Stephanie B. said:
Can you post a screen shot of the dynamic lighting lines for this snippet? If AFoW can't "see" the center of the square, it doesn't reveal the square. That hasn't changed with this update.
Brian C. said:
This does not fix the primary problem with AFoW: a player cannot see an area that they should be able to see unless the fog of war has been cleared on that square. Clearing the AFoW out to an infinite distance on a global illumination map still means that any squares with the center on the wrong side of a DL line block the players vision. I turned Global Illumination on for an interior map to demonstrate the problem. Left is GM view. Right is player view.

The DL lines follow the curved corridor, and the token has a 5-foot AFoW view distance in this example. There is no reason why the player should not be able to see down the curved corridor to the northeast and southeast. AFoW must not block a token's vision.
Fog of war only works when what a unit can see clears the fog of war, and the area a player can see in color should not change based on whether AFoW is on or off.
Before the January 29 update, the AFoW view distance seemed a bit odd, but I assumed it was to limit calculations. Now it blocks vision.
Roll20 already did the DL calculations correctly. I am surprised the calculations were not also used to clear the fog of war rather than the square-based solution that has been used.. Persisting a 100 x 100 square map as a 1-bit indexed image would be under 30KB.
The DL lines are dead in the middle of the stone walls in the picture.
While AFoW has historically revealed by square, what has become a problem in the last two months of updates and what has changed is that AFoW now blocks what a token should see at that moment. It used to be that you could turn AFoW on or off, and there would be no difference in what you would see in color (only the cleared fog of war would change). Before January 29, AFoW did not block what a token was currently viewing. This has been brushed aside each time I have brought it up. I am tired of being gaslighted about this.
The products I have developed for the Roll20 marketplace are full of maps from products not originally designed for VTT. DL and AFoW have been used extensively. 80% or more of the DL lines do not line up with the grid. DL lines were set up in the middle of the walls on the map whether they were straight, curved, lined up with the grid or not. The player tokens could always see to the DL lines even if the center of squares was on the far side of the DL line. Once the token moved on, then the square would go dark again if the center of the square had not been revealed. Here are images from the previews showing DL taking precedence over AFoW for determining what a player could see. I am sorry I don't have better examples; I did not know half a year ago that I was going to have to provide evidence now. In each of these, the player can see the full extent of their vision, even if they cannot see the middle of a square.
The first picture has no DL lines, but the squares on the leading edge have not yet been revealed.

The upper right of this image has DL lines that the player can see all the way to, even though the DL lines are closer than some of the squares it cuts across.

In the next image you can see a corner of an AFoW square being revealed on the upper-left of the token's field of vision, but the DL takes precedence. In the current system, large portions of the viewable area would be blocked.

This next one is probably the most telling. The token can see to the DL lines, which are not aligned to the grid and are closer to the token than the center of the squares that they are in.

Now what the token can see is limited by the grid.

The walls used to be fully visible up to where the DL lines are. Now the vision is limited by the grid. Please stop telling me that the behavior in the quoted image at the top of this post is how the system has always worked. That is demonstrably false. The behavior has changed, and it is for the worse. The features need to go back to how they worked before regardless of how they are implemented.