So something that I am noticing with the sheet lately, running latest version of both the sheet and script (17.1.0 and 13.03 respectively). When I do !shaped-apply-defaults I get at least 15 errors in the API stating "Translation Error: the key [undefined] is not in the translation object.". This applies to all NPCs, or PCs, I also noticed that when importing ToB monsters they don't import correctly, for example spells don't fill out, actions don't import correctly or at all, and usually the last spell in the spell list states the spell name and the word actions immediately after, example "Cone of Cold Actions". I have attempted this with the Bandit Lord, Arcane Guardian, Spectral Guardian, and a few other NPCs and they all experience the same issue. Also when doing the apply defaults the NPC sheets mess up and the saving throws, and ability check portions somehow go underneath the actions, reactions, spells, etc, portion of the sheet and no amount of stretching the sheet out or closing and reopening fixes the issue. Any ideas on what could be happening or I could do to fix the issue? Edit: Another thing I have noticed is that when dropping weapons or equipment onto sheets the dialog stating that it is loading content comes up but never disappears even though it appears to full import the weapon or equipment.