For one, All the traits should end with a full stop, not a colon.
Rabulias said:
Maybe you need the XP value to have a space and the "XP" to be in upper case, i.e., 1,100 XP
You might also need to put a space between the numbers and the ft. unit, i.e., 80 ft.
Gozer the Gozerian said:
Try this - it worked for me, but I'm not using the latest version.
Jakob said:
For one, All the traits should end with a full stop, not a colon.
keithcurtis said:
It works if you give it the type "Shield" (regardless of whether it is a physical shield). If you don't give it a type, it does not add.
Defensive fighting style would be a modifier, not an armor item. The intention is the armor section contains things that act like armor (Unarmored Defense, Mage Armor, Armor, Shields).
keithcurtis said:
I do use the tracker when I know there is a problem (I just added one a few seconds ago regarding the Barbarian and Unarmored Defense). In this case, I needed to clarify the intended behavior before I knew if there was a problem. There are four blanks, but you've indicated 3 uses, so I am still obviously confused.
Can you explain what "Passive ___," does? I can't quote figure it out by playing with it. It doesn't seem to have an effect but maybe I'm not using it right. It'd be interesting to be able to exempt passive from the modifier; right now it applies.Kryx said:
Skill modifiers are like any other modifier. Firstly you have dice (1d8 for example), then an ability (Dex for example), then the open ended modifier (1 or @{fighter_level} for example).
Thorsten B. said:
@keithcurtis, I can replicate the die not applying and have opened an issue for it. I can't replicate the ability mod not applying to a skill check, but I didn't test much beyond one try. If you can replicate, open another issue for that one.
The period matches the styling of attacks, actions, class features, etc. That styling is based on the monster manual's actions, reactions, and legendary actions.Thorsten B. said:
I'm not so sure about the dot after the options in Modifier. Like, instead of "Ability score.", how about "Ability score"? Your sheet, of course. If you want an Issue for that I'll open one.
Can you explain what "Passive ___," does? I can't quote figure it out by playing with it. It doesn't seem to have an effect but maybe I'm not using it right. It'd be interesting to be able to exempt passive from the modifier; right now it applies.The modifier for a skill applies to the skill's roll as well as the passive. The passive applies only to the passive.
and they no longer require an attack. Utility
has been added below Offense
and it contains healing and content. In some upcoming versions I will add some SRD importing data to utility. Closes #168: Expand Equipmentpassive_SKILLNAME
. For example: passive_perception
.Joe said:
Hello! I'm a player using the D&D 5e Shaped v11.3.3 sheet and I'm having an issue where I can't click and drag Class Features to sort them when using the latest versions of Firefox or Chrome. The sheet is in Edit mode > Modify > clicking and dragging the three horizontal bars to drag individual Class Features doesn't work.
Is there something I'm doing wrong or is there an easier way to do sort the features in the order I want? Thanks in advance for any responses.
HLazar said:
I think you can only reorganize items when the sheet is not popped out of the main window. I am not sure why that is but it is roll20 thing and not a sheet specific thing.
Jim W. said:
In game go to the cogwheel for options.
2nd checkbox down.
Drew T. said:
I am loving both the sheet and the companion script - but I am having what is (to me) weirdness which I can't pin down.
When I configure the sheet to show target AC (click token to select target) - it works like a charm - except that for some reason, it is rolling the damage dice *twice* , and there's no apparent pattern as to whether it uses the higher or lower result. (Never uses both dice. Just rolls two dice).
Is there a setting I've missed somewhere??
Ah, I never even considered this as a benefit for people who use 3D dice. Nice! Now I can recommend that people with 3D dice turn that setting off.techiecarer said:
If you're talking about 3D Dice, that's because you have "Automatically roll damage for attacks" ticked in the Settings tab. Because the roll template doesn't know at the point when a roll is made whether or not you got a crit, it has to roll crit dice regardless, but the roll template just shows/hides those dice results in the chat as applicable. However if Auto roll damage is unticked, the roll template then knows if it is a crit or not and therefore only shows the correct dice. Unfortunately it's just a limitation of roll20's system.
Cynan said:
Hello, I've just started using the Shaped Sheet, so far it looks really great, but I'm having a problem rolling initiative with advantage. If I use the sheet option in the initiative to section "Roll options: Advantage" it works fine, but if I also tick the "Send to tracker" it reverts back to rolling only one die (but still display the green marker for advantage). Is there some setting I'm missing somewhere?
Cynan said:
Thanks for a quick answer! So, that's what I thought at first as well, when I hover on the result without "send to the tracker" it displays "2d20kh1 +dex", but when send to tracker is set it's simply "rolling d20 + dex". Also when 3D dices are enabled it only rolls one.
From a design perspective roll2 is a limited approach that doesn't work with some nice features with the sheet. I've left it for people who have grown accustomed to it, but I'd greatly encourage not using it.Alexander said:
using Roll2 is probably the best way to go.
Kryx, is roll2 still the only option not causing issues with Roll Query?I'm not sure what you mean by roll query. Always querying how to roll? That's a separate setting from normal or roll2.
The roll setting being reset sounds like the script is trying to revert advantage after a roll. Try turning that setting off. Beyond that you'd have to ask Lucian for what is causing that as I'm unsure the exact checks he does before reverting advantage. Though he's busy lately and if it's a big problem it may be easier to recreate the PC (I can recreate a PC in about 5 mins)techiecarer said:
I have a PC who has Advantage on Init from a Sentinel Shield and is set to such in the sheet's Settings tab. All my sheets use roll2 as default roll option, but whenever her sheet rolls initiative, the roll option for the sheet gets reset to Normal. Seems like it might be an errant attribute held over from a upgrade as it only seems to happen on upgraded sheets (have tested it on another PC in the same campaign with the same results), not new ones.
Kryx said:
The roll setting being reset sounds like the script is trying to revert advantage after a roll. Try turning that setting off. Beyond that you'd have to ask Lucian for what is causing that as I'm unsure the exact checks he does before reverting advantage. Though he's busy lately and if it's a big problem it may be easier to recreate the PC (I can recreate a PC in about 5 mins)
techiecarer said:
Cynan said:
Thanks for a quick answer! So, that's what I thought at first as well, when I hover on the result without "send to the tracker" it displays "2d20kh1 +dex", but when send to tracker is set it's simply "rolling d20 + dex". Also when 3D dices are enabled it only rolls one.
Hmm, I would suggest making a blank character in your campaign and see if the same issue occurs, in which case you can make an entry on Kryx's Issue Tracker (listed on the first post of the thread). I can't seem to reproduce it on a blank character in my campaign (v13.0.1).
Big D said:
Is there somewhere i'm not looking?
techiecarer said:
Big D said:
Is there somewhere i'm not looking?
Click the dropdown with the "-" next to damage and change to "plus" which will then give the secondary damage boxes
Rif said:
My player seem to tell me that spells are bugging out. Prepared spells are becoming unprepared after being cast.