I knew it would be something simple! Problem solved, thanks for your help Silvyre :D
Not built it. But you could always make a macro button that outputs the roll and then a description right after it.Phil said:
Is there a way to add a description to skills checks? I know the shaped sheets had a class action option, that you could connect to the skills. I used to use those regularly to add descriptions/modifiers that work in certain instances only.
For example, if I wanted to be a Ranger, and have my favored Enemy/Terrain be applicable, I wouldn't want to change my Wisdom checks for everything -- I'd just want to add a description to say: Double proficiency if in Forests, etc.
Is that no longer possible with these sheets?
Steve K. said:
Not built it. But you could always make a macro button that outputs the roll and then a description right after it.Phil said:
Is there a way to add a description to skills checks? I know the shaped sheets had a class action option, that you could connect to the skills. I used to use those regularly to add descriptions/modifiers that work in certain instances only.
For example, if I wanted to be a Ranger, and have my favored Enemy/Terrain be applicable, I wouldn't want to change my Wisdom checks for everything -- I'd just want to add a description to say: Double proficiency if in Forests, etc.
Is that no longer possible with these sheets?
@{Oimoc Eaufra|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=PERCEPTION}} {{mod=[[[[@{Oimoc Eaufra|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} {{r1=[[1d20@{Oimoc Eaufra|halflingluck}+[[@{Oimoc Eaufra|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} @{Oimoc Eaufra|rtype}@{Oimoc Eaufra|halflingluck}+[[@{Oimoc Eaufra|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} @{Oimoc Eaufra|charname_output}
&{template:default} {{Modifiers=+[[@{Oimoc Eaufra|pb}]] when in favored domain}}
Phil said:
Steve K. said:
@{Oimoc Eaufra|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=PERCEPTION}} {{mod=[[[[@{Oimoc Eaufra|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} {{r1=[[1d20@{Oimoc Eaufra|halflingluck}+[[@{Oimoc Eaufra|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} @{Oimoc Eaufra|rtype}@{Oimoc Eaufra|halflingluck}+[[@{Oimoc Eaufra|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} @{Oimoc Eaufra|charname_output}
&{template:default} {{Modifiers=+[[@{Oimoc Eaufra|pb}]] when in favored domain}}
@{Aramis Ha|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=PERCEPTION}} {{mod=[[[[@{Aramis Ha|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} {{r1=[[1d20@{Aramis Ha|halflingluck}+[[@{Aramis Ha|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} @{Aramis Ha|rtype}@{Aramis Ha|halflingluck}+[[@{Aramis Ha|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} @{Aramis Ha|charname_output} &{template:default} {{Favored Territory=+[[@{Aramis Ha|pb}]] when in forests}} &{template:default} {{Favored Enemy=Advantage with Orcs & Elves}}
Silvyre said:
Phil said:
Steve K. said:
@{Oimoc Eaufra|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=PERCEPTION}} {{mod=[[[[@{Oimoc Eaufra|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} {{r1=[[1d20@{Oimoc Eaufra|halflingluck}+[[@{Oimoc Eaufra|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} @{Oimoc Eaufra|rtype}@{Oimoc Eaufra|halflingluck}+[[@{Oimoc Eaufra|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} @{Oimoc Eaufra|charname_output}
&{template:default} {{Modifiers=+[[@{Oimoc Eaufra|pb}]] when in favored domain}}
@{Aramis Ha|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=PERCEPTION}} {{mod=[[[[@{Aramis Ha|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} {{r1=[[1d20@{Aramis Ha|halflingluck}+[[@{Aramis Ha|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} @{Aramis Ha|rtype}@{Aramis Ha|halflingluck}+[[@{Aramis Ha|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} @{Aramis Ha|charname_output} &{template:default} {{Favored Territory=+[[@{Aramis Ha|pb}]] when in forests}} &{template:default} {{Favored Enemy=Advantage with Orcs & Elves}}
Each new &{template} has to appear on a new line within a macro, as demonstrated by Steve. In addition, you might want to remove the second instance of &{template:default}.
Jeff said:
If you adjust the amount of the linked ammo resource, it does not adjust the total weight for the character.
Also, if you set the weight of the ammo to something less than 1, like .5, weight calculations will fail after you adjust the amount of ammo. For example: create a set of 20 arrows and link them to a bow with a weight of .05 each (per PHB). Fire one arrow, and it correctly subtracts the weight. Now add the arrow back by changing the quantity from 19 to 20. Fire again, and it will subtract the ammo but not the total weight for the character.
William G. said:
When i click on the attribute, the dice rolls, but the attribute value does not change and it will not allow me to update that field. What am I doing wrong?
Each attribute block has the core attribute score, which can be changed by modifying the number in the oval at the bottom of each block
trevor J. said:
Is there a way to use 2 different types of ammo with the ammo tracker?
The sheets should continue to expand out vertically as data is added. Can you provide a screen shot of what you mean, as well as your OS and Browser/Version?Allen said:
Is there a limit to sheet length?
I was trying to manually enter a few monsters, and I found that when I have multiple actions you run out of 'space'. The sheet won't scroll any further, the Actions area won't grow, and allow all the text to be readable. You have to click the action to read it all. (For example Intellect Devourer has 4 powers, 2 of them fairly long..)
How do you 'fit' monsters with a lot of powers on there, without having to click or edit to read the content? (Sure I could just go free text I suppose, but then I can't just click to show players. :-/
Matthew K. said:
I have been unable to find information on what the "Prop" field is for in the information section of individual inventory items. Can anyone explain this or point me in the direction of the explanation?
Edward B. said:
I have an issue where the the Passive Wisdom (Perception) box covers over proficiency bonuses and it is very frustrating. I have tried expanding the window, shrinking it back down, checking the character sheet in another game, and googled and scouted roll20 bug reports to try and solve this issue to no avail.
Kirsty said:
Is there any way to set the critical range on an NPC's attack action? I have an NPC with improved critical that I just know I'm going to forget to check for.
Steve K. said:
Kirsty said:
Is there any way to set the critical range on an NPC's attack action? I have an NPC with improved critical that I just know I'm going to forget to check for.
You can always use the full PC sheet in order to set up complicated attacks, but no there is not an improved critical section for the NPC card.
Will R. said:
When I roll hit points for an NPC, I get the following error when the Companion script attempts to create a token:
"ERROR: You cannot set the imgsrc or avatar of an object unless you use an image that is in your Roll20 Library. See the API documentation for more info."
Happens with Firefox and Chrome on Ubuntu.
Casey said:
I noticed the magic missile spell only rolls 1d4+1, when it should be rolling 3 separate rolls of 1d4+1, at 1st level. (base). What is the syntax i should use in the 'Damage' field to get this to occur? Here is a pic of what I'm talking about...
Casey said:
I noticed the magic missile spell only rolls 1d4+1, when it should be rolling 3 separate rolls of 1d4+1, at 1st level. (base). What is the syntax i should use in the 'Damage' field to get this to occur? Here is a pic of what I'm talking about...
Kevin B. said:
I hate to say it, but perhaps I am a bit too inept on how to properly use the character sheet provided. Could you please help me? I can't even access it.
Brett M. said:
Hopefully this is the right place to post this, as it deals with the OGL sheet. Anyway to have NPC names not show in the chat rolls (see attached), other than obviously whispering the rolls?
If you see below, I didn't want the players to know this was a doppleganger (the doppleganger was current morphed to a drow), but when I first rolled an attack -- there it was ("Doppleganger") :< .
PCs can control this in the OGL by setting "Add Character Names to Templates" to "Off". I can't see a similar option for the NPC. Thanks!
I'm not sure what you mean by the rname and rnamec fields not showing up. I've never had that problem, even with custom rolls. That said, with the atk template I'm doing something tricky with those field. Instead of just returning the roll's name, I'm setting it up to be a chat roll button. So, for example say you're using a Longsword. The roll from the sheet would look like:Scott C. said:
I've been looking at the roll templates baked into the sheet and have, I think, found a bug in the atk template. the rname and rnamec fields do not show up when doing a custom template, but do when rolled straight from the sheet. Take a look at this post for what I was trying, and let me know if I got the details on the template fields close to right.
@{Goptar Sing|wtype}&{template:atk} {{mod=+5}} {{rname=[Longsword](~-K0m1Ic47d2-NLhmqD3s|repeating_attack_-KBPup229qm7H6Ds2mhp_attack_dmg)}} {{rnamec=[Longsword](~-K0m1Ic47d2-NLhmqD3s|repeating_attack_-KBPup229qm7H6Ds2mhp_attack_crit)}} {{r1=[[1d20@{Goptar Sing|halflingluck}cs>20 + 5[PROF]]]}} @{Goptar Sing|rtype}@{Goptar Sing|halflingluck}cs>20 + 5[PROF]]]}} {{range=5 ft}} {{desc=+1d6 Damage to Goblinoids}} ammo= @{Goptar Sing|charname_output}The formula for rname is the chat roll button pointing to a specific attack on the character sheet by its ID
[Longsword](~-K0m1Ic47d2-NLhmqD3s|repeating_attack_-KBPup229qm7H6Ds2mhp_attack_dmg)You could replace that for just the word "Longsword" and visually it would be identical but it wouldn't roll the associated damage roll.
If you give me the specific example I can try and figure out what went wrong?Scott C. said:
Huh, not sure why that wasn't working before. I spent a good half hour trying to figure out why it wasn't displaying the name.
Austin said:
Is there any way to edit the carrying capacity of a character...
Austin said:
There is ways to increase your max carrying capacity in 5e, but your sheets seem to have a static amount. Is there any way to edit the carrying capacity of a character, as well, i couldnt find any of the class specific armor changes like Barbarian or monk unarmored defense. Is there any plans on adding these to the sheets?
anagran said:
Brett M. said:
Hopefully this is the right place to post this, as it deals with the OGL sheet. Anyway to have NPC names not show in the chat rolls (see attached), other than obviously whispering the rolls?
If you see below, I didn't want the players to know this was a doppleganger (the doppleganger was current morphed to a drow), but when I first rolled an attack -- there it was ("Doppleganger") :< .
PCs can control this in the OGL by setting "Add Character Names to Templates" to "Off". I can't see a similar option for the NPC. Thanks!
I've run into the same issue and looking for a solution as well. Thanks!