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5th Edition OGL by Roll20 v1.6

Trying to wrap my head around: @{selected|repeating_resource_left}. Any way to use this in a macro? 
Ravenknight said: Trying to wrap my head around: @{selected|repeating_resource_left}. Any way to use this in a macro?  There is. What are you wanting to use from it? The name, current value, and maximum value are all accessible using different variables. repeating_resource_$0_resource_left will get you the current value. 0 is the intended index for the row. Please keep in mind that the first row (Class Resource and Other Resource) are not considered to be included in the repeating resource variables.
Kyle G. said: Ravenknight said: Trying to wrap my head around: @{selected|repeating_resource_left}. Any way to use this in a macro?  There is. What are you wanting to use from it? The name, current value, and maximum value are all accessible using different variables. repeating_resource_$0_resource_left will get you the current value. 0 is the intended index for the row. Please keep in mind that the first row (Class Resource and Other Resource) are not considered to be included in the repeating resource variables. Ah, that explains a lot. Thanks a bunch Kyle. :D

Edited 1487343127
Kyle G. said: Ravenknight said: Trying to wrap my head around: @{selected|repeating_resource_left}. Any way to use this in a macro? There is. What are you wanting to use from it? The name, current value, and maximum value are all accessible using different variables. repeating_resource_$0_resource_left will get you the current value. 0 is the intended index for the row. Please keep in mind that the first row (Class Resource and Other Resource) are not considered to be included in the repeating resource variables. I added this info to the Wiki <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Jyro X said: If you're talking about the fact that you set the option under the game settings, that generally only applies to new sheets (when you create a new character or drag/drop from the compendium). Make sure that the option is also checked on the character sheet settings themselves. Thanks!!! Works great!!!
Daniel F. , could you please open a new topic in our Bug Reports & Technical Issues forum for this issue? Thank you.

Edited 1487543300
My players are having a few issues with the sheet. The primary one being that dexterity modifiers are not being applied automatically to initiative rolls. I've done a temporary work around by putting a initiative modifier under the in the settings section. I don't see this being a problem in another game I'm in.&nbsp; The other issue we've noticed (at least in this game) is skills with expertise not updating proficiency bonus when leveling up. A work around has been to uncheck and recheck the skill in question.
Rhooja said: My players are having a few issues with the sheet. The primary one being that dexterity modifiers are not being applied automatically to initiative rolls. I've done a temporary work around by putting a initiative modifier under the in the settings section. I don't see this being a problem in another game I'm in.&nbsp; The other issue we've noticed (at least in this game) is skills with expertise not updating proficiency bonus when leveling up. A work around has been to uncheck and recheck the skill in question. Very odd. I cannot recreate these issues in an existing campaign or a new one. Did you happen to transfer to OGL from a different character sheet? Seems like there might be extra sheet attributes causing problems with your sheets or perhaps some missing attributes. Can you recreate this issue in a new game?
Jyro X said: Rhooja said: My players are having a few issues with the sheet. The primary one being that dexterity modifiers are not being applied automatically to initiative rolls. I've done a temporary work around by putting a initiative modifier under the in the settings section. I don't see this being a problem in another game I'm in.&nbsp; The other issue we've noticed (at least in this game) is skills with expertise not updating proficiency bonus when leveling up. A work around has been to uncheck and recheck the skill in question. Very odd. I cannot recreate these issues in an existing campaign or a new one. Did you happen to transfer to OGL from a different character sheet? Seems like there might be extra sheet attributes causing problems with your sheets or perhaps some missing attributes. Can you recreate this issue in a new game? We converted to OGL from 5e Shaped, and it looks like this is something to do with that process.
Rhooja said: We converted to OGL from 5e Shaped, and it looks like this is something to do with that process. If you are currently using the OGL by Roll20 sheet, this may indeed be caused by an issue that can occur when switching over to the 5e OGL sheet from another Character Sheet (see the note in Adding the Character Sheet to a Campaign ). On the Attributes & Abilities Tab of the affected Characters, try locating and deleting all Attributes which have a name similar to: "PB" or "pb" " &lt;skill&gt; _bonus"; e.g. "deception_bonus" " &lt;ability&gt; _mod"; e.g. "strength_mod" To delete an Attribute, hover over it and press the x button that appears.

Edited 1488176000
"ERROR: You must specify a valid layer to create this object type." I have added the Companion script and activated the autonpctoken part, but when I run it the above error message appears in the console and nothing happens (ps it still rolls the hps ok in chat). &nbsp;I am using this with D&D Monster manual created creatures/tokens. &nbsp;I can drag a token into the screen okay. I have deactivated all non-one-click scripts, so it shouldnt be any of those. &nbsp;Creature window is NOT popped-out. add:&nbsp; I manually configured a NPC creature and the Auto tool works ok. So the problem only exists with creatures dragged from the Monster Manual. So far I have opened the Compendium, found a monster, dragged it to the Objects layer. This creates a new creature in the Journal. If I drag that Journal entry to the map it is ok. If I open the Journal entry and click the HPs bar (button?) it is supposed to create a new creature, but it throws the error.
Hello. I apologize if this has already been asked and answered, but I have scoured what I can of the forums and am still at a loss.&nbsp; In the 5th Edition OGL is there a way for the spell output to easily display BOTH the attack and spellcard at the same time like it does with the Shaped character sheet?&nbsp; I'd much rather use the OGL character sheet for the game I'd like to run once I purchase a membership, but my players are pleading for this feature once we're ready to play.
Nichademus said: Hello. I apologize if this has already been asked and answered, but I have scoured what I can of the forums and am still at a loss.&nbsp; In the 5th Edition OGL is there a way for the spell output to easily display BOTH the attack and spellcard at the same time like it does with the Shaped character sheet?&nbsp; I'd much rather use the OGL character sheet for the game I'd like to run once I purchase a membership, but my players are pleading for this feature once we're ready to play. This is possible, but it will take some work on your or your player's part. The easiest solution is to copy the text for the spell's description and paste it into the description for the attack.
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
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Nichademus said: Hello. I apologize if this has already been asked and answered, but I have scoured what I can of the forums and am still at a loss.&nbsp; In the 5th Edition OGL is there a way for the spell output to easily display BOTH the attack and spellcard at the same time like it does with the Shaped character sheet?&nbsp; I'd much rather use the OGL character sheet for the game I'd like to run once I purchase a membership, but my players are pleading for this feature once we're ready to play. It's a feature I plan on including in the next version of the sheet.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Steve K. said: It's a feature I plan on including in the next version of the sheet. Hello Steve. By the way, do you think you could make the sheet ask for the ability we want to use each time we roll a&nbsp;Tool Proficiency, as a 7th option in the drop down? While some tools only uses the same ability (like Thieves' Tools with Dex), many others can use different ones depending on the action the character attempts. Instead of concatenating the selected ability mod, I guess you could add a 7th option in te drop down menu, which would concatenate the prompt query.

Edited 1487857244
Is it possible to add a checkbox vor the Variant: Encumbrance rule? Disabling it for those who don't want it?

Edited 1487858413
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
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Compendium Curator
Serge S. said: Is it possible to add a checkbox vor the Variant: Encumbrance rule? Disabling it for those who don't want it? This is on the settings page of the sheet (the gear icon in the top right). You can toggle the encumbrance on/off. EDIT: corrected right vs. left.
Scott C. said: Serge S. said: Is it possible to add a checkbox vor the Variant: Encumbrance rule? Disabling it for those who don't want it? This is on the settings page of the sheet (the gear icon in the top right). You can toggle the encumbrance on/off. EDIT: corrected right vs. left. I found this option to be a unintuitive. Off makes me think that it would just not bother tracking encumbrance. Instead Off in this case refers to NOT using the Variant: Encumbrance and instead using the default Encumbrance (15 x Strength).
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
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Compendium Curator
That's because the default rule is not called encumbrance, it's called carrying capacity. From the&nbsp; Compendium : Lifting and Carrying Your Strength score determines the amount of weight you can bear. The following terms define what you can lift or carry. Carrying Capacity . Your carrying capacity is your Strength score multiplied by 15. This is the weight (in pounds) that you can carry, which is high enough that most characters don’t usually have to worry about it. And then this is the encumbrance entry: Variant: Encumbrance The rules for lifting and carrying are intentionally simple. Here is a variant if you are looking for more detailed rules for determining how a character is hindered by the weight of Equipment . When you use this variant, ignore the Strength column of the Armor table. If you carry weight in excess of 5 times your Strength score, you are encumbered , which means your speed drops by 10 feet. If you carry weight in excess of 10 times your Strength score, up to your maximum carrying capacity, you are instead heavily encumbered , which means your speed drops by 20 feet and you have disadvantage on ability checks, Attack rolls, and saving throws that use Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.
That would make sense then, I guess I just combined the two under the same name like Human vs. Variant Human.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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Compendium Curator
yeah, it's also confusing because it was called encumbrance in earlier versions (at least 3.5 and pathfinder), so that's also what I think of it as.
I found just now that the encumbrance toggle does not stay off for me. I set it to off, hit save, scoll down, and find it on again. Has this been seen by anyone else?
Andrew C
Marketplace Creator
Okay, I'm feeling rather dunderheaded about this... but I'm looking to do the simple thing of swapping a weapon out on a Compendium Monster. Give a kobold a light crossbow, or have a Hobgoblin carry a Battleaxe, or so on. Now, they are Versatile weapons, and I know you should have two different damages, but it spits out two lots of damage as in "Damage: 6 damage + 8 damage". &nbsp;So I'm happy to be told I'm a goose and don't get how its laid out... 5EOGL is fairly new to me.
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
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You edit NPC actions by clicking on the gear that appears when hovering over them. Then alter the stats below it. Once they're updated you can close the settings by clicking the gear again. Then below the action button will display the correct information and roll the attack for you.
Andrew (Halfling Gypsy) said: Okay, I'm feeling rather dunderheaded about this... but I'm looking to do the simple thing of swapping a weapon out on a Compendium Monster. Give a kobold a light crossbow, or have a Hobgoblin carry a Battleaxe, or so on. Now, they are Versatile weapons, and I know you should have two different damages, but it spits out two lots of damage as in "Damage: 6 damage + 8 damage". &nbsp;So I'm happy to be told I'm a goose and don't get how its laid out... 5EOGL is fairly new to me. So are you asking why it is spitting out the "6 damage + 8 damage". If so, this is just to make it easier for you to run the npc with a versatile weapon. The first damage (6 in this case) is how much damage would be dealt if the weapon was some with one hand. The second damage (8) is the damage dealt with two hands.
Andrew C
Marketplace Creator
Kyle G. said: Andrew (Halfling Gypsy) said: Okay, I'm feeling rather dunderheaded about this... but I'm looking to do the simple thing of swapping a weapon out on a Compendium Monster. Give a kobold a light crossbow, or have a Hobgoblin carry a Battleaxe, or so on. Now, they are Versatile weapons, and I know you should have two different damages, but it spits out two lots of damage as in "Damage: 6 damage + 8 damage". &nbsp;So I'm happy to be told I'm a goose and don't get how its laid out... 5EOGL is fairly new to me. So are you asking why it is spitting out the "6 damage + 8 damage". If so, this is just to make it easier for you to run the npc with a versatile weapon. The first damage (6 in this case) is how much damage would be dealt if the weapon was some with one hand. The second damage (8) is the damage dealt with two hands. Okay it is this and the method of displaying that is what is setting to me.

Edited 1488316450
Question as I'm new and created a game after I bought the lost mine of phandelver. I had a couple of new players join. How the heck do they create and post their characters. Do I as GM have to do that? Under journal section I have the add button and can choose character. My two players do not. I've been looking everywhere to try and find out what to tell them about how they are suppose to create their characters. So far this has been very frustrating process.
Keith T. said: Question as I'm new and created a game after I bought the lost mine of phandelver. I had a couple of new players join. How the heck do they create and asd there characters. Do I as GM have to do that? Under journal section I have the add button and can choose character. My two players do not. I've been looking everywhere to try and find out what to tell them about how they are suppose to create their characters. So far this has been very frustrating process. Correct, it is typically the GM's job to create and assign characters to players. I say typically because there is a script that will allow players to create there own characters, but I don't remember the name of the exact script.
I have 2 "Issues" im facing atm.&nbsp; What is the proper way to apply Unarmored Defense for a Barbarian using a shield? I've Added CON to the AC adjust under settings and used the Drag and Drop method from the Compendium. The player has a +2 Dex and +3 Con, So the final AC should be 17. Before I added the Shield it was correct at 15, but adding the shield drops it to 14. Is the addition of the shield overriding the CON adjustment in the Settings? Why do all my spell damage (heal) roll double dice when the 3D dice are on? It does not add them together, im just curious as to why 2 roll. And just FYI these characters are fresh to this Campaign, not transfered from the vault, and we have not switched character sheets. Thanks in advance :)

Edited 1488316303
Ok but once I assign them can they then fill it out like abilities and equipment or do I have to do the whole character sheet? If so I don't see how that is good for any GM who has enough to keep track of. When players show up at the gaming table I expect them to have a character rolled up. I don't want to sit there and make up 6 characters for everyone filling out abilities, equipment, skills, etc.&nbsp;
Keith T. said: Ok but once I assign them can they then fill it out like abilities and equipment or do I have to do the whole character sheet? If so I don't see how that is good for any GM who has enough to keep track of. When players show up at the gaming table I expect them to have a character rolled up. I don't want to sit there and make up 6 characters for everyone filling out abilities, equipment, skills, etc.&nbsp; After you create the character for them, make sure that you give the editing rights to the character. By doing this, you are giving the player full control to edit the character sheet (including the abilities, equipment, skills, etc.)
You will still need to properly set up a token for them and assign it as the default token however.
Dustin C. said: I have 2 "Issues" im facing atm.&nbsp; What is the proper way to apply Unarmored Defense for a Barbarian using a shield? I've Added CON to the AC adjust under settings and used the Drag and Drop method from the Compendium. The player has a +2 Dex and +3 Con, So the final AC should be 17. Before I added the Shield it was correct at 15, but adding the shield drops it to 14. Is the addition of the shield overriding the CON adjustment in the Settings? Why do all my spell damage (heal) roll double dice when the 3D dice are on? It does not add them together, im just curious as to why 2 roll. And just FYI these characters are fresh to this Campaign, not transfered from the vault, and we have not switched character sheets. Thanks in advance :) I just tried this myself and got the same results. It seems that shields, or using the ac Mod method of an item, only works for the normal way to calculate armor. When the custom AC method is used, nothing else is included in the calculation. When using the 3D dice with the auto-roll damage enabled, the 3D dice does not know if you the damage is critical or not until after the roll. So to make up for this it ALWAYS rolls the crit dice and then uses them ONLY WHEN the hit was in fact a critical hit. If you remove the auto roll damage, it should use the correct amount because when you click for damage it knows whether the attack was a crit or not.

Edited 1488317371
Scott C.
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Dustin C. said: I have 2 "Issues" im facing atm.&nbsp; What is the proper way to apply Unarmored Defense for a Barbarian using a shield? I've Added CON to the AC adjust under settings and used the Drag and Drop method from the Compendium. The player has a +2 Dex and +3 Con, So the final AC should be 17. Before I added the Shield it was correct at 15, but adding the shield drops it to 14. Is the addition of the shield overriding the CON adjustment in the Settings? The easiest way to do things like Barbarian or Monk's unarmored defense is to make a custom equipment item with no weight named Unarmored Defense, then edit it and put Ac +X, where X is the value of your ability mod to Ac, in the mods field of the item. You will still have to edit this anytime your contributing ability changes, but it's much easier than using the global AC mod and will continue to take into account your other items/AC mods.
@Kyle G.,Thanks! That makes sense. @Scott C. Thanks, I thought that might be the case, wasn't sure if it was a sheet malfunction or just good ole human error. :)
(Is there a specific place to submit bugs/issues? On Github perhaps?) Does anyone else have the issue where Jack of all Trades isn't being applied to ability checks, only skill checks? It is being correctly applied to Initiative though.
Gabriel S. said: I found just now that the encumbrance toggle does not stay off for me. I set it to off, hit save, scoll down, and find it on again. Has this been seen by anyone else? I have also found this. Even with "Encumberance" toggled off, the Encumbered error is still coming up for me. Of note, I did not change the setting to off until after adding the equipment, not sure if that would matter, as I imagine it should not. Right now I've just ignored the error and asked my players to do the same.&nbsp;
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Colin said (over here ): Something has gotten mucked up with my character sheet, I cannot get my global AC and Saving Throw Modifier settings to kick in on my character sheet (Orel Marsk) in my game . It's worked fine for my other characters in other games, so not sure what the story is. I've played with the gear menu setting and the attributes and abilities tab, but no luck.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Mark R. said (over here ): I am having this issue as well with my players. The Global DC modifier is being added to the number at the top of the Spells page, but it is not being factored into the DC showing up in the Attacks & Spellcasting section of the Core page.
Can you add a section to the character sheet with check boxes for weapon and armor proficienties something like the skills section and a ability to add custom ones like the resource fields? Example Light armor, Med Armor, Heavy Armor. Simple Weapons, custom Monk weapons. Thanks
Forum Champion
Joel P. said&nbsp; here Hi, i'm trying to cast "Chill touch" using a macro in a 5e D&D game i'm in and nothing is coming up in chat. All it does is quite literally post in the chat nothing next to my name. I noticed it also happened with another spell called "Ray of Sickness" but all my other spells are working. any help?
Scott C.
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Craven . said: Can you add a section to the character sheet with check boxes for weapon and armor proficienties something like the skills section and a ability to add custom ones like the resource fields? Example Light armor, Med Armor, Heavy Armor. Simple Weapons, custom Monk weapons. Thanks The weapon proficienicies is handled via the attacks section. Simply mark whether you are proficient with the attack or not. As for armor, what would be the benefit of having armor proficiency in the sheet, being non-proficient simply gives you disadvantage on anything strength or dexterity based and prevents spellcasting. These are all things that are handled by your roll decisions, not number adjustments to attacks.
I am trying to incorporate Vicious weapons properly for a Champion. (crits 18-20, but vicious only on 20) Any way to do this in the sheet when making a weapon?
[BUG]&nbsp;%{Selected|npc_perception} is not properly applying any modifiers to the perception roll. Such as a Goblin with -1 Wisdom modifier. Or the Giant Boar or the Skeleton. Just tested those three and they're all not grabbing the right modifiers, even after setting @{selected|npc_perception} to zero. It grabs the zero, but does not grab the -1 wisdom modifier in the Goblin's case.

Edited 1488765413
SkyCaptainXIII said: [BUG]&nbsp;%{Selected|npc_perception} is not properly applying any modifiers to the perception roll. Such as a Goblin with -1 Wisdom modifier. Or the Giant Boar or the Skeleton. Just tested those three and they're all not grabbing the right modifiers, even after setting @{selected|npc_perception} to zero. It grabs the zero, but does not grab the -1 wisdom modifier in the Goblin's case. This is not a bug, the npc skills are not automatically calculated like pc skills. Because of this you will need to make a slightly more complicated macro such as: [[@{npcd_wis_mod}*{1@{npc_perception}0,0}=10+0@{npc_perception}]]
Andrew C
Marketplace Creator
Quick question... Should I assume that things like spells in the PHB but missing in the Compendium are absent because of the restrictions of the OGL rather than some kind of accidental omission?
Yes, Andrew.
Andrew C
Marketplace Creator
Silvyre said: Yes, Andrew. Well bollocks...&nbsp;
Andrew (Halfling Gypsy) said: Silvyre said: Yes, Andrew. Well bollocks...&nbsp; My hope is that at some point in the future, Roll20 will allow us the option to build our own "Personal" compendiums where we can manually add content to use repeatedly in our games instead of having to individually type in each spell, background, etc for every setting we use.&nbsp; An argument can be made that they can also just allow you to purchase "official" compendium add-on's like Volo's and MM, but that doesn't help the fact that you'd have to wait on those releases or that it doesn't help you with other game settings and/or homebrew content.