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5th Edition OGL by Roll20 v1.6

Scott C.
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taz447 said: I'm unsure if its been asked before but with this sheet exactly what would you need to do in order to add 2 additional skills to the sheet for the html code (html code I'm using is from GitHub as a base) What I'm trying to do is add 2 additional skills for making the sheet compatible with the adventures in middle earth conversion. In total their are 4 different skills i need to add. all of them are intelligence based so because of this I simply edited the html and translation to change arcana and religion to their respective 'new' skills, and i figured out how to reorganize them to maintain the sheet as an alphabetical list from top to bottom. The issue that I've encountered is that when trying to add in an additional skill into the html as a new item (shadow-lore) but i cant actually get the skill to display in the skill list. I'm not proficient enough in html editing to see what im missing but at request i can provide the html code i'm using to figure this out. Essentially, how do I go about introducing an entirely new skill to add to the base amount shown from 18 -> 20 Edit: I've been able to get the html to display the skill in the advanced options though not on the main page of the sheet at this point. Editing my Translation accordingly Also I apologize if this isnt the forum to be asking this but it's the only one I saw that made any sense You could do it without modifying the CSS by making a "tool" based on intelligence. Has the same roll as a skill and you can be proficient or not in it.

Edited 1474337028
Scott C. said: You could do it without modifying the CSS by making a "tool" based on intelligence. Has the same roll as a skill and you can be proficient or not in it. That was what I intended to do if i couldn't figure out how to add on the additional skills in this situation. If possible I'd like to try and find a solution to add it in the skills section (OCD is painful sometimes). Figured that I'd see if someone else may have encountered this issue already and had a solution for the edits already
There is a 'Crit' field under both 'Damage' fields within Attacks & Spellcasting entries. For more information, please see: Attacks & Spellcasting For some reason I thought max damage+die roll was RAW. I understand this to be a houserule popularized by Chris Perkins. Great.  Thank you.  
Stephen Koontz
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taz447 said: I'm unsure if its been asked before but with this sheet exactly what would you need to do in order to add 2 additional skills to the sheet for the html code (html code I'm using is from GitHub as a base) What I'm trying to do is add 2 additional skills for making the sheet compatible with the adventures in middle earth conversion. In total their are 4 different skills i need to add. all of them are intelligence based so because of this I simply edited the html and translation to change arcana and religion to their respective 'new' skills, and i figured out how to reorganize them to maintain the sheet as an alphabetical list from top to bottom. The issue that I've encountered is that when trying to add in an additional skill into the html as a new item (shadow-lore) but i cant actually get the skill to display in the skill list. I'm not proficient enough in html editing to see what im missing but at request i can provide the html code i'm using to figure this out. Essentially, how do I go about introducing an entirely new skill to add to the base amount shown from 18 -> 20 Edit: I've been able to get the html to display the skill in the advanced options though not on the main page of the sheet at this point. Editing my Translation accordingly Also I apologize if this isnt the forum to be asking this but it's the only one I saw that made any sense Under the skills-container div you'll want to add a new skill div and just take an existing skill and everywhere the skill's name is, change it to the new name. Under the skill_bonus value= you'll want to change the base attribute it uses to fit the new skill. Under the skill_options div you'll want to give the "row skill" div the same treatment, copying it and replacing it with your new skill's name. Under the <!HIDDEN FIELDS> section you'll need to copy and paste the proficiency formula for your new skill
Alright cool that makes sense, looking back over it, thank you for your quick reply @Steve K.!!
There are some very long spell descriptions that could be summarized with a to-lazy-didnt-read (TLDR) version. Can we get the spell descriptions pulled from the SRD to first display a TLDR version and a button to show the full description? Examples: Bless: 3 creatures within 30' get +1d4 to attack and save rolls Hail of thorns: first ranged weapon hit explodes with thorns. All creatures within 5' (including original target) take 1d10 piercing damage DEX save for half
MaverickOrig said: There are some very long spell descriptions that could be summarized with a to-lazy-didnt-read (TLDR) version. Can we get the spell descriptions pulled from the SRD to first display a TLDR version and a button to show the full description? Unfortunately, there's no easy way to do this. Adding summaries to the the Description fields of complex spells (perhaps using formatting for emphasis) might be the most plausible way of implementing this. Alternatively, you could create an Ability macro for each especially lengthy spell description and replace the contents of that spell's Description field with an Ability Command Button plus the summary text.
Scott C.
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Alternatively, put the summary text (like Bless's +1d4 to d20 rolls) in the target field, Then your target field output has the basic effect right there.
How do you roll intiative on the npc sheet so it's added to the turn tracker?
Scott C.
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Click the NPC's name if I remember correctly
Scott C. said: Click the NPC's name if I remember correctly You're a star, thanks!
One of my players has second wind as a resource on his character sheet, but it doesn't appear to be clickable to roll, is there a different way we should be doing it to make it clickable to roll?
Stephen Koontz
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Gabriel403 said: One of my players has second wind as a resource on his character sheet, but it doesn't appear to be clickable to roll, is there a different way we should be doing it to make it clickable to roll? I'd set it up in the Attack/Spellcasting section. If you're using the companion script you could have it automatically spend the Second Wind resource as "ammunition"

Edited 1474500856
Silvyre said: MaverickOrig said: There are some very long spell descriptions that could be summarized with a to-lazy-didnt-read (TLDR) version. Can we get the spell descriptions pulled from the SRD to first display a TLDR version and a button to show the full description? Unfortunately, there's no easy way to do this. Adding summaries to the the Description fields of complex spells (perhaps using formatting for emphasis) might be the most plausible way of implementing this. Alternatively, you could create an Ability macro for each especially lengthy spell description and replace the contents of that spell's Description field with an Ability Command Button plus the summary text. I figured out a solution... Step 1, add a spell twice to your spell list (example Bless) Step 2, Modify the first spell description to: (modify $1_spell to $x_spell where x is the index of your second spell) ***TLDR:*** 3 creatures within 30' get +1d4 to attack and save rolls [Full Description](~@{character_name}|repeating_spell-1_$1_spell) Step 3, Remove the "at higher level description" from the first version You can even do this for attack type spells. Step 1: add a spell twice to your spell list Step 2: modify the second version, change OUTPUT from "Attack" to "Spellcard" Step 3: on the "CORE" tab of your charactersheet, modify the attack description for your spell [Full Description](~@{character_name}|repeating_spell-cantrip_$1_spell)
Gabriel403 said: One of my players has second wind as a resource on his character sheet, but it doesn't appear to be clickable to roll, is there a different way we should be doing it to make it clickable to roll? Create a token macro in the "Attributes & Abilities" tab of your character sheet Label it Second-Wind %{selected|hit_dice} Click the check box "Show as Token Action" Enjoy, -Mav

Edited 1474504549
Michael M. said: Edit1 : Second request. &nbsp;Is it possible to have internal and/or external hyperlinks in the stat blocks for NPCs. &nbsp;For example, a deep gnome has innate spellcasting ability which I list as a trait. &nbsp;At the moment I then mark that NPC as a spellcaster and list the spells in that section. &nbsp;Would be nice to be able to hyperlink to the spell within the trait section. Ditto for status affects/conditions. &nbsp;If monster X has an attack which inflicts the grappled state would be nice to have that keyword a hyperlink so me (or my players) can quickly reference it. Try adding text similar to this to your trait description: ($0 refers to the repeating index of the spell, change to the appropriate spell index) [@{selected|repeating_spell-npc_$0_spellname_base} (@{selected|repeating_spell-npc_$0_spellcastingtime}) ](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$0_spell) Then you can use a token macro to gm-whisper the trait: /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=@{selected|token_name}}} {{name=Traits}} {{description=***@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_name}:*** @{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_desc}}} For the quick reference, you can try this webpage:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... [Grapple Reference](<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) enjoy, -Mav
My skill rolls are not adding my proficiency bonus. Instead, they add "Jack of all trades" whether it is toggled on or off.

Edited 1474510196
Rick said: My skill rolls are not adding my proficiency bonus. Instead, they add "Jack of all trades" whether it is toggled on or off. On the Attributes & Abilities Tab of the affected Characters, please locate and delete all Attributes which have a name similar to: "PB" or "pb" " &lt;skill&gt; _bonus"; e.g. "deception_bonus" " &lt;ability&gt; _mod"; e.g. "strength_mod" "jack_of_all_trades" To delete an Attribute, hover over it and press the x button that appears.
Silvyre said: Michael M. said: Steve K. said: Though there is a critical hit damage field to change that if so desired.&nbsp; Is that under attributes or somewhere else? There is a 'Crit' field under both 'Damage' fields within Attacks & Spellcasting entries. For more information, please see: Attacks & Spellcasting For some reason I thought max damage+die roll was RAW. I understand this to be a houserule popularized by Chris Perkins. So I have set it up like so: Which gives: Which is good, but anyway of showing a total?
MaverickOrig said: Try adding text similar to this to your trait description: ($0 refers to the repeating index of the spell, change to the appropriate spell index) [@{selected|repeating_spell-npc_$0_spellname_base} (@{selected|repeating_spell-npc_$0_spellcastingtime}) ](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$0_spell) Then you can use a token macro to gm-whisper the trait: /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=@{selected|token_name}}} {{name=Traits}} {{description=***@{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_name}:*** @{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_desc}}} For the quick reference, you can try this webpage:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... [Grapple Reference](<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) enjoy, -Mav Creative solution but would still prefer straight up links. &nbsp;That second link is excellent, thank you.
Scott C.
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Michael M. said: Which is good, but anyway of showing a total? Nope, there might be a way to get creative with overriding template fields, but I don't think so.
Is there a way to turn off the NPC action description? I would like players to see the attack roll and damage but not the description. Not display the DC, effects, duration of condition, save results, etc.
Stephen Koontz
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Mark R. said: Is there a way to turn off the NPC action description? I would like players to see the attack roll and damage but not the description. Not display the DC, effects, duration of condition, save results, etc. Not currently without removing the description. If the description is populated it assumes you want to include it. You could make a 2nd version that's just for rolling to the players, or do a GM roll instead so only you get the results.
Casting as ritual. I still cannot figure out a way for the API to not bother expending a spell slot for Rituals. Is there something i am missing, or a workaround? also, if none of the above. *Feature Request!* Thanks, Me
Carlos S. said: My character sheet has been showing for months with overlapping skills and a few unformatted boxes. I have tried different browsers and they all display the same way. Also happens between different campaigns. Other players of my party say their character sheets are fine. In Firefox and Chrome the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-0 will reset the zoom level to default (100%). Could you please try out Ctrl-0 and let us know if it helps?
When using this script I keep getting the following error when trying to track ammo for ranged weapons using the use as resource feature. Your scripts are currently disabled due to an error that was detected. Please make appropriate changes to your scripts and click the "Save Script" button and we'll attempt to start running them again. More info... For reference, the error message generated was: TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined at handleammo (apiscript.js:406:78) at apiscript.js:59:17 at eval (eval at &lt;anonymous&gt; (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:143:34), &lt;anonymous&gt;:65:16) at Object.publish (eval at &lt;anonymous&gt; (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:143:34), &lt;anonymous&gt;:70:8) at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1393:12 at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:560 at hc (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:39:147) at Kd (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:546) at Id.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:489) at Ld.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:94:425) at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:111:400 Any suggestions? Thanks!

Edited 1474690335
Is it a known issue/bug that the NPC version of this character sheet rolls double damage die when 3d dice are enabled? &nbsp;The actual numbers are correct its just the visuals which are wrong:
The additional 2d6 you're seeing are the critical hit dice.
Why are the 3d Die rolling critical when it wasnt a critical (see the chat window result)?
Forum Champion
Michael M. said: Why are the 3d Die rolling critical when it wasnt a critical (see the chat window result)? Because roll20 resolves the result of all submitted rolls (Including any possible crits) before displaying the results.
IC. &nbsp;OK, that explains it, so no way to get rid of it unless damage rolling is turned off. Its a bit confusing for new users/players is there a reason why this cant be split off and rolled only when there is a critical?
Michael M. said: is there a reason why this cant be split off and rolled only when there is a critical? Yes, as Franky H. stated, Roll Templates don't cause inline rolls to occur or not; all Roll Templates can do is prevent inline rolls from displaying in the Text Chat.
IC. &nbsp;Thanks for explaining it.&nbsp;
My apologies if this has already been discussed, but the only Background my compendium lists is 'Acolyte'. &nbsp;Does anyone else have this problem? &nbsp;
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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The compendium is and can only be what WotC has released under the&nbsp; SRD as this is the only OGL content.
Stephen Koontz
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Jason M. said: When using this script I keep getting the following error when trying to track ammo for ranged weapons using the use as resource feature. Any suggestions? Thanks! I'd recommend running through&nbsp; these steps to make sure you've got everything set up correctly.
Steve K. said: Jason M. said: When using this script I keep getting the following error when trying to track ammo for ranged weapons using the use as resource feature. Any suggestions? Thanks! I'd recommend running through&nbsp; these steps to make sure you've got everything set up correctly. I have gone through those steps exactly. Following&nbsp; Silvyre's advice , I made sure to&nbsp;create a repeating resource box&nbsp;to assign my ammo to, but the ammo never updates when I use the longbow attack, whether damage is rolled or not. Just as a quick checklist,&nbsp; -Companion API script is in my campaign -Ammo Tracking set to 'on' in character sheet -Missile Weapon and Ammo were created by dragging from compendium into blank item slots -Use as resource checked -Tried using linked ammo from all boxes (class resource, other resource, left repeating, right repeating) None updated the resource fields in any way. Using the manual commands in the API description returned an unfound attribute:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1474875980
Red said: Using the manual commands in the API description returned an unfound attribute:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> It looks like you're attempting to use the API Script named Ammo , which is unrelated to the ammo tracking used by the 5th Edition OGL by Roll20 Companion API Script. However, Ammo provides a workaround in the meantime: !ammo @{test|character_id} repeating_resource_ RowID _resource_left -1 You would have to manually find and add the&nbsp; RowID of the relevant repeating_resource row to the above chat command.
Hey, Don't know if this has been asked before, I tried searching and couldn't find it. I am using the new UA Revised Ranger and for my Animal Companion I get to add prof bonus to AC. I tried using the custom AC option and changing the base to 10+@{pb} but it doesn't seem to register. Am I missing something? What is the best way to do this so it auto updates the AC as I level up?

Edited 1474884413
Barry H. said: What is the best way to do this so it auto updates the AC as I level up? There's no way to do this natively, but you could use another API Script (e.g. ChatSetAttr ) to update AC via an Ability macro. e.g. !setattr --charid @{character_id} --npc_ac|[[ 10 + @{dexterity_mod} + @{ Ranger Name |pb} ]]

Edited 1474916972
Silvyre said: Red said: Using the manual commands in the API description returned an unfound attribute:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> It looks like you're attempting to use the API Script named Ammo , which is unrelated to the ammo tracking used by the 5th Edition OGL by Roll20 Companion API Script. However, Ammo provides a workaround in the meantime: !ammo @{test|character_id} repeating_resource_ RowID _resource_left -1 You would have to manually find and add the&nbsp; RowID of the relevant repeating_resource row to the above chat command. Thanks, this got the Ammo API script to work, and I figured out my issue with the Ammo Tracking API. Every post (and wiki page) that I read on the matter said to install the "5e Shaped Companion Script," which I did, despite reading the very legible warning that it would not work for the OGL sheet which I was quite clearly using. As soon as I realized there was a companion script for OGL, I tried that and it worked instantly. Whoops&nbsp;¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited 1474922331
I feel the sheet would benefit from - When you un-check an item within the inventory as "equipped" and it grays out, that the items weight is also removed from the total weight. Currently the weight is still added to the total even if you unequip the item from your inventory, the only way to solve this is to remove the quantity but this can cause players to lose track of how many they had when they unchecked the item. So making it so when you unequip the item that it also removes the weight from the total weight without&nbsp;&nbsp;having to remove the quantity would be a lifesaver. This is making tracking items carried and their weight really annoying.

Edited 1474923708
Lord of Madness said: Currently the weight is still added to the total even if you unequip the item from your inventory, the only way to solve this is to remove the quantity but this can cause players to lose track of how many they had when they unchecked the item. Items listed within the Equipment block are those which are stored on your character's person. "Equipped" items are those which are currently worn or wielded by your character, conferring any bonuses that are gained while those items are equipped (in fact, the Mods section only functions when the "Equipped" box is checked). The Treasure block on the Bio Page is better suited for recording items that are not usually on your character's person. Alternatively, the Simple inventory will not calculate items weights.
Has the ability to load from a JSON file (from a Handout, drag into sheet) ever been implemented? Or in the works? Would be great to be able to import custom monsters and spells (not in SRD) in my campaigns. I think I remember reading something about this feature a while back.
Stephen Koontz
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Mark R. said: Has the ability to load from a JSON file (from a Handout, drag into sheet) ever been implemented? Or in the works? Would be great to be able to import custom monsters and spells (not in SRD) in my campaigns. I think I remember reading something about this feature a while back. Custom compendiums are something we're considering.
When adding Spells, it is taking forever to add all the spells and their details. Would be really nice if it had a drop down where I could just select the spell with the pre-populated data.
Jeff G. said: When adding Spells, it is taking forever to add all the spells and their details. Would be really nice if it had a drop down where I could just select the spell with the pre-populated data. You can drag-and-drop spells from the Compendium onto this Character Sheet. Check out how here.
Silvyre said: You can drag-and-drop spells from the Compendium onto this Character Sheet. Check out how here. Nice! Would be helpful if there was a note to that effect on the sheet. &nbsp;Would have saved me over an hour of typing.

Edited 1475192141
Is there an easy way of making token actions(not sure if thats the right wording, i wouldnt want it to pop up for every token including players, just the selected monster token) for each individual NPC/Monster for their attacks and initiative? i Figured how to make it use the first attack listed but if a creature has 3 types of attacks im lost.&nbsp; Thanks in advance roll20 wizards EDIT: think i found it at the bottom of the wiki sheet :/

Edited 1475307297
Alright I have a player in my game who has advantage on all there initiative checks. However, the character sheet only does Initiative with the single roll and does not do Advantage. I have also looked it up and no combination of the premade macros give me what I need or don't want to work properly because they won't call up the specific attribute I want to call up. Then When I try to have it automatically go over to the turn tracker what I have found always uses the second roll whether it is higher or lower than the first roll. If someone could help me out with this it would be wonderful, Thank you.