Zachary G. said: baldhermit said: Zachary G. said: baldhermit said: Zachary G. said: baldhermit said: Zachary G. said: baldhermit said: Zachary G. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resource <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Zachary, welcome to the Guild 1) I do not know the feat Bludgeon Proficiency. Where was it published? Also, from the damage math I would think perhaps you took Dwarven Weapon Talent. 2) Please note temporary hit points do not stack. So you would have the benefit of Disciple of Stone or Dwarf Battle Priest, but not both. 3) many of the names listed as Class features are actually powers, and do not need listing there. 4) Where does the class bonus to attacks come from in the attack work space? 5) What feat did you take that gives this character a feat bonus to damage? 6) Please fill out the special senses / movement. The answer could well be N/A, but we need to know that you know the answer 7) Can you please show the math for the number of healing surges? I come to 7 + Constitution modifier (3) + racial benefit (1). 8) Neither of the powers in the attack and damage work space are melee basic attacks and as such neither would benefit from the damage bonus from the Bracers of Mighty Striking. 9) Please list the chosen character theme under class features on page 1, note tyhe benefit to the skill, and list the entry level power with the powers on page 2. 10) Please list the chosen background under class features at page 1 with the chosen benefit. Which in this case is a +2 to one skill, or select a skill instead of the class skills to be trained. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Thank you for the welcome and for taking the time to review my sheet. 1) Feat Changed to Bludgeon Expertise which should explain number 5, (i also removed the +1 feat to the second ability, as it wouldn't apply to that power) 2)Feat changed from Disciple of Stone to Battle Healer 3) erased duplicate info 4) erased class bonus to attack 6) It was indeed N/A also, my bad. 7) I was basing healing surges off of Wisdom which wouldve been a +5, My bad, changed it to 11. 8) I erased the bonus from the bracers, and chose different bracers. 9 and 10) have been moved, and the corresponding skills were updated. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Please let me know if you find anything else, and thank you very much for your time. At 1 : Your character is only going to get the benefit to attack rolls from one expertise feat. Devour Protector Expertise already gives your character a +1 to attack rolls (both weapon and holy symbol/implement attacks) that it can make with that mace. The only benefit your character would draw from Bludgeon Expertise is an additional square of forced movement, but on a quick glance your character has no powers this would apply to. At 2 : check. Please be aware your characters constitution modifier is less than 5. At 3 : Well, now you cleaned it out a little much the other way ;) Channel Divinity, Healing Word, that damage resist and allies gaining that +2 power bonus to damage still are considered class features At 4 : check. Though I also noticed a missing feat bonus on Storm Hammer. At 5 : not answered At 6 : check At 7 : check At 8 : check At 9 : check At 10 : Please list the benefit from the background with the name of the background. Sorry for the last minute changes. I nixed bludgeon expertise for durable,and got rid of Storm Hammer entirely, for Lance of Faith. Properly listed my class features, and showed the buffs from my Theme and Background. At 1 : While durable certainly is a valid feat, that brings us back to the healing surges math. I think the current number listed is incorrect At 3 : check At 4a: Thundering Steel, as a weapon power, would gain the benefit of the proficiency of the weapon used to make the attack. That proficiency is not 1. At 4b : Lance of Faith, being an implement attack, would not get a proficiency bonus to the attack roll from the weapon used to make that attack At 5 : still not answered At 10 : check Sorry. had edited my previous reply to include this : At 5 as for the Feat bonus to both of the listed abilities, I draw them from the Devout Protector Expertise feat. Because my mace can be used as an implement or a weapon i keep the ,feat bonus for both abilities. (also since Im using a shield I added the +1 AC bonus to allies which I forgot about). At4 are both of those 0 then? For some reason i thought they contained a +1 within the class itself but im not sure why I assumed that. At1: I r educed the number back to what it should be. At 1 : check At 4a : Thundering Steel, as a weapon power, does get proficiency of a mace. It is listed as an item in the compendium. A simple one handed melee weapon. The Scepter of Bane is both a mace and a holy symbol. When used as a weapon, it acts like a weapon. At 4b : check At 5 : The Devout Protector Expertise feat gives a bonus to attacks. It does not give a bonus to damage. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. At 4a: Proficiency value is now listed in the attack 1 column as "2", the listed mace proficiency. At 5 The damage Feat value was reduced to zero for both sample attacks. Smott, The Mul Cleric, lives! Looking good, I will set up a journal for you. When you hit Launch Game you will find it waiting for you in the top right corner. Our second video also covers this. Please fill out the attributes and use the templates provided to set up macros for your characters powers and abilities. Once that is done flag down a DM to check it, they can then make you a token. This is also covered in the #welcome on discord. Please do not forget to add this character to the census