Daniel K. said: Is there any way to "share" conditions and buffs/debuff with players, so that they don't have to manually insert them into their character sheets--or force the GM to add them by hand? EDIT: Also, how do DCs work in the mods field? For example, a player just won a round of a basic strategy game (Armory 108), so the next time he does Aid Another the DC is decreased by 1. Daniel, I don't know of a way to copy buffs whole cloth to different players, but here are a few ideas. There might be a way to do it with the API, which can impose changes on a character sheet. That is a Pro perk. Also, the way the conditions interact with the sheet and sheetworkers is pretty unique to Starfinder, so I would guess the existing API scripts don't have a solution for that. Then again, I have never written one, so this is only conjecture. Even if an API couldn't write a condition onto a character sheet, it would be kind of neat if we had one that could turn an existing condition on/off. In the absence of solutions, here are the work-arounds I would try: 1. Prep and test the condition on one player, then copy and paste the language of it over to all the others ahead of time. I think a lot of players don't pay much attention to the conditions tab, so putting Storm on there might be a spoiler that goes unnoticed. For copy/pasting, I recommend having a simple text app open (like notepad) to copy the text into/from. You will have to redo the condition/buff name and mods separately, and this makes that step easier. 2. If you want the PC's to help you some, make a character that they all have access to, and load it up with conditions. Then they can do the copy/paste from this 'Condition Character' to their own. As to the DC's thing, Unless you have some macro or API script that references a list of DC's to determine the success of the roll, that is not really something to put in the mods field. Just like many of the Themes have a special feature that is '-5 to the DC of [ X ] knowledge check'. What I do for that is put it in the notes, or just remember it. For an ongoing ability, skill, or something, you can put it in the notes so that it posts each time. For a one-time use ability, you could create an ability in the Abilities tab with that info in the notes, and when the character wants to, (or has to) they can click on that to post it in chat. Which might look something like this: