Mark (GM) said: Daniel S. said: Hello, I have setup global token actions for my NPCs so it brings up the menu for each type in the chat, e.g Attack menu, skills menu etc. However while this works fine for PCs, for NPCs it doesn't work so well as when I do a skill check it seems to pull the modifiers through as if they were a PC. From going back through this forum thread this has been known for a while but it doesn't seem like it has been fixed yet. Does anybody know any workarounds using global macros that doesn't involve bespoke macros for each individual NPC? Kind regards Dan Horvald said: Dan, You could try something like this for attacks: %{selected|repeating_attack_$0_npc_roll} Use 0 for the first attack, 1 for the second attack listed, etc. If you use a number for an attack not present on the sheet, it will throw error messages. For skills and saves, you could use modifications of this code, I think: @{selected|token_name} ?{Skill name|Athletics, Athletics|Perception, Perception |Stealth, Stealth |Physical Science, Physical Science}: [[1d20+ ?{Skill roll|Athletics, @{selected|athletics} |Perception, @{selected|perception} |Stealth, @{selected|stealth} |Physical Science, @{selected|physical_science} }]] It is kind of awkward, because it pops up two dialog boxes to get your roll. Both of these are designed as token macros. Looking at the sheet the NPC skills are stored differently. The values are stored in ability buttons on the sheet.Example : /w gm %{selected|npc_perception} I looked at an npc and the skill menu that is generated for a pc i adapted it you can try this it might work just as well: /w gm &{template:sf_generic} {{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{title=SKILLS}}{{buttons0=[Perception](~selected|npc_perception)}}{{buttons1=PHYSICAL
[Acrobatics](~selected|npc_acrobatics) | [Athletics](~selected|npc_athletics) | [Piloting](~selected|npc_piloting)}}{{buttons2=SOCIAL
[Bluff](~selected|npc_bluff) | [Diplomacy](~selected|npc_diplomacy) | [Disguise](~selected|npc_disguise) | [Intimidate](~selected|npc_intimidate) | [Sense Motive](~selected|npc_sense_motive)}}{{buttons3=THIEVERY
[Sleight of Hand](~selected|npc_sleight_of_hand) | [Stealth](~selected|npc_stealth)}}{{buttons4=KNOWLEDGE
[Computers](~selected|npc_computers) | [Culture](~selected|npc_culture) | [Engineering](~selected|npc_engineering) | [Life Science](~selected|npc_life_science) | [Medicine](~selected|npc_medicine) | [Mysticism](~selected|npc_mysticism) | [Physical Science](~selected|npc_physical_science) | [Survival](~selected|npc_survival)}}{{buttons5= Thanks for these, they really helped.