Eric N. said: Alright I have a player in my game who has advantage on all there initiative checks. However, the character sheet only does Initiative with the single roll and does not do Advantage. I have also looked it up and no combination of the premade macros give me what I need or don't want to work properly because they won't call up the specific attribute I want to call up. Then When I try to have it automatically go over to the turn tracker what I have found always uses the second roll whether it is higher or lower than the first roll. If someone could help me out with this it would be wonderful, Thank you. @{selected|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=INITIATIVE}} {{mod=[[@{selected|initiative_bonus}[INIT]]]}} {{r1=[[ 2d20kh1+[[@{selected|initiative_bonus} ]][INIT] &{tracker}]]}} {{normal=1}} @{selected|charname_output} The above macro will roll, take the highest result, and send the result to the turn tracker.