"test" -- I made it just to test this. It might have been a filetype issue. When I have more time tomorrow I will double check it for you, I just uploaded .gifv, .gif. m4v, and mp4 and some of them didn't work, while I got one to work (not sure which, but it took a while to load so I'll do it tomorrow) using the refresh method. Stephanie B. said: OK, thanks. Can you post the game name or ID so we can look into it tomorrow and see if we can find the problem? Kobold said: Yep, I have tried. But, nope it doesn't resolve the issue. Stephanie B. said: I'm not sure if you tried to upload an image with your reply-- sometimes images take a few tries to upload to the forums. I see your screen shot now-- thanks! Anyway: When you say it shows up on the toolbar, do you mean: the page navigation at the top of the VTT? The sidebar where there are a bunch of tabs. If so, which tab? Someplace else? Have you refreshed the browser? When I had this issue before during testing, a refresh resolved the issue. Kobold said: Stephanie B. said: Hi, Kobold: The blur is in the known issues; it's the top priority to fix this week. When you say the gifs show up on the page toolbar, but won't load on the main page, where exactly are you seeing them show up or not show up? Does the problem persist if you refresh the browser? Hey Stephanie, For example, I uploaded this one, it's uploaded and in my library, however, when I drag it onto the grid, it won't show up, however it shows up on the toolbar, like it's there, but it's not showing up.