I love the functionality of the new Shaped sheet (the group I am part of is considering switching over from the Legacy Shaped sheet). The drag and drop feature is a big help in setting up spells/weapons. There a lot of things I consider a huge step up from the Legacy sheet. My only gripe is the way the sheet looks. I understand that the intention is for it to mimic the paper sheet, however, the sheet is overtly utilitarian. It really could use some color to brighten it up rather than being different shades of gray with a few green and yellow buttons to distinguish skills. Perhaps change the Dungeons and Dragons logo back to the old red letting with the stylized &, straighten and colorize the column with the skill and saving throw modifiers, and do away with the "floating" boxes for speed, initiative, etc and put them together. Separate boxes but attached to each other. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I'm sure Xanathar would agree a small change to sheet aesthetics wouldn't be a bad thing. :) (I've been told that was terrible and I acknowledge it's terrible.)