Animation and AFoW Feedback Thread
Greetings! This is the official Feedback Thread for Animations and the Advanced Fog of War update! Please read the Known Issues and post your comments, feedback, and bug reports below.
How to Use Animations
To upload an animation, just drag and drop the file onto the tabletop, the way you would with any token or map. The server will take a few seconds to convert it into an object for use on the tabletop. The maximum file size for an uploaded animation is 10 MB. We recommend .webm with VP8 or VP9 encoding for best results.
You can start, pause, and loop the animation using the right-click menu or the new animation control icon. You can also pause/resume by clicking the "." shortcut key when the token is selected.
When you pause a looping animation, it will pause for everyone in the game. Otherwise, animations do not sync among users in the game. For example, if you have an animation running, and a player joins your game, they will see the animation starting at the first frame, not whatever frame you are on when they join. If you pause the animation, however, it will pause on the same frame for everyone.
Stop Looping will let the animation progress through the remaining frames, but not start another loop. Given enough time to finish the full loop, the animation will be on Frame 1 for everyone in the game.
Additionally, there is a setting in the gear icon tab to disable animations. Unchecking the checkbox immediately disables animations without refreshing your game.
Changes to Advanced Fog of War
Advanced Fog of War is more efficient and should perform better overall for most players.
When you open the page settings, the options to enable Fog of War, Advanced Fog of War, and Dynamic Lighting are hidden unless they are enabled. When you click to enable them, the full options display. The setting is also available in the campaign's page defaults setting.
(Click for animation!)
There is also an option now called "All Tokens Reveal (GM)." Previously, tokens that were not owned by a player (such as NPCs and monsters) would reveal the AFoW to the GM. This behavior is deprecated; the GM sees all. However, we left a checkbox for you to re-enable it if you prefer it.
GM Layer Opacity Setting
You asked to be able to set how transparent the GM Layer is, so now you can! The slider is in the layer selector:
Other Enhancements
In the course of updating Advanced Fog of War, the developers refactored a lot of the tabletop display. Here are some of the things you'll find are different, hopefully better:
- Status icons scale depending on how many you put on a token.
- There's a "glow" around a token if it has sight but doesn't have a light source and there isn't one nearby. This is so character tokens can't get "lost" if they are in complete darkness/fog of war.
- Update March 20: The Page Settings dialog box was unclear before; it's been updated to be more clear and provide better functionality. The wiki page has been updated as well.
Known Issues with Animations (updated Feb 8, 2019)
The following are known issues with animation on Roll20:
When the map or largest image on a page is an animation, the preview image in the page navigator appears as a broken image.- The uploader progress bar does not update very often, so it can be hard to tell if an animation has finished uploading. Be patient; animations take longer to upload and convert than static images.
For animations on the marketplace, the preview "frame" is rendered in a low-res image, so there's a slight "blurring" effect, and when the animation is halted, the image can be blurry due to the low resolution. This is the highest priority issue to fix, and when done, animations purchased from the marketplace will no longer be blurry; you will not need to re-add the animations to your games.Similarly, when an uploaded animation is stopped (such as when the Enable Animations checkbox is unchecked), the low-resolution preview image will display and may appear blurry.- Animations do not work in rollable tables; they can upload to a table item, but they won't preview or be sent to the chat as a roll result, and the rollable table token won't display new sides when you change them. Additionally, rollable table tokens with static images won't display the new side when changed. The new side does display when the browser is refreshed. This is another high-priority item to fix.
- Animations do not work in cards; they display as a broken image. However, when you play the card to the VTT, the animation displays.
- Animations display as a broken image in the initiative tracker
- Setting the page background to transparent results in a thin border around animations.
- For table on tablet, when stopping animations, the animation disappears.
- When you first upload an animation, the thumbnail preview in the Recent Uploads list displays a broken image. Refreshing the page, or just the uploads list (clicking the little 2-box filter icon) fixes this.
Static .gif images are converted to .webm. If you are uploading a static gif to a feature that doesn't fully support animations (such as rollable tables or card decks), it will result in a broken image in the feature's preview.Fixed on Mar 8When zooming in on an animation, the controls do not work, and the animation does not display. This will be fixed in a hotfix on Jan 30.
Known Issues with Advanced Fog of War (updated Mar 20, 2019)
The following are known issues specifically with Advanced Fog of War
- If a token emits light/has vision that is directional (i.e., less than 360), players will only see that much of the token. For example, a token with "90" set in its Emits Light degrees will only display 1/4 of the token. The GM can still see the rest of the token.
- AFoW cell revelation is lopsided on hex grids.
- The token bars are spaced out too far above the token and are out of order. (A fix for this is on Dev)
- Token bars do not "overcharge" or "undercharge." When the current is more than 100% or less than 0, or if there's a parentheses in the token bubble, the bar doesn't display. The overcharge UI was an unintended feature from a bug, and was removed; the functionality will be restored, but not the same as before. (A fix for this is on Dev)
- Token bars can be obscured by Fog of War.
- Sometimes, when a player moves their token in AFoW, the map will be revealed far beyond their normal range of vision, blocked only by dynamic lighting. This is true for GMs viewing as the token, and may also be true for players. If you encounter this issue, please post here with the steps to reproduce the issue.
- CTRL-L doesn't work properly for GMs; If Enforce Line of Sight is off, one token will not see the other token's light source, even if they are unobstructed. This only affects GMs, however; the player can see the other token.
GMs using CTRL-L will see all tokens, even if they do not have "All Players See Light" enabled, and will also see the full range of vision, blocked only by Dynamic Lighting (see Known Issue directly above this one.)
- Auras: don't display if the grid is turned off, don't display if they have a negative value, and don't scale with the map value. They also disappear if the token is moved entirely off the VTT.
- Selecting multiple objects and moving them results in a ping and the objects do not preview where they are moving while you drag them.
- Entire map is being revealed to players when GM reloads/loads into game
- Auras and status icons rotate with the token
- Overlapping FoW hidden areas results in overlapped overlays.
- When a map has a transparent background, tokens that have been revealed continue to be visible even after the character's token has left the line of sight. (Added Mar 8)
- When up to 2 in the grid size, AFoW will reveal full blocks, not blocked by dynamic lighting walls.
- There is an odd interaction between AFoW and Dynamic Lighting where your token will have a square "reveal" for AFoW and a round light for Dynamic Lighting.
- Tokens without a light source but with sight do not continue to see revealed areas after the light source is gone or if they move away from the light source. The greyed-out revealed AFoW area does not stay revealed, and instead reverts to being opaque black. (Added Mar 8)
- Tokens that are not assigned to a character sheet do not emit light when AFoW is on. (Added Mar 20, high priority)
- Dynamic Lighting distance multiplies for all tokens when multiplier is set for a single token (Added Mar 29)
AFoW doesn't reset for players if you select Reset Fog. If the player reloads, the fog is reset for them.
When map grid is .5 size (for example), dim light does not reveal anything.(Fixed on Mar 8)
Setting the grid color in the default results in the grid being invisible on the VTT.(Fixed on Feb 26)
Overlap of lines needs to be more forgiving in Dynamic Lighting (gaps, even in connected lines, reveal more than they should)(Fixed on Mar 8)
When a token is on the map layer, if it has a max value in the bubbles (and therefore has a bar), the bar continues to display.Fixed in a hotfix on Feb 14.
When a token is rotated, its aura will detach and move in an arc. Also, auras of "0" do not display an aura. This will be fixed in a hotfix on Jan 30.
For some pages with AFoW enabled, the page crashes when trying to load. Disabling AFoW usually fixes this. This will be fixed in a hotfix on Jan 30.
Dynamic Lighting lines draw above the grid. This will be fixed in a hotfix on Jan 30.
If the grid is off on AFoW, setting the AFoW size to anything other than 1 will result in incorrect measurements.(Fixed Mar 19)
The Ruler is not measuring correcting when the grid size is something other than 1. This was previously a known issue, but has gained importance after the other scaling and measurement issues.(Fixed on Mar 19)
The page settings have always been unclear about the interaction between page scale and grid sizes; changes to those settings will be going to the Dev server next week for feedback. For now, if you have a page scale set to "1 unit = 10 ft" and the grid is set to ".5 units" try setting the page scale to "1 unit = 5 ft," as this will scale the lighting correctly. (New Page Settings release on Mar 19)
- Official purchased modules will be patched to reflect the above, starting with recent modules that use those settings extensively.
When "Dim Light Reveals" is unchecked, dim light still reveals areas in AFoW.(Fixed Mar 19)
January 29 (Afternoon) Hotfix:
- Light sources without "Has Sight" turned on now shed light. This should resolve most of the issues that I see reported in this thread and elsewhere.
- The default token now works properly.
- Deleting a token does not crash the VTT.
- AFoW now resets for players when the GM resets it; the player no longer needs to refresh.
January 30 Hotfix:
Fix AFoW crashing when loading some pages.
Fix video popout when pressing 'z' with a token selected.
Dynamic Lighting lines now draw beneath the grid instead of above it.
Auras no longer render in the wrong location when a token is rotated.
Auras will still draw when the radius is set to 0.
January 31 Hotfix:
- Fixed the tutorial crashing on load
- Fixed the new GM Layer Opacity slider so it shows up for Free users as well as subscribers.
February 14 Hotfix:
- Items on map layer no longer show token bars
- The play/pause button on animated tokens no longer covers the status icons.
March 4 Hotfix:
- Animations no longer have a "blurred frame" - When the Animations and AFoW changes went out, there were several Known Issues to be fixed, and one of the top ones was an issue in which animations would have one blurry frame. This was caused by the low-resolution preview frame being loaded in the animation. New animations will no longer have the single low-res frame (unless you made one, of course). If you have uploaded animations and experienced this issue, you'll need to re-upload your animations to fix them. Animations purchased in the marketplace will be fixed soon; if you've dragged an animation from the marketplace into your game, you will need to re-add it to the game after they are fixed.
March 8 Hotfix:
- AFoW Sees Through Walls - fixed the issue that seemed to be caused by Dynamic Lighting gaps, but was in fact caused by Advanced Fog of War being able to peer through walls.
- When map grid size is not 1 (.5 for example), dim light does not reveal anything. - fixed the issue where dim light does not reveal anything. However, please see the Known Issues list for related issues.
- Webm uploads need to support transparency - Uploading animations now supports transparency in webm files.
- Static .gifs are being converted to webm - Static gifs are now converted to a static file format (which shows up as jpeg but is not a jpeg).
March 15 Hotfix:
- Fixed the ruler measurement bug that caused the ruler to display the wrong grid cell measurement if the width of the grid cell had been changed from the default 1 value. Now regardless of the cell width, individual cells will correctly measure the distance set for a cell in the Page Settings.
March 19:
- Page Settings and Page Settings Default user interface has been updated to be more clear, and Pixel measurements have been added in addition to the way things were originally measured.
- Ruler measurement calculation corrected for Pages with grid width settings other than 1.
- Advanced Fog of War Reveal calculation has been updated to limit player vision correctly.
- Dim light no longer allows players to see through Fog of War while Dynamic Lighting is on.
March 29:
- Fixed an issue where AFoW did not reveal using DL vision radius multiplier
- Fixed an issue where Tokens with sight did not have infinite-ranged AFoW vision when Global Illumination is on
April 2:
- Fixed an issue where global Illumination was active even when Dynamic Lighting is disabled.