Immediately after I added "The Yawning Portal" to one of my games I found several problems with NPC token actions. Unfortunately for me I added all the Yawning Portal add-ons a few minutes before a the session started. The first encounter was with Stirges in Wave Echo Cave. The second encounter was with skeletons. (Rooms 3 & 4) In the case of the skeletons, the following images might explain better than I can with words. When I clicked on a skeleton token, the token action buttons appeared as normal. The first button I used, which worked normally, was "initiative." The second button I used was an attack button, "Shortsword." You can see the error I got when I used an attack action button. So I tried briefly to resolve the issue in game, but I was quickly frustrated and didn't want to waste game time on it as it seemed to all be correct in the Attributes & Abilities section of the NPC sheet, as you can see in the following fotos. I was forced to roll all my attacks off the character sheet, which is difficult for me. This is the reason I took the time to create token actions for each and every NPC. I checked the macro that it hadn't been corrupted. I also copy pasted it there again from a fresh working sheet. Nothing I did resolved the problem. Only the "initiative" and "perception" buttons are working. All the others in the image give a similar error to the attack. By the way, both Skeletons and Stirges were working properly before I added the Yawning Portal modules. I hesitate to explain the problem created by the add-ons with the Stirges because it seems even stranger and I want to resolve the issue of the skeletons first. I guess I can try to explain. My tokens for the Stirges were there, but they didn't work as expected. It seems like the Stirges NPC sheet I made was written over by the add-ons and then I had to dig through the 7 modules and their folders until I found the stirges sheet and roll from it. As the Stirges seems even more strange, I hope to resolve the skeletons first. The 3rd encounter the party had was with a Gelatinous Cube, a dead end, a Ochre Jelly, 4 Gray Oozes, and 2 Trolls. (They made the mistake of spliting up and bringing all the monsters down on them in the same location) I didn't have any further problems with any of those NPC sheets and token action buttons. Thank you in advance for any aid you can give. Andy