When I roll initiative I get numbers with decimals 20.05 for example. It says it'a from a "+0.05[TIE BREAKER]" but can't find where that is. I want to remove it but can't find a way.
When I roll initiative I get numbers with decimals 20.05 for example. It says it'a from a "+0.05[TIE BREAKER]" but can't find where that is. I want to remove it but can't find a way.
The tiebreaker is something that the macro calculates at roll time and is there so that the GM doesn't have to ask "who's modifier is higher" when a tie occurs. The macro is (if I'm remembering correctly):
[[1d20+@{initiative_ability}[ABILITY]@{initiative_misc}+[[(@{initiative_ability}[ABILITY]@{initiative_misc})/100)]][TIE BREAKER]&{tracker}]]
The macro isn't editable, but you could make a custom initiative macro that would just be:
You could make it as a global macro, set it to be a token action and visible to all players to make it easily accessible to everyone.
NPC spell save DCs seem to constantly revert to being equal to the spell level, for some reason (i.e. a 1st level spell will have a DC of 1, regardless of what I put in the DC field.) I've had mixed results trying to use buffs to circumvent this. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It seems like the spell level field overwrites the spell DC field, so if a spell has a DC of 15, I have to set it as a 15th level spell.
This issue came up before in the thread. I have copy-pasted blow some of what we discovered at that time. It certainly seems like a bug. I suppose if you want to have the true spell level posted in the chat, you could name it Magic Missile lvl 1, or something like that.
Nice Tip Luke, however didn't work for me. It seems in that repeating ability section the @DC field is being overwritten or sticking to a default in the save mod section. I created a new test game, no scripts from the api and compared it to spells known. In the spell known the save mode section displays the DC as 10, where as by default at least for me the spells like seems to always be 0 instead of 10. If i just click on that field and do not type anything it changes to 1 or remains 0. Changing the level field had no effect. In the spells known this behavior is not present. My work around has been to move the spell like ability to either spells known or special abilities. The former I just note at will in the usage field along with what ever action it is so i know since these are NPC's. In any case not a critical break just adding detail to the subject :)
Luke H. said:
I found a workaround for this issue. Not a fix, but at least a workaround.
The DC field appears to be pulling its Displayed Value and Rolled Value from the Level field in the stat block of the Spell-Like ability.
I was experiencing the same DC 0 in the chat window, until I input a value in the Level field. Then I had to go back into the DC field, and change it (to anything) and roll the special ability into the chat window. The first roll still showed the wrong DC, but after that it changed to Display and chat window Roll to show the DC as whatever was in the Level field.
Edit: picture below edited with red circle around Level field.
Mark (GM) said:
Taz said:
Hello I wanted to speak about a bug I came across recently but not sure if this has been addressed before. On a character sheet for NPCs when putting in spells/abilities that have a DC the sheet seems to override the input and set the DC to zero automatically. I believe something similar happened back w/ initiative a while ago before it was fixed.
So I am trying to make a macro that calls an attack on my character's sheet. Cody from taking 20 did this for NPCs on the 5thed D&D character sheet and I feel like it should work here, but when I try to see the name of the attack by clicking on the chat window and hitting the up arrow key as another thread said to do nothing happens. How can I tell the names of the attack macros so I can make easy to use buttons for my players.
If you just want to make a button for each attack, you can simply drag the button from the attack/spell/ability down to the macro bar to make a button. If you want to make them token actions or make a chat menu, then check out the sheet's wiki page appendix for information on the attributes and sheet rolls (aka abilities) contained in each section.
Scott C. said:
If you just want to make a button for each attack, you can simply drag the button from the attack/spell/ability down to the macro bar to make a button. If you want to make them token actions or make a chat menu, then check out the sheet's wiki page appendix for information on the attributes and sheet rolls (aka abilities) contained in each section.
excellent, Thank you. Took me a second to figure out how to word everything (I just started doing all this) but I got it!
Taz. said:
Hello I wanted to speak about a bug I came across recently but not sure if this has been addressed before. On a character sheet for NPCs when putting in spells/abilities that have a DC the sheet seems to override the input and set the DC to zero automatically. I believe something similar happened back w/ initiative a while ago before it was fixed.
Hey Taz & Anyone Else -
Checking in here - have you noticed this issue still cropping up? If so, would you mind providing me the name of the game and an NPC in the game this is happening on so I can see the behavior occur? Thank you!
Greg C. said:
On the Starfinder Core purchase the premade characters saving throws don’t work under the “menu” section. Seems to work on the monsters in Alien Archive. Any hints?
Hey Greg C. -
To confirm, would you mind providing me a screenshot of the issue you are seeing on your end, please? Thanks for your patience here!
Nicholas said:
Were you still running into this same problem with images in your sheet? This issue was most likely correlated to a general image server issue we were having at the time, but has since been resolved.
Hey Nicholas,
I haven't played today but I'm going to work on some NPCs tomorrow. If you don't have an answer by then I'll let you know.
EDIT: I just decided to load my game and make an attack roll...because. It's still not working and I still get the error text
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>Access Denied</Message>
EDIT 2: I was working on those NPCs today and I noticed both the "uses" attributes not loading correctly from compendium drag and drop, and also the DCs for spell-like abilities are still being overwritten.
Nicholas said:
Were you still running into this same problem with images in your sheet? This issue was most likely correlated to a general image server issue we were having at the time, but has since been resolved.
Yes, I'm still having an issue with this. The "side" text does appear, but the background art isn't there so it is very hard to read.
Hi everyone! I'm running into a weird error today. I have a PC that is a solarian, and for some reason his Attacks are doing nothing. Other parts of his sheet are okay, like clicking on skills/saves/initiative. But when I make an attack in the Attacks tab, and click it, the window for a Full Attack pops up, and when I submit, nothing happens. No error codes, nothing posted in the Chat, nothing. And this happens when I create new Attacks for him as well, and I've never run into an issue like this. Any help would be appreciated!
I just went back and deleted all of his abilities and gear, remade the attacks and now they are working. Not sure what the issue was, but now there isn't an issue!!
I can't get the ammo command to work when added to the second line of the attacher section. No errors pop up, the battery just displays as full and doesn't start to empty. Using:
!ammo @{character_id} repeating_attack_@{id}_ammo [[ [[-@{usage}]]*{[[@{full_attack_query}*(@{full_attack_number})]]d1,[[1]]d1}kh1]] Charges
Christopher McKeon M. said:
I can't get the ammo command to work when added to the second line of the attacher section. No errors pop up, the battery just displays as full and doesn't start to empty. Using:
!ammo @{character_id} repeating_attack_@{id}_ammo [[ [[-@{usage}]]*{[[@{full_attack_query}*(@{full_attack_number})]]d1,[[1]]d1}kh1]] Charges
The ammo command is an api feature so you have to plus/pro to access it or you GM does if you are just a player.
Is Starfinder no longer being developed by Roll20? The Charactermancer has been in development for over ten months. I'm hopeful your team is still working on this product. As it stands it is a really well made compendium and aids in play but I've noticed a bug that I would like to report.
This dialogue the variant spell dialogue I imagine is a pretty nifty work around for the character mancer but for some reason it doesn't seem to do anything when I click the "Add Spell Variant(s)" button.
This is true for dragging and dropping classes and races which understandably are WIP due to their complexity, but it is also true for spells with multiple variants such as "Mass Inflict Pain".
This is true even if I only select one of the options instead of both. It just does not seem to work. Also this dialogue is unclickable unless I resize the character sheet to 90% due to my screen size.
Anyway keep up the good work. I sincerely hope this product is still being developed.爛
Thanks for the hours of fun your hard work on this product will no doubt provide even in the unfinished state it is currently in!
I can't seem to update the ability scores on the sheet is there some trick I am unaware of? I can modify the Penalties and Drain but it refuses to let me change the base scores.
James F. said:
I can't seem to update the ability scores on the sheet is there some trick I am unaware of? I can modify the Penalties and Drain but it refuses to let me change the base scores.
I tried again on one of my games just now and was not able to reproduce your issue. As a workaround, you can try going into the 'back' of the sheet (third tab at the very top. Bio & Info, Character Sheet, Attributes & Abilities). If you scroll down, you should find all the ability scores and should be able to edit them there.
I'm having an issue where attacks are rolling differently if I roll them from the attacks menu vs. rolling directly from the sheet. The NPC has an attack that should be +6 to hit for d6+3 damage. I have it currently set up exactly like that in the sheet: +6 for the attack bonus and 1d6+3 for the damage. If I click the button in the character sheet, it works correctly. If I click the link in the attacks menu, it rolls d20+2 BAB + 2[ABILITY]+0[PROF]+0[FULL ATTACK]+2 = +6 for the attack roll, but it rolls d6+3+2[ABILITY] = d6+5 for the damage. Essentially, it is calling the strength mod (+2) an extra time when rolling damage, but only when doing it through the attacks menu. I can alter the damage bonus so it rolls correctly through the attack menu, but then it rolls incorrectly through the button in the character sheet.
Even more confusingly, this behaviour only seems to be occurring for the leg blade attack, not the bite attack. Both are set up identically:
First time user, and currently dabbling in creating characters and trying to use the core rulebook to make it happen.
Is race, theme and class drag and drop? I thought it was, but it doesn't work. Nothing happens. I use Chrome if that might be a problem. Or do I have to manually do everything? Thought part of the point with buying the rulebook was to make things easier.
Plz help me.
I have another visual problem/graphical error in the NPC sheet. When I tab through on the attack from 'Ammo' then it goes to the ___/___ to display the 'ammo tracker' the whole attack box shifts left and gets cut off, while the "tracker" is outside of the box.
Edit: This also happens with spells when I hit TAB from 'Source' into spell type (Spell, Spell like, SU) drop down.
Andre V. said:
First time user, and currently dabbling in creating characters and trying to use the core rulebook to make it happen.
Is race, theme and class drag and drop? I thought it was, but it doesn't work. Nothing happens. I use Chrome if that might be a problem. Or do I have to manually do everything? Thought part of the point with buying the rulebook was to make things easier.
Plz help me.
Hi there. Unfortunately, things like that are not drag and drop for this sheet, you have to type everything in manually.
Nathan K. said:
I have another visual problem/graphical error in the NPC sheet. When I tab through on the attack from 'Ammo' then it goes to the ___/___ to display the 'ammo tracker' the whole attack box shifts left and gets cut off, while the "tracker" is outside of the box.
Edit: This also happens with spells when I hit TAB from 'Source' into spell type (Spell, Spell like, SU) drop down.
Can we expect these visual issues to be fixed or even acknowledged or is the Starfinder sheet not being worked on anymore?
Edit: My issue is less important than the one Drew mentioned, the problem with the tiered spells is very frustrating as someone who paid for the Starfinder CRB.
thank you for the effort to create this nice character Sheet. While I played a little around I have met some bugs:
1) In the ship sheet a turrent weapon attack roll formula contain following prompt:
?{Which Arc|FORWARD,@{forward_weapons_status}|PORT,@{starboard_weapons_status}|AFT,@{aft_weapons_status}|STARBOARD,@{starboard_weapons_status}}
Since the weapon arcs are damaged, the values of x_weapons status are "-#" and everything is fine. But for a well arc the default parameter is empty (""). This resolves in the formula to:
and as a roll for example to:
1d20+6 FORWARD-2 = 16+6
the last part of the formula is ignored. A simple solution is to add a space before/after each attribut call. So the result looks like:
?{Which Arc|FORWARD,@{forward_weapons_status} |PORT,@{starboard_weapons_status} |AFT,@{aft_weapons_status} |STARBOARD,@{starboard_weapons_status} }
1d20+6 -2 = 16+6-2
or set a default parameter for a undamaged arc_status to "+0".
2) I've created some PCs and copied the first one as template for the next one. The copied character has abilities with mods, which results in little arrows at some skills. As I copy the sheet and delete the not needed abilities, the modifications aren't undone and still persists.
I have setup global token actions for my NPCs so it brings up the menu for each type in the chat, e.g Attack menu, skills menu etc. However while this works fine for PCs, for NPCs it doesn't work so well as when I do a skill check it seems to pull the modifiers through as if they were a PC.
From going back through this forum thread this has been known for a while but it doesn't seem like it has been fixed yet. Does anybody know any workarounds using global macros that doesn't involve bespoke macros for each individual NPC?
Kind regards
You could try something like this for attacks:
Use 0 for the first attack, 1 for the second attack listed, etc. If you use a number for an attack not present on the sheet, it will throw error messages.
For skills and saves, you could use modifications of this code, I think:
?{Skill name|Athletics, Athletics|Perception, Perception |Stealth, Stealth |Physical Science, Physical Science}:
[[1d20+ ?{Skill roll|Athletics, @{selected|athletics} |Perception, @{selected|perception} |Stealth, @{selected|stealth} |Physical Science, @{selected|physical_science} }]]
It is kind of awkward, because it pops up two dialog boxes to get your roll.
Both of these are designed as token macros.
Daniel S. said:
I have setup global token actions for my NPCs so it brings up the menu for each type in the chat, e.g Attack menu, skills menu etc. However while this works fine for PCs, for NPCs it doesn't work so well as when I do a skill check it seems to pull the modifiers through as if they were a PC.
From going back through this forum thread this has been known for a while but it doesn't seem like it has been fixed yet. Does anybody know any workarounds using global macros that doesn't involve bespoke macros for each individual NPC?
Kind regards
Horvald said:
You could try something like this for attacks:
%{selected|repeating_attack_$0_npc_roll}Use 0 for the first attack, 1 for the second attack listed, etc. If you use a number for an attack not present on the sheet, it will throw error messages.
For skills and saves, you could use modifications of this code, I think:
?{Skill name|Athletics, Athletics|Perception, Perception |Stealth, Stealth |Physical Science, Physical Science}:
[[1d20+ ?{Skill roll|Athletics, @{selected|athletics} |Perception, @{selected|perception} |Stealth, @{selected|stealth} |Physical Science, @{selected|physical_science} }]]It is kind of awkward, because it pops up two dialog boxes to get your roll.
Both of these are designed as token macros.
Looking at the sheet the NPC skills are stored differently. The values are stored in ability buttons on the sheet.Example :
/w gm %{selected|npc_perception}
/w gm &{template:sf_generic} {{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{title=SKILLS}}{{buttons0=[Perception](~selected|npc_perception)}}{{buttons1=PHYSICAL [Acrobatics](~selected|npc_acrobatics) | [Athletics](~selected|npc_athletics) | [Piloting](~selected|npc_piloting)}}{{buttons2=SOCIAL [Bluff](~selected|npc_bluff) | [Diplomacy](~selected|npc_diplomacy) | [Disguise](~selected|npc_disguise) | [Intimidate](~selected|npc_intimidate) | [Sense Motive](~selected|npc_sense_motive)}}{{buttons3=THIEVERY [Sleight of Hand](~selected|npc_sleight_of_hand) | [Stealth](~selected|npc_stealth)}}{{buttons4=KNOWLEDGE [Computers](~selected|npc_computers) | [Culture](~selected|npc_culture) | [Engineering](~selected|npc_engineering) | [Life Science](~selected|npc_life_science) | [Medicine](~selected|npc_medicine) | [Mysticism](~selected|npc_mysticism) | [Physical Science](~selected|npc_physical_science) | [Survival](~selected|npc_survival)}}{{buttons5=
Hello! Wondering if I might be missing something but... Trained-Only skills?
I think I'm missing what's needed for that functionality if it exists.
M D. said:
Hello! Wondering if I might be missing something but... Trained-Only skills?
I think I'm missing what's needed for that functionality if it exists.
Could you provide more details in referenced to skills? Trained only skills Generally means two things 1 you cannot use them unless you have at least 1 rank, and that usually means its a class skill? What functionality where you looking for?
2 bugs(?)
Bug 1: PC sheet item. Ammo wealth is reported wrong. A 25 cartridge pack long ammo makes wealth show 25*value (eg. 25*75). I've manually set the value to 3 to be correct. A couple of suggested fixes: A) if ammo type, don't multiply. B) remove the "number" and use "uses" instead. C) Maybe this is more a compendium bug?
Bug 2: Ship sheet, my crit damage threshold appears to be stuck at 10, no matter what HP is entered. This should adjusted to be HP/5.
edit: Weird after going back to this I can now edit it... ?
Edit quick third one :) The Computer and power header is missing. It's hidden beneath the section. I've inspected the element below. FF 75, I didn't check with others
Mark (GM) said:
Could you provide more details in referenced to skills? Trained only skills Generally means two things 1 you cannot use them unless you have at least 1 rank, and that usually means its a class skill? What functionality where you looking for?
Thanks for the reply! - If I interpret the rules in the book correctly...
A class skill only gets a +3 bonus if it's trained. This works as expected in the current character sheet.
However, some skills are "trained only" which, as I understand, has nothing to do with whether it's a class skill or not. Culture, for example. Whether or not I have it as a class skill, if I don't have a rank in it, I should not be able to use it.
If I'm misunderstanding the core rulebook's explanation, apologies. =)
You are essentially correct. Trained only skills can only be used if you have 1 or more points in them, (unless the DC is 10 or less, I think) So, even Soldier without any ranks can still check their email, but can't just roll the die and hope for a natural 20.
Separately, you only get the class bonus if it is trained, and one of your class skills. That is one reason some players multi-class, to get that 'free' +3 for more skills.
So, the Trained only part really doesn't have anything to do with the way the character sheet in Roll20 is formatted. You could put a note on trained only skills, but for the most part, the characters regularly attempting those skills will be trained, and the DCs will be high enough that those untrained won't even try.
M D. said:
Mark (GM) said:
Could you provide more details in referenced to skills? Trained only skills Generally means two things 1 you cannot use them unless you have at least 1 rank, and that usually means its a class skill? What functionality where you looking for?
Thanks for the reply! - If I interpret the rules in the book correctly...A class skill only gets a +3 bonus if it's trained. This works as expected in the current character sheet.
However, some skills are "trained only" which, as I understand, has nothing to do with whether it's a class skill or not. Culture, for example. Whether or not I have it as a class skill, if I don't have a rank in it, I should not be able to use it.
If I'm misunderstanding the core rulebook's explanation, apologies. =)
Ah I understand what your driving at. The starfinder sheet does not prevent any one from rolling a check. If the skill has no rank its untrained, if if the check box for the class skill is check the sheet does not add it and it is considered untrained but you are not informed of that. Some sheet authors may have setting you can toggle this sheet does not. So yes the functionality you might be looking for likely does not exist.
The way a GM knows or a player know is untrained is you can in the chat window and hover over the roll made.
If that seems hard to remember you can have your players add the under the notes section of each skill (that can be found by clicking on the gear next to each skill. Simply have them put in skill is untrained). Note the are some exceptions to the untrained rule for being able to recall knowledge ect.
Untrained skills are left on the sheet as any skill can be used in Starfinder for "recall Knowledge" up to DC10 (or 15 for your theme related skill)
Can you?
Page 133 Core Rulebook says you can attempt an untrained skill check, yes but... some skills are still "trained only"....
The table on page 134 even shows skills like Culture cannot be used if untrained.
I'm happy trying to find workarounds, or informing my players but they're all very new to Starfinder, so I'm looking for ways to "idiot proof" it.
If nothing else, just having the T symbol next to "trained only" skills like on the character sheet could help as an easy fix.
M D. said:
Can you?
Page 133 Core Rulebook says you can attempt an untrained skill check, yes but... some skills are still "trained only"....The table on page 134 even shows skills like Culture cannot be used if untrained.
I'm happy trying to find workarounds, or informing my players but they're all very new to Starfinder, so I'm looking for ways to "idiot proof" it.
If nothing else, just having the T symbol next to "trained only" skills like on the character sheet could help as an easy fix.
This falls under Recall Knowledge on the same page. Certain skills to recall knowledge . You can attempt untrained skilll checks to recall knowledge if the Dc is 10 or less. It also clearly states under acquiring skills any skills that have no ranks are untrained. Technically A PC with low int and not many ranks could have only have a few skills and select only a few of the skill of their class thus leaving some skill not normally marked as untrianed, become untrained until they invest ranks in them.
I cannot speak as to why that was not part of the design or overlooked however improving the sheet for readability or making it easier for new and experience plays is never a bad thing. Though idiot proofing no matter how hard you try it has been my experience here will always someone whom misses or just doesn't get it and misses it. This is human, or vesk...not sure which...:) My suggestion would be if you think its going to be something your new players might miss at first as they are new, create a hand out with often missed rules and point them to it. Part of Gm'ing is helping new players learn and get more comfortable in the system.
Fairly new to Starfinder and Roll20, but I've been reading through stuff and I can't quite seem to find the answer to my bug. I want to program a buff that will give my character +4 to Life Science (through the Xenobiologist field kit). So as I enter the commands for buffs, I choose to add 4, as Untyped, to Life Science. Unlike my other buffs, this one seems constant though, and it shows in blue in my skill list despite the buff being turned off (none of my other custom buffs behave like this). Looking through the "back page", I found that whenever I choose Life Science in the wizard, it adds unwanted parts to Life_Science_misc, namely, the following +[[{{4},{0}}kl1 + {{4},{0}}kh1]][insight]+[[4]][untyped]. As far as I understand, the Untyped part is right, but not the rest, meaning I get double the bonus, and I can't seem to find where the Insight part comes from. (I know the Xenobio kit should give Insight bonus instead of Untyped, but hopefully that shows how weird bits are being added to what I'm trying to code in). Whenever I actually edit those parts out, they come back as soon as I reactivate the buff. Is there something I can do to prevent/fix this?
Hopefully this is the good place to post about this, if not let me know! Thank you.
P said:
Fairly new to Starfinder and Roll20, but I've been reading through stuff and I can't quite seem to find the answer to my bug. I want to program a buff that will give my character +4 to Life Science (through the Xenobiologist field kit). So as I enter the commands for buffs, I choose to add 4, as Untyped, to Life Science. Unlike my other buffs, this one seems constant though, and it shows in blue in my skill list despite the buff being turned off (none of my other custom buffs behave like this). Looking through the "back page", I found that whenever I choose Life Science in the wizard, it adds unwanted parts to Life_Science_misc, namely, the following +[[{{4},{0}}kl1 + {{4},{0}}kh1]][insight]+[[4]][untyped]. As far as I understand, the Untyped part is right, but not the rest, meaning I get double the bonus, and I can't seem to find where the Insight part comes from. (I know the Xenobio kit should give Insight bonus instead of Untyped, but hopefully that shows how weird bits are being added to what I'm trying to code in). Whenever I actually edit those parts out, they come back as soon as I reactivate the buff. Is there something I can do to prevent/fix this?
Hopefully this is the good place to post about this, if not let me know! Thank you.
I am not sure how the wizard is configuring it for you. However the easiest thing to do is simply create a buff in the buff tab, set it to +4 to life science and toggle it on or off as you need it.
Edit I tested the wizard, if you create this as ability or as equipment its technically always on. Though in the equipment section you can toggle the equipment to carried or not carried and it turns it off same as buff. In the ability section you can change the usage from constant to x/day and there will be box you can toggle on or off which works the same. Unless you dragged and drop the item from the compendium (provided you purchased it, i did not so cannot test that) i am not sure why its configured that way. My best advice is simply to delete that item, recreate it but do not add the buff to the mod section and instead create the buff up at the top of your sheet, easier to see and toggle.
Mark (GM) said:
I am not sure how the wizard is configuring it for you. However the easiest thing to do is simply create a buff in the buff tab, set it to +4 to life science and toggle it on or off as you need it.
That's actually what I'm trying to do, avoiding the wizard and templates. I click on Add Buff, I add a line, I put Value 4, select a type, and add it to Life Science. But then without that buff even turning on, there's a sudden +4 insight that gets applied right away, and then when I click to activate the buff, it adds the rest. So there's a magical +4 Insight that appears, that I've found to be on Life_Science_misc, written as above. And that's the part I'm trying to fix.
Before doing anything, I haven't written the buff yet, and my base Life Science is 8. Under Attributes, I see the second screenshot
Now I'll write the buff, as discussed
I've only closed the buff editor that I already see an increase to the Life Science field, now at 12, without the buff being turned on.
The attributes shows that information was added to the Life_Science_Misc field, despite the buff not being turned on. The full line written there is +[[{{4},{0}}kl1 + {{4},{0}}kh1]][insight]
Turning the buff on makes the Life Science value go up to 16.
And if I go see on the attributes page,
I get +[[{{4},{0}}kl1 + {{4},{0}}kh1]][insight]+[[4]][untyped], with the whole first insight part having appeared on its own as soon as the buff was created, without being activated, and the untyped part being the actual buff I wrote.
Hopefully that's a detailed enough report! And thanks for your help too!
That might be a bug in the wizard, I tested it works fine for me just as you are. So unless you have something else thats modifying it some how that should not be happening. Have you created a test character and tested making the buff for new character and does the same thing happen? If no then it could be an issue with that character only. The other thing you can do is go into the settings on the character sheet go to manual and turn off the wizard and create it. The other thing to check for is do you have any other abilities that modify life science?
The same thing seems to happen in Manual mode. Apart from having tried a ton of variations on this buff, there's nothing else on my character that has anything to do with Life Science. I don't have the permissions in that game to create characters, so I'll have to see with the GM once we play again.
Quite the weird bug! At least it made me dig deeper and I'm learning quite a bit on how this works.
yes it is a weird issue, so unless something was edited on the sheet to provide that and have it reaper even if you delete it shouldn't be happening. Though i am curious Mechanic normally do not get Life Science as a class skill yet you have it checked?
Mark (GM) said:
Though i am curious Mechanic normally do not get Life Science as a class skill yet you have it checked?
I believe that was a house rule, since we didn't dive too deep into what the "Profession" skills were about. We also don't have a lot of players, so covering some of that made more sense, and in the case of this specific character it was quite close to his overall theme.
P said:
Mark (GM) said:
Though i am curious Mechanic normally do not get Life Science as a class skill yet you have it checked?
I believe that was a house rule, since we didn't dive too deep into what the "Profession" skills were about. We also don't have a lot of players, so covering some of that made more sense, and in the case of this specific character it was quite close to his overall theme.
Lol well there you go makes sense. Its possible the GM edited something on your sheet and thats whats adding this extra bonues...though I have no way to be sure. I would test with him on other sheets because my thinking is its likely data corruption issue just on your sheet.
Do you have the field Kit in your equipment? It may be adding the bonus there.
also, try adding it manually as a query so you don't have to toggle anything. Just add the to the MOD section of the equipment
+?{Using kit?|No,0|Yes,4} insight to Life Science
Hi, I'm having a bug on abilities. I'm building an Envoy and setting up improvisations for automatic calculations. So I set up Inspiring boost, and I fill in the name, source, use, etc, and in the description I wrote "Restore [[@{class_1_level}*2+@{charisma_mod}]] stamina". I didn't make any changes to any of the other options for abilities (no attack rolls, damage fields, etc).
When I click on the ability to make sure my formula is entered correctly, it rolls 6d20 along with the text in the chat window.
To see where I messed up, I created a new ability, filled in all the same info, and removed stuff one field at a time, clicking on it each time. Even with no fields filled in it still rolled 1d20.
I created the macro in the Attributes & Abilities page, and of course it didn't roll any unneeded dice.
Does anyone know why it's rolling dice on an an ability with no rolls?