Andres D. said:
If it isn't asking too much, could you give me a macro for the attack section of the PC sheet. I tried to make one, but it doesn't work with spells cast at a higher level. If you have to explain it to me as if I were a child, the better.
So, I think where the confusion might be is that what I directed you to in the wiki and described for the skills, saves, and checks aren't macros in the same sense that doing a custom macro is. On the sheet, there are many buttons that you can click on to roll attacks, saves, skills, etc. In the 5e OGL sheet, these are all the name of thing. This means that the sheet has already generated abilities for each of these things, but they are slightly different and are called roll buttons. As far as invoking them, or calling them though, they are the same and still use the %{...} syntax. The benefit here is that you don't need to recreate the wheel, you can simply call the already existing roll buttons from the sheet in your token abilities. Take the strength save roll for example:
The content of the roll button (essentially what you would put in a custom macro to recreate the roll button):
@{wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=^{strength-save-u}}} {{mod=[[[[@{strength_save_bonus}]][STR+PROF]@{globalsavingthrowbonus}]]}} {{r1=[[1d20@{halflingluck}+[[@{strength_save_bonus}]][STR+PROF]@{globalsavingthrowbonus}]]}} @{rtype}@{halflingluck}+[[@{strength_save_bonus}]][STR+PROF]@{globalsavingthrowbonus}]]}} @{charname_output}
Now you can call this from chat or another ability just like you would an ability that you made on your attributes & abilities character tab:
%{Character Name|strength_save}
So, instead of putting the content of the strength_save roll button in a custom ability, we can simply put the ability call in. Think of this like a variable in math:
y = 10+40
z= (x + y)/20
so, z = (40 + 10 +40)/2 = 90/2 = 45
Referencing these roll buttons is pretty simple when it's something like a save, skill, or check. However, referencing things in sections like the attacks or tools gets more complicated as these sections make use of a sheet element called a repeating section. Repeating sections have a programmatic naming scheme. The section of the wiki I linked to above has the naming scheme for all the repeating sections in the sheet (both PC and NPC sides). Here's an example of referencing a repeating attack though:
From the wiki, we know that the attack section repeating rolls are in this format: %{selected|repeating_attack_$0_attack}. The 0 is the row index of the roll. Repeating section indexes start at 0, so referencing the first (top) ability of the section would have a "0" as the number, while referencing the third section would have a "2" as the number.
I'm also interested in the API, but have even less knowledge of it. Any help or resources appreciated. My main goal with the API would be to have spell slots and arrows counted. Also the long rest you mentioned would be great. Is there a script for a short rest?
Unfortunately, I don't know the OGL companion script that well. It does have ammo and spell slot tracking in it though.
For the higher level spell slots not working, calling the spell with the %{...} syntax will be the exact same as clicking the spell name on the sheet, so casting it at a higher level will work just like it would from casting straight from the sheet.
As for my method vs. Craven's, I'm not sure what exactly Craven's macros were, but in general, the benefit of custom macros is that you can apply some of the more esoteric abilities more easily and with more streamlining. The benefit of my roll-call method from the GM viewpoint is that you don't need to do all that macro work repeatedly. I should also point out that you can actually drag the roll buttons straight from the sheet and drop them on your bottom macro bar. While you as GM probably have too much going on to want to fill your macro bar up with macros from everything, this works very well for your players, and allows them to easily access their rolls regardless of having a token on the current page or not.
Hope that helps,