Steve K. said:
Thunderwave already mentions in the save section you save vs being pushed. If you wanted to add more info, you could use the DESCRIPTION section.
thanks for the help!
Steve K. said:
Thunderwave already mentions in the save section you save vs being pushed. If you wanted to add more info, you could use the DESCRIPTION section.
Steve K. said:
Thunderwave already mentions in the save section you save vs being pushed. If you wanted to add more info, you could use the DESCRIPTION section.
Are you playing in a copy of a game?Joshua V. said:
Hello all,
In the last couple of weeks, I have started getting this crash when a player casts a spell:Sandbox error:
"ERROR: You must pass in a valid 'characterid' property when creating an attribute."
Joshua V. said:PM me the url of your game and I'll take a look.
No, this is in my main instance.Is this happening for all characters or just some?
Joshua K. said:
I have a character with a feat that gives her +2 to Constitution saves. Is there any way to add a custom modifier to a specific saving throw?
Ozzie said:
Hi Guys,
I have just got myself a Pro Account as I'm in the middle of my first D&D 5E game as DM, and my players are already asking about the next campaign. I think a pro account will come in useful!
I am trying to setup some of the API Scripts but I have no idea what I'm doing. I have enabled 'The 5th Edition OGL by Roll20 Companion' API Script, and have tested the commands in game chat and it is working, however I'm trying to get the ammo tracking working and even though it is enabled it is not. Here is what I have done:
- I have enabled it in the PC sheet
- Added the weapon to inventory ('Javelin')
- Ticked the use as a resource box
- In the attack options I have told it to use the resource 'Javelin'
I'm not sure what else I need to do in order to enable it. I've probably missed something obvious lol. I am a total noob when it comes to coding and do need my hand held a bit!
Can anyone help?
Many Thanks
TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined at handleammo (apiscript.js:2954:78) at apiscript.js:2607:17 at eval (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:105:34), <anonymous>:65:16) at Object.publish (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:105:34), <anonymous>:70:8) at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1200:12 at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:560 at hc (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:39:147) at Kd (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:546) at Id.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:489) at Ld.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:94:425)
Michael M. said:
Hi JC, when you setup a campaign you can pick the 5e OGL sheet under settings. Basically, the DM determines which character sheet will be used for that particuler campaign.
JC said:
Michael M. said:
Hi JC, when you setup a campaign you can pick the 5e OGL sheet under settings. Basically, the DM determines which character sheet will be used for that particuler campaign.
Yeah, did that. Do only my players see it? I wanted to create like a pool of characters and let them pick from it
npc_ac is the field where you input the NPCs AC. npd_ac is the span where it's displayed down below in the NPC card.Ravenknight said:
What's the differance between the attributes: npcd_ac and npc_ac?
Attributes would be the only way currently.Barry S. said:
Hello Powers-That-Be,
In the game I am GMing, I have adjusted the bonus and penalties for ability scores, where a score of 1 grants a -16 penalty and a score of 25 grants a 25 bonus. Its sort of an exponential curve instead of a linear one. Is there a way to make this adjustment in the OGL? Currently I use attributes to accomplish this but it can be a bit "clunky".
Thanks for the reply!
No, you can't share characters. However, if you wanted to expand the fields and take a screen shot, it might be something dev Kristin would include on the wiki.Barry S. said:
One more question - Is there a way I can share a single journal with others on the forum? I have created a template for NPCs that I believe others, especially newer ones, would greatly benefit from. Its a great working journal of an Archmage with macros for spells and abilities all included! This would greatly increase the learning curve having such a template available. My thought is that I would make it available and include all needed API scripts needed.
Just a thought.
Glenn W. said:
Hello, I'm new to roll20 so I apologize if this is a stupid question or I put it in the wrong place.
I'm wondering about adding class features to the character sheet. Like fighter maneuvers and abilities like that. how do you add them in without just typing the information in and then rolling on the dice roller whenever you need to roll a die for it?
Thank you!
The damage dice field accepts roll queries. It won't display an actual damage dice in the sheet, but when you roll for damage, it will trigger the query. So, for a quarterstaff say:Rawles said:
I was wondering if there's a way to have the sheet query whether a character is attacking one-handed or two-handed with versatile weapons. It's pretty cumbersome to list two versions of various weapons. I've thought of putting the alternate damage in the secondary damage field, but a) it's sloppy as I don't know of any way to make it ID that as alternate damage as opposed to additional damage and b) I can't do that for magical weapons that already have additional damage.
Also, is there any support at all for conditional extra damage rolls like the Half-Orc racial trait Savage Attack (extra damage die on crit). I feel like there should be, but I can't figure it out.The crit field in an attack's damage area overrides the standard crit damage (which is just the weapon's normal damage die) with a custom value.
Michael M. said:
For the initiative_bonus field is there a way to add a +5 from Alert without breaking the DEX calculation? I can update the field directly but that seems to break the DEX based calculation.
marty r. said:
Michael M. said:
For the initiative_bonus field is there a way to add a +5 from Alert without breaking the DEX calculation? I can update the field directly but that seems to break the DEX based calculation.
on the Gear/setting page for the character. Have you tried Initiative modifier field?
There is an Initiative Mod field on the settings tab, under CLASS OPTIONS.Michael M. said:
For the initiative_bonus field is there a way to add a +5 from Alert without breaking the DEX calculation? I can update the field directly but that seems to break the DEX based calculation.
Bob said:
Who changed the artwork on the sheet and template? Damn it guys stop improving things and making them awesome! I pay you guys to sit around and do nothing.
Run all the changes by Dev Kristin and if she gives a thumbs up, then yes :)Scott C. said:
Hi Steve, I wanted to ask if it was kosher to edit the ogl sheet wiki entry. I'd like to put the details I've figured out about the roll templates in.
Scott C. said:
The damage dice field accepts roll queries. It won't display an actual damage dice in the sheet, but when you roll for damage, it will trigger the query. So, for a quarterstaff say:Rawles said:
I was wondering if there's a way to have the sheet query whether a character is attacking one-handed or two-handed with versatile weapons. It's pretty cumbersome to list two versions of various weapons. I've thought of putting the alternate damage in the secondary damage field, but a) it's sloppy as I don't know of any way to make it ID that as alternate damage as opposed to additional damage and b) I can't do that for magical weapons that already have additional damage.
?{# hands|1,1d6|2,1d8} would go in the damage dice field.Also, is there any support at all for conditional extra damage rolls like the Half-Orc racial trait Savage Attack (extra damage die on crit). I feel like there should be, but I can't figure it out.The crit field in an attack's damage area overrides the standard crit damage (which is just the weapon's normal damage die) with a custom value.
Image as an example of both:
Ignore my crazy stuff in the save effects and ammunition fields; it's for some special attacks I get with the custom monastic tradition my Monk follows and for some custom handling of magical ammunition respectively.
Rules As Written (RAW) p196. Though there is a critical hit damage field to change that if so desired.Michael M. said:
Curious how are critical hits handled by default? Just double the die or max damage + die roll?
Steve K. said:
Rules As Written (RAW) p196. Though there is a critical hit damage field to change that if so desired.Michael M. said:
Curious how are critical hits handled by default? Just double the die or max damage + die roll?
Michael M. said:
Steve K. said:
Though there is a critical hit damage field to change that if so desired.
Is that under attributes or somewhere else?
For some reason I thought max damage+die roll was RAW.