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5th Edition OGL by Roll20 v1.6

Kyle G. said: Scott C. said: I'm confused, is your formula actually reducing down to a value in the sheet? In my experience this doesn't happen. Where are you seeing this correct damage scaling? With the formula [[floor((@{level} + 1) / 6 + 0.5)]]d10 for the damage, the inline calculation in the character sheet was displaying the proper number of d10s (see the bottom of the provided image). To follow up on this slightly, I don't think any calculation is actually being done with the inline display, it is just assuming that the inline value increments every 1st,5th,11th,and 17th level (since a lot of 5e spells work this way). Having something as simple as [[@{level}]]d6 for the damage macro will work correctly in chat but will show up inline on the character sheet as I just described. This is kind of misleading and limiting unfortunately.
Random question: So, our group uses both HeroLab and Roll20. How hard would it be to get the xml output from a HeroLab character imported into a Roll20 5e character sheet? It may be that it would be a huge task, and if so, then so it goes. But thought I'd ask.  AD
Stephen Koontz
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Adrian D. said: Random question: So, our group uses both HeroLab and Roll20. How hard would it be to get the xml output from a HeroLab character imported into a Roll20 5e character sheet? It may be that it would be a huge task, and if so, then so it goes. But thought I'd ask.  AD I'm aware of an API script that imports characters from a Herolab Pathfinder character output. I'm unaware of one for 5E at this time.
Steve K. said: I'm aware of an API script that imports characters from a Herolab Pathfinder character output. I'm unaware of one for 5E at this time. Thank you for the response. I suppose that means it's possible. Now I just have to find someone who is comfortable working with the API. Cheers, AD
Adrian D. said: Random question: So, our group uses both HeroLab and Roll20. How hard would it be to get the xml output from a HeroLab character imported into a Roll20 5e character sheet? It may be that it would be a huge task, and if so, then so it goes. But thought I'd ask.  AD Do you have a sample XML file I could look at? I'm pretty good at systems integration and may be able to help. Feel free to PM me and I'll see what I can do.
Ryan J. said: Adrian D. said: Random question: So, our group uses both HeroLab and Roll20. How hard would it be to get the xml output from a HeroLab character imported into a Roll20 5e character sheet? It may be that it would be a huge task, and if so, then so it goes. But thought I'd ask.  AD Do you have a sample XML file I could look at? I'm pretty good at systems integration and may be able to help. Feel free to PM me and I'll see what I can do.    Awesome. I will do that. At work at the moment, but this evening I'll shoot you a PM. AD
Hi, how does the LUCK checkbox on the character sheet show up when I roll a 1 or such? For example I have a rapier for my halfling rouge..  Does the UI report to me I rolled a one or does it just automatically re-roll?
Stephen Koontz
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Warren said: Hi, how does the LUCK checkbox on the character sheet show up when I roll a 1 or such? For example I have a rapier for my halfling rouge..  Does the UI report to me I rolled a one or does it just automatically re-roll? I'm assuming we're talking about Halfling Luck. It will automatically reroll it, but only once. You can hover over the result to see the reroll.
Forum Champion
Are there any plans to implement a multi-attack functionality to the sheet? One of my players get 3-4 attacks a turn, and rolling them individually gets tedious, and eats up a bit of chat real estate.
Franky, you could make them a macro that makes the attacks for them the following (the following would make 4 of Character name's attacks with just one button click instead of four %{Character name|repeating_attack_$0_attack} %{Character name|repeating_attack_$0_attack} %{Character name|repeating_attack_$0_attack} %{Character name|repeating_attack_$0_attack}
Forum Champion
I've used that, and it works, but takes up a lot of chat. I have several API scripts that feed info through the chat and it makes us all miss things sometimes. The lack of a multi-attack macro is my only gripe with the sheet. 
Franky H. said: I've used that, and it works, but takes up a lot of chat. I have several API scripts that feed info through the chat and it makes us all miss things sometimes. The lack of a multi-attack macro is my only gripe with the sheet.  You could try using the default roll template and have it display the attack/damage roll of each hit in a single template
Scott C.
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Bug report from the specific use forum : Perry T. said: Couldn't find this reported as a known issue: When characters advance over the breakline to a new proficiency bonus level all current items on the sheet that incorporate the prof. bonus in their rolls (weapons for example) need to have their details expanded (click the gear) then proficiency toggled off and back on again to get the new level in the rolls. Can confirm that I'm seeing this behavior as well.
Encountered an issue today after Character creation. Sheet worked fine. Revisited a few hours later;  Proficiency bonus on Tools/Weapons/Spells set to NaN. Any idea? 
Gang ive tried to research this seemingly simple question on my own with little luck. &nbsp;I have read these three threads&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... but could not find an answer Is there any way to combine SPELLCARD and ATTACK so i can see the description, and it rolls attacks/damage/ shows me save DC?
Bad DM [Matthew P.] said: Gang ive tried to research this seemingly simple question on my own with little luck. &nbsp;I have read these three threads&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... but could not find an answer Is there any way to combine SPELLCARD and ATTACK so i can see the description, and it rolls attacks/damage/ shows me save DC? The way that I have figured out to get around this is to copy the spell's description and paste the description into the attack's description.
I've got a rod of the pact keeper +2, when I add the 2 to the global attack bonus the spell attack bonus on the spell page doesn't appear to change

Edited 1484936083
Gabriel403 said: I've got a rod of the pact keeper +2, when I add the 2 to the global attack bonus the spell attack bonus on the spell page doesn't appear to change I can confirm this, I saw that the value of @{globalattackmod} changed but it is not used anywhere in the sheet as far as I can tell. However when making changes to SPELL SAVE DC MOD, the DC is adjusted accordingly. EDIT: With further testing, I still can confirm that the value in the spell sheet does not change for the global magic attack mod, but the actual rolls for the spells (such as fire bolt with a ranged spell attack roll) do update with the correct value.&nbsp;
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
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Compendium Curator
Gabriel403 said: I've got a rod of the pact keeper +2, when I add the 2 to the global attack bonus the spell attack bonus on the spell page doesn't appear to change This is the expected behavior according to Steve. Look back a few pages for the post.
Kyle G. said: Bad DM [Matthew P.] said: Gang ive tried to research this seemingly simple question on my own with little luck. &nbsp;I have read these three threads&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... but could not find an answer Is there any way to combine SPELLCARD and ATTACK so i can see the description, and it rolls attacks/damage/ shows me save DC? The way that I have figured out to get around this is to copy the spell's description and paste the description into the attack's description. thank you! &nbsp;This would be rough for every spell in the game, but right now we are learning (bye Pathfinder) and we have one spell that lists a save and DC where if you pass, no damage. &nbsp;Another looks identical, but the save is just to set stuff on fire, damage is automatic. &nbsp;Confusing as a new player. &nbsp;thanks!

Edited 1484952304
I don't know if this a compendium bug or a sheet bug, but when I equip my glamoured studded leather armor my ac seems to be calculating as 14+dex rather than 13+dex, I've tried removing and adding the armor but no luck
looks like a compendium bug, I think the AC should be 12 and then you have the Ac +1 modifier
Stephen Koontz
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Compendium Curator
Gabriel403 said: looks like a compendium bug, I think the AC should be 12 and then you have the Ac +1 modifier Fixed.
Are we going to see the Official 5th Ed D&D Players Manual content eventually? &nbsp;
Warren said: Are we going to see the Official 5th Ed D&D Players Manual content eventually? &nbsp; The Devs are absolutely working on D&D 5th Edition content. Their goal is to release products (both new and backlist titles) on a regular basis. As a part of their licensing agreement, they can’t reveal specifics until they're closer to completion and with the agreement of the licensor (in this case Wizards of the Coast). They will make those announcements here on the forums, as well as the blog , twitter , and via their mailing list (if you’re not signed up for that, you can join here ).
How do you make it display both a spell's attack result and its description? There are about a billion spells that do damage + effect, so I'm certain there must be an easy way to do this that I'm missing.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
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Compendium Curator
Boko D. said: How do you make it display both a spell's attack result and its description? There are about a billion spells that do damage + effect, so I'm certain there must be an easy way to do this that I'm missing. You need to copy the description from the spell page to the attack on the main page.
I'm having an issue where my character sheet is overlapping in one area. The passive wisdom (perception) box is hovering over my slight of hand, stealth, and survival skills partially blocking SoH and survival, and entirely blocking stealth. It's like this on every game with the srd5 sheets. Opening the sheet in a new window doesnt help, nor does maximizing the page. Anyone know any solutions?
Matthew D. said: I'm having an issue where my character sheet is overlapping in one area. The passive wisdom (perception) box is hovering over my slight of hand, stealth, and survival skills partially blocking SoH and survival, and entirely blocking stealth. It's like this on every game with the srd5 sheets. Opening the sheet in a new window doesnt help, nor does maximizing the page. Anyone know any solutions? In Firefox and Chrome the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-0 will reset the zoom level to default (100%).
Silvyre said: Matthew D. said: I'm having an issue where my character sheet is overlapping in one area. The passive wisdom (perception) box is hovering over my slight of hand, stealth, and survival skills partially blocking SoH and survival, and entirely blocking stealth. It's like this on every game with the srd5 sheets. Opening the sheet in a new window doesnt help, nor does maximizing the page. Anyone know any solutions? In Firefox and Chrome the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-0 will reset the zoom level to default (100%). Thanks! I didn't even think of that. I zoom the page out to make the chat boxes font smaller, is there any other ways to do that?

Edited 1485330289
There's no inherit method of adjusting the font size of the Text Chat. You could attempt to accomplish this by customizing the in-game CSS with the help of a third-party browser extension (e.g. Stylish). e.g. @-moz-document url-prefix("<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>"), url-prefix("<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>") { &nbsp;&nbsp; #textchat .message { &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; font-size: 0.75em !important; &nbsp;&nbsp; } } After installing Stylish for Firefox or Chrome , save the code above as a New Style.
Stephen Koontz
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Matthew D. said: Silvyre said: Matthew D. said: I'm having an issue where my character sheet is overlapping in one area. The passive wisdom (perception) box is hovering over my slight of hand, stealth, and survival skills partially blocking SoH and survival, and entirely blocking stealth. It's like this on every game with the srd5 sheets. Opening the sheet in a new window doesnt help, nor does maximizing the page. Anyone know any solutions? In Firefox and Chrome the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-0 will reset the zoom level to default (100%). Thanks! I didn't even think of that. I zoom the page out to make the chat boxes font smaller, is there any other ways to do that? You can make the Sheets/Handouts zoom independantly of the main Roll20 window.
I'm getting an issue with the NPC stat block. It seems that the traits section is un-editable. When I drag and drop a monster from the Compendium, it doesn't add anything to the traits section, and I can't even add them in manually. I can add new sections, but can't change them, as the editing field does not pop up.

Edited 1485445530
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hello. Can we propose a new translation using the standard roll20 method (ie: fork, modify json, commit, then pull request) ? Or should we ask a 5th-ed contributor / Steve K. directly ?
Stephen Koontz
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DungeonM said: I'm getting an issue with the NPC stat block. It seems that the traits section is un-editable. When I drag and drop a monster from the Compendium, it doesn't add anything to the traits section, and I can't even add them in manually. I can add new sections, but can't change them, as the editing field does not pop up. Click on the gear icon that appears in the upper right hand corner when hovering over the sheet/action. fenrhir said: Hello. Can we propose a new translation using the standard roll20 method (ie: fork, modify json, commit, then pull request) ? Or should we ask a 5th-ed contributor / Steve K. directly ? If you're interested in translating, contact <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. Translators have the ability to translate the main site, the web-app, and any sheets in the respositories.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thank you Steve for your answer, I'll contact them.
Re: hyperlinking repeating actions,&nbsp; this post from the v1.4 thread indicated using [+] to reduce the "Missing Attribute" errors, but it seems the [+] no longer works and the entire code executes right away. &nbsp;Is there a tweak for this in v1.6... or is it still working for others and not me? &nbsp;Thanks! ~~~~~~~~~~ (From the post linked above... Personally, I might prefer to use a "menu" of Ability Command Buttons to handle NPC actions. e.g. /w gm &{template:npcatk} {{name=[@{selected|repeating_npcaction_$0_name}](~selected|repeating_npcaction_$0_npc_action) [@{selected|repeating_npcaction_$1_name}](~selected|repeating_npcaction_$1_npc_action) [+](! /w gm &{template:npcatk} {{name=[@{selected|repeating_npcaction_$2_name}](~selected|repeating_npcaction_$2_npc_action) [@{selected|repeating_npcaction_$3_name}](~selected|repeating_npcaction_$3_npc_action) [+](! /w gm &{template:npcatk} {{name=[@{selected|repeating_npcaction_$4_name}](~selected|repeating_npcaction_$4_npc_action) [@{selected|repeating_npcaction_$5_name}](~selected|repeating_npcaction_$5_npc_action) [+](! /w gm &{template:npcatk} {{name=[@{selected|repeating_npcaction_$6_name}](~selected|repeating_npcaction_$6_npc_action) [@{selected|repeating_npcaction_$7_name}](~selected|repeating_npcaction_$7_npc_action) }}) }}) }}) }}

Edited 1485575264
Scott C.
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Compendium Curator
html encode the @ of the attribute call in your buttons to be whispered from the + api command button and I think it will work. The contents of API command buttons are resolved when you send them (including inline rolls), but you can html encode characters so that they don't get read as something to act on until you click the API command button.
Scott C.
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There's a bug with critical damage when the roll template is set to {{disadvantage=1}}. With disadvantage, the roll template will not show critical damage if you somehow still manage to roll a critical. Reported by Boris V in&nbsp; this thread . Boris V. said: Hello people. New player. I'm using the character sheet to do most of my rolling as I'm getting used to the rest of the stuff. Learned how to use advantage/disadvantage/normal rolls, but I've noticed something. I set the "Critical Range" of my test attack to 1 for testing purposes. On "Advantage"/"Normal", there are no problems; when you score a critical, the critical damage is rolled as well as expected. But if you have "Disadvantage", but still manage to score a critical, you don't automatically roll for the critical damage roll. I've been checking DnD 5e but saw nothing related to this (disadvantage disallowing you to do the extra critical damage), so I'm thinking this is an auto-roll issue on the character sheet perhaps? Apologizes if I'm posting this in the wrong section or this isn't even related to this website at all.&nbsp;
Thanks again Scott!

Edited 1485725938
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hello. Maybe some useful info, then a question. First, the supposedly useful tip. I have tested this sheet both using the integrated 5th ed OGL choice in the game settings drop down menu, and as a Custom sheet (copying HTML, CSS and using custom Translation). I've not activated the Compendium in the second case (with the Custom sheet). And I've noticed some cool secondary effects from this: - I can easily link ammos with attacks, without any bug, though I've been testing this on 4 different sheets and for days. I mean, *manually added ammos and attacks*. Yes. - Spell tracking works perfectly fine though I'm (obviously) only using manually added spells. We don't really need the Compendium, as some players from our group can't easily read English (and all have a localized PDF sourcebook aside Roll20). This could be a workaround for people who experience bugs with spell slot tracking or ammo tracking and don't use the Compendium. Then, I've got a question. "Cast with higher level". I can't get this to work as I need. First level spells with "higher level" option are always "+XdY par additional level", which is how the sheet handle this. It basically add "Higher lvl cast dmg" value for each additional level. But, as we're using both SRD and 3rd party content, high level spellcasters may use attack spells which, like "Magic Weapon" does in the SRD, use tresholds to determine the effect. While it's not a problem for spells which aren't attack (we read the description and get it), I'd like to see the proper number of "high level bonus dice" in the attack template. I've tried to write it, and I am not able to get it working, because I can't intercept the value returned by the "Which level..." popup. Do you have any workaround for this, other than "don't use the Higher level form and write an inline formula with a query into the Description"? I know I could use something like&nbsp;[[[[floor((?{In which slot level do you cast this spell?}-1)/2)]]d6]], but I'd like my players to not need to adapt this kind of formula, and to use the native Higher level system.
I can't seem to find anything about this, but does anyone know why when I drag a monster from the 5e compendium on to this sheet in npc mode the traits do not copy over, but everything else does flawlessly?
Stephen Koontz
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Clint said: I can't seem to find anything about this, but does anyone know why when I drag a monster from the 5e compendium on to this sheet in npc mode the traits do not copy over, but everything else does flawlessly? Is it doing this for all NPCs or just one in particular. What happens if you just drag and drop from the compendium direclty onto the VTT and not into a character sheet?
I am having the same issue with traits. It seems that none of them copy over.
Steve K. said: Clint said: I can't seem to find anything about this, but does anyone know why when I drag a monster from the 5e compendium on to this sheet in npc mode the traits do not copy over, but everything else does flawlessly? Is it doing this for all NPCs or just one in particular. What happens if you just drag and drop from the compendium direclty onto the VTT and not into a character sheet? I can confirm that this is happening for all NPCs that have traits. Also tried by dropping directly onto the VTT and not into a character sheet first. Also, I did not realize that my own token defaults were used if I dropped a monster that is in my Journal from the compendium in addition to dropping from the Journal tab. Is this new or just new to me?
Having the same trait problem...
I assume this character sheet has been updated, so I have two questions: 1) Did the roll template get removed from the NPC attacks? &nbsp;It was working last night, but tonight it is not. 2) Did auto-roll damage get broken? &nbsp;Again, working just fine last night, and working today for "old" monsters I have, but not new monsters I've added. Thanks
Steve K. said: Is it doing this for all NPCs or just one in particular. What happens if you just drag and drop from the compendium direclty onto the VTT and not into a character sheet? I can drag a monster from the compendium onto the VTT and the traits do show up that way but if I drag them onto an NPC "template" I've created they do not carry over. Also if I drag a monster from the compendium and they show up but then try to overwrite them by dragging another monster onto the first, they will not carry over.
Some monsters dragged from the compendium to the character sheet that have attacks that do damage and grapple give a syntax error when you try to roll damage. Examples: Glabrezu's pincer attack and Marilith's tail attack. The reason appears to be that the grapple and grapple DC are listed on the 'On hit 2' line rather than just in the descriptive text. AD