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Official Starfinder Character Sheet 1.0

Michael B. said: So Dragging a ranged weapon onto the sheet puts it in the melee attack section .. how do I drag or move it to the ranged section? I assume you are talking about on an NPC character sheet.   Short answer, I don't know.  I don't know how much it matters, though, since NPCs are all about the static bonuses you enter on the sheet.  But in playing around with it. I observed the same thing, on both Alien Archive NPC, and a home-built NPC.  Any weapon I drug from the compendium (melee or ranged)  went to the melee section.  I tried it with an open and blank weapon in the ranged, and it still went to Melee.   I also tried this on a PC sheet, with the same exact compendium entry  everything there applied correctly, including the weapon saying Ranged in the appropriate box.   In my playing around I discovered that when I called up the characters attacks from the Attack menu, all the ranged weapons i had dropped on it were listed under Ranged, and the melee under Melee, even though visually on the sheet they all remained under the Melee section.  Also, I found one new wrinkle.  I had a PC sheet open and dropped a weapon on it.  I left that sheet open and opened an NPC sheet over the top of it.  I tried to drag a weapon onto it, and it didn't show up.  Tried several more and none of them showed.  Then I switched back to the still open PC sheet, and all the weapons I had tried to drop on the NPC had populated on the PC sheet behind it.  Odd.  
Are diseases in the condition section messed up for everyone else? I can no longer set up a disease.. zoomed in so you can see what the disease sectooks like.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
That's the negative levels section. It looks like it's displaying too large. Diseases are added by clicking the plus sign at the top of that section.
Thanks Scott.. it has been a while and I forgot where the disease went and figured the one spot I could not read had to be it.
Deiko, I love your solution and have adopted it into our campaign.. Our operative finds it easy to follow and it follows the correct order. Its a shame that its just a macro and that we can not build a full fledged ability out of it but it works great. Deiko said: So here's my trick attack code. It's pretty verbose but it does pretty much everything and scales your damage as you level. It prompts for any of the skills and you can continue to expand the attack buttons as you gain new weapons. @{selected|whisper_state}&{template:sf_attack}{{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{characterid=@{selected|character_id}}} {{title=Trick Attack}} {{r1name=Success if CR<}} {{r1= [[?{Skill|Bluff, d20+@{selected|bluff}-20]]|Intmiidate,d20+@{selected|intimidate}-20]]|Stealth,d20+@{selected|Stealth} -20]]|SPEC1,d20+@{selected|SPEC1}-20]]}} {{damage1type=Additional damage}} {{damage1= [[[[[[{@{selected|class_\X\_level},5}>5]]+floor({@{selected|class_\X\_level}-3,0}kh1/2)]]d[[4*{@{selected|class_\X\_level},3}>3)]]]]}} {{rightbanner= Operative talent}} {{notes=target is flat-footed if successful}} {{buttons0=[Attack with @{selected|repeating_\attack_id\_name}](~selected|repeating_\attack_id\_roll)}} {{buttons1=[Attack with @{selected|repeating_\attack_id\_name}](~selected|repeating_\attack_id\_roll)}} You'll need to make a few replacements. Copy the code into the attacher box. Open up the attack and damage section, but don't place any values in the boxes. SPEC1 gets changed to the trick attack skill associated with your Specialization If your Ghost change the -20 for stealth to -19 replace the \X\ in class level with the row id of your operative class. If your only an operative then a 1, if you multi-classed into operative then it would be 2 (or higher) replace the \attack_id\ with $X where X is the sequence number of the weapon attack you might want to use, starting at 0. So if you wanted to use your 1st and 3rd weapon attack listed, you would replace with $0 and $2 When you activate, you get a prompt box asking which skill you want to use. then the roll results and a button to select for the attack roll. Final code @{selected|whisper_state}&{template:sf_attack}{{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{characterid=@{selected|character_id}}} {{title=Trick Attack}} {{r1name=Success if CR<}} {{r1=[[?{Skill|Bluff, d20+@{selected|bluff}-20]]|Intmiidate,d20+@{selected|intimidate}-20]]|Stealth,d20+@{selected|Stealth} -20]]|acrobatics,d20+@{selected|acrobatics}-20]]}}} {{damage1type=Additional damage}} {{damage1=[[[[[[{@{selected|class_2_level},5}>5]]+floor({@{selected|class_2_level}-3,0}kh1/2)]]d[[4*{@{selected|class_2_level},3}>3)]]]]}}{{rightbanner= Operative talent}} {{notes=target is flat-footed if successful}} {{buttons0=[Attack with @{selected|repeating_attack_$0_name}](~selected|repeating_attack_$0_roll)}} {{buttons1=[Attack with @{selected|repeating_attack_$1_name}](~selected|repeating_attack_$1_roll)}}
Alrighty here's my list of accessibility issues with the sheet. The first issue is with labeling in certain areas. The most frustrating instance of this is with the various tabs on the sheet: Menus, Buffs, Conditions, Character, Class, Spellclasses, Weapon & Armor Proficiencies, Equipment, Attacks, Abilities and spells. All of these are labeled with a heading that is separate from the actual radio button you must select to change between them. For the first group of these, the radio buttons are actually labeled as "@{in-play-tab}", the second group is labeled "@{char-tab}", and the third group shows no label at all. It would make the sheet much easier to navigate with a screen reader if the radio buttons themselves had the actual label of what tab they are, while a heading for the section you have active appeared after them. For example, if I wanted to select my Abilities radio button, the radio buttion would be labeled "Abilities," and a heading labeled "Abilities" that I could jump directly to with my screen reader would appear to replace the heading for whatever tab was selected previously. As it stands now, navigating this section is a little clunky because since every radio button has a heading that labels it I currently have to jump to that heading and then to the radio button above it to see if it is selected or not. Also, as a more mild labeling issue, the check box for the sheet settings is unlabeled as far as screen readers are concerned, which makes it tough for new players to find in order to get out of that pane when the sheet is first opened. The second major accessibility issue with the sheet is the clickable elements used to toggle mods, or the damage level of components on ships. These pose two issues. The first of them is it is impossible for a screen reader to identify if these are enabled or not. Checkboxes or combo boxes would be much more accessible in this regard. The second issue is that some screen readers don't recognize thes as separate clickable items. They appear as one long block of text identified as a clickable element, but if you click it it activates which ever item is the first on the list regardless of which one you would like. This leaves some features of the sheet beyond the reach of some blind players. These clickables are also frustrating when adding spells or adding ship components. In the abilities, attacks and equipment sections, there is an "&+add" button, whereas the spells and ship sheets have a clickable element after the "Modify" button. This presents the same issue of not working well with some screen readers. The third issue is with some of the labeling for edit fields for repeating sections. For example, when you add a new Ability, the Name field has an example text in the label reading "Opperative's Edge," which the screen reader mistakes for the name of the field rather than an example. The actual name of the field shows up as the next thing you navigate to, which isn't a huge problem, but it throws new players at first. The real problem is that a lot of the fields that have a numeric value, such as level, bulk and quantity in the equipment section, have a label of "1." This confuses players because it fools them into thinking the field already contains text because of the way the screen reader reads it. This can cause players creating new characters to overlook these fields, causing some minor but frustrating mathematical errors down the road. Finally, the way repeating sections collapse when you toggle off the "Show Options" box is a bit frustrating. The "Roll" buttons for them don't have the actual label of what the ability is, making it clunky to jump from ability to ability quickly to find the one you want. As a counter example, the official Pathfinder first edition sheet collapses the section into one button with the name of the ability along with a couple other little details, meaning you can quickly jump from button to button and find what you need. An interface like that is more user friendly for screen reader users. I know there are toggles for abilities that aren't constant, and those would have to be separate from this somehow, but it would make for a much more smooth experience. Also in reference to the Pathfinder sheet compared to this one, if a weapon has amo or an ability has uses per day or something like that, those remain visible when the "Show Options" box is unchecked. On this sheet if you want to track your amo or uses you have to open the repeating section, change the current uses and close it again. That's not an accessibility issue, but it's a bit frustrating. That's all I have for now. I want to point out before I close that the sheet as it is now is mostly accessible to blind users. Most of these fixes would act to streamline the expirence for these players, making it easier for them to get where they need to go on the sheet quickly and not slow down or disrupt the flow of gameplay. I've appreciated your work on issues I've brought to you in the past, and I hope these issues I'm bringing to you right now aren't too frustrating. Thanks for all the hard work you've put into this sheet. Now that the CRB is out, I can't wait for the Charactermancer.    
Scott, I noticed the Starship function is not including the computer bonus in any rolls when the query is set to yes. This happens regardless if its tied to a pc sheet or using straight npc bonuses.  I also notice the computer field on the sheet does not update/populate either even if you have system set to computer and the bonus filled out. 
I'm not sure if it was said yet or not, but an issue I've run across is when you have equipment with a mod (in our case, two items where the player put 1d8 damage when using the attack command) gets deleted while still equip, the carried weight stays; and the mod remains in effect, so every attack roll he makes is adding an extra 2d8 damage at the end.
Michael B. - I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you write - 'not an ability, just a macro.' I set it up in the ability section just like any other. Michael B. said: Deiko, I love your solution and have adopted it into our campaign.. Our operative finds it easy to follow and it follows the correct order. Its a shame that its just a macro and that we can not build a full fledged ability out of it but it works great.
Thanks Deiko, I incorrectly assumed it had to me a macro on the macro bar.  I now have it set up as an ability. Deiko said: Michael B. - I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you write - 'not an ability, just a macro.' I set it up in the ability section just like any other.
no worries - the attacher is your friend Now, I just have to figure out the repeating_professions. I just can't seem to get a mod to work on just one profession. even the wizard doesn't differentiate between professions for adjustments (using the ability template)
Mark (GM) said: I noticed the Starship function is not including the computer bonus in any rolls when the query is set to yes. This happens regardless if its tied to a pc sheet or using straight npc bonuses.  I also notice the computer field on the sheet does not update/populate either even if you have system set to computer and the bonus filled out. I tried replicating the error you mentioned Mark, and I was not able to do so.  Perhaps someone else may have seen this as well?  I tried it with +x like an NPC and also with the character names linked, and it the bonus from the Trinode Mk X (or whatever) came through whenever I selected Yes from the drop-down prompt.  One possibility, I think it is required that the computer be listed as +1 or +2/+2/+2 etc.  I tried it as just a straight number (3, 4, etc) and then it did not show up in the Computer field near the Shields diagram, nor did it activate when selected for the roll.    When I mouse over the roll to check for the computer bonus, it is always the last of the string of numbers, and is not labeled as computer in the readout.  I have appended a picture example below. 
Ling F. said: I'm not sure if it was said yet or not, but an issue I've run across is when you have equipment with a mod (in our case, two items where the player put 1d8 damage when using the attack command) gets deleted while still equip, the carried weight stays; and the mod remains in effect, so every attack roll he makes is adding an extra 2d8 damage at the end. Ling, I was able to duplicate the issue you mentioned by adding a big thing, putting a damage Mod on it, and then deleting the item.  Like you stated, the encumbrance and the damage adjustment remained in effect.  However, I did find a way to 'clear the buffer' so to speak.  If you take a different item, still in the inventory, and change it from Equipped, to Not Carried, and back to Equipped, that clears out the phantom bulk from the deleted item.  However, the phantom damage was still there.  To clear that, I went into one of the weapons that was affected, and changed the Damage Roll (from like 3d10 to 3d10+4) and rolled it once then changed it back.  That cleared the phantom damage Mod from that weapon, but I had to repeat it with all the other weapons affected as well.  Hope that work-around does the trick. 
Thanks Luke, it seems to be the case though that is not documented very well (that or miss read the sheet instructions). Its not intuitive as most fields usually displays a default format, in this case its either blank or just 1. Any way it works and now i Know this i can work with it. Thanks again!!!  Luke H. said: Mark (GM) said: I noticed the Starship function is not including the computer bonus in any rolls when the query is set to yes. This happens regardless if its tied to a pc sheet or using straight npc bonuses.  I also notice the computer field on the sheet does not update/populate either even if you have system set to computer and the bonus filled out. I tried replicating the error you mentioned Mark, and I was not able to do so.  Perhaps someone else may have seen this as well?  I tried it with +x like an NPC and also with the character names linked, and it the bonus from the Trinode Mk X (or whatever) came through whenever I selected Yes from the drop-down prompt.  One possibility, I think it is required that the computer be listed as +1 or +2/+2/+2 etc.  I tried it as just a straight number (3, 4, etc) and then it did not show up in the Computer field near the Shields diagram, nor did it activate when selected for the roll.    When I mouse over the roll to check for the computer bonus, it is always the last of the string of numbers, and is not labeled as computer in the readout.  I have appended a picture example below. 

Edited 1559699502
So the Operative in my party plans on getting the "Uncanny Shooter" exploit so he can shoot small arms in melee without provoking attacks. He is doing this so that when he is in melee and going for multiple attacks in stand of a Trick Attack, he can shoot his pistol once and then slash with his knife. The problem I have is on the character sheet there is no multiattack function for that type of attack like there is on the NPC sheet. You can do full attack but that only rolls the same attack the number of times you have it set too. I was wondering if there was a way to get the affect of the Multiattack function like in  the NPC sheet but on the PC Sheet? 
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
Snow  said: So the Operative in my party plans on getting the "Uncanny Shooter" exploit so he can shoot small arms in melee without provoking attacks. He is doing this so that when he is in melee and going for multiple attacks in stand of a Trick Attack, he can shoot his pistol once and then slash with his knife. The problem I have is on the character sheet there is no multiattack function for that type of attack like there is on the NPC sheet. You can do full attack but that only rolls the same attack the number of times you have it set too. I was wondering if there was a way to get the affect of the Multiattack function like in  the NPC sheet but on the PC Sheet?  Hi Snow, Unfortunately, this is not currently possible. It's something I've been thinking how best to handle; but I haven't come up with a method that is user friendly enough.
Thanks for the quick response Scott.  
We use a buff that can be toggled on and off: Multi-Attack mod = -4 to attack
Scott, having an issue adding a mod to a profession. I can add it to all the profession rolls, but one character has 2 professions and only 1 set of professional tools. I can't seem to get a mod of: +4 equipment to repeating_profession_$2_... Just not sure what to add to the end of the mod. Nothing from the list seems to work -  Repeating_profession attributes: profession, ranks, class_skill, ability, acp, notes, name. And capitalization doesn't appear to be a factor.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
I'm not at my computer at the moment, but you should  be able to do the following: +4 equipment to profession|name:what's your name again Let me know if that isn't working.
Scott C. said: I'm not at my computer at the moment, but you should  be able to do the following: +4 equipment to profession|name:what's your name again Let me know if that isn't working. That did it. Thanks
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Glad to hear, I was pretty sure I had fixed that a while ago, but couldn't remember off the top of my head 
Deiko said: We use a buff that can be toggled on and off: Multi-Attack mod = -4 to attack That's a good idea, thanks.
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
I scanned the last few pages and did not find this issue, but I do not know if it was mentioned further back. Everything I drag from the compendium to add to Equipment on a PC sheet has an item level of 0. Weapons have the correct item level displayed in their attack; only the Equipment entry is incorrect.
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
Thanks for the report Brian, it should just be a missing attribute assignment that I'll get taken care of this weekend for release on Tuesday.
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
Hi Folks, minor bug fix today. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get the equipment item level drag and drop issue fixed this week. Starfinder by Roll20 V1.001 Bug Fixes Deleting an item, buff, or ability was not removing the effect of any mods that were removed. This is now fixed.
What Am I doing wrong only 1 spells shows up? I have input more:
Nifire: So, through a little experimenting, I discovered that spellclasses only show up in the chatcall if they are registered in your Classes tab with one or more levels and the Spell box is checked.  Spells then, only show in the chatcall if their Source field matches one of your Spellclasses. I discovered this while investigating why the spells I added through Connection Inkling feat did not show up.  In order to get them to do so, I had to input a "dummy" class in the classes tab.  So, where you have just Mystic in for your telepathic Message, it shows up because that matches the source class.  But where you have Mystic 1 in your 1st level spells, they don't register in the chat call.  Change them to just Mystic and I think they will show up.  I realize that does not explain why Telekinetic Projectile does not show up for you. On that score, I would recommend changing it to something else, and exiting the field, then changing it back and trying again. If you have access to the CRB compendium, you could try dragging and dropping the spell from there.  It defaults to filling out the field with one of your classes (I don't know whether it picks class_1, or the first spellclass or what)  And, as always, you can work around the chatcall by just clicking on the name of the spell below the description in the spells tab. 
Hey all, Got a question to see how others are handling this. Anyone have a good method for armor upgrade slots. I know there is the uses field for equipment but i think that gets a bit hard to remember what its for for each specific item if it doesn't really have a use so to speak. @ Scott, as  suggestion would it be possible to have a field displayed for armor that's specific for upgrade slots that can be targeted by mods? 
My method, Mark, is to make the Armor Mod it's own item, and then indent it under the armor it is attached to. Text based example: Second Skin - Infared Sensors Yes, I add the "-" into the name field.  Not ideal, for certain.
For myself, Since most armor upgrades provide an "ability" I place them there. Ability = Darkvision, Source = Infrared Sensors and Constant, At will, or x/day depending on the usage. And of course, as an ability it has the MOD field.
I basically handle the upgrades the same way as ISP,  They get their own line that can track the cost, level, mods, etc.  Then I put in the description of the armor the number of upgrade slots and what is in them.  I do have one character who has a lot of equipment entries.  for them, I just write all relevant info into the description of the armor and add the cost of the upgrade into the armor value field.  ( I use the sum of all their equipment to help ensure my characters are on track for wealth by level)
Hey all,  Thanks that's pretty much what I did as my guys level up and get better armor and being within item level within in 2 of character level this will come into play more and more. I was hoping there would be an easy way at glance that i could check.   ISP said: My method, Mark, is to make the Armor Mod it's own item, and then indent it under the armor it is attached to. Text based example: Second Skin - Infared Sensors Yes, I add the "-" into the name field.  Not ideal, for certain.
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
Hi Folks, A small bug fix went live today. Starfinder by Roll20 v1.002 Bug Fixes Drag and Dropped equipment was not displaying its item level Weapons drag and dropped to NPCs were not properly sorting into melee/ranged sections Both of these fixes will only apply to newly drag and dropped items, already drag and dropped items will need to be manually updated
Forgive me if this is an obvious question, or one that has been answered elsewhere, but is there a place to track Spell Resistance?
Daniel K. said: Forgive me if this is an obvious question, or one that has been answered elsewhere, but is there a place to track Spell Resistance? On the NPC character sheet, it is next to Immunities.

Edited 1561227305
plaidinum said: On the NPC character sheet, it is next to Immunities. Ah, but is there any place on the PC character sheet to note that? Some items can actually give players Spell Resistance as well.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
I would most likely note it in the resistances field under ac.
Ah, good idea!
I'm experiencing slow character sheets. Using Firefox and Chrome. They are level 8 so they have a lot of abilities, I imagine that is dragging down the speed quite a bit. Pop out windows do seem to perform better but there is still noticeable lag. Is anyone else experiencing this or has a solution been found?
Deiko said: So here's my trick attack code. It's pretty verbose but it does pretty much everything and scales your damage as you level. It prompts for any of the skills and you can continue to expand the attack buttons as you gain new weapons. @{selected|whisper_state}&{template:sf_attack}{{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{characterid=@{selected|character_id}}} {{title=Trick Attack}} {{r1name=Success if CR<}} {{r1= [[?{Skill|Bluff, d20+@{selected|bluff}-20]]|Intmiidate,d20+@{selected|intimidate}-20]]|Stealth,d20+@{selected|Stealth} -20]]|SPEC1,d20+@{selected|SPEC1}-20]]}} {{damage1type=Additional damage}} {{damage1= [[[[[[{@{selected|class_\X\_level},5}>5]]+floor({@{selected|class_\X\_level}-3,0}kh1/2)]]d[[4*{@{selected|class_\X\_level},3}>3)]]]]}} {{rightbanner= Operative talent}} {{notes=target is flat-footed if successful}} {{buttons0=[Attack with @{selected|repeating_\attack_id\_name}](~selected|repeating_\attack_id\_roll)}} {{buttons1=[Attack with @{selected|repeating_\attack_id\_name}](~selected|repeating_\attack_id\_roll)}} You'll need to make a few replacements. Copy the code into the attacher box. Open up the attack and damage section, but don't place any values in the boxes. SPEC1 gets changed to the trick attack skill associated with your Specialization If your Ghost change the -20 for stealth to -19 replace the \X\ in class level with the row id of your operative class. If your only an operative then a 1, if you multi-classed into operative then it would be 2 (or higher) replace the \attack_id\ with $X where X is the sequence number of the weapon attack you might want to use, starting at 0. So if you wanted to use your 1st and 3rd weapon attack listed, you would replace with $0 and $2 When you activate, you get a prompt box asking which skill you want to use. then the roll results and a button to select for the attack roll. Final code @{selected|whisper_state}&{template:sf_attack}{{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{characterid=@{selected|character_id}}} {{title=Trick Attack}} {{r1name=Success if CR<}} {{r1=[[?{Skill|Bluff, d20+@{selected|bluff}-20]]|Intmiidate,d20+@{selected|intimidate}-20]]|Stealth,d20+@{selected|Stealth} -20]]|acrobatics,d20+@{selected|acrobatics}-20]]}}} {{damage1type=Additional damage}} {{damage1=[[[[[[{@{selected|class_2_level},5}>5]]+floor({@{selected|class_2_level}-3,0}kh1/2)]]d[[4*{@{selected|class_2_level},3}>3)]]]]}}{{rightbanner= Operative talent}} {{notes=target is flat-footed if successful}} {{buttons0=[Attack with @{selected|repeating_attack_$0_name}](~selected|repeating_attack_$0_roll)}} {{buttons1=[Attack with @{selected|repeating_attack_$1_name}](~selected|repeating_attack_$1_roll)}} I love this! Though i might add on a little noob addendum since I tripped over this and realised later i was being a silly. If you try this but don't wanna be using token rolls and get an error in chat about tokens, use a text editor to find and replace every instance of the word "selected" with your character's name. Additionally, to clarify something in there that i tripped up on, you leave the word attack in repeating_attack_id_name. I derped and deleted it since it was inside the backslashes and assumed attack_id was entirely replaced with $0, but nope, it's repeating_attack_$0_..... very noob of me, but worth sayin' i feel. That, and a small change i made for my own benefit was to just choose my best skill in the list for the roll, and change the wording because there was space for "less than" and i tend to get the gt and lt symbols swapped in my head. Like so - {{r1name=Success if CR less than}} {{r1=[[d20+@{character name goes here|culture}-20]]}}. Heck, i'd probably make it "Succeeds if target CR below". also i'm an idiot and didn't follow your instructions and spent twenty minutes wondering why the attack and damage wouldn't output because i never actually opened them x'D anyway, bravo and well done on making something so useful and simple for what is an otherwise complicated and click-heavy process. 
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Nathan K. said: I'm experiencing slow character sheets. Using Firefox and Chrome. They are level 8 so they have a lot of abilities, I imagine that is dragging down the speed quite a bit. Pop out windows do seem to perform better but there is still noticeable lag. Is anyone else experiencing this or has a solution been found? Hmm, thanks for the report Nathan. Can you vault one of the slow characters into my problem Starfinder characters game ? I'll take a look and see if there's any optimization we can do in the future.
In managing the mid level characters in my game, I have noticed the usual.  More equipment, more abilities, more macros, (especially ones calling the API) slow it down.  In particular though, the characters with spells seem the most sluggish.  I will say my Mystic has a lot of auto-calc formulas for distance, inline damage rolls, etc. in their spell formats.
Scott, seems to be something with my PC at home. Works fine on a different computer. If I find out what it is I will let you know.
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
Hey folks, Small bug fix went live today. Starfinder by Roll20 v1.003 Bug Fixes Removing an equipment item was not updating the wealth or bulk

Edited 1561592497
Viewed the issue with ammo usage being fixed by using !ammo @{character_id} repeating_attack_@{id}_ammo [[ [[-@{usage}]]*{[[@{full_attack_query}*(@{full_attack_number})]]d1,[[1]]d1}kh1]] Charges However this is not resolving the issue and ammo usage does not deplete properly when left alone.  Is there another way to fix this usage issue?
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Hi Kyle, Is the game you are in created by a pro user? API commands like ammo only work in games created by pro subscribers.
Hi I dunno where to put this, but for some reason the images for my game's character sheets seem to be broken (Starfinder)  It makes navigating them annoying, I'm having to use the simple sheet because I literally cannot navigate the normal starfinder sheet as it looks... like this: None of the images for it seem to load, at all, is this a common issue or? How do I fix this? Thank you!

Edited 1561766763
Rose K.   what browser are you using?  Sometimes browser compatibility can cause issues (Chrome works best for me, but Firefox is pretty good too), though I have never seen a browser issue do that before.  Edit:  I just logged in to check it and my sheet is also now lacking the icons, with a broken image link in their place.  I am on Firefox with this computer and will check it when I get home to my Chrome. 
Luke H. said: Rose K.   what browser are you using?  Sometimes browser compatibility can cause issues (Chrome works best for me, but Firefox is pretty good too), though I have never seen a browser issue do that before.  I am using chrome, I tried using firefox as well and still had this issue. I tried disabling some extensions like adblock or a script disabler in my browser and even tried clearing my cache, and yet the images still won't load? the thing is, all other kinds of images will load, like tokens, backgrounds, whatever, but the main problem is always the character sheet?