theMockster said:
So I just checked, and it is the Attacher box that puts my code on two lines, the code itself isn't on two lines. Given that this should execute as part of the same action, I do not see how I could make it work on two lines. Any pointers?
And just in case, I have indeed installed the API script in the API section of the game settings.
!ammo @{character_id} repeating_attack_@{id}_ammo [[[[-@{usage}]]*{[[@{full_attack_query}*(@{full_attack_number})]]d1,[[1]]d1}kh1]] ammo
You are correct that the whole ammo command needs to be one line of code. However, it needs to be on the second (or subsequent) line of the attacher field. to work. If it is on the first line it won't. So, just go to the start of the line, hit return once, tab out and try it again.
Also, the Usage field needs to be purely a number, no text. That could also be messing things up.
This is the code I use,
!wammo @{character_id} repeating_attack_@{id}_ammo [[[[-@{usage}]]*{[[@{full_attack_query}*@{full_attack_number}]]d1,[[1]]d1}kh1]] @{ammo_type}
The only real difference is that wammo whispers it and the end @{ammo_type} just calls up whatever is entered into the ammo type field. If the ammo type field is blank however, this code doesn't work as well.
As an additional bit, I put a button code on the first line of the Attacher field that pops a button up in the attack window prompting the player to Reload, which makes it so they don't have to go into the sheet and do it.
{{buttons0=[Reload?](!ammo @{character_id} repeating_attack_@{id}_ammo [[@{@{character_name}|repeating_attack_@{id}_ammo|max}-@{@{character_name}|repeating_attack_@{id}_ammo}]] @{ammo_type})}}
Hope that proves useful.