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5th Edition OGL by Roll20 v1.6

Stephen Koontz
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Michael M. said: THanks but this affects all characters I guess?  Only some characters got the bonus AC. Updating the setting will only affect the character whose sheet you update. It won't affect other characters.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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No, it would only affect the character it is set on
Scott C. said: No, it would only affect the character it is set on Great.  It doesnt exist can I add it myself and if so what is the format?  global_armour_class_modifer or similiar? 
Scott C.
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It's in the left column between the global saving throw modifier and the global magi attack modifier on the settings tab. If you want to do it via the equipment route, you'd put Ac +X in the mods field of the custom item:
Thanks Scott.  Was looking at the Settings and Attribues tab.

Edited 1481490393
Hi, I would like my characters to be very specific about having their shield equipped or unequipped.  The inventory lets you check the box for "equipped", which would make this super easy, however the AC doesn't update reliably to reflect these changes.  Sometimes it seems to work, other times it seems unresponsive, can't figure out why.  We are using OGL for D&D 5e and have the compendium compatible inventory enabled. Is there a way to force the sheet to recalculate the AC depending on equipped armor & shield? EDIT: I clicked on the CUSTOM AC and then clicked it off, that seems to have reset the calc to reflect shield equipped status.  I'll post back if I run into issues again though.  Might have been from editing the AC directly at one point which may have broken the auto-calc?
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Is there a way to produce a saving throw formula that works for all characters? It seems that for PCs the correct bonus to use is @{strength_save_bonus} + @{globalsavemod} However, for NPCs, it seems there are two situations. If the NPC is not  proficient in the save, then the above also works. On the other hand, if it is proficient, you would need to use @{npc_str_save} You can combine the two in a hacky way by using  @{strength_save_bonus} + @{globalsavemod} + @{npc_str_save}/@{npc_str_save}*(@{npc_str_save} - @{strength_save_bonus}) Due to the peculiarities of how roll20 evaluates rolls, this gives you the right answer, except when @{npc_str_save} is 0 (in which case we have division by zero and so the whole roll fails and returns 0). Is there a way to combine it so that it always gives the right answer? Makes me wonder why the sheet does not use sheet workers to calculate a single attribute that always contains the right bonus...

Edited 1481553661
Forum Champion
Jakob said: Is there a way to produce a saving throw formula that works for all characters? It seems that for PCs the correct bonus to use is @{strength_save_bonus} + @{globalsavemod} However, for NPCs, it seems there are two situations. If the NPC is not  proficient in the save, then the above also works. On the other hand, if it is proficient, you would need to use @{npc_str_save} You can combine the two in a hacky way by using  @{strength_save_bonus} + @{globalsavemod} + @{npc_str_save}/@{npc_str_save}*(@{npc_str_save} - @{strength_save_bonus}) Due to the peculiarities of how roll20 evaluates rolls, this gives you the right answer, except when @{npc_str_save} is 0 (in which case we have division by zero and so the whole roll fails and returns 0). Is there a way to combine it so that it always gives the right answer? Makes me wonder why the sheet does not use sheet workers to calculate a single attribute that always contains the right bonus... Couldnt you simply do: [[{@{npc_str_save}, @{strength_save_bonus}}kh1]] If they're proficient, this will return the @{npc_str_save} number as higher, and if they aren't, it will return the @{strength_save_bonus} as higher.

Edited 1481559325
Jakob said: @{strength_save_bonus} + @{globalsavemod} + @{npc_str_save}/@{npc_str_save}*(@{npc_str_save} - @{strength_save_bonus}) Due to the peculiarities of how roll20 evaluates rolls, this gives you the right answer, except when @{npc_str_save} is 0 (in which case we have division by zero and so the whole roll fails and returns 0). Is there a way to combine it so that it always gives the right answer? If division by zero cannot be avoided, you can handle it by wrapping in a {0d0, 0d0}dl1 Keep / Drop function . e.g. [[ 1 + {0/0 + 0d0, 1 + 0d0}dl1 * 2 ]] equals 3 (dh1 and dl1 will both drop the undefined term) [[ @{strength_save_bonus} + @{globalsavemod} + {@{npc_str_save} / @{npc_str_save} + 0d0, 1 + 0d0}dl1 * (@{npc_str_save} - @{strength_save_bonus}) ]] In this particular case—if we continue to assume that the existence of @{npc_str_save} implies that it should be used over @{strength_save_bonus} (regardless of which is greater)—we can avoid DBZ like so: [[ @{strength_save_bonus} * {1@{npc_str_save}0, 0}=10 + 0@{npc_str_save} + @{globalsavemod} ]] {1@{npc_str_save}0, 0}=10 resolves to equal 1 if @{npc_str_save} does not exist (or has no Current value). Franky H. said: Couldnt you simply do: [[{@{npc_str_save}, @{strength_save_bonus}}kh1]] Almost. If @{npc_str_save} doesn't exist (or has no Current value), this expression will break. Using 0@{npc_str_save} as a safeguard leads to undesired behaviour when @{strength_save_bonus} is negative.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The macro wizard comes to my aid. Great, thanks Silvyre! I had not even thought of using equality in this way to make a function to test if npc_str_save is empty... I don't even use the sheet, but I can finally fix the GroupCheck default now :).
Glad I could help!
When trying to use the ammo tracker I often get an error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'set' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'set' of undefined at handleammo (apiscript.js:393:16) at apiscript.js:59:17 at eval (eval at (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:144:34), :65:16) at Object.publish (eval at (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:144:34), :70:8) at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1394:12 at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:560 at hc (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:39:147) at Kd (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:546) at Id.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:489) at Ld.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:94:425) at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:111:400
I've made a custom change to the sheet which will remove/add a spell to the core tab based on the 'prepared' checkbox. This declutters the core tab attack list for characters that have a lot of spells but few prepared (Clerics, Druids). Is this something I should PR? If so, is there a contributing guide somewhere for that sheet?
Is there a statblock import script for the OGL sheet like there is for the Shaped sheet?
I'm having a problem with the inline damage calculation for an attack roll. The attack is for fire bolt (SRD, 1d10 for levels 1-4, 2d10 when they hit level 5) and inside the character sheet is showing damage as 2d10, but when you roll the damage for the attack, it is only rolling 1d10. Any help would be appreciated, as this is error is not limited only to this character, but another one with a similar attack formula
Gozer the Gozerian said: Is there a statblock import script for the OGL sheet like there is for the Shaped sheet? Unfortunately, no.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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Kyle G. said: I'm having a problem with the inline damage calculation for an attack roll. The attack is for fire bolt (SRD, 1d10 for levels 1-4, 2d10 when they hit level 5) and inside the character sheet is showing damage as 2d10, but when you roll the damage for the attack, it is only rolling 1d10. Any help would be appreciated, as this is error is not limited only to this character, but another one with a similar attack formula What's the formula you've got in there?
Scott C. said: Kyle G. said: I'm having a problem with the inline damage calculation for an attack roll. The attack is for fire bolt (SRD, 1d10 for levels 1-4, 2d10 when they hit level 5) and inside the character sheet is showing damage as 2d10, but when you roll the damage for the attack, it is only rolling 1d10. Any help would be appreciated, as this is error is not limited only to this character, but another one with a similar attack formula What's the formula you've got in there? [[floor((@{level} + 1) / 6 + 0.5)]]d10
Kyle G. said: [[floor((@{level} + 1) / 6 + 0.5)]]d10 I have also tried to put formulas into some attacks but I do not think it recognizes them and defaults to nothing. I would love to know whether the 5e OGL sheet will support this. H
HLazar said: I have also tried to put formulas into some attacks but I do not think it recognizes them and defaults to nothing. I would love to know whether the 5e OGL sheet will support this. H I have had these formulas work in the past (latest I remember working was 1 month ago), but just recently (last night) I noticed that it doesn't work anymore. The inline calculations are showing the correct number of dice for the formula, but the number actually being rolled is incorrect.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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The attacks and damage fields do support formulas, at least for chat output. I used this for a monk character in a game that just ended. The problem with firebolt is that its damage doesn't scale linearly and so a formula won't work (at least the math is over my head if it does exist, which admittedly doesn't take much). Kyle, could you confirm something for me? Is the character in question somewhere between levels 5 and 7? This is the range at which your formula returns the incorrect result.
Scott C. said: The attacks and damage fields do support formulas, at least for chat output. I used this for a monk character in a game that just ended. The problem with firebolt is that its damage doesn't scale linearly and so a formula won't work (at least the math is over my head if it does exist, which admittedly doesn't take much). Kyle, could you confirm something for me? Is the character in question somewhere between levels 5 and 7? This is the range at which your formula returns the incorrect result. He is level 5 currently
Looking into it a little more, I have found that in the sheet the damage is being shown correctly (1d10 for levels 1-4, 2d10 for levels 5-10, 3d10 for levels 11-16, and 4d10 for levels 17-20). However, the chat output is different (1d10 for levels 1-7, 2d10 for levels 8-13, 3d10 for levels 14-19, and 4d10 for level 20 only).
Scott C.
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I'm confused, is your formula actually reducing down to a value in the sheet? In my experience this doesn't happen. Where are you seeing this correct damage scaling?
[[floor((@{level} + 1) / 6 + 0.5)]]d10 This is where the problem is, it should be round instead of floor, I don't remember if that was what it was when I dragged it from the compendium or if maybe I had messed around with the value since. In any case, dragging it from the compendium again fixed the issue. I am still curious as to why the character sheet was displaying a 2 when I did an inline comparison and was getting a 1. TLDR. Should be [[round((@{level} + 1) / 6 + 0.5)]]d10

Edited 1482162699
Scott C. said: I'm confused, is your formula actually reducing down to a value in the sheet? In my experience this doesn't happen. Where are you seeing this correct damage scaling? With the formula [[floor((@{level} + 1) / 6 + 0.5)]]d10 for the damage, the inline calculation in the character sheet was displaying the proper number of d10s (see the bottom of the provided image).
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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Huh, wonder if they updated the sheet to handle that, wasn't doing that a month ago for my monk. Although if it doesn't parse the same way the chat does, then that's no good.
How do I add the +1 from dual wielder to my AC?
You could add it through the  MOD property in the item itself, or through the Global AC modifier in the character settings.
Nice thanks!
Sorry if this has been covered - it's late and i'm tired. I want to have the attack macros from the 5th edition OGL character sheet target a monster token. What i am trying to achieve is /me slams his dagger into {{target}} --at this point i want the player to click a target monster token /roll 1d20+3 vs AC -- So i want the attack to be vs target monster token AC from Bar 2 where Bar 2 is set to AC /roll 1d4+1 Damage -- and deduct the damage from target monster token HP in bar 1 If the last line is not possible that's fine, but I DO want them to target something. Is that possible?
Martin T. , check out Using a Targeted Token with a Macro .
Silvyre said: Martin T. , check out Using a Targeted Token with a Macro . Thanks for the link. I must still be missing something however. Using the suggested macro: /em strikes out at @{target|foe|name}! **To Hit**: [[1d20+3]] vs. @{target|foe|npc_AC} AC throws an error  Any thoughts on what i am missing?
DM Hawk said: Silvyre said: Martin T. , check out Using a Targeted Token with a Macro . Thanks for the link. I must still be missing something however. Using the suggested macro: /em strikes out at @{target|foe|name}! **To Hit**: [[1d20+3]] vs. @{target|foe|npc_AC} AC throws an error  Any thoughts on what i am missing? Try using @{target|foe|token_name}
Scott C.
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If it's linked to a char name, you need character_name instead of just name.
It would be neat if the features and traits were individually clickable pieces.
Hey fellow Masters and Adventurers. I started a campaign, with a few players, and everything worked fine, as we built the characters. But 10 or 11 days ago the Sheets went buggy. I as the DM sometimes can't see the Spells names from my Players properly. The players can't write down damage attacks properly for a new weapon etc. Were there some changes on the Character Sheet? Greetings
I am preparing for a SKT adventurer and using the OGL character sheet.  I am noticing the Hit Dice section is not working properly for me.  Can someone please help me spot what I am doing incorrectly? For this test PC, I am trying to use 1d8 Hit Dice.  I set it up in the Settings area (shown below) and on the Character sheet itself (second screenshot below).  When I roll the d8 is not being applied (final screenshot). Settings: CORE Sheet: Roll Output (without d8 being applied):

Edited 1483118899
Scott C.
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I'm guessing that you haven't chosen a class yet. The hit dice the sheet uses is based off of what class(es) your character has. The die type under the settings tab is adjusted based on your class selection (if you are playing a barbarian as your hit die roll indicates, make sure to toggle your class selection to something else and then back to barbarian). If you are using a custom class, then set everything up in the custom class section of the settings tab; the custom class will always be the first class.
Scott C. said: I'm guessing that you haven't chosen a class yet. The hit dice the sheet uses is based off of what class(es) your character has. The die type under the settings tab is adjusted based on your class selection (if you are playing a barbarian, make sure to toggle your class selection to something else and then back to barbarian). If you are using a custom class, then set everything up in the custom class section of the settings tab; the custom class will always be the first class. Scott - Thank you!  While the field was populated, I typed in the class name instead of using the drop down.  Your post made me revisit this and when using the dropdown list, it works! Any chance someone can link me to a video on how to use the compendium to populate a character sheet?

Edited 1483119350
Scott C.
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Glad it worked. Silvyre posted a link to  this youtube video a few pages back. EDIT: I should note that the OGL sheet shown in the video will look different than your SKT character sheet. This is because the SKT module comes with a custom version of the OGL sheet loaded that has some stylistic differences. All the functionality is identical though.
To the makers of this sheet! you have outdone yourself!!!  but i do have a small request to add to the sheet.  (not sure its probably already said).    When you add in a second class (Multiclassing), the spells section, i would love to have another section to add in the second spell caster Attribute requirement and also tying in your spells of your second class to that section.   So for example:   you're playing a Wizard, you have your spell casting ability (Intelligence)  and DC and melee/ranged attack modifier.  you Multiclass into Cleric,  and a second section comes up and shows you your Spell casting ability (Wisdom) and DC and Melee/ranged attack modifier.     Not to mention it would be AMAZING if you could add in spells from the SRD compendium that would/can be tied to the specific class you are casting from.    its just shortcuts here and there but it saves alot of time from having to go in to your spell section of your page... and switch between attributes each time you wanna cast a spell.  (Depending on which class is casting it) 
When I set an NPC sheet to use Roll Queries: Advantage Toggle, no toggle buttons show up. The toggle does work correctly with PC sheets. Is there a way to fix this?
Hi all/creators, Is it possible to use proficency dice as opposed to straight up proficency bonus? Thanks.
Stephen Koontz
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Michael M. said: Hi all/creators, Is it possible to use proficency dice as opposed to straight up proficency bonus? Thanks. I don't have it built into the sheet yet. You're the 2nd person to ask for it though. It's something I'm considering for the next OGL update.
Steve K. said: Michael M. said: Hi all/creators, Is it possible to use proficency dice as opposed to straight up proficency bonus? Thanks. I don't have it built into the sheet yet. You're the 2nd person to ask for it though. It's something I'm considering for the next OGL update. Good stuff!  Will continue to monitor this thread for updates. 
Hey, I am having an issue with this Character sheet, it is doing this for everyone in my game. Is there a way to fix this with the skill area and passive Wisdom?

Edited 1484104669
Nowhere said: Hey, I am having an issue with this Character sheet, it is doing this for everyone in my game. Is there a way to fix this with the skill area and passive Wisdom? In Firefox and Chrome the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-0 will reset the zoom level to default (100%). Could you please try out Ctrl-0 and let us know if it helps?
Silvyre said: Nowhere said: Hey, I am having an issue with this Character sheet, it is doing this for everyone in my game. Is there a way to fix this with the skill area and passive Wisdom? In Firefox and Chrome the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-0 will reset the zoom level to default (100%). Could you please try out Ctrl-0 and let us know if it helps? Thank you, that was the issue