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Animations and AFoW Offical Feedback Thread

Moving report here: Naomi-Tan  said: Detailed description of the problem:  On the battle map tokens 3 bars (green, blue red by default) are layered inline with the tokens while previously the bars was always on top. this change rolled out with the Bar update (the spacing is bigger than previously also) Minimum number of steps to reproduce the problem: 1: create a token in any game. 2: double click token 3: set any bars to X / X where X is greater than 1 4: create another token 5: place the second token directly above the first 6: its setup is now complete and the first tokens bars are  unviewable . Description of setup Google Chrome latest Version Bandcamp volume slider, Animal Crossing Music, Hoofbeats  Windows 7 pro Supplemental  Information this bug also affects other players. on seperate OS's as everyone noticed in game. even though the token wasn't in  my control it was still layered over the top.   
Jim W. said: Annoying issue that seems likely to have been introduced by these updates. Previously when you move a token to the Map layer the token bars vanished, which is in my view the perfect thing.  Now the token bars remain visible, and even if turned off for players are still visible to GM which - for me at least - annoyingly covers part of the map. I need to know if this will be fixed, and if not I will have to change all of them manually - luckily I'm only running one campaign at the moment so only a few dozen tokens on several pages... but on many campaigns I'd have to change dozens on each of multiple pages.
Not sure if this needs a separate thread, but token bars seem to disappear when the value is 0 or below now? They also don't continue to show values above max, although this is less of an issue. I don't know if this was intended, but it's problematic for Pathfinder games, where being able to see who's below 0 HP (dying) is actually relevant.
I do quite enjoy the animated tokens, however the introduction of this feature makes me wish we had a way to change a token's image between various frames. As if I wanted to create a door that can open/close, I would have to have my animation of a Door, and then pause it on the right frame so it appears open to all players.
I have an issue with AFoW dependent on a character having a light source.  This is the player view from the selected character. They have a 5/5 light source.  Firstly there are areas that are blank spaces showing for this character E.G. dynamic lighting is setup with walls added and yet they can clearly see the space below area 1 which is inaccessible. Secondly (on the CTRL-L view) they appear to be able to see the edge of an aura? If i select a different character in the same area: They have no light source but still can't see the AFoW that's been revealed. If I move them over it  with a light source the area then stays revealed for them. Am I doing something wrong here as this seemed to work fine previously? Thanks
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
The token bars being spaced too far apart is an issue we will fix soon. Removing the overflow/underflow on token bars actually fixed a bug, but in doing so took away functionality. We're looking at how to bring back that functionality without reintroducing the bug. It won't work exactly the same as before, but it will display when your token is overcharged or under charged.  The bars/bubbles on map items is an unintentional bug that will be fixed. If an issue is in the Known Issues list at the top of this thread, it means we know about it, can reproduce it, and are looking at ways to solve it. 
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Nixxrite,  Are you logged as a player? As noted in the Known Issues list, ctrl-l does not accurately show what players see.  Nixxrite said: I have an issue with AFoW dependent on a character having a light source. 

Edited 1549297712
Stephanie B. said: Nixxrite,  Are you logged as a player? As noted in the Known Issues list, ctrl-l does not accurately show what players see.  If I rejoin as player the whole screen is dark despite having control of all the characters.
This issue still hasn't been addressed. I would settle for a "we are working on it.", but nothing has even been said about that. Roll20 are making an excellent case to not buy the modules on this site ever again right now. Doug E. said: I have not seen this addressed. It also affects the radius of auras (only half of what is set). The token bars and status markers are twice the size as well (and have been before the update). Could Roll20 please stop producing half grid maps or fix the scaling of tokens? This issue is a deal breaker and I'm considering demanding a refund on my TftYP purchase. Botley said: I have discovered a problem that effects the Dungeon of the Mad Mage maps. The new lighting effects tokens sight when an Enabled, Size:  = 0.5. Like this:   This effects the tokens by only showing the "Bright light" portion of the dynamic lighting. A Character token with lighting settings such as these below show different sight lines depending on the Grid Size. Lighting with a grid size of 1: Lighting with a Grid Size of 0.5: I have managed to sort of fix this issue by doubling the Light Radius value but keeping the Start of Dim value the same. I hope this helps you find the cause of the bug, because this really effects my game.
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Hi, Botley. Thanks for your feedback. It's been a busy week, as you can imagine. I've just updated the Known Issues list at the top of this thread as of this morning. In general, I update that list with issues that have been reported, and which we can re-create. If it's in the Known Issues list, it also means I've made a ticket for it in our bug list (if we can recreate the bug, it can go into the backlog). This is the official feedback thread, so I read every comment and reply in this thread. I don't have time to reply to everything while also doing QA and my primary job at Roll20, but I trust everyone here to understand that it's better for me to spend time QAing a hotfix than replying to every post. As mentioned last week, we do not do hotfixes over the weekend unless there's an outage. So an issue reported on Thursday will not be fixed until Monday or Tuesday at the earliest. We are working very hard to fix the squeakiest bugs. The .5/10 issue with maps and lighting is a high priority bug, which has been reported several times. It's also now in the KIs list. If you are still dissatisfied with your purchase, you can email <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> to discuss purchase-specific issues. I hope you will give us a little time to work out the bugs and fix things before you do that, but it's entirely your prerogative.&nbsp; Botley said: This issue still hasn't been addressed. I would settle for a "we are working on it.", but nothing has even been said about that. Roll20 are making an excellent case to not buy the modules on this site ever again right now.&nbsp;
I apologize for bumping this issue, but given recent thread posts I'd at least like to make sure it's on the radar; my players and co-GMs experience it as well, on whatever devices they're using. The occasional flickering art is relatively tolerable, but the disappearing auras are quite a bit more jarring for a variety of reasons—when I said "large" auras previously, that included using auras even just for common spell effects, like fog clouds, or darkness.&nbsp; Ditto B. said: I'm having a similar issue with Chrome on Windows 8—some tokens/art pieces will disappear as well when they go off-screen in certain directions, on any layer. Any auras they have disappear along with them, making it difficult to use large auras. Resizing an affected token seems to change this behavior at times, but I otherwise haven't identified any rhyme or reason to why some tokens are affected while others don't seem to be. Dragon Dreamer said: Moving the following issue here: Tayro &nbsp;said: Browser and OS information : Firefox 64.0.2, Windows 10 As of the most recent update, long shapes made with the draw shape tool, if placed so that more than half of it is not on-screen, the whole shape will not be rendered. This is an issue because I was using shapes to act as a background on a map that acted like a status screen and as the player scrolls around certain parts appear and disappear. I have followed the three steps stated in the FAQ and the problem persists.
Mike W.
Sheet Author
I know this has been mentioned before BUT I do not see it in the 'known issues' so I just want to make sure it is mentioned . When using Auras and\or Status Icons, they rotate with the token as the token is rotated. So if you have a square Aura, it rotates and now looks like a diamond. If you have Status Icons and rotate the token 180 degrees, the Status Icons now appear upside down.
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
It's in the Known Issues list: Auras and status icons rotate with the token

Edited 1549320479
Stephanie B. said: If an issue is in the Known Issues list at the top of this thread, it means we know about it, can reproduce it, and are looking at ways to solve it.&nbsp; So since the issue of the bar/bubble order being in the 'incorrect' order now is not listed at the top of the thread, and there have been several posts about it, and Devs haven't responded to it as a problem, can we assume that is is in fact not a bug or Known Issue and is in fact working as intended? Just trying to understand if this is a bug, or an intended change.

Edited 1549320611
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Ah, I lumped it in with "the token bars are too far apart" when I made the ticket, since it got reported along with the token bars.&nbsp; I can see that would be confusing, though, so I'll update the KIs list to reflect the full scope. Wint said: So since the issue of the bar/bubble order being in the 'incorrect' order now is not listed at the top of the thread, and there have been several posts about it, and Devs haven't responded to it as a problem, can we assume that is is in fact not a bug or Known Issue and is in fact working as intended? Just trying to understand if this is a bug, or an intended change.
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
I haven't had time to try and recreate this issue, but I did make a ticket to investigate it. Since I haven't recreated it yet, it isn't in the KIs list, but that's probably just a matter of time. If I can't recreate it after trying, I generally comment back asking for more information. Ditto B. said: I apologize for bumping this issue, but given recent thread posts I'd at least like to make sure it's on the radar; my players and co-GMs experience it as well, on whatever devices they're using. The occasional flickering art is relatively tolerable, but the disappearing auras are quite a bit more jarring for a variety of reasons—when I said "large" auras previously, that included using auras even just for common spell effects, like fog clouds, or darkness.&nbsp;

Edited 1549349810
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
I noticed last night when holding ALT and dragging and dropping an animated token from the Marketplace Purchases folder that it doesnt drop it at the correct size like with other items. Not sure if that was pointed out or not already. But its dropping it in as a reeeeeeaaaalllly tiny token. It's not that big of a deal with my tokens, as I include the unit size in the file name (Wall_Saw_10x2) but if other creators aren't putting those sizes in their files, it could turn out to be confusing for the end user to size the tokens properly.
I'm moving this here for Lee. Dynamic lighting related, but is asking about token light sources generating a square now. Lee G. &nbsp;said: Hi, been using Dynamic lighting without issue but have gone back to the game today and the token light sources now generate square rather than circular area of effect - can't seen to stop it or find a setting that's causing it. Is this an issue related to a recent update?
Moving known issue report here:&nbsp; Aetis said: Why is the hp bar way high off the token now?

Edited 1549347054
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
ArtRaven said: I'm moving this here for Lee. Dynamic lighting related, but is asking about token light sources generating a square now. Lee G. &nbsp;said: Hi, been using Dynamic lighting without issue but have gone back to the game today and the token light sources now generate square rather than circular area of effect - can't seen to stop it or find a setting that's causing it. Is this an issue related to a recent update? Just for clarity, in the original thread , we established that the problem was a square reveal pattern for large areas of AFoW, not the dynamic light circle itself. I have tested this as well and can confirm.

Edited 1549379275
Sheet Author
I have a simple gif of a police car with flashing lights hacked together in GIMP. It only has only 3 frames when&nbsp; viewed in a browser it animates and loops fine.&nbsp; But when I upload it to Roll20 it shimmer/vibrates when it loops to the first frame.&nbsp; Anybody got any advice how to fix this?
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
David, that's in the Known Issues list, a blurring effect because the first frame uses the preview image.&nbsp; David said: I have a simple gif of a police car with flashing lights hacked together in GIMP. It only has only 3 frames when and when viewed in a browser it animates and loops fine.&nbsp; But when I upload it to Roll20 it shimmer/vibrates when it loops to the first frame.&nbsp; Anybody got any advice how to fix this?
Sheet Author
Stephanie B. said: David, that's in the Known Issues list, a blurring effect because the first frame uses the preview image.&nbsp; I thought I remembered seeing it somewhere but I failed my Library use roll.
Token lighting is off. Dim light / normal light not displaying correctly for my PCs.&nbsp;

Edited 1549498922
In order for my PC Tokens to have 60ft of light with last 30 feet dim.. I have to set the token to 120ft and dim after 30.&nbsp; Someone's&nbsp;math was off that last update :p and of course PCs can see things they arent supposed to.&nbsp;

Edited 1549503290
Hey so every since the most recent update trying to use AFOW completely lags me and my players games. We all have computers capable of running modern video games so this is pretty confusing. It might just be because the maps were playing on are too large however we played on the same maps without a problem before the update. Would love to know if there's any way to fix it. Edit: Ok, I know CTRL+L being busted is mentioned in the known bugs but i've just realized it seems sometimes when I switch between maps the blotted out parts of the previous map seem to show up when I use CTRL+L. So that's weird. Edit 2: Ok so I think my game is just completely broken because I've set a map to have dynamic lighting and no global illumination yet when I join as a player with a token that shouldn't be able to see anything I can still see pretty much everything except a small portion of the map that AFOW is kind of working on.

Edited 1549514064
I FIGURED IT OUT!! I can't explain why, but it appears to be tied to the background color of the map. When the map's background is set to Transparent, for some reason it is displaying this border around all gifs I upload. Making the background of the map any color whatsoever eliminates this undesirable effect. Obviously ideal would be for this effect to not happen, even with transparent map backgrounds, but for now, I can certainly make do. Thanks for being patient as I worked through this! Tony C. said: Is anyone else getting a thin white border around every gif they upload? Love the ability to include gifs on the map now, but if every gif is gonna have a white square border outlining it, that ain't gonna work for me. Edit: [screenshots] Different map and the borders are black there for some reason. And one gif (top left) even left its border behind after I deleted it.

Edited 1549556747
Hi, I'm preparing a campaign with the official Lost Mine of Phandelver module. I was running tests on the Cragmaw Hideout map, and have been running into issues with "Advanced Fog of War" on this page. The problem is that the Advanced Fog of War doesn't always respect the Dynamic Lighting lines, as can be seen in the image below. Note the top section and the middle rock area, which should be impossible to reveal. The problem areas are always the same, but I haven't been able to figure out what causes the leaking. Interestingly, when I turn "Advanced Fog of War" off, the Dynamic Lighting by itself works perfectly. Players cannot see beyond the Dynamic Lighting lines (and performance is much better). As in this image, which has the player in the same spot, just with Advanced Fog of War turned off: Here are the settings I'm using for this page with Advanced Fog of War turned on. I hope this helps to diagnose and fix these problems. If I am doing something wrong please let me know. Thanks!

Edited 1549558048
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Wow, thank you so much, Tony! That's something I can pass along to the devs to fix! Tony C. said: I FIGURED IT OUT!! I can't explain why, but it appears to be tied to the background color of the map. When the map's background is set to Transparent, for some reason it is displaying this border around all gifs I upload. Making the background of the map any color whatsoever eliminates this undesirable effect. Obviously ideal would be for this effect to not happen, even with transparent map backgrounds, but for now, I can certainly make do. Thanks for being patient as I worked through this!
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Devin, Can you confirm that this happens when you are logged in as a player, not using CTRL-L? Devin R. said: Hi, I'm preparing a campaign with the official Lost Mine of Phandelver module. I was running tests on the Cragmaw Hideout map, and have been running into issues with "Advanced Fog of War" on this page. The problem is that the Advanced Fog of War doesn't always respect the Dynamic Lighting lines, as can be seen in the image below. Note the top section and the middle rock area, which should be impossible to reveal. The problem areas are always the same, but I haven't been able to figure out what causes the leaking.&nbsp;

Edited 1549570193
I have noticed that setting the token's AFoW View Distance to nothing gets rid of the (highly annoying and game breaking) revealing of random squares that have not yet been discovered bug which everyone is experiencing. Not sure if that helps in the debugging...
Yes, I was using the "Join as Player" option. In the Ctrl-L option it actually works correctly. The error is easy to reproduce in the official Mine of Phandelver module, on the Cragmaw Hideout map, using the default PCs included for free with the module that emit light. I can upload a video if need be, but you should be able to test it easily. If you remove the two red colored dynamic lighting blocks on the bridge it gives the situation in my images above. There are some corners where the light of the PC just goes right through the dynamic lighting edge. That being said, I tried deleting and recreating the all dynamic lighting structures on the official map. I recreated them used polygon shapes. It fixed the problem, but with one exception. In one particular case, the light still got through at one of the corners of the polygon. Here is that image. (This was all part of a single polygon shape, there are not two separate shapes here). When my character walked past it, the light just went right through. Stephanie B. said: Devin, Can you confirm that this happens when you are logged in as a player, not using CTRL-L? Devin R. said: Hi, I'm preparing a campaign with the official Lost Mine of Phandelver module. I was running tests on the Cragmaw Hideout map, and have been running into issues with "Advanced Fog of War" on this page. The problem is that the Advanced Fog of War doesn't always respect the Dynamic Lighting lines, as can be seen in the image below. Note the top section and the middle rock area, which should be impossible to reveal. The problem areas are always the same, but I haven't been able to figure out what causes the leaking.&nbsp;
That probably fixes it only if it is combined with an empty Emits Light. In my case, the character had the setting Emits Light at 60 ft, and even with Advanced Fog of War empty still had the problem of the revealing of squares. I will note that I am sure they aren't entirely random. They seem to correspond to rays of light actually squeezing through the corners of shapes. Ben L. said: &nbsp;have noticed that setting the token's AFoW View Distance to nothing gets rid of the (highly annoying and game breaking) revealing of random squares that have not yet been discovered bug which everyone is experiencing. Not sure if that helps in the debugging...
I made a video illustrating the problems with Advanced Fog of War light seeping through cracks in the corners. This is a very slightly modified version of the Cragmow Hideout map on the Mine of Phandelver official module. Note that this same map works perfectly with Dynamic Lighting when Advanced Fog of War is turned off. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Thanks for the report, Devin. We're investigating the dynamic lighting "gap" issue, and this will help the devs.
This is more general feedback as I look at all of my pages with dynamic lighting in utter chaos. Many of my maps are now just total darkness and light sources seem to no longer work at all, and I don't even know where to begin fixing these issues, or restoring my maps to their former states. With this many very apparent issues, it does not seem like this feature was ready for the big time. Without a way to revert to the old system, or to opt in to a beta of this feature, this is incredibly frustrating :(
Given that's it's been just short of two weeks and there is still significant impact to core functionality; has it been considered rolling back this update on the production servers and taking another crack at it down the line on the test servers with the reported issues in mind? I think a rollback would give the development staff a chance to iron this update out without hampering&nbsp;the end users. While the animation bits are nifty and the claimed improvements to advanced lighting features would be a nice quality of life thing it doesn't seem worth the trade off of broken tokens and wonky grids/auras/bars. Reading Stephanie's posts here while well intended it still gives me the impression the the staff doesn't have the bandwidth to get the development work, quality assurance testing and customer support done all at the same time. Rolling back would give Development and QA time to work in private and save Customer support a lot of hassle. While the annoyance caused by this update are manageable I find it frustrating from the end user perspective to have to do extra work compensating and working around said issues. Having to say to my players 'sorry this looks wonky the platform has some issues right now' is also disheartening. My other concern is there are a fair number of folks with the pro and plus accounts that are paying for features that don't live up expectations / promotional material for close to half a billing cycle. While I imagine everyone at roll20 is well intended and working as hard as can be reasonable expected to get this going I still think it might be worth considering a rollback to restore core functions and take a second look at this update on the dev server. Thanks -Snow
Stephanie B. said: Thanks, Nico! It's great to have such kind words! The status markers scale deliberately, due to some odd behavior when things were refactored (sorry for missing that in the release note). However, we'll take a look and see if we can make them a little more visible and usable. Suggestion : I think it's a fine feature, that they scale with the number. But maybe they could scale down up to 5 in a row and then using the next rows. Currently all of them are always displayed in one row regardless how many.
Snow said: Given that's it's been just short of two weeks and there is still significant impact to core functionality; has it been considered rolling back this update on the production servers and taking another crack at it down the line on the test servers with the reported issues in mind? I think a rollback would give the development staff a chance to iron this update out without hampering&nbsp;the end users. While the animation bits are nifty and the claimed improvements to advanced lighting features would be a nice quality of life thing it doesn't seem worth the trade off of broken tokens and wonky grids/auras/bars. Reading Stephanie's posts here while well intended it still gives me the impression the the staff doesn't have the bandwidth to get the development work, quality assurance testing and customer support done all at the same time. Rolling back would give Development and QA time to work in private and save Customer support a lot of hassle. While the annoyance caused by this update are manageable I find it frustrating from the end user perspective to have to do extra work compensating and working around said issues. Having to say to my players 'sorry this looks wonky the platform has some issues right now' is also disheartening. My other concern is there are a fair number of folks with the pro and plus accounts that are paying for features that don't live up expectations / promotional material for close to half a billing cycle. While I imagine everyone at roll20 is well intended and working as hard as can be reasonable expected to get this going I still think it might be worth considering a rollback to restore core functions and take a second look at this update on the dev server. Thanks -Snow Very good idea! Seconded! I'm also in IT and I know that quality is hard to reach if the team has to work under time pressure. Better a later update which is stable than too many quickshots.
New Issue, I have purchased the animated traps, but I have them with their white backgrounds, though I know they are supposed to be transparent.
Snow said: Given that's it's been just short of two weeks and there is still significant impact to core functionality; has it been considered rolling back this update on the production servers and taking another crack at it down the line on the test servers with the reported issues in mind? I think a rollback would give the development staff a chance to iron this update out without hampering&nbsp;the end users. While the animation bits are nifty and the claimed improvements to advanced lighting features would be a nice quality of life thing it doesn't seem worth the trade off of broken tokens and wonky grids/auras/bars. Reading Stephanie's posts here while well intended it still gives me the impression the the staff doesn't have the bandwidth to get the development work, quality assurance testing and customer support done all at the same time. Rolling back would give Development and QA time to work in private and save Customer support a lot of hassle. While the annoyance caused by this update are manageable I find it frustrating from the end user perspective to have to do extra work compensating and working around said issues. Having to say to my players 'sorry this looks wonky the platform has some issues right now' is also disheartening. My other concern is there are a fair number of folks with the pro and plus accounts that are paying for features that don't live up expectations / promotional material for close to half a billing cycle. While I imagine everyone at roll20 is well intended and working as hard as can be reasonable expected to get this going I still think it might be worth considering a rollback to restore core functions and take a second look at this update on the dev server. Thanks -Snow This. All the this. Roll it back at this point.
Snow said: Given that's it's been just short of two weeks and there is still significant impact to core functionality; has it been considered rolling back this update on the production servers and taking another crack at it down the line on the test servers with the reported issues in mind? I think a rollback would give the development staff a chance to iron this update out without hampering&nbsp;the end users. While the animation bits are nifty and the claimed improvements to advanced lighting features would be a nice quality of life thing it doesn't seem worth the trade off of broken tokens and wonky grids/auras/bars. Reading Stephanie's posts here while well intended it still gives me the impression the the staff doesn't have the bandwidth to get the development work, quality assurance testing and customer support done all at the same time. Rolling back would give Development and QA time to work in private and save Customer support a lot of hassle. While the annoyance caused by this update are manageable I find it frustrating from the end user perspective to have to do extra work compensating and working around said issues. Having to say to my players 'sorry this looks wonky the platform has some issues right now' is also disheartening. My other concern is there are a fair number of folks with the pro and plus accounts that are paying for features that don't live up expectations / promotional material for close to half a billing cycle. While I imagine everyone at roll20 is well intended and working as hard as can be reasonable expected to get this going I still think it might be worth considering a rollback to restore core functions and take a second look at this update on the dev server. Thanks -Snow Yes please! +1
Faeriedae said: Hey so every since the most recent update trying to use AFOW completely lags me and my players games. We all have computers capable of running modern video games so this is pretty confusing. It might just be because the maps were playing on are too large however we played on the same maps without a problem before the update. Would love to know if there's any way to fix it. Edit: Ok, I know CTRL+L being busted is mentioned in the known bugs but i've just realized it seems sometimes when I switch between maps the blotted out parts of the previous map seem to show up when I use CTRL+L. So that's weird. Edit 2: Ok so I think my game is just completely broken because I've set a map to have dynamic lighting and no global illumination yet when I join as a player with a token that shouldn't be able to see anything I can still see pretty much everything except a small portion of the map that AFOW is kind of working on. I uploaded some videos of some the issues: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'd really appreciate some help.
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
AthenaWhisper, Sorry for the delay getting back to you. You can already do this with rollable table tokens . They're in the Known Issues list right now as not working (they will be fixed in the next patch), but you can set up a rollable table and give the different items in the table an image. You can then click the "Token" button to have it drop a token onto the tabletop which you can right-click to change sides. With animations, you could even have each of those sides be animated. For a door that opens and closes, for example, you could have one side as a static closed door, another as a static open door, and two animated sides that show the door opening and closing. You could even add a side that shows the door rattling from something on the other side trying to get through, or a trap going off on the door, etc. AthenaWhisper said: I do quite enjoy the animated tokens, however the introduction of this feature makes me wish we had a way to change a token's image between various frames. As if I wanted to create a door that can open/close, I would have to have my animation of a Door, and then pause it on the right frame so it appears open to all players.
I also fully support the idea of a rollback. This update did not get enough testing. Snow said: Given that's it's been just short of two weeks and there is still significant impact to core functionality; has it been considered rolling back this update on the production servers and taking another crack at it down the line on the test servers with the reported issues in mind? I think a rollback would give the development staff a chance to iron this update out without hampering&nbsp;the end users. While the animation bits are nifty and the claimed improvements to advanced lighting features would be a nice quality of life thing it doesn't seem worth the trade off of broken tokens and wonky grids/auras/bars. Reading Stephanie's posts here while well intended it still gives me the impression the the staff doesn't have the bandwidth to get the development work, quality assurance testing and customer support done all at the same time. Rolling back would give Development and QA time to work in private and save Customer support a lot of hassle. While the annoyance caused by this update are manageable I find it frustrating from the end user perspective to have to do extra work compensating and working around said issues. Having to say to my players 'sorry this looks wonky the platform has some issues right now' is also disheartening. My other concern is there are a fair number of folks with the pro and plus accounts that are paying for features that don't live up expectations / promotional material for close to half a billing cycle. While I imagine everyone at roll20 is well intended and working as hard as can be reasonable expected to get this going I still think it might be worth considering a rollback to restore core functions and take a second look at this update on the dev server. Thanks -Snow
+1 Ben L. said: I also fully support the idea of a rollback. This update did not get enough testing. Snow said: Given that's it's been just short of two weeks and there is still significant impact to core functionality; has it been considered rolling back this update on the production servers and taking another crack at it down the line on the test servers with the reported issues in mind? I think a rollback would give the development staff a chance to iron this update out without hampering&nbsp;the end users. While the animation bits are nifty and the claimed improvements to advanced lighting features would be a nice quality of life thing it doesn't seem worth the trade off of broken tokens and wonky grids/auras/bars. Reading Stephanie's posts here while well intended it still gives me the impression the the staff doesn't have the bandwidth to get the development work, quality assurance testing and customer support done all at the same time. Rolling back would give Development and QA time to work in private and save Customer support a lot of hassle. While the annoyance caused by this update are manageable I find it frustrating from the end user perspective to have to do extra work compensating and working around said issues. Having to say to my players 'sorry this looks wonky the platform has some issues right now' is also disheartening. My other concern is there are a fair number of folks with the pro and plus accounts that are paying for features that don't live up expectations / promotional material for close to half a billing cycle. While I imagine everyone at roll20 is well intended and working as hard as can be reasonable expected to get this going I still think it might be worth considering a rollback to restore core functions and take a second look at this update on the dev server. Thanks -Snow
Snow said: Given that's it's been just short of two weeks and there is still significant impact to core functionality; has it been considered rolling back this update on the production servers and taking another crack at it down the line on the test servers with the reported issues in mind? I think a rollback would give the development staff a chance to iron this update out without hampering&nbsp;the end users. While the animation bits are nifty and the claimed improvements to advanced lighting features would be a nice quality of life thing it doesn't seem worth the trade off of broken tokens and wonky grids/auras/bars. Reading Stephanie's posts here while well intended it still gives me the impression the the staff doesn't have the bandwidth to get the development work, quality assurance testing and customer support done all at the same time. Rolling back would give Development and QA time to work in private and save Customer support a lot of hassle. While the annoyance caused by this update are manageable I find it frustrating from the end user perspective to have to do extra work compensating and working around said issues. Having to say to my players 'sorry this looks wonky the platform has some issues right now' is also disheartening. My other concern is there are a fair number of folks with the pro and plus accounts that are paying for features that don't live up expectations / promotional material for close to half a billing cycle. While I imagine everyone at roll20 is well intended and working as hard as can be reasonable expected to get this going I still think it might be worth considering a rollback to restore core functions and take a second look at this update on the dev server. Thanks -Snow I've actually been thinking the same thing. The update really screwed everything over, which is totally understandable for what seems to be a complete overhaul of the app (by the way A+ work on increasing the FPS, it's a really noticeable and welcome change, that was always a major issue for me as an owner of a potato powered plywood laptop), but it still does sadly impact a lot of us negatively. I'm actually currently starting up a new campaign, which is kind of spooky knowing that things can go all kinds of bad due to this odd transitional period of a half-baked update we're currently in.
Odd to notice how, despite the Roll20 mod responding to something else in this thread, they have chosen to ignore the roll it back comment despite all the people echoing it and agreeing. This update and the handling of it isn't giving me much confidence, especially after my confidence was already damaged in the Nolan fiasco, and I fully expect to get punished for saying so.
I'm using advanced fog of war and dynamic lighting in a game im running, i can test run it with 1 player and it all run smoothly, the second all of us (7 in total) try and play the fog becomes completely unplayable, lagging terribly and even freezing and crashing completely sometimes requiring us to reload.