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Official Starfinder Character Sheet 1.0

August 14 (6 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator

Hooray! The Official Starfinder Sheet is now available on Roll20!

To add this sheet to a game, head to your "Game Settings" page -

For more information about the functionality of this sheet, check out the sheet wiki -

Big shout out to Scott for working so hard on this sheet! There's more exciting stuff in the works, we aren't done yet Starfinders!

If you are still using the Starfinder HUD sheet, that sheet is now be deprecated, and will no longer be updated. Please switch to the Starfinder Official sheet, which will retain your character information. 

Post bug reports below!

August 14 (6 years ago)
Phillip G.
Sheet Author

Not a bug report.

I will continue to take suggestions and for the most part maintain the Starfinder (Simple) character sheet. Please note that it will remain simple. If you want more options in your character sheet, please use this official sheet.

August 14 (6 years ago)

Edited August 14 (6 years ago)
testing the official version of the sheet. I noticed that NPC's are throwing some errors.
Not sure if it's a bug or an intended change.
What I mean is all of the entered attacks or skills and I assume any other check that uses an ability score  throws a bunch of exceptions to the chat. Such as
"No attribute was found for @{NPC Name|strength_mod}"
The fix for it is to go and define all of the ability scores modifiers on the sheet.
Previously it would just default them to zero.
August 14 (6 years ago)

Edited August 14 (6 years ago)

I can't seem to get the Mods on items in the inventory to work (other than armor). For example, a Library Chip: Culture which gives +4 to culture checks. I add '+4 to Culture' in Mods, and it doesn't get calculated. I've tried it as Equipped / Carried, and Purpose / Equipment. Is it a bug or am I missing something?

Edit: I figured it out, I needed to make sure the quantity was set to 1

August 14 (6 years ago)

Edited August 14 (6 years ago)

Is there no way to apply Improved Initiative on the character sheet? It seems like that should be a thing as that is a common enough feat for players.

Edit: Figured out how to apply the bonus as a buff. That should work.

August 15 (6 years ago)
Bast L.
API Scripter

One issue when copying from HUD game: a mystic didn't see second level spells showing up. I played around with it, and setting his level down to 2 and back to 4 worked to show the spells.

August 15 (6 years ago)

I have quite a few character sheets archived in my Current Starfinder game on HUD Sheets.  Do we have test data on whether the upgrade to Official has any bugs on Archived sheets when you bring them back out of archive?  

August 15 (6 years ago)

Edited August 15 (6 years ago)

Looking forward to using this, lots of things look very cool and/or convenient (I love the prof/spec tab and the conditions tab)

Is the "equipment search" function when adding equipment coming back? It was really nice to be able to be lazy and not have to add all the details.

Also, what's the best way to list chosen feats? It feels a little weird putting them under Abilities or Buffs.

Is the conditions tab working at the moment or am I using it wrong. I added sickened to a character but it's just adding +0[sickened] to the character's attack rolls. Also a custom negative buff is coming out in rolls as 0 as well. Quick testing seems that typed bonuses that are negative get passed through as 0?

It's also being real finnicky adding "+1 to attack|category:small arm." If I enter just that and check the box, it doesn't seem to add. I had to do "+1 to attack", turn it on applying it to all weapons, then edit it and add "|category:small arm" after and then it removed the bonus from everything but small arms.

Abilities called by macro or by the ability ID don't seem to format the same and it doesn't list the rolls+bonuses split up when moused over, as compared to if you click on the ability .

Appreciate all the work put into this!

August 15 (6 years ago)

I don't see my racial HP being applied to my health total, only my class levels. Also, how does usage vs ammo work? Trying to keep that inside the attack macro to make it easier for my players and myself to know when to reload action without having to write it down every attack.

August 15 (6 years ago)

Edited August 15 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator

Hi everyone, thank you for the reports, I'll be running through them tonight.


Modifying attributes in reaction to rolls requires an API script. During the beta, users developed a macro using Aaron's Ammo script. I'm sure that other scripts like chatsetattr could also do this.

To get Aaron's ammo to work as you roll, you add the !ammo command to a new line in the attacher field of your attacks, spells, or abilities. For attacks it would be this:

!ammo @{character_id} repeating_attack_@{id}_ammo [[ [[-@{usage}]]*{[[@{full_attack_query}*(@{full_attack_number})]]d1,[[1]]d1}kh1]] Charges

Assuming you have a number entered in the usage, this will automatically deduct the number of charges required based on whether you full attacked or not. Keep in mind, the number displayed in chat will be your ammo before making the roll.


Try doing category:small_arm instead


Archiving won't cause any issues as the archive functionality is purely an organizational archive, not a data one. Those characters are still active and accessible (for instance by shift/alt/control double clicking their token). The only problem I could potentially see coming up is if they were from the early days of the HUD before I started programming an automated update system. Even in this worst case scenario though, the data loss should be minimal as very few attributes changed between that time and the first updater. You could copy your game and try them in the copy if you are worried 


Buffs would work for it, but that same mods field exists on abilities as well, so you can add it directly to your ability.

Once again thank you for all the feesback.

- Scott

August 15 (6 years ago)

Edited August 15 (6 years ago)

I can't see any level 2 technomancer spells. I can add them under the level 1 section but when I change them to level 2, they disappear. I can still see them if I click on the "Spells (Technomancer)" menu button though.

August 16 (6 years ago)

I'm still having issue adding Improved Initiative to the character sheet.  I've tried both adding it as a buff and toggling the buff on, as well as adding it in the abilities and typing the "+4 to initiative" in the mod section.  Neither are adding an increase to initiative. 

Image of the character sheet:

Complete Console Log: 

August 16 (6 years ago)

Edited August 16 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator

Thank you for the report Christian, I'm working on a fix for that. In the meantime, please try toggling your character level down and up to reset the spell level detection.


That console log was very helpful for figuring out what's going on with the mods handling. Now I just need to figure out why it's happening :/

I don't think this is related, but just to check, what browser/OS are you using?


EDIT: Actually, Mike I just had a thought. Can you check your mods fields and see if you have some trailing spaces at the end of your buff declaration?

August 16 (6 years ago)


I'm running Chrome.  I cleared the cookies and cache and that did it, problem fixed. Thanks so much for looking into this for me.

August 16 (6 years ago)

Edited August 16 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator

Hi everyone,

These are all the bugs that have been reported so far and that I'm working to fix. Let me know if I missed any.

  • NPC ability scores do not exist until manually set
  • Mods do not work if there are trailing spaces (I think this is what was going on with Christian's and Mike's issue)
  • Spell levels don't display when they should
  • racial hp is not being added until level or class hp is changed
  • fine and diminutive sizes are not translated correctly
  • NPC attack damage rolls are adding extra modifiers
  • typed penalties show as 0 in rolls

See you all out in the Drift!

EDIT: Added missed bug from Tatsuya

August 16 (6 years ago)

Edited August 16 (6 years ago)

I didn't see it in your list, but I reported that buffs and mods that are typed and have a negative modifier don't seem to be working. Conditions like Sickened and Fatigued add a +0[fatigued] and +0[sickened] to the rolls instead of negatives. A custom buff that I put in for "-10 to damage" adds "-10[untyped]" to the damage roll, but "-10 badatguns to damage" adds "+0[badatguns]" to the roll. Same goes for if it's entered in mods.

August 16 (6 years ago)

Edited August 16 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator

Thanks Tatsuya, I had missed the additional issue there with any typed penalty.


The HUD had functionality that included a search for equipment and I can't seem to replicate it on the new sheet. Am I missing it or is the functionality not included yet? Thank you.

Hey Scott,

Will the stat block importing feature for NPC sheets be making a return at any point? Even in its experimental state I found it very useful as a GM, but I can understand if it's not coming back for whatever reason.

Thanks for all the work on the sheets.

August 17 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator

Michael M. said:


The HUD had functionality that included a search for equipment and I can't seem to replicate it on the new sheet. Am I missing it or is the functionality not included yet? Thank you.


Morningstar said:

Hey Scott,

Will the stat block importing feature for NPC sheets be making a return at any point? Even in its experimental state I found it very useful as a GM, but I can understand if it's not coming back for whatever reason.

Thanks for all the work on the sheets.

I'm glad people liked the experimental features of the HUD sheet, however they will not be returning in their previous forms. Keep an eye on the forums and/or social media for news on their successor(s).

Starfinder finally starting to get some love :)

August 17 (6 years ago)

So I know this is going to be a dumb question, but how do you add your armor's EAC/KAC bonuses in this new character sheet? I add the armor in the Weapon & Armor Proficiency under the Equipment section. I'm able to add the Name, Level, Num, Bulk, Cost, "Equippped", Type = Armor, Light Armor, Proficient.....but then the only options I have are Mods & Attacher. In the "Armor Class" section I'm unable to change any of the values beside s"DR/Resist" & Notes. 

Am I just blind and not seeing where to put the EAC/KAC values? 

August 17 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
Hi Jonathan,

Sorry for the confusion. The Starfinder Official sheet uses a powerful dynamic mod system to handle most modifications to your character beyond those gained from levels in your class. In your armor's item entry on the sheet, there is an expandable area called "mods". This field is present in equipment, abilities, and buffs, and allows you to modify a wide range of attributes from the source of the change instead of having to keep track of something's effects on your character in several places. To add your armor's eac and kac values, simply type this in to the mods field:
+X armor to eac
+Y armor to kac
The system can handle just about any numerical modification possible in Starfinder. See the sheet's wiki for full details on the mods syntax and examples of what you can do with it.

I hope you enjoy the sheet,

- Scott

Quick, hopefully easy question:  One of my players is taking the Bullet Barrage Gear Boost from the soldier tree.  Since nothing tells the sheet what weapons are projectile weapons, there doesn't immediately appear to be an easy way to implement this.  My current thought is to do it as a mod that does +1 to damage when ammo_type is Rounds (or any other things that are projectiles), but for the life of me I can't figure out how I'm supposed to do the syntax.  As it stands I have:     +1 insight to damage|ammo_type:rounds     but that doesn't work.  If it was something like category|heavy weapon that would work, but obviously there is something I'm missing.  Thoughts?

August 18 (6 years ago)

Edited August 18 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator

I'd recommend doing it by damage type:

+1 to damage|type:piercing,engagement_range:ranged
+1 to damage|type:slashing,engagement_range:ranged
+1 to damage|type:bludgeoning,engagement_range:ranged

or, however your player denotes the three physical damage types. If the player uses something like an acid dart rifle, then you'll need to add an extra line there, but it should handle most of the projectile weapons. The reason that the ammo_type filter doesn't work is that the sheetworkers don't grab that value, so it has nothing to look at when it compares the value to the filter. I'll probably add that to the list of attributes for the sheetworkers to grab when they do their calculations.

That's a wonderful idea...and exactly what I thought about shortly after I posted, but I figured someone would have a more elegant solution.  Thanks for the help, and glad I could point out something that might need to be looked at, keep up the great work on this sheet!

Scott C. said:

Hi everyone,

These are all the bugs that have been reported so far and that I'm working to fix. Let me know if I missed any.

  • NPC ability scores do not exist until manually set
  • Mods do not work if there are trailing spaces (I think this is what was going on with Christian's and Mike's issue)
  • Spell levels don't display when they should
  • racial hp is not being added until level or class hp is changed
  • fine and diminutive sizes are not translated correctly
  • NPC attack damage rolls are adding extra modifiers
  • typed penalties show as 0 in rolls

See you all out in the Drift!

EDIT: Added missed bug from Tatsuya

I also came across a few issues.

1. TLDR: Changing levels up and down is causing errors in calculation.Class HP and SP were calculating up regardless of what number I was putting in the level range. So if I had 6hp\6sp and level 2. When I changed it to level 0 it went up to 16 from 12. Calculations were not corrected until I removed the level number completely (delete the 0) and restarted the level and HP\SP from nothing.

2. TLDR: Changing levels up and down is causing errors in calculation. Skills were also not correctly calculating if the rill ranks by level were being altered by level. I had to do the same as with HP\SP. I had to clear out all my skills and level in the class section and put them in from scratch. 

3. I accidentally added a overall buff to total eac and kac in the mod tab of the armor section instead of adding a proper bonus to the eac and kac armor attributes. When I realized what I had done I removed the mods but this did not remove the calculations. I had to edit the actual attributes for EAC\KAC and the values and changers all back to 0 and 10, etc and then started over. 

4. I had to set the BAB to 3/4 and then reset it before it would show up in the attack roll. The weapon attack in the weapon section was showing the proper total bonus (3) but the actual roll was only adding (2). I had to reset the BAB from 1/2 to 3/4 on both classes and it calculated correctly.

Minor Issues

1. The sheet works when converting L bulk to decimal values, but Starfinder isnt listed as decimal values. Could confuse people. Unless the sheet converts L to .1? 

2. Creating a character and I really wanted a tab for cybernetics\bio gear and another for feats would be great. Seems like there is plenty of room for those tabs.  

August 18 (6 years ago)

I think there's a wrong -1 multiplier somewhere on NPC sheets when doing attack calculations using ability score modifiers. For instance, setting up a ranged attack that scales off an NPC's dex, if their dex mod is +4, the attack shows up as -4 (and is -4 in calculations). Likewise, negatives have an inverse effect: they boost rolls.

August 18 (6 years ago)

Edited August 18 (6 years ago)

I just ran across something else odd.  One of my players tried to add new armor, but the armor class would not update her stats.  We tried deleting her old armor entirely, no luck.  We then deleted the new armor as well, then I went into the data the sheet and set her EAC and KAC to 10.  As a test I then just made some armor that gave +10000 EAC, and that worked fine....until I tried to change it to the real values, at which point it would not update the EAC and KAC stats again.  I deleted this armor as well, still no updates.  Manually reset both of her ACs back to 10, and now any armor I try to add, regardless of stats I place, sets both her KAC and EAC to 7.  We've been using roll20 thru the entire first book of the Dead Suns adventure path, and I have 5 players, never had this issue.  All of my armor is set up properly (+2 armor to eac, etc etc etc), not really sure what is causing this or how to fix it.  I kind of want to try adjusting armor on another of my players to see if it works, but I'm concerned to make that attempt.   Nevermind....apparently the sheet became very tempermental and now only understands and armor bonus if it says

+x Armor to eac

as opposed to

 +x armor to eac.

That being said, deleted items appear to be still adding in to her character's Wealth stat, which is somewhat problematic.

Apparently the sheet just really wants things to be wrong right up until I post about them...because the wealth thing just fixed itself for no discernible reason.  I'll try to make sure its a duplicatable error before I post again.

August 18 (6 years ago)

Tried to set up a question prompt for a player's skill by copy and pasting +?{Expertise|No,0|Yes,1d6} insight to sense motive from the manual, then changed that to 'insight to culture'. Now the mod is applying to both Culture and Sense Motive and I can't get it to stop. There's nothing for me to delete so there's no way I can disable the mod on Sense Motive, yet it still continues to prompt for it. Sheet doesn't want to update when mods are put in/altered/removed and I have no idea how to force it to update. 

Going to continue using Starfinder HUD until these major issues are sussed out. 

August 18 (6 years ago)

My player passed this along today:There's no place on the new sheets to put  +1 Technomancer's get to Engineering and no place to put the +1 Biotechs get to medicine.

August 18 (6 years ago)

Edited August 18 (6 years ago)

@Karona:  Those would be the theme bonuses, easiest answer is to just put them under abilities, make them a Constan, and just say:

+1 to engineering

under Mods

August 19 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator

Aeon A. said:

Tried to set up a question prompt for a player's skill by copy and pasting +?{Expertise|No,0|Yes,1d6} insight to sense motive from the manual, then changed that to 'insight to culture'. Now the mod is applying to both Culture and Sense Motive and I can't get it to stop. There's nothing for me to delete so there's no way I can disable the mod on Sense Motive, yet it still continues to prompt for it. Sheet doesn't want to update when mods are put in/altered/removed and I have no idea how to force it to update. 

Going to continue using Starfinder HUD until these major issues are sussed out. 

Hi Aeon, I apologize for that, it's a bug that I'm working on fixing this weekend. In the meantime, add +0 to sense motive to that mod (or another one). Tab out of the field, then you can go in and delete it. Alternatively, toggling your sense motive ranks back and forth should have the same result.

How do I add spells?  It will let me add Cantrips, but I can't find how to add anything above that.  Help!

August 19 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator

Luv9rove said:

How do I add spells?  It will let me add Cantrips, but I can't find how to add anything above that.  Help!

Hi luv9,

Sorry for the confusion. I've got a fix coming out for this soon, but in the meantime toggle your level back and forth and it will correct the display error (make sure to tab out of the level entry after each toggle).

Hey Scott.  That worked.  This is a great resource!  No complaints!

So, maybe I'm missing something, but I'm building a drone companion for one of the NPCs in my game, and not sure how to go about that. I noticed when you change the sheet type there's a box that says "Drone," but it doesn't seem to do anything. It's probably not broken; I'm sure I'm just not looking in the right place. Does it add something on to the character sheet with drone stats? Or does it designate the sheet as a sheet for the drone itself and have modified stats based on that?

And while I'm here, my soldier's weapons stopped working about a month ago. It's only happening for her, and only for her weapons (skill checks, saves, etc. still work). We were still using the HUD then, so it isn't an issue with the transfer. It still prompts for a full attack when clicked, just nothing shows up in the sidebar afterwards. This is the case for everyone in my party. (If it helps, I know at least three of us use Chrome.) The weapons in question aren't missing any vital information, and there aren't any spaces where there shouldn't be. As bad as I at coding or anything to do with computers, I'm usually good at troubleshooting, so this has frustrated the heck out of me.

Thanks in advance, and thanks for creating this awesome sheet!

August 20 (6 years ago)

Edited August 20 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator

Hi Megan,

Sorry to hear you're having some issues with the sheet.

For your first question, yes, the Drone checkbox just designates the sheet as a drone and changes how attributes are calculated to reflect the Drone save, bab, and hp progressions from the CRB. The sheet will still look, and otherwise behave, like a PC sheet. I probably should put some sort of style change in to reflect that the sheet is a drone.

For your second question. I'm going to need a little more information. Could you log in to the game, open your character and then roll one of the misbehaving attacks? Then copy the entire console log somewhere and link that here. Could you also provide a screenshot of the weapon that you attempted to roll from?




Thanks for the prompt reply!

Here is the console log, and I've attached the screenshot below.


One additional error that I'm having slight issues with are the 3D dice. While the issues weren't too prevalent in the original versions. With the 3D dice enabled and rolled automatically, every roll puts out MANY times the number of dice, both for attack and damage dice.

August 20 (6 years ago)

Edited August 20 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator

Thanks Megan, could you remove the single brackets from around the 1d4 in the corrode and try the roll again?

Michael M. said:


One additional error that I'm having slight issues with are the 3D dice. While the issues weren't too prevalent in the original versions. With the 3D dice enabled and rolled automatically, every roll puts out MANY times the number of dice, both for attack and damage dice.

Unfortunately, this is not a bug. Rollable templates must roll all the dice in the message and then decide what to show. This means that in order for the roll template to conditionally display multiple attacks and their criticals, it must roll all those dice. This is how it worked with the HUD as well.

Scott C. said:

Thanks Megan, could you remove the single brackets from around the 1d4 in the corrode and try the roll again?

I removed them, and copied the log again. It still doesn't seem to be working, though.

Hi Scott, the sheet has a small bug that myself and a few crew mates have encountered when it comes to mods/buffs. The mods/buffs don't add immediately, but they will add once you change the modified skill in another way (such as adding/removing ranks in the skill). This seems to "force" the mod/buff in, where you can then change the skill back to retain the mod/buff. This seems to be a similar issue to the

  • racial hp is not being added until level or class hp is changed

from earlier. Hope this helps!

Hey Scott,

great work on the new Starfinder Sheet.It's really coming together nicely. Unfortunately I've been looking at the console log for too long and now I'm unsure whether this is an issue or not.

When adding an Ability, I can set the first row of input fields fine but as soon as I enter something in the "Target", "Range" or "Duration" inputs the console log shows an error:

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data sheetsandboxworker.js:580:4
affectWhat/propagatedTriggers</<@ line 548 > eval:3926:36
affectWhat/propagatedTriggers<@ line 548 > eval:3919:21
affectWhat@ line 548 > eval:3918:38
applyBuffs@ line 548 > eval:4204:28
useID/<@ line 548 > eval:2363:33

Could you confirm whether this an issue or if I'm just seeing something normal here?

August 20 (6 years ago)

Edited August 20 (6 years ago)

Silly question here, with a really easy answer (I'm sure). I figured out everything with armor...except what I need to use to reflect the armor's ACP. The armor values and max Dex, I pieced that together. But even looking at the Appendices, my non-coder brain isn't quite getting how to do ACP.

Edit: It's also common enough, I might suggest adding an example for that to the armor section on the wiki.
 Figured out the acp setup.

Edit 2: Speed penalties as well. I'm not getting that one right either. Which leads to a second, semi-related question. Is there a spot to put alternate movement speeds (climb, swim, or fly for example)?

August 20 (6 years ago)

I've been having quite a lot of issues with the new sheet, unfortunately. To start, I can't for the life of me get +x to armor or max dex to armor to work at all, period. When trying to do something like max dex to armor, this is the error that gets thrown:

Starfinder-Log: accessStarfinder for: {"sourceAttribute":"repeating_item_-layrbqp2igssmuqrh9u_mods","sourceType":"player","triggerName":"repeating_item_-layrbqp2igssmuqrh9u","previousValue":"+3 to eac\n+4 to kac\n-1 to acp\n2 max dex to armor","newValue":"+3 to eac\n+4 to kac\n-1 to acp\n3 max dex to armor"}

app.js?1534264843:352 Querytest took until 26ms

app.js?1534264843:352 Attribute cache compliation took until 28ms

app.js?1534264843:352 Set values (including auto-calcuating variables) took until 63ms

app.js?1534264843:352 Took 66ms

VM16:170 Starfinder-Log: trigger: ["eac_buff","kac_buff","acrobatics_ranks","athletics_ranks","sleight_of_hand_ranks","stealth_ranks","armor_buff"]

sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:580 SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0

    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)

    at trig.replace (eval at messageHandler (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:548), <anonymous>:3926:41)

    at String.replace (<anonymous>)

    at _.reduce (eval at messageHandler (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:548), <anonymous>:3919:26)

    at t (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:5)

    at Function.<anonymous> (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:5)

    at affectWhat (eval at messageHandler (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:548), <anonymous>:3918:40)

    at applyBuffs (eval at messageHandler (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:548), <anonymous>:4204:28)

    at Object.getAttrs [as -L7vKXydj_Vpx-YLF7_S//repeating_item_-layrbqp2igssmuqrh9u//0.07230598175730218] (eval at messageHandler (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:548), <anonymous>:2363:33)

    at _fullfillAttrReq (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:523)

sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:581 SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0

    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)

    at trig.replace (eval at messageHandler (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:548), <anonymous>:3926:41)

    at String.replace (<anonymous>)

    at _.reduce (eval at messageHandler (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:548), <anonymous>:3919:26)

    at t (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:5)

    at Function.<anonymous> (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:5)

    at affectWhat (eval at messageHandler (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:548), <anonymous>:3918:40)

    at applyBuffs (eval at messageHandler (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:548), <anonymous>:4204:28)

    at Object.getAttrs [as -L7vKXydj_Vpx-YLF7_S//repeating_item_-layrbqp2igssmuqrh9u//0.07230598175730218] (eval at messageHandler (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:548), <anonymous>:2363:33)

    at _fullfillAttrReq (sheetsandboxworker.js?1534776980764:523)

I'm also having some issues with buffs. I have a custom item that gave +1 to every attribute as a buff when certain conditions are met, and on one of my player's sheets (and only one player's, everyone else's works fine?) it would seemingly randomly reduce the attribute values to a flat number (e.g. CON went from the 13 base to displaying as 8 with no up or down arrows, it looked unmodified. The mod was changed to -3 for some reason, when clicking on the 8 to change the value it correctly appeared as 13 but the mod stayed as -3 until the number was changed to a different one, at which point the mod would be correct for the new number.) Once the buff was toggled off, this stat change did not revert and I had to manually change it every time. Eventually I was able to fix this by just remaking the buff over and over and individually adding each stat while toggling, eventually it worked but I don't know why.

Lastly I'm still having issue with bonuses from imported sheets from HUD. It seems like the values are set to whatever the modified value was on HUD and I can't seem to get it to correctly revert (mostly looking at AC right now, it's like their previous armor is permanently equipped).

August 20 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator

Tristan H. said:

Hi Scott, the sheet has a small bug that myself and a few crew mates have encountered when it comes to mods/buffs. The mods/buffs don't add immediately, but they will add once you change the modified skill in another way (such as adding/removing ranks in the skill). This seems to "force" the mod/buff in, where you can then change the skill back to retain the mod/buff. This seems to be a similar issue to the

  • racial hp is not being added until level or class hp is changed

from earlier. Hope this helps!

Yep, thank you for the additional report. It should be fixed in the update tomorrow.

Florian B. said:

Hey Scott,

great work on the new Starfinder Sheet.It's really coming together nicely. Unfortunately I've been looking at the console log for too long and now I'm unsure whether this is an issue or not.

When adding an Ability, I can set the first row of input fields fine but as soon as I enter something in the "Target", "Range" or "Duration" inputs the console log shows an error:

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data sheetsandboxworker.js:580:4
affectWhat/propagatedTriggers</<@ line 548 > eval:3926:36
affectWhat/propagatedTriggers<@ line 548 > eval:3919:21
affectWhat@ line 548 > eval:3918:38
applyBuffs@ line 548 > eval:4204:28
useID/<@ line 548 > eval:2363:33

Could you confirm whether this an issue or if I'm just seeing something normal here?

Hi Florian,

This is simply because there is no handling for the sheet to react to those attributes. I do need to add handling for them so that the sheet doesn't generate these errors, but you don't need to worry about them for the time being.

Sol said:

I've been having quite a lot of issues with the new sheet, unfortunately. To start, I can't for the life of me get +x to armor or max dex to armor to work at all, period. When trying to do something like max dex to armor, this is the error that gets thrown:


I'm also having some issues with buffs. I have a custom item that gave +1 to every attribute as a buff when certain conditions are met, and on one of my player's sheets (and only one player's, everyone else's works fine?) it would seemingly randomly reduce the attribute values to a flat number (e.g. CON went from the 13 base to displaying as 8 with no up or down arrows, it looked unmodified. The mod was changed to -3 for some reason, when clicking on the 8 to change the value it correctly appeared as 13 but the mod stayed as -3 until the number was changed to a different one, at which point the mod would be correct for the new number.) Once the buff was toggled off, this stat change did not revert and I had to manually change it every time. Eventually I was able to fix this by just remaking the buff over and over and individually adding each stat while toggling, eventually it worked but I don't know why.

Lastly I'm still having issue with bonuses from imported sheets from HUD. It seems like the values are set to whatever the modified value was on HUD and I can't seem to get it to correctly revert (mostly looking at AC right now, it's like their previous armor is permanently equipped).

Hi Sol, I'm sorry you're having some issues. I believe these issues are related to the bug quoted and addended by Tristan. They should be resolved after the update tomorrow.

August 20 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator

Jeff H. said:

Silly question here, with a really easy answer (I'm sure). I figured out everything with armor...except what I need to use to reflect the armor's ACP. The armor values and max Dex, I pieced that together. But even looking at the Appendices, my non-coder brain isn't quite getting how to do ACP.

Edit: It's also common enough, I might suggest adding an example for that to the armor section on the wiki.
 Figured out the acp setup.

Edit 2: Speed penalties as well. I'm not getting that one right either. Which leads to a second, semi-related question. Is there a spot to put alternate movement speeds (climb, swim, or fly for example)?


Glad you figured out some of your questions. Speed is not a buffable attribute, the speed field is meant to hold all of your speeds. You can see a list of all the buffable attributes in the wiki.

August 20 (6 years ago)

Edited August 20 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator

Grant R. said:

Minor Issues

1. The sheet works when converting L bulk to decimal values, but Starfinder isnt listed as decimal values. Could confuse people. Unless the sheet converts L to .1? 

2. Creating a character and I really wanted a tab for cybernetics\bio gear and another for feats would be great. Seems like there is plenty of room for those tabs.  

The sheet handles bulk entered as L (or l), no need for entering it as 0.1. Cybernetics/bio gear should be added as equipment. It is unlikely that there will be additiional tabs added to the sheet.

Karona said:

My player passed this along today:There's no place on the new sheets to put  +1 Technomancer's get to Engineering and no place to put the +1 Biotechs get to medicine.

Hi Karona, this is what the mods fields in equipment, buffs, and abilities are for. They should simply put +1 to engineering (as an example). See the wiki for the full details.