the answer 5) Under Coins and Wealth please give us a breakdown of your expenses and how they add up to 4300gp 6) Is it possible you adjusted the fields in the defense calculations top center of page 1 manually? The +1 constitution modifier should have led to a 1 in the Armor/Ability box for Fortitude. The Armor/Ability box for Will should also not be zero. 7) Number of surges per day, top right of page 1, not filled out. 7 would be the correct value for it, and is listed where the healing surge value should go. Your characters healing surge value is not 7. To explain, the number of healing surges determines how often your character can heal. The healing surge value determines how much it gets healed by each time. 8) The attack and damage calculation are kinda tricky for a class that has so many non-damaging powers. I would suggest you make the calculations for your melee basic attack and for Phantom Chasm 9) On page 2, with the gear, please list the type of armor (cloth, leather, hide, chain mail, scale, plate) 10) with your chosen powers on page 2, please list what slot they take for your character. For example Beguiling Strands as an at-will or AW, Phantom Chasm is a level 1 daily or D1. 11) At level 4 you have to choose a different apprentice specialisation than you did at level 1. You cannot double dip here. 12) The skill bonus from your chosen background appears to be missing from the skill calculations. " +2 to bluff and charisma checks" is listed as conditional, but is in fact permanent. 13) While you certainly can choose the Sun Elf subrace, since the mage class is already proficient in the chosen implement type, I am not sure what you gain here standard Eladrin would not get you. The racial skill bonuses are missing from the skill calculations. 14) Not 4e mechanics: "+1 bonus to will checks" ->> I'm assuming this goes to the Will defense and is not conditional, but already listed as permanently baked in. 15) What is the source for this: "+2 to will checks"? Since if that is a class benefit, it is not conditional. 16) Please list your chosen character theme under class features. It does not belong under Feats. For the feats, Loc. is useful to state what slot it takes for your character (free, race, level 1, level 2, that sort of thing). With the names of features, feats, gear correctly spelled, we can all look up in the compendium what it does. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Hello and thank you, Name has been adjusted in Roll20 and discord 1) Changed XP to 5500 2)Added array (16/16/12/12/10/8), racial bonus ( +2 int, +2 cha) and lvl 4 boost added (+1 int, +1 cha) 3) Changed: check penalty to 0 4)Added normal vision 5) broke down coin use: Sales Thread: +2 cloak of distortion (item bonus to ranged attacks farther than 5 squares) 2100 +1 Accurate staff of Forceful Magic 680 Gem of colloquy (+1 item bonus to bluff and diplomacy checks) $520 +1 bloodhtread armor $1000 2100+680+520+1000=4300 6)Reset defense boxes 7) Fixed surge value (9) and surges per day moved to correct slot 8)Fixed attack and damage workshop windows, changed spell for phantom chasm 9)Added cloth description to bloodthread armor 10) Added slots descriptors for all spells 11) Changed secondary specialization from enchanting to illusion 12) Fixed background skill bonus 13) Changed sun elf race to changeling, changed feats with sun elf prerequisite 14) Moved +1 to will defense to racial bonuses 15) Clarified "+2 will" is a wizard bonus to defense 16) Fixed feat positions At 1 : check At 2 : check At 3 : check At 4 : check At 5 : Neck: Please note the item bonus from the cloak is to defense, not to attacks. More importantly : there is no such thing as a Staff of Forceful Magic. At 6 : "The Armor/Ability box for Will should also not be zero." Also, now all the Enhancement bonus from the purchased gear are missing under "Enh." At 7 : check At 8a : Phantom Chasm : Enhancement bonus of the implement used missing from the damage calculation. At 8b: Melee Basic Attack not named as such. Staff is not an attack power, but the name of an implement / weapon. Enhancement bonus of the staff missing from the attack and damage calculation both. At 9 : check At 10 : Please note you can only get the level 2 utility power from the chosen character theme instead of a class utility power. Further, and this is bigger, because sessions in the Guild generally are a single work day, and you cannot know what spells best to prep at the start of the work day without metagaming, combined with the fact we allow for a full mulligan between sessions where you can change anything and everything about your character until you play as a level 7, I recommend you forget the spellbook feature exists, and just pick one power for each slot. So two at wills, one level 1 encounter power, one level 1 daily, one level 2 utility, one level 3 encounter power, one level 5 daily (aside of the racial powers, the character theme starting power and those cantrips) At 11 : check At 12 : Please list the language you picked up as a consequence of "becomer" At 13 : check At 14 : check At 15 : check At 16 : The Superior Implement Training feat is rather much more specific than you have it listed. If you type "superior implement" into the compendium, uncheck 'search by name only' and change the dropdown to items you will see ~40 items that can be used as superior implements. Pick one. That is the one you'd be taking the SIT feat for. Specify which one that is under feats on the sheet. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 5) Fixed cloak description and changed item in question to accurate staff of sleep and charm 6)Re-added enhancement bonus and fixed will defense 8a) Removed spell, changed for Beguiling strands 8b) Name changed and enhancement bonus added to attack and damage calculation 10a) Left description of theme for future reference, but only took E2 Utility. 10b) Forgot spell book feature existed, removed unnecessary spells 12) language added from becomer clarified (elvish) 16)SIT description changed to specify it is for Accurate staff At 5 : check At 6: check At 8a: Please change the name back to Phantom Chasm. Please note the Enhancement bonus listed of +2 is incorrect. Place the benefit from the accurate staff under misc. At 8b : check At 10 : Please note Instant Friends and Courtier's Cover both take the same U2 (level 2 utility) slot. Using the spellbook feature, you can use only one of the two per day. If you have a character without spellbook, you could not have both. At 12 : check At 16 : check 8a) Phantom Chasm spell readded and enhancement bonus fixed to +1 10) Instant friends spell removed in favor of Courtiers Cover I did not realize you dropped Phantom Chasm as a power. Looking good, I will set up a journal for you. When you hit Launch Game you will find it waiting for you in the top right corner. Our second video also covers this. Please fill out the attributes and use the templates provided to set up macros for your characters powers and abilities. Once that is done flag down a DM to check it, they can then make you a token. This is also covered in the #welcome on discord. Please do not forget to add this character to the census