Hi Rollers, We've rolled out an update to the OGL sheet today. Changes are: Flat Bonus field on tool and custom skills. AC no longer auto-calculates if you're using the simple inventory system NPCs formatting has been stylized to help support negative bonuses Better translation support and bugfixes Custom Spell DC Save modifier Custom AC Calculation formatting Bugfix: Global save bonus now being properly updated by custom items Bugfix: Compendium health formula values fixed for some creatures Bugfix: Setting spell attacks manually now correctly triggers attack Bugfix: NPCs no longer roll 3D crit dice on non-crit hits API Companion: Bugfix for double split failures for API Companion: Bugfix HP now updates to HP_max on longrest API Companion: Bugfix Total Weight now updates when ammo is loosed API Companion: Bugfix Spellcard Cantrips no longer trigger spell expendatures Let us know what you think!