Just pointing that the hotfix mentioned before has't fix it to me. It has in fact worse my situation. When I turn on the AFoW now the whole map is show to the players, I checked it both with the DM view (ctr+L) and using a dummy player account. If I turn off the AFoW it only show what the current light is supposed to show, as expected. But so far, I don't have a option to keep showing the player the areas already seen.
When I put the AFoW, the site crash or almost crash, it became really, really slow. When I see the player view in
Arthur V. said:
I'm having a problem with Advanced Fog of War plus Global Illumination.
I and my players are having these problem, in my case I'm running Roll20 in a Chrome Version 73.0.3683.86 (Official Build) (64-bit) in Windows 10. |My players are using mostly Chrome as well, but some use firefox, their OS are either several types of Windows or Linux.
I'm experiencing these problem in my Price of Apocalypse game and in the Sacred Stone map, not sure if I'll notice the same problem in the others maps.
When I set Global Illumination On with AFoW it limits the players view for a small distance, that the in game measured as 35 fts:

the Page settings with both Global Illumination and AFoW on

What the player sees. His view is blocked after a 35 ft distance, the reveled area is square shaped with a 35 ft distance from the token in the center. I tested it, and as move the token the map is reveled still only until 35 ft. And the AFoW keeps, as expected, showing the area already seen by the token
I created a dummy account and gave it a player status and logged in as player to see exactly what the player was seeing.

If I turn of the AFoW in the Page settings

The reveled area to the token is what I expected in a global illumination, but the token loose the sight of the area he already visited, what the token no longer see turn black, again, as expected without AFoW.
What I what is that in maps both options turned on, Global Illumination and AFoW, the token see everything as the last picture but keep showing the area already visited using the AFoW feature.