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5th Edition OGL by Roll20 v1.6

Steve K. said: Clint said: I can't seem to find anything about this, but does anyone know why when I drag a monster from the 5e compendium on to this sheet in npc mode the traits do not copy over, but everything else does flawlessly? Is it doing this for all NPCs or just one in particular. What happens if you just drag and drop from the compendium direclty onto the VTT and not into a character sheet? I'm having the problem with both methods, directly onto the VTT and character sheets. Could it have something to do with  this commit ? It's the only recent thing seems to have changed- maybe since "Traits" isn't technically after a new line in the dragged content?

Edited 1486331834
When I try to use the npcdmg template from anycode, it gives this message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined at apiscript.js:348:68 at eval (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:146:34), <anonymous>:65:16) at Object.publish (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:146:34), <anonymous>:70:8) at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1494:12 at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:560 at hc (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:39:147) at Kd (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:546) at Id.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:489) at Ld.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:94:425) at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:111:461 And the code is just a copy and paste from the sheet example from the wiki: on("chat:message",function(msg){         if(msg.type=="api" && msg.content.indexOf("!npcDmg") != -1){             sendChat(msg.who,"&{template:npcdmg} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=DMG1 [[1d20]]}} {{dmg1type=DMG1TYPE}} {{dmg2flag=1}} {{dmg2=DMG2 [[1d20]]}} {{dmg2type=DMG2TYPE}}",null, {use3d:true})         } }); I used this simple command just to test it, since I was getting this error in my code. (Just to point it: I was figuring out how to make the auto damage roll from the API)
Stephen Koontz
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Adrian D. said: Some monsters dragged from the compendium to the character sheet that have attacks that do damage and grapple give a syntax error when you try to roll damage. Examples: Glabrezu's pincer attack and Marilith's tail attack. The reason appears to be that the grapple and grapple DC are listed on the 'On hit 2' line rather than just in the descriptive text. AD I'm seeing these too. I'll work on getting them fixed.
Stephen Koontz
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Those of you having issues with traits I'm not able to replicate your problem locally. Can you give me more information? What monster are you trying to import, with what method (drop on VTT vs drop in template), what OS are you using, what browser and version.
Steve K. said: Those of you having issues with traits I'm not able to replicate your problem locally. Can you give me more information? What monster are you trying to import, with what method (drop on VTT vs drop in template), what OS are you using, what browser and version. Using Windows 7, Chrome Version 55.0.2883.87 m (64-bit). I just tested on a fresh campaign and was unable to get the traits for  Centaur  (dropping directly on the VTT) as well as  Minotaur  (dragging into an NPC template)
Steve K. said: Those of you having issues with traits I'm not able to replicate your problem locally. Can you give me more information? What monster are you trying to import, with what method (drop on VTT vs drop in template), what OS are you using, what browser and version. On macOS (10.12) using Safari Version 10.1 (12603.1.20.1), one NPC I definitely had trouble with was the  Ogre (dragging into a template)
Steve K. said: Those of you having issues with traits I'm not able to replicate your problem locally. Can you give me more information? What monster are you trying to import, with what method (drop on VTT vs drop in template), what OS are you using, what browser and version. Something tells me whatever you're doing may be working. I just tried to copy straight to VTT and also to my template in MS Edge browser and Firefox on Windows 10 and it seems to be carrying over traits now. *fingers crossed* THANKS Steve!
When I try to drag and drop some item from the SRD into the inventoryt, it always makes it recalculate/reset the AC. I don't know how to fix that...
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Currently having an issue where I have NPCs whose "Auto Roll Damage & Crit" setting is not working, it only makes the attack roll. This fails to work both from clicking on the sheet's ability as well as using the token action. I have to delete the NPC and start over from scratch (including remaking all my token actions) before it works properly. 
Stephen Koontz
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The issue of traits not propigating on certain monsters should be resolved. Let me know if you're still seeing it anywhere.
Stephen Koontz
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Robert said: When I try to drag and drop some item from the SRD into the inventoryt, it always makes it recalculate/reset the AC. I don't know how to fix that... You can change the sheet to the simple inventory system, or set your own calculation on the settings tab.
Stephen Koontz
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Christopher H. said: Currently having an issue where I have NPCs whose "Auto Roll Damage & Crit" setting is not working, it only makes the attack roll. This fails to work both from clicking on the sheet's ability as well as using the token action. I have to delete the NPC and start over from scratch (including remaking all my token actions) before it works properly.  Does toggling the setting away and back not work. Is this happening with a specific monster or is this a custom attack? If it's custom can you take a screen shot of it's settings and paste it here?
Steve K. said: The issue of traits not propigating on certain monsters should be resolved. Let me know if you're still seeing it anywhere. I just tested this and can confirm that I am know seeing the traits be populated correctly.
Scott C.
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Hey Steve, I've got a request for a formatting change in the roll templates. I love that the atk template formats ability command buttons so that they look like text; it's much nicer than the jarring standard pink button, but hate that the atk template's description field formats inline rolls as a whole line highlighted in yellow. The atkmod template doesn't have the ugly inline roll formatting in the desc field, but also doesn't have the nice button formatting. Would it be possible to change these templates so that the atkmod template also formats the buttons nicely and the atk template uses the inline roll formatting of atkmod's desc field? It would also be nice if the button formatting was extended to api command buttons rather than only ability command buttons. Thanks, Scott
Stephen Koontz
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Scott C. said: Hey Steve, I've got a request for a formatting change in the roll templates. I love that the atk template formats ability command buttons so that they look like text; it's much nicer than the jarring standard pink button, but hate that the atk template's description field formats inline rolls as a whole line highlighted in yellow. The atkmod template doesn't have the ugly inline roll formatting in the desc field, but also doesn't have the nice button formatting. Would it be possible to change these templates so that the atkmod template also formats the buttons nicely and the atk template uses the inline roll formatting of atkmod's desc field? It would also be nice if the button formatting was extended to api command buttons rather than only ability command buttons. Thanks, Scott I think I know what you mean but could you provide some screen shots as examples. I'll add it to my list for the next time I make a sheet pass.
Scott C.
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Steve K. said: I think I know what you mean but could you provide some screen shots as examples. I'll add it to my list for the next time I make a sheet pass. Sure: atk template desc field shown at top; atkdmg template desc field shown at bottom So, ideally, all the templates would use the atk template ability command button formatting for all fields, but the atkdmg template inline roll formatting in the desc field (or maybe even a smaller font). Additionally, would it be possible to make the mod fields for the attack roll and the damage rolls able to accept things other than numbers? This would be really helpful for handling things like the sharpshooter feat (which I realize isn't OGL) as you could simply put a query in there for sharpshooter? yes/no and apply the penalty to hit and bonus to damage easily.

Edited 1486674298
Am I able to add in skill or ability bonuses through items in the 5th Edition OGL? I'm trying to give a character a bonus to their Persuasion skill due to an item they are wearing using the "MODS" field on the item, but it's not working the same way that the AC bonus does. Am I missing something? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Any help is appreciated.
Jyro X said: Am I able to add in skill or ability bonuses through items in the 5th Edition OGL? I'm trying to give a character a bonus to their Persuasion skill due to an item they are wearing using the "MODS" field on the item, but it's not working the same way that the AC bonus does. Am I missing something? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Any help is appreciated. Unfortunately this is only possible for changing the AC
Kyle G. said: Jyro X said: Am I able to add in skill or ability bonuses through items in the 5th Edition OGL? I'm trying to give a character a bonus to their Persuasion skill due to an item they are wearing using the "MODS" field on the item, but it's not working the same way that the AC bonus does. Am I missing something? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Any help is appreciated. Unfortunately this is only possible for changing the AC That's disappointing given the text: "You can add pieces to your inventory and manually give them AC or magic bonuses" Maybe in a future update.
Apologies for my ignorance. Someone above requested a combined Spellcard and Attack output option for spells.&nbsp; I would like Spells I add to the Spellbook be able to roll Attacks and be automatically listed in the Attack block on the main page. But when the attack is rolled from the front have its description also listed.&nbsp; I know I can manually paste the description into the Spell in the Attack block, but I would like to request this be automatic.&nbsp; This is possible with the old sheets but it is a functionality that I lost when switching to these new OGL sheets, which are in so many other ways superior. Thanks for all your work!
Greetings, all. I've encountered a strange issue with the 5e sheet in which all the box elements render on top of each other. It appears to be a problem with Helvetica Neue, specifically. Screenshots:&nbsp; With Helvetica Neue enabled ,&nbsp; With Helvetica Neue disabled The issue persists across browsers and machines. I suspect it would persist across operating systems as well, but I don't have any non-Windows OSes to verify.

Edited 1486993744
Hi, Steve . Reseting your browser's zoom settings to default&nbsp;(100%) should resolve the issues you're experiencing. In Firefox and Chrome, the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-0 will reset the browser's zoom settings to default.

Edited 1487017642
Changing the zoom settings doesn't fix the issue, I'm afraid. As I mentioned, the issue only occurs when the browser tries to render the page using Helvetica Neue as the primary font. The linked screenshots show the differences in page layout when Helvetica Neue is enabled versus when it's disabled. I was able to determine that this is the issue because I had no issues with the page layout before installing the font on my machine, and the issue only resolves itself when the font is uninstalled or temporarily removed from the CSS (using something like Chrome's dev tools as I did in my screenshots). From where I'm sitting, the easiest solution would be to ensure that Helvetica Neue isn't used at all; otherwise, the solution looks like it'd involve adjusting a bunch of container widths and stuff. I imagine the devs would have some extra insight as to how to solve the issue. EDIT: My current solution is to run a Greasemonkey script that strips out Helvetica Neue from the main body's font list. It's still present in other places (such as input fields), but it doesn't show up in places that would cause the elements to bunch up. Not the most elegant solution, but it works well enough. Most users wouldn't ever have to worry about this unless they're using a Mac (Helvetica and Helvetica Neue come with OS X) or have installed it separately, but it's worth bringing it up. // ==UserScript== // @name &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Fix 5e sheet // @namespace &nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> // @version &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;infinity.0.2 // @description &nbsp;TODO // @author &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; You // @match &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="*" rel="nofollow">*</a> // @grant &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;none // ==/UserScript== (function() { &nbsp; &nbsp; 'use strict'; &nbsp; &nbsp; document.querySelector("body").style.fontFamily = "Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"; })();

Edited 1487019706
Sheet Author
API Scripter
My 2 cents: Helvetica Neue is not a common, standard Internet font. While Helvetica and Arial use the same char width, Neue is quite differente and may cause layout problems.&nbsp; If I were to choose, I'd remove Neue from the CSS. ----------------------- Another couple of topics. I've got a request&nbsp; for a new CSS behavior. I've noticed that the 'Features & Traits' cannot be reduced, which may result in the sheet not ending (at the bottom) aligned, even when the section is not full.. Same for any other big field (on the Bio page, or even&nbsp;Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws sections). It would be nice to be able to resize those fields, as examples, when we add&nbsp;Resources repeating section above the Features & Traits section, or when we need more room in Additional features & traits than in Treasures. Could you try to do this, please ? Last point, not a request, but concerning translations. I've taken a look at the translation files, I've noticed that many fields were not included in the jsons : - All generic texts related to skills, attributes, spells, ammo, and spell slots, when the templates are generated in the chat . - Class-related resources, on the sheet, in the Class Resource block. Anyway, it's a really nice sheet, I'm happy to have it to handle my D&D5 game :) Edit:&nbsp; &gt;&gt; My current solution is to run a Greasemonkey script You can do this with Stylish extension (or whatever browser extension doing the same, Stylish is a Chrome extension, but there are many others on Chrome, FF, etc).
Hi I have a query about the halfling luck setting on the character sheet. When i looked at my attack rolls with the box checked, it shows the equation as 1d20ro20, instead of the usual 1d20cs&gt;20. If my understanding of these commands is correct, the halfling luck is wrong in that the character sheet is rerolling 20's rather than 1's. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks :)

Edited 1487074319
Riley A. said: Hi I have a query about the halfling luck setting on the character sheet. When i looked at my attack rolls with the box checked, it shows the equation as 1d20ro20, instead of the usual 1d20cs&gt;20. If my understanding of these commands is correct, the halfling luck is wrong in that the character sheet is rerolling 20's rather than 1's. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks :) The "ro" modifier translates into "re-roll once." Regardless, it should be "ro1" and not "ro20" as Riley A. has indicated. This would result in Halflings almost never critting. I've confirmed that "1d20ro1" results in crits, but "1d20ro20" almost never does. Definitely a bug that needs to be fixed. Source:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Stephen Koontz
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Riley A. said: Hi I have a query about the halfling luck setting on the character sheet. When i looked at my attack rolls with the box checked, it shows the equation as 1d20ro20, instead of the usual 1d20cs&gt;20. If my understanding of these commands is correct, the halfling luck is wrong in that the character sheet is rerolling 20's rather than 1's. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks :) The code setting the halfling luck is on 5574 of&nbsp; the code : on("change:halflingluck_flag", function() { getAttrs(["halflingluck_flag"], function(v) { toggle = v.halflingluck_flag && v.halflingluck_flag === "1" ? "ro&lt;1" : ""; setAttrs({halflingluck: toggle}); }); }); As far as I can tell this is working as intended on both old and new characters. If you're seeing something different can you provide more information?

Edited 1487094935
The actual roll being generated from the character sheet is: 1d20ro20 I'll be happy to invite you to my game to see for yourself. Edit: As a side note, it shouldn't be returning "ro&lt;1", it should be returning "ro1".

Edited 1487095314
Sheet Author
API Scripter
As far as I can tell this is working as intended on both old and new characters. If you're seeing something different can you provide more information? Pick any 5th OGL sheet who use "Halfling luck" in the option page. You just have to roll any attack to see this (first with the luck, second without) : Same goes with any other roll.

Edited 1487100383
Halfling Luck should only be ro1, not ro&lt;1 simply because it never changes to anything more than one. I have also confirmed this bug and it's most likely due to ro&lt;1 followed by cs&gt;20, putting &lt; and &gt; in a single string.
SkyCaptainXIII said: Halfling Luck should only be ro1, not ro&lt;1 simply because it never changes to anything more than one. I have also confirmed this bug and it's most likely due to ro&lt;1 followed by cs&gt;20, putting &lt; and &gt; in a single string. I have confirmed this is the case. If you put the following rolls into your chat, you can see the bug in action: [[1d20ro&lt;1cs&gt;20]] - Results in 1d20ro20 [[1d20ro1cs&gt;20]] - Results in 1d20ro1cs&gt;20
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, guys. This is a regression from an update.

Edited 1487109904
Silvyre said: Thanks for bringing this to our attention, guys. This is a regression from an update. However, please rest assured that this is merely a display issue. While 1d20ro&lt;1cs&gt;20 may currently display in the Text Chat as "1d20ro20", it is still treated as 1d20ro&lt;1cs&gt;20 by the dice engine. You can test this for yourself using /r 1d3ro&lt;1cf&gt;3
Silvyre said: Silvyre said: Thanks for bringing this to our attention, guys. This is a regression from an update. However, please rest assured that this is merely a display issue. While 1d20ro&lt;1cs&gt;20 may currently display in the Text Chat as "1d20ro20", it is still treated as 1d20ro&lt;1cs&gt;20 by the dice engine. You can test this for yourself using /r 1d3ro&lt;1cf&gt;3 Thanks for the reply :)

Edited 1487152927
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You can test this for yourself using /r 1d3ro&lt;1cf&gt;3 Thanks for this fast reply :)
Hey there, I seem to have a problem with my macros in the game. It's as if the template isn't being generated by the code.&nbsp; Here's a screenshot of what I see when I roll for spells and weapon attacks in the sheet currently. (Guidance cantrip, Longsword attack, Handaxe attack, Handaxe damage)
Yek said: Hey there, I seem to have a problem with my macros in the game. It's as if the template isn't being generated by the code.&nbsp; Here's a screenshot of what I see when I roll for spells and weapon attacks in the sheet currently. (Guidance cantrip, Longsword attack, Handaxe attack, Handaxe damage) Can you post the code for the macros that are being called?
Something is broken with the sheet. I can confirm with my game using this sheet and there is another issue here&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Correction: it is not the sheet as the shaped sheet has the same behaviour.

Edited 1487266655
Kyle G, I don't know how to copy the code from the sheet. But the macros (perhaps I used the wrong word) I was referring to are the ones from the sheet itself, not custom ones.&nbsp;

Edited 1487266988
I actually noticed this bug on a Twitch stream just a little bit ago. And just confirmed it is happening in my campaign. Some bug that has just been introduced this morning. It was working earlier. - edit - Tried my own character sheet roll template and that one works. Seems like something tied to OGL/Shaped sheets only.
Stephen Koontz
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The roll template issue should now be resolved. Let us know if you're still having any problems. You may need to refresh your browser before it will begin to work.
Would it be possible to reference class resources from the attacks and spellcasting section? Basically, i'd make a repeating class resource for my barbarian's current rage damage bonus of +2. Then have the ability to put&nbsp;@{repeating_resource_$0_resource_left} into the attr_dmgmod section of my greatsword attack in attacks and spellcasting.&nbsp;
GoodBob said: Would it be possible to reference class resources from the attacks and spellcasting section? Basically, i'd make a repeating class resource for my barbarian's current rage damage bonus of +2. Then have the ability to put&nbsp;@{repeating_resource_$0_resource_left} into the attr_dmgmod section of my greatsword attack in attacks and spellcasting.&nbsp; You can certainly add attributes to damage rolls, I use them for multiple classes including barbarian. You add it inside the first damage (same place where you put the weapon's normal damage die as shown below. Do note that the CRIT field, if not set, default to exactly what is in this damage field. That's not a problem for things like sneak attack or hunter's mark because those are additional die roll, but flat damage bonuses like Rage would not be doubled. So in this case I would just put 1d4 in for the CRIT field
We're using the 5th Edition ( OGL by Roll20 ) &nbsp;Even though I toggle&nbsp;AUTO DAMAGE ROLL:Auto Roll Damage & Crit &nbsp; under the General Options, it still isn't rolling the damage, we have to click on the name of the weapon every time..... &nbsp;Not sure if I'm doing something else wrong? &nbsp;I saw this note on the wiki: NOTE: If your character sheet's Settings have "Auto Damage Roll" set to "Don't Auto Roll Damage" under General Options, the damage will not be listed underneath the AC roll result in chat. The damage was rolled, but presently hidden from view. Anyone can see the damage delivered by manually unfolding the roll result open by hovering your mouse over the roll result in chat and clicking on the attack/spell's name.
If you're talking about the fact that you set the option under the game settings, that generally only applies to new sheets (when you create a new character or drag/drop from the compendium). Make sure that the option is also checked on the character sheet settings themselves.
Kyle G. said: GoodBob said: Would it be possible to reference class resources from the attacks and spellcasting section? Basically, i'd make a repeating class resource for my barbarian's current rage damage bonus of +2. Then have the ability to put&nbsp;@{repeating_resource_$0_resource_left} into the attr_dmgmod section of my greatsword attack in attacks and spellcasting.&nbsp; You can certainly add attributes to damage rolls, I use them for multiple classes including barbarian. You add it inside the first damage (same place where you put the weapon's normal damage die as shown below. Do note that the CRIT field, if not set, default to exactly what is in this damage field. That's not a problem for things like sneak attack or hunter's mark because those are additional die roll, but flat damage bonuses like Rage would not be doubled. So in this case I would just put 1d4 in for the CRIT field You're the bomb! Thanks so much!&nbsp;
I may have missed a message warning of this (apologies if so, I looked), but apparently overnight nearly all our character sheets & NPC sheets have borked?! Weapon entries have all converted themselves to melee spell attacks (with freetext showing the original attack), with NPC sheets having a similar issue but further seeming to gain issues during play (I have a kobold sheet that is now listed as making attacks...with a kobold. Which whilst hilarious...) I know it's probably going to be a case of redoing (a campaigns worth) of NPC sheets, but is this a known bug or is there an easier blanket fix?
Paul D. said: freetext Paul D. , it sounds like you're talking about the 5e Shaped Character Sheet. This is the thread for the 5e OGL by Roll20 Character Sheet. If you are experiencing an issue with the 5e Shaped Character Sheet, I recommend opening your own thread within the Character Sheets & Compendium forum.
Paul D. , it sounds like you're talking about the 5e Shaped Character Sheet. This is the thread for the 5e OGL by Roll20 Character Sheet. If you are experiencing an issue with the 5e Shaped Character Sheet, I recommend opening your own thread within the Character Sheets & Compendium forum. (Open mouthed shame) I am, and didn't even realise. Apologies! (though it may be I've somehow switched sheets mid way and this has caused the problem). Please accept my apologies for blind assumption?