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Official Starfinder Character Sheet 1.0


Edited 1557890050
I'm still pretty new to Roll20 and I only just upgraded to Pro today. Is there a simple way to make a couple macros to automate adjustments to the character sheet? Toggle the "Comms: Rolls Are" setting between Public and Private? Be able to create custom macros for things like quickly adding and removing buffs or other adjustments for things like "Get 'Em" or "Combat Tracking" abilities? I'm not at all afraid of advanced commands and API calls, I just haven't figured out how to do either of these yet. I feel like I'll need to use the "ChatSetAttr" API script but I'm not sure how to do that in a way that complements the Starfinder character sheet. Thanks! :)
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
Whew, some post catching up to do it looks like. Matt M.  said: I had an idea pop up while working on several characters - Is there a plan to have a cover bonus section added or have the different cover bonuses come pre-loaded in the buffs section when a new character or NPC is created?  If not, I'd like to toss that out there as a suggestion for enhancements down the line.   Thanks! I'm not sure that this adds enough benefit to be added, but I'll add it to my list of feature suggestions that I keep for when I'm looking at future development. Luke H.  said: Scott, Future development idea:  I think it would be useful/neat if the text style of the Equipment title changed, based on the status of that equipment (i.e. Bold Italic=equipped, Bold = carried,  grayed out=not carried.) The equipment area does need some clean up. I'll look at this formatting trick, which isn't something I'd thought of although I should have since this is pretty much how the OGL sheet does it. Brad T.  said: I'm still pretty new to Roll20 and I only just upgraded to Pro today. Is there a simple way to make a couple macros to automate adjustments to the character sheet? Toggle the "Comms: Rolls Are" setting between Public and Private? Be able to create custom macros for things like quickly adding and removing buffs or other adjustments for things like "Get 'Em" or "Combat Tracking" abilities? I'm not at all afraid of advanced commands and API calls, I just haven't figured out how to do either of these yet. I feel like I'll need to use the "ChatSetAttr" API script but I'm not sure how to do that in a way that complements the Starfinder character sheet. Thanks! :) The answer is pretty much what you already guessed. ChatSetAttr doesn't really need any special set up to complement the sheet, it simply does what it says on the tin and one of the design goals of the sheet was for it to be compatible with API scripts in general. The script can even create repeating attributes (which I didn't know until I just went to check). I am not a master user of the script, but I believe that these commands will do what you want: !setattr --sel -- repeating_buff_-CREATE_name|Cover -- repeating_buff_-CREATE_mods|+2 to armor --repeating_buff_-CREATE_toggle|1 and !setattr --sel --sheet_type|?{Sheet Type|pc|npc} I'd recommend posting in the API forum if you need more advanced chatSetAttr help. I hope that everyone finds all of that helpful, Scott

Edited 1558006761
Hi Scott,  I have requests for you :) 1- Is it possible to add the "ammo" field in the weapon description, nears damage? It was not very easy to open the weapon description at every attack to modifie the ammo use :( 2- Like ammo for weapon, add tue usage field in abilities and equipment description 3- Add Encumber mod to Movement. 4- Add Movement in the wizard mod 5- Condition effect do not affec carac check. Like Dex check with snare condition. Thanks !
Luke H. said: Michael B. said: Is there still no way to subtract a resolve point on use? For instance using healing channel uses one resolve point so if a player has 7 resolve points then each time that cast healing channel then it subtracts one resolve until they have 0. Michael, found a way to do it with the ChatSetAttr API script.   With that API script loaded, you can put the following code into the 2nd or subsequent line of  the attacher field on your Healing Channel  Ability entry.  It will subtract 1 from your  RP.   !setattr --name @{character_name} --mod --rp|-1 That terminology is generic and should work for any character you put it in, though it would have to be copy-pasted into every ability you want to apply it to.  As a bonus, here is a code to put in an ability to reset the RP, like with a long rest.  Again, in the 2nd line of the attacher field of your reset/rest ability, put: !setattr --name @{character_name} --rp|%rp_max% Hope that is useful.  Edit:  if it is a conditional RP use, like Inspiring Boost at higher levels, you could use this version: !setattr --name @{character_name} --mod --rp|[[?{Use RP?|No,0|Yes,-1}]] So Scott... Is there a way to test if the player even has Resolve points left before allowing that ability to work?

Edited 1558088205
Hello there, I'm going to be starting up a Starfinder campaign soon enough and I've just been tinkering with the Starships but I've ran into a little difficulty of understanding how to insert different values for the AC and TL for the Starship for NPC stat blocks The Augmented Fire Whale has an AC of 14 and TL of 13 but whenever I try to add them differently in the Pilot skill it changes them both. Any way to do this? Best regards!
NPC Starship work a little differently then PC Starships. AC and TL are calculated by total ranks. The Starship sheet pulls these rank values from PC sheets and modifies the appropriate values provided the rolls are assigned to PC. Concerning NPC Starships you generally do not make seperate NPC sheets for each role so when you modify the skills, the sheet uses this as total ranks which is incorrect. To get values to adjust correctly there are various methods you can use to adjust this.  What I do is switch over to the PC settings and put in only the rank value into the skills section as though it were a pc (the Starfinder npc starship should provide the rank value and the total bonus). Once I have done that, then I create buffs to modify the total bonus(the buff is minus the Rank value so when combined they equal the total bonus given in the stat block). Then I switch back to the Starthip sheet in settings.  This way the AC TL and piloting and gunnery skills all calculate correctly. There maybe other GM's who have done something similar but I have not tested other methods.   Marko J. said: Hello there, I'm going to be starting up a Starfinder campaign soon enough and I've just been tinkering with the Starships but I've ran into a little difficulty of understanding how to insert different values for the AC and TL for the Starship for NPC stat blocks The Augmented Fire Whale has an AC of 14 and TL of 13 but whenever I try to add them differently in the Pilot skill it changes them both. Any way to do this? Best regards!
Unless I am missing something Max Dex Bonus for armor  is missing from the Mod Wizard Also  -1 to ACP from Armor Savant Actually does nothing

Edited 1558198391
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
Hi Michael, maximum dexterity is under the bonus types in the wizard (you can see it in action if you select the armor template); the target should be ac for any 1pp armor I can think of. Checking on this showed me that the armor template is not setting the target of max dex correctly though, so thank you for that. As for Armor Savant and its changes to ACP, modifications to an existing ACP are not currently supported in the mods syntax. It's on my list of things to investigate once major new features that are in the pipeline are done or at least a little further along. Currently, the ACP change from Armor Savant has to be manually applied to armors.
Thanks Scoot I modified the individual armor for now.. What about weapon focus:Heavy  Weapons? I need to add a +1 to attack on all heavy weapons something like this (Though this does not work) +1 to attack|category:Heavy Weapon
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
You're close, just do: +1 to attack|category:heavy
Also it seems that equipped armor and weapons are not counting toward total bulk carried.
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
Hmm, I can't replicate that. Can you screen cap your equipment section?
Sure thing..
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
hmm, ok, something odd is going on here. Can you do a few trouble shooting steps for me? reload your game and change the bulk of an equipment item (any item that has a quantity) reload your game and change the quantity of an equipment item (any item that has a numerical bulk) For each of the above, can you post a link to the complete console log from the game? See the wiki for how to get the console log.
hrmm I reloaded my game and nothing was changing when I changed the bulk, nothing was changing when I changed the quantity. But If I re-added the item then every thing was correct. after adding the items back in everything is tracking again. I will see if I can retrace the steps.. I know I was messing around with the weight of Heavy rounds... I was trying to add 100 rounds and the weight was insane. I tried adjusting that weight and all the weight for everything disappeared. I have another question involving the gear boost Heavy Striker "Add an additional bonus equal to half your Strength bonus to damage rolls with melee Weapons." How would I account for this on the sheet? I tried this and it jumped the +11 to Damage to +21 so that is wrong. +floor(@{strength}/2) to damage|engagement_range:melee EDIT Never mind, it needs to be strength_mod  +floor(@{strength_mod}/2) to damage|engagement_range:melee Sorry I was reading older post.   I really wish there was some kind of instructions on some of these areas
Hello, I have a rather odd question but as I was helping a player create a character I couldn't help but notice there is no place to add feats. Are they supposed to go to in the Abilities tab? Best regards!
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Hi Marko, yes, feats are considered a type of ability.
Scott, Can we get a new category named Theme in abilities. For Example when creating a Racial ability, we type in the name of the race and it shows under Racial... When we type in the name of the class, it shows under that class name... When we type in Feat, it shows in Feats. When we type in the name of the theme, it shows under Feats...When we type in Theme, it shows under Feats. it would be nice to have a category for Theme that would Show Theme abilities.
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
Another pass of the menu system is on my agenda. It also needs updating to accomodate NPCs properly.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but the way I understand it is that if I drag an NPC from the AA Compendium onto the map, the character sheet will be fully populated with all the correct attributes. For me, it plops down a token, opens the character sheet, but the only thing populated is the name and nothing else. I've tried this in Chrome and Firefox with the same results.
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
Hi plaidinum. Thank you for the full screenshot of the issue as it's allowed me to see what's wrong right off the bat. The problem is that you have your game set to pop out character sheets by default. Unfortunately drag and drop does not work with popped out sheets. This is something that the development team is aware of. If you disable the pop out option under your in game settings (the cog icon) it should work as expected. Please let me know if you have any other problems.
Right on! Thanks for the quick reply. That fixed the problem.
Does the New compendium not drag and drop into the sheet? I cant seem to be able to drag anything other than Equiptment and feats onto my sheet. Class Race and Themes Dont seem to drop.

Edited 1558461176
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
Hi Eliwood, Equipment, feats, and spells are drag and droppable. Classes, archetypes, races, and themes will be handled through the Starfinder PC Charactermancer which is currently in development. Themes, races, and classes are just too complex to be handled by simple drag and drop.
Ok so I am having a little problem with the Affliction tracking in the condition section. During the game I am running, one of my players got radiation sickness. It uses the Constitution track. I opened up an affliction condition, named it Radiation, set track to Constitution, and checked the weakened dot. .  Nothing changed on the sheet or during a fort save (weakened gives -2 to fort save) So I switch over to the buff section to just put in a buff with -2 to fort saves. Once I was done and without clicking it on, the fort save went down 2. So I did a roll and now it showed the affliction condition was on. So I went back to the condition tab and switched it to Healthy and again no change, the -2 was still there.  So I switch back to the buff tab and clicked the -2 fort save buff on then off and that changed the fort save back to healthy condition. I have tried other afflictions and the sheet shows no changes when clicking on any of the dots in the tracks.
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
Thank you for the very detailed bug report Snow. I'll take a look at this tomorrow and try to figure out what is going on.
Snow said: Ok so I am having a little problem with the Affliction tracking in the condition section. During the game I am running, one of my players got radiation sickness. It uses the Constitution track. I opened up an affliction condition, named it Radiation, set track to Constitution, and checked the weakened dot. I have tried other afflictions and the sheet shows no changes when clicking on any of the dots in the tracks. Snow, I have observed the same thing, that selecting many of the buffs or conditions may not change the ' on the sheet' bonuses, or the 'upon roll' bonuses right away.    A workaround I have discovered is to toggle some aspect relevant to the affected ability.  In the example of your Radiation Con Track affliction, if you select the affliction level, then change the Fort Save ability from Con to Dex, and then back to Con, it will then display and roll correctly.  At least it did for me.  This sound kind of like what you did with your custom buff.  One easy thing to change that sort of 'kickstarts' most buffs/debuffs into being applied, is to change your level.  So, change the level up one, then tab exit that field, so it takes the change, then change it back to normal, and that should apply most buffs.  I have been trying to brainstorm a way to make a Apply Buffs button, that would do it with one click, but so far, I have not figured one out.   Hope that is helpful.   

Edited 1558535777
Scott C.
Roll20 Production Team
Compendium Curator
Hmm, hopefully you won't have to come up with that method Luke. The sheet is supposed to update everything when a buff/condition changes. Thank you for the reminder of this bug.

Edited 1558553046
Marko J. said: Hello there, I'm going to be starting up a Starfinder campaign soon enough and I've just been tinkering with the Starships but I've ran into a little difficulty of understanding how to insert different values for the AC and TL for the Starship for NPC stat blocks The Augmented Fire Whale has an AC of 14 and TL of 13 but whenever I try to add them differently in the Pilot skill it changes them both. Any way to do this? Best regards! The best way I have found to handle NPC starships, is not to link them to other character sheets at all.  Just enter straight numbers. For example: Enter the pilots ranks in the piloting field.  Both fields will register the same number.  For the roles ( Engineer, Pilot, Gunner, Science Officer, Captain ), just enter the total bonus, which should be listed on the stat block. (you do need the + symbol before your number)  NOTE: not all ships will have all roles filled.  Living-type ships especially often do not have a Captain, but they may be able to take multiple actions per round.  To get the AC and TL to show up correctly, make sure you have the proper size entered into the sheet,  (set an automatic + or-) and your pilot ranks.  Then, make entries in the Systems tabs for Armor and Shields.  You can name them whatever you like, (shield, aura, etc)  but make sure the appropriate Purpose is selected, and that you have the right number in the shield-symbol or TL boxes.    I mocked up an approximation of the Fire Whale you cited, and some pictures are included.  I went ahead and filled out the PCU and BP fields in all the systems and weapon, but that is not mandatory.  Edited: for typos and minor clarifications.
Luke H. said: Marko J. said: Hello there, I'm going to be starting up a Starfinder campaign soon enough and I've just been tinkering with the Starships but I've ran into a little difficulty of understanding how to insert different values for the AC and TL for the Starship for NPC stat blocks The Augmented Fire Whale has an AC of 14 and TL of 13 but whenever I try to add them differently in the Pilot skill it changes them both. Any way to do this? Best regards! The best way I have found to handle NPC starships, is not to link them to other character sheets at all.  Just enter straight numbers. i.e. Enter the pilots ranks in the piloting field.  For the roles (engineer, Pilot, Gunner, Science Officer, Captain), just enter the total bonus, which should be listed on the stat block.  NOTE: not all ships will have all roles filled.  Living type ships especially often do not have a Captain, but they may be able to take multiple actions per round.  To get the AC and TL to show up correctly, make sure you have the proper size entered into the sheet, and your pilot ranks.  Then, make entries in the Systems tabs for Armor and Shields.  You can name them whatever you like, but make sure the appropriate Purpose is selected, and that you have the right number in the shield or TL boxes.    I mocked up an approximation of the Fire while you cited, and some pictures are included.  I went ahead and filled out the PCU and BP fields in all the systems and weapon, but that is not mandatory.  Great Tip luke!! Much better then the work around I had seems to work fairly well.
Hi, I'm having an issue with where to enter some values on the starship sheet. Specifically, bonuses to Computers and Piloting checks. The computer is a MK 1 trinode, and I figured out how to enter that bit in, but other than that the stat block says that there is a +2 bonus to computers. This one I'm assuming is likely put in in sensors, but I wanted to check. The second bonus is to the piloting check. The ship gets a +1 for being small, but I assume that's already in there. It also gets a +2 from the thrusters, and I'm not sure where I can add this bonus. Finally, I'm working on compiling a comprehensive list of accessibility issues on the sheet. They're not major, but if addressed they would streamline the sheet's performance with screen readers.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
I'm not at my computer at the moment Nick, so I'll have to get back to you on the computers bonus. For the piloting bonuses, the sheet automatically handles the size and speed bonuses/penalties (which is what the thruster bonus is). I look forward to seeing that list of accessibility issues.

Edited 1558559211
@Mark Thank you for that suggestion, works great! Another issue I am having is that I have a PC have his sheet open and the Starship sheet open and his name is inserted into the field for Pilot but whenever I or he, clicks update pilot the AC and TL don't change. Also another issue is I have the Gunner's name written but no matter what he has only +3 to hit while he has a Piloting of 6 + 3 Dexterity but it only calculates +3 for the attack role. Best regards!
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Marko, Can you post a screen grab of the Pilot's and Gunner's respective skill values for piloting and of the top section of the Starship sheet (just those four quadrants around the shield arcs display).

Edited 1558564182
@ Marko J.  One troubleshooting tip on PC Pilots and Starship sheets,  or Gunners for that matter: The names have to match exactly.  If the name is complicated at all, I usually open the character, copy the name and paste it into the field.  Also, spaces in the name may cause problems, and special characters like quotes and commas and # can be problematic.  I don't remember what all I have had problems with in the past, but several times I have had to ask my players to please rename their character.  At least what is listed on the sheet.  They usually put the big, long name in the text of the Bio field on their character sheet "cover page" and then just a one-word short form or nickname on the sheet header.  @Nick. I think you are on the right track.  Starships have the Computer bonus, like your Trinode mk 1.  So that can give a +1 to any three checks per round, and when you click on an action, comes up with a query: Use Computer?   Yes will then apply that +1.  Basic Sensors give a +2 to computers checks (the skill the science officer uses for scans etc) and that is on all Sensor/Computers checks, and stacks with the Trinode bonus.  Sounds like you got that part down.  Like Scott said, whatever you enter into the Size field auto-calculates into your pilot checks,(and AC/TL) and whatever you enter into the Speed field gives an automatically applied bonus to piloting as well (fast ships are harder to control and give a -, slow give a +)  Speed is the bonus listed under Thrusters in a statblock. Edit: typos
Anyone have any specific use macros for setting up trick attack. There were some older macros in this thread but non seemed to work. Trick Attack is designed so that you make a skill check against 20 + the CR of the creature If successful the target is flat footed(-2 Ac for the attack) Then the Operative makes an attack roll.. if successful the attack does the weapons damage Plus the Trick attack damage if trick attack worked. I know some of this would be hard to script and impossible with roll 20s attacks. But I saw a version of the macro that Showed it set up like a double attack with the first attack being a skill check and the trick attack damage and the second attack being the weapon attack with the weapons damage. This would be idea, except I tried to get that macro working and I can not figure out what to edit ect. There would need to be 2 trick attack macros I think... one for a melee weapon and one for a ranged weapon. Maybe we can set up an actual attack thats called Trick attack that is for all intents and purposes a normal weapon that does a normal attack but adds in the extra damage doe the tick attack.. for example: Copy the survival knife attack which does 1d4 damage if the attack is successful, Then add in the extra damage from the trick attack.. Then when its the operatives turn and they call a trick attack, I have them roll a skill check.... if the skill check succeeds I tell them to make their trick attack (In this case they click the trick attack melee ability), if their skill check failed, I tell them to make the normal attack (In this case they click the survival knife attack ability)

Edited 1558629604
Michael B. said: Anyone have any specific use macros for setting up trick attack? For my game, I have made a Ability on the back sheet called Trick_Attack  It has the following code: @{character_name} sneaks up and Trick Attacks: If **Stealth**[[d20+@{stealth}-20+1]] equals or exceeds ``target CR`` add [[[[ [[{@{class_1_level},5}>5]]+floor({@{class_1_level}-3,0}kh1/2)]]d[[4*({@{class_1_level},3}>3)]]]]dmg to the attack, and the target is flat footed vs. this attack. The target is then either Flatfooted or Off-Target until @{character_name}'s next turn. This code autocalculates the key skill, adds the d20 and the specialization bonus, then subtracts 20 to get the correct CR.  If your Operative uses a different skill, change the skill name, and possibly the number representing the specialization bonus.  Then it autocalculates the dmg, (though that may not work if the operative has 1d4 for Trick damage.)  That bracket can be replaced by something like [[4d8]].  The text at the end tells what additional effects the Trick attack may apply.  This can be easily edited as the Operative levels up and gains new Debilitating Trick options.  Then, I put a "button" in my attack, by placing the following on the 1st line of the Attacher field in the Attack: {{buttons0=[Trick Attack?](~Zerrin5|Trick_Attack)}}  Be sure to change the Zerrin5 to your Operative's Name.  Technically, the skill check comes before the attack. Usually, the only effect it is going to have on the attack's success is making the target flat footed.  That -2 can be applied afterwards.  Since the Trick attack is a full action, the Operative is almost always going to do the attack anyway, even if the Trick does not succeed. I kind of like it this way, because the damage and effects don't happen if the attack misses anyway.  So if your attack roll is a 1, it doesn't really matter if the the skill check is a natural 20.  So I just put that 'button' in the Attacher field, then click the attack.  A clickable field appears at the bottom of the attack.  When you click on it, it posts the roll for the Trick skill, and the dmg, as below:  If the operative is not doing a trick attack, the 'button' still posts, but it only puts the extra info after the attack if you click on it. There are a number of other ways to do it as well, and some that are more visually appealing than this. Edit: using the same ability on the back sheet, you could make it a token action, and then they could roll it first, and not have it as a button on the attack.  Also Edited pictures for better clarity.

Edited 1558629434
For the Operative in my game I added this to the description part of his attacks that He can Trick attack with. When he does a single attack with the weapon, he is going for a trick attack. If he does a multiattack with it then no Trick attack. It also prompts him to click his target token. ***Trick Attack:*** [[1d20+4+@{stealth}]] **DC** = [[20+@{target|character_level}]] ***Damage:*** [[3d8]] ``***Crit:***`` [[3d8]]
Thanks Luke I am following the logic just fine and have modified my players sheet, Going to give it a try. Snow... I like that as well. I will give my player the option to try them both.
Snow said: ***Trick Attack:*** [[1d20+4+@{stealth}]] **DC** = [[20+@{target|character_level}]] @Snow:  The Stealth specialization has been Errataed/FAQ nerfed to only +1 for the Trick Attack check.  Game designers said it was too unbalanced otherwise.  Your DC calculation is good, but only works if the GM has put that in for all the monsters/aliens/NPCs.  NPCs dragged from the Alien Archive compendium auto-populate that field, but it is blank when you create a new NPC, and may get overlooked.  Also does not work if your GM is not using any sheets for mook tokens, (personal experience). Overall, much quicker/simpler than mine.  I like the Crit functionality, which mine does not do. 
What is the crit damage calculated from Snow? And .. Where you you have it prompt him for to click his target token, and if they full attack this stuff still shows up with each attack correct? Just does not apply correct? Wait I answered some of my questions but Have I been doing this wrong the whole time.. If you crit on the attack does the trick attack damage get rolled twice as well? I thought it was just the weapon damage.
 little bit of both of your solutions. Thanks guys!!!!

Edited 1558638052
Michael B. said:  Have I been doing this wrong the whole time? If you crit on the attack does the trick attack damage get rolled twice as well? I thought it was just the weapon damage. That is my understanding, yes, the Trick attack dice get doubles as well, so 6d8 instead of 3d8.  Which is different than some other games/editions do it.  Overall, this is not game breaking because there are vastly fewer ways to expand your Critical threat range, or your Critical multiplier.  So, for the most part, it only doubles (but doubles all dice and bonuses) and only on a Natural 20.  Edit:  I love/hate screencaps.  It makes examples so much clearer, but then I find myself trying to 'mouse-over' the rolls to expand them.  Doh!
Is there a way to pull a tokens character sheet up Short of going into the journal and finding the character and clicking on them?
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Yes, there are two ways depending on what part of a character sheet you want to pull up (bio/info or character sheet); shift or alt double click the token (respectively).
Holy Crap Scott...Thank you!!! I had no idea on those methods.. makes things so much easier.
Ya the trick attack dice get double if you crit. So if my player crits, then I add the crit roll to the rest of the damage he does.
So here's my trick attack code. It's pretty verbose but it does pretty much everything and scales your damage as you level. It prompts for any of the skills and you can continue to expand the attack buttons as you gain new weapons. @{selected|whisper_state}&{template:sf_attack}{{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{characterid=@{selected|character_id}}} {{title=Trick Attack}} {{r1name=Success if CR<}} {{r1= [[?{Skill|Bluff, d20+@{selected|bluff}-20]]|Intmiidate,d20+@{selected|intimidate}-20]]|Stealth,d20+@{selected|Stealth} -20]]|SPEC1,d20+@{selected|SPEC1}-20]]}} {{damage1type=Additional damage}} {{damage1= [[[[[[{@{selected|class_\X\_level},5}>5]]+floor({@{selected|class_\X\_level}-3,0}kh1/2)]]d[[4*{@{selected|class_\X\_level},3}>3)]]]]}} {{rightbanner= Operative talent}} {{notes=target is flat-footed if successful}} {{buttons0=[Attack with @{selected|repeating_\attack_id\_name}](~selected|repeating_\attack_id\_roll)}} {{buttons1=[Attack with @{selected|repeating_\attack_id\_name}](~selected|repeating_\attack_id\_roll)}} You'll need to make a few replacements. Copy the code into the attacher box. Open up the attack and damage section, but don't place any values in the boxes. SPEC1 gets changed to the trick attack skill associated with your Specialization If your Ghost change the -20 for stealth to -19 replace the \X\ in class level with the row id of your operative class. If your only an operative then a 1, if you multi-classed into operative then it would be 2 (or higher) replace the \attack_id\ with $X where X is the sequence number of the weapon attack you might want to use, starting at 0. So if you wanted to use your 1st and 3rd weapon attack listed, you would replace with $0 and $2 When you activate, you get a prompt box asking which skill you want to use. then the roll results and a button to select for the attack roll. Final code @{selected|whisper_state}&{template:sf_attack}{{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{characterid=@{selected|character_id}}} {{title=Trick Attack}} {{r1name=Success if CR<}} {{r1=[[?{Skill|Bluff, d20+@{selected|bluff}-20]]|Intmiidate,d20+@{selected|intimidate}-20]]|Stealth,d20+@{selected|Stealth} -20]]|acrobatics,d20+@{selected|acrobatics}-20]]}}} {{damage1type=Additional damage}} {{damage1=[[[[[[{@{selected|class_2_level},5}>5]]+floor({@{selected|class_2_level}-3,0}kh1/2)]]d[[4*{@{selected|class_2_level},3}>3)]]]]}}{{rightbanner= Operative talent}} {{notes=target is flat-footed if successful}} {{buttons0=[Attack with @{selected|repeating_attack_$0_name}](~selected|repeating_attack_$0_roll)}} {{buttons1=[Attack with @{selected|repeating_attack_$1_name}](~selected|repeating_attack_$1_roll)}}
So Dragging a ranged weapon onto the sheet puts it in the melee attack section .. how do I drag or move it to the ranged section?