Marko J. said: Hello, is there an in depth explanation about how attachers work? (I have no experience with attachers) For example I have a Envoy who has the Clever Attack ability. How would I be able to pull off an attacher that rolls the Bluff for the Clever Faint, then an option to roll an attack roll? In depth documentation? Not as such, no, you can check out their section on the sheet wiki: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> To paraphrase, you can use the attacher to put extra information into the roll template of something posted to chat. It is a good place to append things that change the template, or that make a call to an API for example. In general, if you put something in the first line of the attacher, it modifies the roll template. If you just want to post text, in the roll template, it should go in the notes section of the ability/attack/etc. If you post text into the second (or subsequent) lines of the attacher, it will post into chat below the roll template. However, you can usurp the normal template by using certain key-words and formatting, such as Deiko's Trick attack macro. For example, to give you something concrete about Clever Attack, I modified Deiko's macro and came up with this: Plus a quick cap of the roll reveal: The following code can be posted into the second line of the attacher on an ability on the front page of the character sheet. However, I think it works even easier from the back page (Attributes & Abilities) Just create a new Ability, post the text in it, and check the save box. Then check the box for Show as Token Action, and a button will show up at the top of the player's screen whenever they have their Token selected. (bypasses that error when they click on it from the character sheet but don't have their token selected on the game board.) The code must all be in a continuous line, no return/enter spacing: @{selected|whisper_state}&{template:sf_attack}{{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{characterid=@{selected|character_id}}} {{title=Clever Attack}} {{r1name= Bluff (Feint) Success if CR=}} {{r1=[[round((d20+@{selected|bluff}-15)/1.5)]] or less}} {{damage1type=If successful,target Flat Footed to;}} {{damage1= all attacks, till end of @{selected|character_name}'s next turn}}{{rightbanner= Envoy Improvisation}} {{notes= if check fails,target Flat-Footed only to @{selected|character_name}'s attack until the end of their next turn. Standard Action combined with single attack against target (w/Intelligence score) within 60ft. At 6th Level, Envoy can spend 1 RP to treat Bluff failure as success.}} {{buttons0=[Attack with @{selected|repeating_attack_$0_name}](~selected|repeating_attack_$0_roll)}} {{buttons1=[Attack with @{selected|repeating_attack_$1_name}](~selected|repeating_attack_$1_roll)}} The code, as posted, should result in an output similar to the one I showed. The Repeating attack section can be expanded and duplicated to allow for other attacks 0= the first attack on your sheet, 1= the second, etc. This code however, does not take into account Envoy Expertise. This can be tricky. If your Envoy is investing in Clever Attack, chances are they are maxing out their Bluff Skill by investing Expertise into it as well. If so, you need to account for that. Replace {{r1=[[round((d20+@{selected|bluff}-15)/1.5)]] or less}} With {{r1=[[round((d20+@{selected|bluff}+[[1d6]][insight]-15)/1.5)]] or less}} remembering to change the 1d6 as you level up. It becomes even tougher if you have the Convincing Liar Expertise talent, because then you probably don't want to roll the Expertise d6+x until you see if you rolled low on the d20. But if you do go ahead and roll the expertise after the fact, it only adds (1d6)/1.5 to the effective CR you can Feint. With Rounding, that can be a little funky. Also, this macro works only on the CR side of the Bluff DC, it is not formatted to accomodate a creature with a high Sense Motive. For that, replace the relevant section with the following: {{r1name=Bluff (Feint) Success if Target Sense Motive bonus=}} {{r1=[[round((d20+@{selected|bluff}-10)]] or less}} I tried to get a selection question to choose between the two all in one macro, but I could not get it to work right. Edit: or more simply If the target is a monster/NPC if it has Sense Motive as a master skill, the DC to bluff it will always be 4 higher than the (15+CR*1.5) formula. (with the tiny exception of 1/3 CR creatures) Here is a chart for reference: