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5th Edition OGL by Roll20 v1.6

Kyle G. said: Does saving throws +X do the same as the GLOBAL SAVING THROWS MODIFIER or the SPELL SAVE DC MOD? The former.
Ok here is what I am trying to do. First I have the 5e OGL API installed and Token-mod API. The below macro reset the spell slots, sets the character's HP to max. So now I want to regains spent Hit Dice from short rest automatically to the character sheet. According to the rules you get back half your level in hit dice spent back. How could i write that into my macro. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. &{template:npcaction} {{name=@{Selected|character_name}}} {{rname=Long Rest for}} {{description=At the end of a long rest, a character regains all lost hit points. The character also regains spent Hit Dice, up to a number of dice equal to half of the character’s total number of them (minimum of one die). }}{{charname=@{Selected|character_name}}} !longrest @{Selected|character_name} !token-mod --set bar1_reset

Edited 1490301521
Modifying Attributes is outside of TokenMod's scope; I recommend One-Click installing ChatSetAttr : !setattr --modb --sel --hit_dice|[[ floor(@{selected|level} / 2) ]] Simply resetting @{hit_dice} to maximum can be accomplished via !resetattr --sel --hit_dice You should change the "1d12" in this image to a number equal to your total number of hit dice (the type of hit die is determined by the sheet's primary class). Doing so will allow the aforementioned chat commands to function properly.
Would it be possible to get short and long rest buttons built straight into the 5e OGL character sheet instead of having to call API commands via chat or setting up character sheet macro's? This would be useful for my players and a feature that is already included with the 5e Shaped sheet. Also being able to configure the resource fields to reset on short/long rests would be really nice as well.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Jyro X said: Also being able to configure the resource fields to reset on short/long rests would be really nice as well. Doing so implies to be able to tell which ressources should be resetted, as resources are not only race/class abilities, but ammunitions (or such kind of things) too. 
Silvyre said: Joel P. said: @{Regius Pompus II|wtype}&{template:atk} {{mod=+7}} {{rname=[Chill Touch](~-KPMEmg2g8dKlILCp8Jo|repeating_attack_-KeUAmkVu3Ngu3N9HGUk_attack_dmg)}} {{rnamec=[Chill Touch](~-KPMEmg2g8dKlILCp8Jo|repeating_attack_-KeUAmkVu3Ngu3N9HGUk_attack_crit)}} {{r1=[[1d20@{Regius Pompus II|halflingluck}cs>20 + 4[INT] + 3[PROF]]]}} @{Regius Pompus II|rtype}@{Regius Pompus II|halflingluck}cs>20 + 4[INT] + 3[PROF]]]}} {{range=120ft}} {{desc=}} {{spelllevel=cantrip}} ammo= @{Regius Pompus II|charname_output} Ok so that actually works Does this spell display within the Text Chat when used from the Attacks & Spellcasting block? If not, does copying, pasting and entering that code into the Text Chat result in the spell with proper appearance? If not, do any errors appear in your Console Log after pressing one of the non-functional roll/command buttons? (If not, then perhaps we should look into investigating whether this is a Technical Issue . Let us know!) That block was from Attacks and Spellcasting, so that works but not if i cast it straight from the spells menu
Fearless Leader , could you please provide steps to replicate this issue? For example, with a specific Compendium entry. Thanks!
I'm wondering if he just needs to click and scroll down with the mousewheel.
Steve K. said: Brett M. said (over here ): Hi! I know certain game settings can now be globally changed from the Settings - Game Settings page, and I can see where to switch PC sheets to Always Whisper / Query / Never Whisper and I thought GMs had the ability to make the same global change to NPCs, but I can't see it. Sorry for the newbie question, but can this now be done for NPC sheets, and if so where? My thanks! Changes made to these default settings will apply to all new characters, NPC or PC. Ah -- all new  PCs / NPCs.  So it doesn't affect existing NPCs / PCs?  For example, the NPCs in the Roll20 SKT module (purchased) are set to "Always Whisper Rolls" to GM, and I'd like to change this to "Never Whisper Rolls" to GM.  Is there any way this can be done for existing NPCs, like the ones existing in the purchased SKT module?  My thanks!

Edited 1490472760
Brett M. said: Steve K. said: Brett M. said (over here ): Hi! I know certain game settings can now be globally changed from the Settings - Game Settings page, and I can see where to switch PC sheets to Always Whisper / Query / Never Whisper and I thought GMs had the ability to make the same global change to NPCs, but I can't see it. Sorry for the newbie question, but can this now be done for NPC sheets, and if so where? My thanks! Changes made to these default settings will apply to all new characters, NPC or PC. Ah -- all new  PCs / NPCs.  So it doesn't affect existing NPCs / PCs?  For example, the NPCs in the Roll20 SKT module (purchased) are set to "Always Whisper Rolls" to GM, and I'd like to change this to "Never Whisper Rolls" to GM.  Is there any way this can be done for existing NPCs, like the ones existing in the purchased SKT module?  My thanks! AFAIK, there is no way to affect existing entries without going in and editing them 1-by-1 without the use of a script. Supposedly, they are making a number of QOL changes in the next version of the 5e OGL sheet though. Not sure when it's expected to be released however.
I am all of a sudden unable to create an NPC sheet. I create a new sheet, go to the setting cog wheel and click on NPC and nothing happens. Am I missing something?
Ben said: I am all of a sudden unable to create an NPC sheet. I create a new sheet, go to the setting cog wheel and click on NPC and nothing happens. Am I missing something? Ben , I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues with the sheet. Could you please carefully work through the first three steps of our guide to Solving Technical Issues ? Step 1: Make sure to use the right browser Please check if these issues persist when using both Chrome and Firefox. Step 2: Ensure that there are no extensions/addons interfering with Roll20 Please disable all add-ons/extensions and anti-virus programs. Step 3: Clear your cache If none of the above succeeds, please thoroughly work through Step 4 . (Don't forget the complete Console Log!) Thank you!
Is there a page/resource where I can see incoming changes for the 5e OGL sheet? I've tried looking at the github repository, but it doesn't clearly outline what changes (if any) are coming to the sheet or when they are expected to arrive.
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Brett M. said: Steve K. said: Brett M. said (over here ): Hi! I know certain game settings can now be globally changed from the Settings - Game Settings page, and I can see where to switch PC sheets to Always Whisper / Query / Never Whisper and I thought GMs had the ability to make the same global change to NPCs, but I can't see it. Sorry for the newbie question, but can this now be done for NPC sheets, and if so where? My thanks! Changes made to these default settings will apply to all new characters, NPC or PC. Ah -- all new  PCs / NPCs.  So it doesn't affect existing NPCs / PCs?  For example, the NPCs in the Roll20 SKT module (purchased) are set to "Always Whisper Rolls" to GM, and I'd like to change this to "Never Whisper Rolls" to GM.  Is there any way this can be done for existing NPCs, like the ones existing in the purchased SKT module?  My thanks! At the bottom of the settings tab, under Experimental Features, is an option to apply default settings to all Pages/Tokens/Characters. Be warned this process can't be undone except by rolling back your game.
Hello there, Not sure if this is the place to post this question. I have been playing actively on Roll20 now using D&D 5E for about a year. I want to commend you guys on a great job with the content on here thus far! However, I have noticed some omissions in available 5E spells (particularly for the Paladin class - several smites are missing). I could list them down, but was wondering if there were any upcoming plans to rectify this and ensure there is a full spells compendium from the 5E handbook?  Thanks!
Hey, Finn B. The 5th Edition SRD Compendium can only contain information (such as race and class options, feats, spells, treasure, monsters, etc.) that is located within WoTC's Systems Reference Document . If WoTC releases more SRD content under an Open Gaming License, you can count on that being added to the Compendium.
Ok so I didn't see it here but I probably missed it... I've found a "bug" or an inconvenience. I'm modding the default Hobgoblin monster to use the "On hit 2" entry to auto roll the Martial Advantage (basicly melee sneak attack) damage. Problem is When I roll it it doesn't show in the chat output. I realized that if I have it set it to "Don't auto roll damage" and click the damage manually it does show it. So I guess my question is: Is this intended behavior? And if so is there a way to apply "don't auto roll" to all my NPCs?
Stephen Koontz
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Compendium Curator
Dustin C. said: So I guess my question is: Is this intended behavior? And if so is there a way to apply "don't auto roll" to all my NPCs? I'm not able to replicate the bug you're talking about. When I set a ON HIT 2 is appears regardless of auto rolling option. Either when it's off and I click the name to get the damage result, or immediately on the auto damage output. As for mass setting. You can set a character sheet default from the game settings page. Then mass apply it to every character in the game from the Experimental Features area of the settings tab in-app. Be warned, there is no way to revert these changes without rolling back the entire game.

Edited 1490667190
Odd.. wonder what I did to it...  I have found another issue, any spell i've entered by hand (ex: Cordon of Arrows) it's not tracking the spell slot usage, instead giving the ALL SLOTS EXPENDED feedback Edit: I did just notice that Spells pulled from the compendium list the School as Tranmutation 2, While my hand written ones do not...

Edited 1490686889
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Dustin C. said: Edit: I did just notice that Spells pulled from the compendium list the School as Tranmutation 2, While my hand written ones do not... Indeed, I can remember Steve K. telling about this and spellslot tracking requiring to use Compendium spells only. Still, non-Compendium "attack" spells should be working, as the sheetworker which transforms the spells into an attack retrieves the level from the spell ID. Thus only "spellcard" handwritten spells aren't tracked properly. I've posted a message some days ago about this. I think it should be easy to fix this (as each repeating spell belongs to a spell-level section in the sheet, the spell-level attribute could be easily filled so any handwritten spell could be taken into account by the sheetworkers and templates). I'm still waiting an answer about this issue. I've just checked: indeed, when you drop a spell from the Compendium, the spelllevel attribute is filled with the level from the Compendium : input type="hidden" name="attr_spelllevel" accept="Level" value="1" This HTML input tag is otherwise lacking value="1"   (or whatever level). Steve K., couldn't the character sheet include a default value for this (as repeating spell sections exists for each spell level) ?
Stephen Koontz
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fenrhir said: Steve K., couldn't the character sheet include a default value for this (as repeating spell sections exists for each spell level) ? Yes. It's on my 1.7 goals list. The OGL sheet was the guinea pig for sheet workers, compendium integration, and default settings. So there are a lot of edge cases that didn't get polished as we were figuring it out. Mistakes I made that others have learned from and improved upon. My intent with 1.7 is to update the sheet with a polish and modernization of all those features.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Steve K. said: Yes. It's on my 1.7 goals list. The OGL sheet was the guinea pig for sheet workers, compendium integration, and default settings. So there are a lot of edge cases that didn't get polished as we were figuring it out. Mistakes I made that others have learned from and improved upon. My intent with 1.7 is to update the sheet with a polish and modernization of all those features. Kudos to you for all this work and this answer.  I'm sure we (users) often ask for the same explanations and informations. Thank you for answering yet :p
Steve K. said: fenrhir said: Steve K., couldn't the character sheet include a default value for this (as repeating spell sections exists for each spell level) ? Yes. It's on my 1.7 goals list. The OGL sheet was the guinea pig for sheet workers, compendium integration, and default settings. So there are a lot of edge cases that didn't get polished as we were figuring it out. Mistakes I made that others have learned from and improved upon. My intent with 1.7 is to update the sheet with a polish and modernization of all those features. ETA on sheet 1.7?
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Craven . said: ETA on sheet 1.7? Soon TM. It's very high on my priorities list.
If I can make a suggestion.  I'm not sure if this is a part of the sheet, or if I'm just using it wrong.  I've been building NPC's for my game and the way spells are listed seems odd to me.  They're just a straight list of every spell and there doesn't seem to be any way to keep track of NPC spell slots or the spell levels when I add them to the NPC sheet.  Is there a macro I should be using that I don't know about?  Is that a known issue that is going to be addressed in 1.7?  Should I just write it out in the abilities section? Also, another idea, in the spells section, could some text be added to differentiate the numbers tracking spell slots and slots expended?  A few of my players don't have access to the original character sheets and this might help clear up some confusion for players experimenting with or new to the system.
Will C. said: If I can make a suggestion.  I'm not sure if this is a part of the sheet, or if I'm just using it wrong.  I've been building NPC's for my game and the way spells are listed seems odd to me.  They're just a straight list of every spell and there doesn't seem to be any way to keep track of NPC spell slots or the spell levels when I add them to the NPC sheet.  Is there a macro I should be using that I don't know about?  Is that a known issue that is going to be addressed in 1.7?  Should I just write it out in the abilities section? Also, another idea, in the spells section, could some text be added to differentiate the numbers tracking spell slots and slots expended?  A few of my players don't have access to the original character sheets and this might help clear up some confusion for players experimenting with or new to the system. An easy way to track spell slots for each spellcaster NPC would definitely be a welcome addition to the sheet.
Jyro X said: Will C. said: If I can make a suggestion.  I'm not sure if this is a part of the sheet, or if I'm just using it wrong.  I've been building NPC's for my game and the way spells are listed seems odd to me.  They're just a straight list of every spell and there doesn't seem to be any way to keep track of NPC spell slots or the spell levels when I add them to the NPC sheet.  Is there a macro I should be using that I don't know about?  Is that a known issue that is going to be addressed in 1.7?  Should I just write it out in the abilities section? Also, another idea, in the spells section, could some text be added to differentiate the numbers tracking spell slots and slots expended?  A few of my players don't have access to the original character sheets and this might help clear up some confusion for players experimenting with or new to the system. An easy way to track spell slots for each spellcaster NPC would definitely be a welcome addition to the sheet. The problem you would then run in to would be how do you keep track of the spell slots for the individual mooks.
Kyle G. said: Jyro X said: Will C. said: If I can make a suggestion.  I'm not sure if this is a part of the sheet, or if I'm just using it wrong.  I've been building NPC's for my game and the way spells are listed seems odd to me.  They're just a straight list of every spell and there doesn't seem to be any way to keep track of NPC spell slots or the spell levels when I add them to the NPC sheet.  Is there a macro I should be using that I don't know about?  Is that a known issue that is going to be addressed in 1.7?  Should I just write it out in the abilities section? Also, another idea, in the spells section, could some text be added to differentiate the numbers tracking spell slots and slots expended?  A few of my players don't have access to the original character sheets and this might help clear up some confusion for players experimenting with or new to the system. An easy way to track spell slots for each spellcaster NPC would definitely be a welcome addition to the sheet. The problem you would then run in to would be how do you keep track of the spell slots for the individual mooks. How do you do that now? But yeah, it would be super helpful, especially for NPCs that can cast a lot of different spells, maybe a drop-down menu that could be collapsed? 
Will C. said: Kyle G. said: Jyro X said: Will C. said: If I can make a suggestion.  I'm not sure if this is a part of the sheet, or if I'm just using it wrong.  I've been building NPC's for my game and the way spells are listed seems odd to me.  They're just a straight list of every spell and there doesn't seem to be any way to keep track of NPC spell slots or the spell levels when I add them to the NPC sheet.  Is there a macro I should be using that I don't know about?  Is that a known issue that is going to be addressed in 1.7?  Should I just write it out in the abilities section? Also, another idea, in the spells section, could some text be added to differentiate the numbers tracking spell slots and slots expended?  A few of my players don't have access to the original character sheets and this might help clear up some confusion for players experimenting with or new to the system. An easy way to track spell slots for each spellcaster NPC would definitely be a welcome addition to the sheet. The problem you would then run in to would be how do you keep track of the spell slots for the individual mooks. How do you do that now? But yeah, it would be super helpful, especially for NPCs that can cast a lot of different spells, maybe a drop-down menu that could be collapsed?  Here is what I do for enemy spellcasters. Once I set up the character sheet I give them a token macro that will display all of their spells available to them and number of spell slots that they have. Here is the macro for this npc: @{wtype} &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|character_name} Spellcasting }}{{Spell Save DC @{selected|npc_spelldc}= @{selected|npc_spellattackmod} to hit with spell attacks }}{{Cantrips =[@{repeating_spell-npc_$0_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$0_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$1_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$1_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$2_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$2_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$3_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$3_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$4_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$4_spell) }}{{1st level (4 slots) =[@{repeating_spell-npc_$5_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$5_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$6_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$6_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$7_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$7_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$8_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$8_spell) }}{{2nd level (3 slots) =[@{repeating_spell-npc_$9_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$9_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$10_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$10_spell) }}{{3rd level (2 slots) =[@{repeating_spell-npc_$11_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$11_spell) }} This is the output of the macro You can then keep track of how which spell and spell slots the npc has used manually, but most combats do not last long enough for their spell slots to really matter.
Kyle G. said: Will C. said: Kyle G. said: Jyro X said: Will C. said: If I can make a suggestion.  I'm not sure if this is a part of the sheet, or if I'm just using it wrong.  I've been building NPC's for my game and the way spells are listed seems odd to me.  They're just a straight list of every spell and there doesn't seem to be any way to keep track of NPC spell slots or the spell levels when I add them to the NPC sheet.  Is there a macro I should be using that I don't know about?  Is that a known issue that is going to be addressed in 1.7?  Should I just write it out in the abilities section? Also, another idea, in the spells section, could some text be added to differentiate the numbers tracking spell slots and slots expended?  A few of my players don't have access to the original character sheets and this might help clear up some confusion for players experimenting with or new to the system. An easy way to track spell slots for each spellcaster NPC would definitely be a welcome addition to the sheet. The problem you would then run in to would be how do you keep track of the spell slots for the individual mooks. How do you do that now? But yeah, it would be super helpful, especially for NPCs that can cast a lot of different spells, maybe a drop-down menu that could be collapsed?  Here is what I do for enemy spellcasters. Once I set up the character sheet I give them a token macro that will display all of their spells available to them and number of spell slots that they have. Here is the macro for this npc: @{wtype} &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|character_name} Spellcasting }}{{Spell Save DC @{selected|npc_spelldc}= @{selected|npc_spellattackmod} to hit with spell attacks }}{{Cantrips =[@{repeating_spell-npc_$0_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$0_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$1_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$1_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$2_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$2_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$3_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$3_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$4_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$4_spell) }}{{1st level (4 slots) =[@{repeating_spell-npc_$5_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$5_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$6_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$6_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$7_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$7_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$8_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$8_spell) }}{{2nd level (3 slots) =[@{repeating_spell-npc_$9_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$9_spell) [@{repeating_spell-npc_$10_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$10_spell) }}{{3rd level (2 slots) =[@{repeating_spell-npc_$11_spellname}](~selected|repeating_spell-npc_$11_spell) }} This is the output of the macro You can then keep track of how which spell and spell slots the npc has used manually, but most combats do not last long enough for their spell slots to really matter. That is pretty useful, but not really as accessible as something native to the sheet would be, I mean, not everyone is handy enough with macros to be able to do this on their own.  Also, it seems like it would be tedious for people to manage multiple spellcasting NPCs, especially if you're using the chat often.  Plus it seems like there is a risk that DMs could accidentally reveal NPC details to their players.
If you want a NPC to use spells like a character, just use a character sheet, right? Then you can do everything you want, including tracking spells per individual goon. Personally I would make a single character sheet per class and then add all the spells [Unprepared] possible (Up to the level of the campaign.. no need to add 9th level spells to a 3rd level campaign.. I would hope that NPC isnt going to battle the party :) )When a NPC casts spells, duplicate the appropriate template sheet and "prepare" the spells that NPC knows.
@{wtype} I see this in other macros as well as rtype what do they reference?
I agree my important NPC use the regular character sheet and I even export them to the character vault.
Craven . said: @{wtype} I see this in other macros as well as rtype what do they reference? These values access the character sheet settings "Whisper rolls to GM" and "Roll Query", respectively.  The former determines whether the information is whispered to the gm or printed for everyone to see in the chat log while the later determines whether advantage is automatically rolled, queried each time a roll is made, toggled in the character sheet, or never used.
Kyle G. said: Craven . said: @{wtype} I see this in other macros as well as rtype what do they reference? These values access the character sheet settings "Whisper rolls to GM" and "Roll Query", respectively.  The former determines whether the information is whispered to the gm or printed for everyone to see in the chat log while the later determines whether advantage is automatically rolled, queried each time a roll is made, toggled in the character sheet, or never used. Thanks

Edited 1490979044
So I'm having the wierdest  issue. I first noticed as a player in a 5e game using the OGL sheet. When I open it, everything squeezes right up to the left side of the window. Like this: I often have my sheets opened wide on a second monitor, and as you can see, the sheet has a ton of dead space. I only noticed it on the OGL sheet at first, but feel I should mention it happnes to some other 5e sheets I'm testing, such as the Community sheet and Shaped sheet. I've cleared my cache disabled every extension and yes  I am at 100% zoom. Before I go submitting a bug report, has anyone  seen this before?
So having spent all morning &nbsp;looking, I found buried midway through this thread a single post with the same issue. It appears it was Helvetica Nue, the font, causing it, for now I have disabled it using a Tampermonkey script, that I'll repost below. // ==UserScript== // @name &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Fix 5e sheet // @namespace &nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> // @version &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;infinity.0.2 // @description &nbsp;TODO // @author &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; You // @match &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="*" rel="nofollow">*</a> // @grant &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;none // ==/UserScript== (function() { &nbsp; &nbsp; 'use strict'; &nbsp; &nbsp; document.querySelector("body").style.fontFamily = "Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"; })();
DutchVidya said: ,... . I've cleared my cache disabled every extension and yes &nbsp;I am at 100% zoom. Before I go submitting a bug report, has anyone &nbsp;seen this before? Knowing the Browser you are using might be useful to anyone who wants to look into this...
It had been Chrome initially, but persisted across every browser. See above, I found out what was causing it and have fixed it, and figured it'd be useufl to repost the fix for anyone in the future who comes looking for a solution.
Does anyone have a macro to add a turn counter to the tracker with a macro. The macro will need to set a round calculation and maybe a Label option. This way we could use macro's to add a turn tracker but also add thing like buff ex: Rage 10 -1, Spells 3 -1, Poisons. or a good API that can do this. Thanks in advance for any help.
Craven . said: Does anyone have a macro to add a turn counter to the tracker with a macro. This is a question that is better suited to the Specific Use Questions forum. Nonetheless, it is not possible to add Custom Items to the Turn Tracker using a macro without an API Script. In regards to API Scripts, I recommend trying out this scriptlet .
Steve K. said: At the bottom of the settings tab, under Experimental Features, is an option to apply default settings to all Pages/Tokens/Characters. Be warned this process can't be undone except by rolling back your game. Thanks Steve. &nbsp;This is all it shows at the bottom of my Settings tab - maybe my Plus member status doesn't include that Experimental Feature?
Brett M. said: Steve K. said: At the bottom of the settings tab, under Experimental Features, is an option to apply default settings to all Pages/Tokens/Characters. Be warned this process can't be undone except by rolling back your game. Thanks Steve. &nbsp;This is all it shows at the bottom of my Settings tab - maybe my Plus member status doesn't include that Experimental Feature? It's finnicky. The button didn't show up for me until I changed a setting, saved those settings, and then reloaded the campaign window. Also, when you change the default game settings... you have to reload the campaign or else it won't recognize the changed settings.
Sky said: It's finnicky. The button didn't show up for me until I changed a setting, saved those settings, and then reloaded the campaign window. Also, when you change the default game settings... you have to reload the campaign or else it won't recognize the changed settings. Thanks Sky -- any idea the steps to recreate the above? &nbsp;I.e., changed a setting where -- in-game in the Settings tab, or out of game on the Game Settings page? &nbsp;Thanks.
It might be a Pro subscriber only option. I dunno.
Kurt H. said: I was wondering if I'm missing something in regards to Warlocks and their spells on the OGL sheet. &nbsp;I've tested this out in 2 different games now using the 5e OGL sheet, and both games will wipe out the spell slot numbers whenever the page is refreshed, or the game is exited and re-entered. &nbsp;It will also get cleared when you change the level on the character. &nbsp;I'm also using the 5th Edition OGL by Roll20 Companion API on one of the games, but the issue was happening with either. &nbsp;Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated! The total spell slots for each level of spell (the number on the left) is automatically calculated by the sheet based upon your first class. Since warlocks don't have spell slots based on individual spell levels (but instead based on maximum spell level), the total spell slots for each spell level is set to 0. You can still increment the spell slots used (the number on the right), and that will not be set to 0 when the sheet is reopened. I recommend using the resource section on the Core page to track your maximum number of warlock spell slots and using either the Core or Spells page to track expended warlock spell slots.
That's what I was thinking might need done, thank you very much!
Sky said: It might be a Pro subscriber only option. I dunno. Possibly -- thanks!
Hi! Hope I'm in the right place for this. Is there any function (or any in the works) for visually marking spells on the spell page as rituals or domain spells? Like the "dot" that signifies prepared/unprepared, but to easily show ritual and domain spells? Currently I'm just changing the spell name to have (ritual) or (r), or (T) for Tempest domain, for example, but it would be cool if it could be marked on the sheet somehow. Thanks! You all are doing great work!