Hi, everyone! We put out a hotfix this morning that fixes the most critical AFoW and Dynamic Lighting issues we've seen people having. If you have experienced problems with AFoW and DL, please check the Known Issues list in the top of this thread, as it has been updated, then double-check your game to see if you're still having the issue. There are some new Known Issues that we caught during this hotfix, but chose to release the hotfix as it fixes severely critical issues, even if it introduces (or exposed) some less-critical ones. Please note that pages with a scale of 1 unit = 10 ft. and grid scale of .5 still do not have the lighting scale the way you might expect. However, if you change the scale to 5 feet and the grid to .5, the lighting and auras will scale correctly. Many of the purchased modules have this set as 10 feet; we'll be patching those soon. In the course of working on these issues, we discovered that half of the team reads the page settings dialog box one way, and half of the team reads it differently, which has led to inconsistent implementation of page and grid scaling. To fix that going forward, we're redesigning the page settings dialog box, and will be putting that out for user review and feedback on the Dev server soon. As a reminder: Fixes for the token bars are currently in testing on the Dev server. We'll be revisiting those, fixing a few remaining issues, and releasing them soon. Our next priorities for fixing issues related to this release are: Token bar modifications Ruler measurements when the grid scale is anything other than 1 March 8 Hotfix: AFoW Sees Through Walls - fixed the issue that seemed to be caused by Dynamic Lighting gaps, but was in fact caused by Advanced Fog of War being able to peer through walls. When map grid size is not 1 (.5 for example), dim light does not reveal anything. - fixed the issue where dim light does not reveal anything. However, please see the Known Issues list for related issues. Webm uploads need to support transparency - Uploading animations now supports transparency in webm files. Static .gifs are being converted to webm - Static gifs are now converted to a static file format (which shows up as jpeg but is not a jpeg). Also, I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has been so patient, and to apologize to those who have been so frustrated by these issues (and those who have been both!) I know you all care a lot about Roll20, or you wouldn't spend your time telling us when things are broken.